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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Westminster

In This Page, We Discuss Alcohol & Drug Rehabs In Westminster. Find The Right Detox & Rehab Service For You Or A Loved One In Westminster Today..

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Westminster

    If you or someone you know is addicted to alcohol or drugs, then you might be curious to know how many people in your area also suffer from addiction issues.

    In order to understand this, it is worth paying attention to the statistics.

    When it comes to Westminster, approximately 24% of all women drink over the recommended levels of drinking, and approximately 26% of men do. In Westminster alone, these figures have been on the rise since 1994. [1]

    A study carried out by the Westminster Primary Care Trusts’ Public Health Annual Report found that there were approximately 2,283 ambulances called out in just one year for alcohol-related health issues in the borough of Westminster alone. [1]

    Further to this, there were approximately 30,000 hospital admissions in just one year across Westminster and its surrounding areas where the patient upon arrival was found to be alcohol dependent. [2]

    In addition to this, 22,000 people died prematurely due to an alcohol-related issue. [2]

    During a recent study, approximately 1,000 people committed suicide whilst suffering from alcohol addiction. [2]

    It is common knowledge that alcohol, violence and crime are closely linked. When it comes to drugs, alcohol and crime in Westminster, there are approximately 360,000 domestic violence calls out which are all linked to alcohol abuse. This is almost a third of all emergency call-outs. [2]

    Alcohol abuse is also closely linked to a lack of productivity, and in Westminster alone alcohol abuse contributes towards 17 million lost working days. [2]

    Alcohol abuse also affects children, and approximately 1.3 million children are affected by parental alcohol abuse issues across the London area. [2]

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster, contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    What is Rehab?


    Rehab is short for rehabilitation. Rehab is the name given to addiction treatment facilities and treatment courses. There are two main types of addiction rehab facilities, including inpatient and outpatient rehab treatment.

    Inpatient rehab treatment involves temporarily moving into a rehab facility for a period of time, whereas outpatient rehab treatment allows people the chance to recover from their addiction in the comfort of their own homes.

    During your time at the rehab, you will undergo a detox. This will involve withdrawing from the addictive substance for a said period of time. This will allow your body time to overcome its dependence on the addictive substance.

    Once you have completed your detox, you will then go on to focus on the psychological side of your addiction which is a range of treatments, including therapy.

    The aim of any rehab treatment is to give you back control over your body and mind so that you can return back to day-to-day life without your addiction controlling you.

    Once you finish your treatment plan, you will then be encouraged to attend a range of outpatient rehab treatments, including attending self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and SMART meetings to help to keep you on track and to avoid you relapsing again in the future.

    Inpatient vs. Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Westminster

    As previously mentioned, there are two main types of drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster. This includes both inpatient and outside rehab. Although both forms of treatment involve a combination of detox treatment and therapy treatment, there are some major differences between the two.

    Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster is a great option for anyone with a severe addiction issue. With inpatient rehab, you will move into a rehab facility for a set period of time to receive your treatment.

    During this time, you will eat and sleep within the rehab facility. You will get the chance to opt for a private or shared room and will receive all of your treatment within the rehab facility.

    This will include your detox, and then a range of therapy treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing and group therapy.

    Your family will be able to visit you whilst you are at inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster, but they must always ring ahead and ensure that they are able to visit you.

    With outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster, you will get to remain living at home whilst you receive your rehab treatment. This is particularly good if you have certain responsibilities, such as a job or looking after children.

    You get to remain sleeping while eating at home and will have to travel to a rehab facility each day or numerous times a week to receive your treatment. Typically, outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster lasts a lot longer than inpatient rehab does.

    If you think that you need to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster but are confused between inpatient and outpatient rehab, then you should speak to a member of the Rehab Recovery team for help and advice.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster, contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Signs that You Need to Attend Residential Rehab

    Man drinking

    Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab is not for everyone. Inpatient rehab is usually only for those who suffer from a moderate to severe addiction, and who are only able to detox from the addictive substance in a controlled and monitored environment.

    If you think that you need to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster but are unsure whether inpatient rehab is for you, then there are a number of signs to look out for.

    If your addiction is deemed severe or even moderate, then you will most likely need to attend inpatient drug or alcohol rehab. Likewise, if you think that you are physically dependent on an addictive substance, you will experience a range of withdrawal symptoms. If you do, then you will need to attend an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment plan in order to detox and withdraw in a safe environment.

    If you suffer from a mental health issue alongside an addiction, then you will be diagnosed with what is called a dual diagnosis. A dual diagnosis is very common within treatment centres, as many people who suffer from an addiction issue also suffer from a mental health issue.

    If you are suffering from a dual diagnosis, then you will need to attend inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in order to recover. This is because you will need to undergo a detox before receiving your therapy treatment.

