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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Southwark

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Southwark. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab Southwark

    The rise in popularity in drug and alcohol rehabs has given people more choice when it comes to overcoming addiction. It is possible for the individual to travel practically anywhere around the UK to receive the treatments that they need.

    This is great news for those who are looking for alcohol and drug rehabs because it means that the person is able to find the most effective facilities at the most affordable prices. It also means that they do not have to worry so much about waiting lists.

    Some of the best options for addiction treatment internationally can be found in Southwark in South London. They offer high-quality rehab facilities at very affordable prices.

    This is why a growing number of people from the UK are choosing to go here to get help for their addiction problems.

    Rehab can address both behavioural addictions and physical dependences such as substance use disorders. Person-centered care is used to ensure your unique needs are met.

    This includes:

    The DSM-5 assessment is an assessment designed to diagnose and measure the seriousness of your addiction.

    The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) also aims to find out which difficulties you may face throughout your recovery, the type of environment you’ll benefit from, and assess your risk during withdrawal.

    Start your recovery journey at an alcohol and drug rehab in Southwark by calling our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Addiction statistics in Southwark


    Between April 2019 and March 2020, government statistics estimate that 14,291 in the UK were in contact with drug and alcohol services.

    12,775 young people had a problem with cannabis specifically, while 6,060 had a problem with alcohol.

    These numbers are based on the (up to) three substances that young people can list when they start treatment.

    Although there are a variety of options available, which we’re going to explore in more detail below, some kind of professionally supported drug and alcohol treatment is always the best way to deal with addiction.

    No matter what your age or your addiction problem is, drug and alcohol rehab Southwark will help you to break your physical connection to drugs or alcohol, through a detox.

    Beyond that, we can then help you unpack the root causes of your addiction through therapy and addiction counselling.

    A majority of addictions are caused by some kind of underlying mental health issue.

    It’s important that we examine this while teaching you healthy coping mechanisms.

    Beat your addiction with the help of an alcohol and drug rehab in Southwark – give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    The disease model of addiction


    There are a few ways to look at addiction – while some spaces and organisations view it as a dysfunctional habit, others see it as a disease.

    We follow the disease model, as addiction has been shown by research to physically change your brain.

    More specifically, addiction is a disease that has biological, physical and environmental factors at play.

    It’s important that we acknowledge all of these when planning out your treatment. This means putting in physical aspects, as well as aspects that focus on mental health.

    When setting out a relapse prevention plan, we’ll also take your environment into account.

    Through discussions with you, we’ll look at changes you could make to your outside life, to make your post-rehab transition easier.

    Whether you see it as a disease or a dysfunctional habit, there is one overarching thing that’s most important to remember: it’s not your fault and you deserve to get help.

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    Learn how this approach to addiction can inform effective treatment at a rehab in Southwark by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Dual diagnosis for drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark


    Addiction doesn’t happen in a vacuum – it’s nearly always a symptom of some other underlying problem.

    This can include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, Borderline personality disorder, Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Personality disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and eating disorders.

    When a person suffers from drug or alcohol addiction as well as a mental health issue, it is often referred to as a dual diagnosis.

    A mental examination can be conducted by your rehab facility, to determine if you fall under the criteria of any of these mental health conditions. This is called a psychiatric assessment.

    With professional help from psychiatrists, psychologists and trained mental health professionals, your treatment can be fine-tuned for higher success rates.

    Through private psychiatric treatment, you’ll get personalised support for your mental health and addiction.

    Drug and alcohol rehab Southwark directly targets these issues via evidence-based mental health treatments.

    This can include cognitive behavioural therapy – one of many talking therapies which specifically targets the toxic thinking and behaviour patterns known as cognitive distortions. There’s also dialectal behavioural therapy, which uses the same model but puts a focus on coping with emotions.

    Holistic therapies like adventure therapy and equine therapy can also help you heal through enjoyable activities.

    Although they are very important, therapy and addiction counselling aren’t your only options.

    Depending on what you specifically need, most treatment plans may also include support groups, workshops and physical treatments like massages, therapy and acupuncture.

    For this reason, it’s also very important that you’re open with us about any mental health issues you have, so we can accurately judge your situation.

    Find out how a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark will work to support your mental health by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    The benefits of abstinence during drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark


    Experts have agreed that abstinence is far more effective than harm reduction or moderation management – as a result, that’s what rehabs focus on.

    Fully staying away from drugs and alcohol is one of the best ways to prevent relapse, especially as addiction is an ongoing battle.

    It’ll be much more difficult to keep on track and not go out of control if you’re still drinking or using.

    In certain circumstances, continual use could also mean remaining in toxic social situations, which could also inhibit your recovery.

    Find abstinence with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The benefits of residential drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark


    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – so the focus of rehab is always on returning agency to the patient.

    There are of course options that will allow you to recover at home. But, for a number of reasons, residential drug and alcohol rehab is nearly always the best option in severe cases.

    The first is its more intensive nature.

    Residential drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark, or anywhere else, puts you in an environment where you’re surrounded by treatment, with 24/7 access to support.

    This might be unnecessary in milder cases. But those who are more severely affected by addiction may need this level of care.

    Residential drug and alcohol rehab can also help people out of toxic situations. If you’re currently in an environment that’s worsening your addiction, going to stay somewhere else to recover could be vital.

    Even if you’re not currently in an environment you need to get away from, resetting in a new space could be very beneficial.

    Finally, you’ll be recovering amongst people who can truly understand what you’re going through.

    Gain all the benefits of a residential drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark by cgiving us a call on 0800 088 66 86

    Private vs. Council-funded rehab in Southwark


    There are numerous benefits to both private and council-funded rehab treatment.

    The first and probably biggest benefit to council-funded treatment is that it’s available to everyone.

    It also allows you to stay within your local area, which can be more convenient.

    People who would be more comfortable staying at home may also find this a benefit.

    But you might also have to contend with long waiting lists – private rehab can be accessed much faster.

    There’s also more one-to-one treatment in a private rehab, which can especially benefit more advanced cases.

    As we’ve noted previously, residential drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark also provide more 24/7 care and support in general.

    You’ll be in a space of continual healing, amongst people going through the same experiences as you. Experts and professionals will also always be on hand to help you with anything you need.

    In comparison, council-funded rehab centres are often a lot less personalised.

    At the end of the day, it comes down to what you specifically need. If you choose to get in touch with us to talk about a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Southwark, we can discuss all of your options with you.

    For help choosing between private and NHS drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Why residential rehab in Southwark isn’t for everyone


    Although it’s usually highly beneficial in more severe cases, residential rehab isn’t for everyone.

    It’s specifically designed for:

    • Those who have significant mental health problems, which would inhibit their recovery and/or make a detox difficult.
    • Those who have a specific, physical medical condition that would make an at-home detox difficult.
    • Those who have suicidal thoughts.
    • People drinking over 25 units of alcohol a day, who also have co-occurring mental health issues.
    • Those who’ve failed to remain sober after multiple attempts.
    • People who’ve committed acts of violence against loved ones when intoxicated.
    • Those who experience severe withdrawal symptoms, such as alcoholic seizures or delirium tremens, if they attempt to stop using.
    • Those who have Wernicke’s encephalopathy.

    If the above criteria apply to you, then residential rehab is likely to be for you!

    If any of those points don’t feel relevant to you, you should also look into other options during your initial research.

    Generally speaking, residential drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark is recommended for those with moderate to severe dependencies.

    If and when you choose to reach out for help, we’ll assess how severe your addiction is.

    The DSM-IV-TR also judges substance dependence based on 11 criteria.

    The seven most important are:

    1. Hazardous use Are you using to a point of harming your health?
    2. Social or interpersonal problems related to use Is your use interfering with your personal and/or professional life?
    3. Neglected major roles to useAre you neglecting important roles in your life to
    4. Withdrawal – Do you experience withdrawal symptoms if you attempt to stop using?
    5. Tolerance – Has your tolerance increased?
    6. Using larger amounts for longerAs a result of your tolerance increasing, are you increasingly using larger amounts for longer?

    All of these are then judged by severity.

    To find out if a rehab clinic in Southwark is the right choice for you, talk it over with my team today on 0800 088 66 86

    The alternatives to going to rehab in Southwark


    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, but it isn’t for everyone.

    Some other choices include:

    • Outpatient treatment via a local Drug & Alcohol team in Southwark – These allow patients with milder cases to recover at home, with regular visits to a local centre. This also often suits people who would be more comfortable staying at home for the duration of their treatment.
    • Home detox – Linking further with this, if you have a mild case, you might only need an at-home detox. This is different to an unsupported detox, as you’ll still have a team behind you
    • SMART Recovery – This essentially focuses on self-sufficiency. SMART stands for Self Management and Recovery Training. Using this strategy, you’ll learn how to manage your triggers and cravings. You’ll also build and maintain your own motivation, whilst learning to cope with negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours
    • Support groups such as Smart RecoveryAlcoholics AnonymousNarcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous can also be a huge help. You’ll get to meet people going through the same things as you and you can share your story in a private, confidential space. As their name would suggest, Al-Anon Family Group meetings are anonymous meetings for families of people suffering from addiction.

    This can be a really important emotional outlet, where those who’ve been affected by addiction, but who aren’t suffering from it themselves, can heal together.

    It works very similarly to the support groups mentioned above – but this time, it’s designed for the people around the addict.

    When you’re in the initial planning stages of your treatment, make sure you look into every single option.

    You might find something that suits you much more than residential rehab clinics, right there available.

    Whatever help you need to beat addiction – whether from a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark or from one of these excellent alternative sources – allow our team to help by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The admissions process for drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark


    Addiction treatment services can vary based on a multitude of factors. This includes how severe your addiction is, your current home environment and support network and your previous treatment experience.

    As a result, when you first get in touch with Rehab Recovery, we’ll do our best to assess your individual situation.

    The 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, also known as the DSM-5,  categorises addictions to understand how severe each case is.

    0.5 is at risk, 1 is mild, 2 is moderate, and 3 is severe.

    This severity can then be decided by a variety of surveys, including the ASAM criteria.

    The first item on that list is “Acute Intoxication and/or Withdrawal Potential”, meaning essentially how likely you are to experience withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop your intake of drugs or alcohol.

    The second is Biomedical Conditions and Complications. This includes any physical conditions which could impact your recovery.

    Similarly, the third criteria, Emotional, Behavioural or Cognitive Conditions, focus on your current mental health.

    To fully recover, you also need to be prepared for permanent change. As a result “Readiness to Change” is the fourth ASAM dimension.

    Beyond all of these criteria, if you’d also just like some simple advice on where to go next, rather than a whole treatment plan, we can help with that too.

    All you need to do is get in touch.

    Start the admissions process at a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test


    Often shortened to AUDIT, this test is used to determine if an individual is suffering from Alcohol addiction.#

    The AUDIT consists of 10 questions.

    All of these focus on your alcohol use and its consequences. If we can understand the amount that you’re drinking and the impact it’s having on your life, we can start looking deeper.

    Once we have that more in-depth perspective, we can then plan out an effective treatment.

    Questions one to three specifically look at intake, asking:

    1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
    2. How many units of alcohol do you drink on a typical day when you’re drinking?
    3. How often have you had six or more units if female or eight or more if male, on a single occasion in the last year?

    Questions four to six then move on to analyse your dependency on alcohol:

    1. How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?
    2. How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of your drinking?
    3. How often during the last year have you needed an alcoholic drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?

    The last set of questions look into the consequences:

    1. How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
    2. How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
    3. Have you or somebody else been injured as a result of your drinking?
    4. Has a relative friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested that you cut down?

    While a score above 8 is a cause for concern, a score of 13 or above indicates a dependency.

    Think you need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark? Call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    How much does drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark cost?


    Let’s start with the mildest and lowest-cost treatment available – if you simply need an at-home detox, it will likely come to around £1,500.

    Moving on to residential treatment, a 10-day detox with a single occupancy usually ranges from £3,000 to £6,000.

    A detox of the same length with a multiple occupancy room then goes down to £2,000 to £4,000.

    Of course, many people will need treatment that lasts longer than 10 days.

    On that note, a 28-day stay with single occupancy will be £8,000 to £12,000, while multiple occupancies will be £6,000

    To find out how much a stay at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Southwark will cost, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Tips for choosing the right drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark


    Choosing the right rehab can be a tricky process. But there are a few tips and tricks you can follow to get on the right path.

    The first thing you should try is looking at reviews. Write down every place you’re considering and see what other people’s experiences have been.

    While you’re researching that, you should also look at their overall track record. Are any stats available? How long have they been running for?

    If they are, compare and contrast each one. Another important factor is how affordable each one is, as they will all have different costs.

    A final step should be an actual conversation with each of your options. They should all have phone numbers available, so try calling each of them, to see how comfortable you are speaking with them.

    Make sure that you end up at the right rehab centre in Southwark by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    What is a detox, and do I need one?


    Medical detox is a process designed to help those who are physically dependent on drugs and/or alcohol.

    If you’ve been using for a long time, your body may start to become reliant on whatever you’re addicted to. This might then mean you experience withdrawal symptoms if you attempt to stop.

    These can vary quite a bit from one addiction to another, ranging from tremors and sweating to seizures, hallucinations and delirium tremens.

    Some specific alcohol withdrawal symptoms are:

    • Shaking hands
    • A headache
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Sweating
    • Insomnia/a disrupted sleeping pattern
    • Anxiety

    Detoxes are designed to help you to avoid these withdrawal symptoms, by slowly reducing your intake and giving you prescription drugs to stop them.

    For alcohol specifically, we would recommend a Librium (Chlordiazepoxide)-based alcohol detox over a 10-day period. This prescription drug is used to reduce the risk of withdrawal seizures.

    For heroin withdrawal, Suboxone can be prescribed. Naloxone and Buprenorphine ease cravings and unpleasant symptoms for withdrawal from various substances.

    A professional will assess your addiction severity to see if you require a medically-assisted detox.

    Beyond this, it’s also important that we look at the background causes of your addiction.

    Therefore, following on from any kind of detox, we’d also recommend a further 3 weeks in rehab, to deal with those emotional root causes.

    It’s also important that we look at your personal risks and trigger points, to avoid them post-detox and post-treatment.

    We’ll teach you how to identify and process all of these, so you can avoid relapse.

    This can include physical symptoms of triggers, like a tight feeling in your stomach, or psychological ones, like a feeling that you need drugs or alcohol.

    Alongside this, you may start to mentally plan how you’ll get to substances, you may start to remember times when you used, or you might start to imagine what using again would feel like.

    If you can learn to identify these and snuff them out before they take over, it will make your recovery much easier.

    Make sure that your alcohol or drug detox goes ahead safely and effectively with the help of a rehab in Southwark – call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    How long does drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark last?


    Like every other part of this process, the amount of time you spend in rehab will depend on your specific circumstances.

    In general, an alcohol detox will take an absolute minimum of 7 days.

    For rehab in general beyond detoxes, we’d also recommend a minimum of 28 days. The mental health treatments you need to recover will take time, so you need to be prepared for that.

    It may also take a different amount of time depending on the kind of dependency you have if you have one at all.

    Only physical addictions, such as benzos, opioids and alcohol, require a medical detox. This is because they create a dependency that causes physical withdrawal symptoms.

    If you only experience psychological withdrawal symptoms, you won’t need to slowly detox with medication to avoid physical withdrawal symptoms.

    This will then take your time in treatment shorter, as your experience coming off whatever you’re addicted to will be different. It might take a shorter amount of time, especially if you just go into mental health treatments right away.

    If you choose to follow a treatment plan for drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark, we’ll discuss your options in further detail.

    For a more personalised estimation of how long your time at a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark will last, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cocaine rehab in Southwark


    As cocaine isn’t physically addictive, someone suffering from cocaine addiction won’t require a cocaine detox.

    That doesn’t, however, mean that it is not a dangerous addiction to have.

    It’s highly addictive, as it causes a spike and then a crash. More specifically, it causes your levels of dopamine to spike in your brains’ pleasure centres.

    Taking it faster also means experiencing a more intense high.

    All of this then encourages repeat use, meaning a tolerance can be built up quickly.

    Long-term side effects of cocaine use can include:

    • Respiratory damage
    • Mood problems
    • Headaches
    • Seizures
    • Hepatitis or HIV if you inject it
    • Damage to your sense of smell, trouble swallowing, nosebleeds and a runny nose if you snort it

    When coming off cocaine or crack cocaine, you may notice symptoms like agitation, fatigue, increased appetite, unpleasant dreams and a general slowing of activity.

    During drug and alcohol rehab for cocaine in Southwark, we’ll mainly focus on mental health treatments.

    Beat your addiction to cocaine with the support of a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Heroin rehab in Southwark


    Heroin is highly physically addictive. It binds to opioid receptors in various parts of your brain, including segments that control sleeping, breathing, pain and pleasure.

    Physical heroin withdrawal symptoms can include vomiting, agitation, tremors, restlessness, diarrhoea, muscle spasms and difficulty breathing in severe cases.

    There are also several long-term health impacts resulting from heroin addiction, including:

    • HIV and skin infections and collapsed veins if you inject it
    • Lung complications
    • Infection of the heart lining
    • Liver and kidney problems

    Like other physical addictions, heroin requires a medicated heroin detox. Withdrawal symptoms generally start 6 to 12 hours after your last dose, peaking at 1 to 3 days and subsiding after a week.

    For that week, you will be given prescription drugs to curb the worst withdrawal symptoms, whilst also slowly reducing your intake.

    As with other addictions, you will then be moved on to mental health treatments, and then finally aftercare and a relapse prevention plan.

    Beat your addiction to heroin with the support of a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cannabis rehab in Southwark


    Cannabis is another one that’s not physically addictive. It doesn’t require a medical detox, as all withdrawal symptoms are psychological.

    Many people take cannabis socially – it’s even legal in some places and has been shown to have some medicinal benefits. But around 30% of users have some kind of issue.

    If you find that you can’t function without cannabis, or that your use is getting in the way of your personal or professional life, you should reach out for help.

    If you’re specifically recovering from cannabis addiction and nothing else, the main focus will be mental health treatments.

    You will not neet to undergo cannabis detox, as it is not a physically addictive substance.

    We’ll look into all potential psychological and environmental factors that could be driving your addiction, teaching you how to work through background issues and cope with potential triggers in the future.

    Beat your addiction to cannabis with the support of a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Alcohol Rehab in Southwark

    A bedroom with brown and neutral scatter cushions on the bed

    When alcohol addiction takes over your thoughts and makes you need more and more of it, addiction to alcohol results. While some individuals may end up binge drinking, others may increase their drinking frequency over time until it becomes everyday or even continuous.

    If allowed to run its course, you run the risk of getting highly serious conditions including alcoholic hepatitis and wernicke encephalopathy.

    You’ll be questioned about your attitudes towards alcohol, how often you drink, and how much during an alcohol use evaluation. You can get a diagnosis from medical specialists with the use of the CAGE questionnaire, which is an Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test.

    The American Society of Addiction Medicine’s Patient Placement Criteria (ASAM Criteria) questionnaires can help doctors and recovery facilities identify whether you have an addiction and how serious it is.

    You may require an  alcohol detox to safely limit your use if your addiction is considered serious enough.

    Without a medical detox, you run the danger of developing seizures, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and Delirium Tremens since your body may have grown used to drinking.

    A typical drug that lessens the signs of alcohol withdrawal is Librium.

    Some of the organisations that provide free support and advice to those in the UK who are directly harmed by alcohol include Al-Anon, The National Association for Children of Alcoholics, and Alateen.

    If you feel that you are slipping more and more into addictive tendencies or habits, then please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86

    Treatments offered at a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark


    Alongside physical therapies, workshops and support groups, a variety of mental health treatments are used during drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark.

    Guidelines set by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ensure treatments provided by healthcare providers meet quality standards.

    All of these are designed to combat the underlying mental causes of addiction, which can all too often inhibit recovery.

    • Dialectical Behaviour TherapyThe main focus of DBT is learning to process and manage your emotions in a healthy way. In fact, it’s specifically designed for people who experience strong emotions.
    • Cognitive Behavioural TherapyCBT uses the same model as DBT, but here the focus is on the toxic thinking and behaviour patterns known as cognitive distortions. These can often trap you in a toxic cycle, so if you’re experiencing them then they need to be dealt with.
    • Brief Interventionsbrief interventions are 15 to 20 minute 1-to-1 conversations, to help someone understand the potentially harmful effects of their continued use. Like all interventions, these can give someone who needs help an outside perspective, so they can truly understand why the conversation is happening in the first place.
    • Motivational interviewingmotivational therapy is a counselling technique, where participants are asked a series of non-judgmental questions. Much like interventions, these are designed to help you see potential changes that could be made.
    • Holistic TherapiesNamed from the Greek word “holos”, meaning whole, holistic therapies focus on the whole self. They often take the form of activities, with some popular examples being art therapy, music therapy mindfulness, meditation, yoga, nutritional therapy, drama therapy, and many others.
    • Group TherapyAddiction can often make its victims feel alone. Group therapy allows you to heal with people who truly understand what you’re going through, in a safe and supported space.
    • Individual Therapy One-to-one treatment that focuses specifically on your individual needs is also important. Everyone has unique experiences and that needs to be acknowledged when planning treatment.
    • Family TherapyAddiction can hurt people around you, especially your family. Family therapy can help everyone to heal.
    • Co-dependency Treatment Defined as an unhealthy situation where one person’s needs are put over another’s, co-dependency can often develop from addiction. This also links to family therapy, as it helps to heal social structures damaged by your addiction.
    • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy –Develop more awareness of your thoughts, accept your feelings, and gain more control over your actions.
    • Eye Movement Desensitization and ReprocessingIdentify painful memories that may be affecting you, and reprocess them using a pattern of eye movements.
    • Group psychotherapy and group therapy – Recover while supporting others on the same path with a support group of peers.
    • 12-Step Facilitation Therapy – This is a spiritual programme that utilises help from a higher power in order to fight addiction.
    • Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy – REBT challenges you to think about illogical thoughts and actions, and teaches you healthier ways to manage your emotions.

    Experience any and all of these effective treatments at a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark by calling our team on 0800 088 66 86

    The stages of drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark and relapse prevention


    Drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark, or anywhere else, generally happens in 3 stages:  detoxification, rehabilitation and aftercare.

    Detoxification means stopping your use in a safe, healthy way, whilst avoiding withdrawal symptoms.

    This is especially important for physical addictions, where those symptoms can become dangerous or even life-threatening.

    The next stage, rehabilitation, focuses on your emotional recovery.

    As we’ve explored elsewhere, this mainly involves mental health treatments, alongside workshops, support groups and physical treatments like massages, therapy, reflexology and acupuncture.

    Aftercare is the final, transitional stage, where we’ll help you to adjust to post-rehab life.

    A vital part of aftercare is a well thought out relapse prevention plan, especially as relapse is always a risk, even after you recover.

    When crafting this plan, we’ll look at your individual risks and will teach you how to manage them.

    To use a specific example, we’ll examine any potential triggers and cravings and teach you how to manage them.

    We’ll also discuss any potential lifestyle changes – depending on your situation, this could mean changes to your work, your personal relationships, your living environment, or anything else that could’ve previously been worsening your addiction.

    This plan will also include what should happen if you do relapse, alongside the details of anyone who would need to be contacted in that scenario.

    Make sure that your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark is matched with an equally effectve aftercare plan by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Good reasons to choose a rehab in Southwark


    There are a number of good reasons why people may want to choose a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark, including:

    • Southwark is developing a reputation for having some of the most effective drug addiction treatment services on the planet. They offer an international standard of care and some of their rehabs are providing recovery solutions that are not available elsewhere in the world.
    • The cost of rehab is significantly cheaper in Southwark – in fact, this is currently one of the cheapest places on the planet to receive such help. This means that people who could never afford a luxury rehab elsewhere in the UK will be easily able to afford a quality in Southwark.
    • Rehabs in Southwark can be a particularly good choice for young people who are dealing with addiction problems. The addiction treatment services in Southwark are full of young people, and the therapists are very familiar with dealing with this type of client. The fact that the clientèle in these facilities tend to be young means that these rehabs can be fun places with a vibrant feel. It can also be reassuring for the individual to understand that they can still have a great life as a young person who does not drink or use drugs.
    • Southwark excels at providing treatment at every stage of the addiction recovery process. This means that the client will be able to get help at the primary stage (detox and early recovery), secondary stage, and tertiary care. The individual will have a treatment program that will get them all the way from withdrawals to long-term recovery.
    • When people choose a rehab in Southwark they know that they are getting a cost-effective solution without compromising the standard of care they can expect. These facilities are respected worldwide, so the individual can rest assured that they are getting the best possible help.

    Make sure that you choose the perfect rehab in Southwark for your unique needs by calling our team on 0800 088 66 86

    How to get the most out of rehab clinics in Southwark


    Southwark has a great reputation for providing high-quality addiction treatment at affordable prices, but this does not mean that the individual will be guaranteed success just by going there.

    It is still going to be up to the individual to get the most out of the experience.

    Here are some ideas for how the person can make sure that this happens:

    • If the individual is 100 % committed to recovery, there is no real way that they can fail. This means that the person is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve long-term sobriety. When the person is thinking this way they will have the right attitude for recovery, and they will be able to get the most out of rehab.
    • It is vital that the individual is able to keep an open mind when they enter this type of program. This is because many of their old ways of thinking will have been supportive of addiction, and they will need to adopt new ways of thinking in order to break away from this behaviour. This means putting aside their current beliefs and ideas about things.
    • Individuals need to keep in mind that they are responsible for their own recovery, and there is nobody else who will be able to do this work for them. The therapists will be able to provide all the support, knowledge, and resources that the person needs, but it will be up to them to make the most of this experience.
    • It can be helpful if the person has a sense of urgency about their recovery. This does not mean that they need to get all uptight but it does mean that they will understand that they have a limited amount of time to gain the knowledge and skills they need. When the person understands that the things they learn in rehab can save their life, it should increase their sense of urgency.
    • Rehab should be fun at least some of the time, and the individual should make time for this. Having fun in rehab not only makes the experience more enjoyable but also prevents the individual from burning out. There is a great deal for the person to learn in this facility, but if they do not leave room for rest and relaxation, they will be unable to absorb this information. The individual may be amazed to find that they laugh more in rehab than they ever did at any other period in their life.
    • It is vital that people who enter rehab are prepared to be completely honest. All of the different treatments depend on at least some level of honesty, so if the person is not prepared to open up they will struggle to get the most out of the program.

    Make sure that you get the most from your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwark by talking to us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Publically-Funded Charities & Organisations in Southwark

    A group of people at a table with notebooks

    Free and NHS and NHS Foundation Trust-run recovery services operate in and around Southwark.

    For help with dependency and addiction, completely free, get in touch with the charities and statutory-funded organisations below:

    1. CGL Southwark

    Address: 146 Camberwell Rd, London SE5 0EE

    Telephone: 02086292348


    2. Phoenix Futures

    Address: 68 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6DF

    Telephone: 02072349740 


    3. Turning Point

    Address: Milestone Court, 1 Wales Cl, London SE15 2SL



    PapyrusYoung Minds, Samaritans, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness, Turning Point, We Are With You and Change Grow Live also offer drug and alcohol and wellbeing support, to get you in the right headspace to fight your addiction.

    Aftercare Once You Leave Rehab

    The purpose of aftercare is to establish a solid support system for you so that you may feel safe as you start your new life.

    It’s crucial to avoid falling back into relationships where codependency can enable you to continue abusing substances.

    Your resilience in the face of relapse triggers will be strengthened by learning new coping mechanisms and contingency management approaches.

    People leaving treatment can opt to live in sober living houses where they won’t be exposed to any harmful influences.

    Contact Rehab Recovery Today

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    Reach out to Rehab Recovery today to begin your journey to recovery. Let us help you find the perfect alcohol and drug rehab in Southwark.

    In order to increase your likelihood of building a strong recovery, you will need to choose the most appropriate rehab. Our team is highly knowledgeable in this area and we will be able to advise you on the best choice to make.

    Together we will be able to weigh up your options so that you can feel confident that you have made the best possible decision. Once you have made up your mind, we will then be able to arrange everything for you.

    The services Rehab Recovery can refer you to are available across Borough, Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Walworth, Peckham, Camberwell, Peckham Rye and Nunhead,  Dulwich, MaidstoneGillinghamDartfordChathamAshford, Rochester, MargateGravesend, Dover, Canterbury, Ashford, Sevenoaks, Whitstable, Broadstairs, Tonbridge, Aylesford, Margate, Rochester, Wye, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Appledore, Faversham, Gravesend, Tenterden, Chilham, Biddenden, Betchworth, Mickleham, Shackleford, Albury, Alfold, Oxted, Camberley, Banstead, Redhill, Shamley Green, Englefield Green, Cobham, Addlestone, Walton-on-Thames, Hambledon, Windlesham, Lingfield, Weybridge, West Byfleet, Virginia Water, Bramley Leigh, Shepperton, Ewell, Bletchingley , and even more places in and around Surrey and Kent.

    The Care Quality Commission (England and Wales) or the Care Inspectorate (Scotland) regulate the many centres we recommend.

    Rehab Recovery offers free advice and also private rehab referrals. A number of our hotline agents are in recovery just like yourself, and understand your journey with addiction.

    For more information and support to help you understand rehab in Southwark contact Rehab Recovery on 0800 088 66 86.

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