    Likewise, if you suffer from a tough home environment which contains lots of triggers, then it might suit you better to attend an inpatient rehab centre for your treatment. This way, you will get the space and time alone to recover without any distractions or triggers making your life harder.

    Treatment Options for an Addiction to Drugs or Alcohol


    There is a range of different treatment options available to those in both inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster.

    It is important to remember that if you suffer from a physical addiction to a physically addictive drug, then you will always need to undergo a detox. before you can receive any other form of treatment. By doing this, you will be ridding your body of the addictive substance and will overcome your cravings for the drug or substance.

    Once this has been completed, your rehab treatment will then go on to focus on the physical side of your addiction. This will include receiving therapy to help get to the root cause of your addiction.

    When you attend drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster, you will be offered a wide range of different, tried and tested therapy techniques. Whilst not every therapy technique will be for you, it is important to keep an open and positive mindset going into therapy so that you can truly get the most out of your recovery.

    Below is a list of the most common therapy techniques used throughout Westminster and the rest of the country.

    You should remain open-minded about all different types of therapies, and your doctors will be able to advise you on which therapy techniques would be most suitable for you and your specific addiction.

    It is important to remember that each type of therapy will be focused on your long-term recovery, so they will aim to get to the bottom of your triggers and the causes of your addiction.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster, contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Relapse Prevention Planning

    Unfortunately, thousands of people who attend drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster go on to relapse again in the future, after attending drug and alcohol rehab.

    This is simply because there are so many triggers within normal day-to-day life which makes staying sober extremely difficult for those struggling with an addiction issue, no matter how much therapy you have had.

    This is why most rehab centres across Westminster now include relapse prevention planning as part of their treatment plan. A lot of your time at rehab will involve relapse prevention planning so that you feel confident when leaving rehab that you will not go on to relapse in the future.

    Relapse prevention plans are designed to provide you with tips and tricks on how to stay sober and will help to motivate you when times get tough.

    Your rehab prevention plan will look at reducing any triggers and will aim to create a healthier lifestyle for you at home. This will include looking at things such as your living arrangements, home environment, family and friendship networks and other things such as your diet.

    The Admissions Process for Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Westminster

    Person on laptop

    Lots of people put off attending drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster because they are concerned about the admissions process.

    Most people know that the first step to getting the help that you deserve is asking for help in the first place. This also applies to addictions. The first thing you need to do is ask your local GP or Rehab Recovery for help and information on how to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster.

    Our team will talk you through your options and will provide you with all of the relevant information. From there, your addiction will be assessed. This means that we will need to ask you a few different questions about the severity of your addiction.

    Once you have been assessed, we will be in touch to let you know what treatment options are best for you. If you have opted for private drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster, then you will be seen within just a few days.

    If you have opted for NHS-funded rehab treatment then you might need to wait a number of weeks or even sometimes months for your treatment.

    On admissions day, your addiction will also again be assessed and you will be provided with a treatment plan. You will then undergo a detox, where you will withdraw from the addictive substance.

    Once your detox is complete, you will then start a course of therapy to help with the psychological side of your addiction. If you suffer from a dual diagnosis, then your mental health issues will also be treated at this stage.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster, contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.


    Below, we provide some answers to common questions about the drug and alcohol rehab process in Westminster.

    How much does drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster cost?

    Lots of people who contact us asking about drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster want to know how much their rehab treatment will cost.

    Luckily, the NHS provides NHS-funded drug and alcohol rehab treatment, although funding and therefore spaces are very limited. This means that individuals who want to attend NHS-funded rehab treatment have to wait weeks or even sometimes months before they are able to be admitted into rehab.

    This is why most people have to pay to attend private drug and alcohol rehab treatment. How much private drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster costs depends on a number of different things, including how long you stay in rehab and what type of treatment you need in order to recover.

    Private drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster could set you back anything between £2,000 and £12,000. Opting for a private room will obviously cost you more money than opting for a shared room.

    How long does drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster last?

    Many people put off attending drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster because they are nervous about how long it might last.

    How long rehab lasts depends on how severe your addiction is, whether you require a medical detox and whether you opt for inpatient or outpatient rehab treatment.

    Most people who require a detox have to stay in rehab for at least 10 days. Most people have to stay in rehab for longer than this, although this is usually enough time to detox successfully.

    If your addiction is moderate, then you will have to stay in rehab for at least 28 days, in order to receive a range of therapy techniques. If your addiction is severe, then you will have to stay in rehab for approximately 90 days.

    If you require outpatient rehab treatment, then your therapy could go on to last anywhere between a few weeks to a few months.

    How long will my withdrawal last?

    If you withdraw from drugs and alcohol, then you will experience a range of withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms could last anywhere between a week to a few weeks, depending on how severe your addiction is.

    You should always withdraw in stages so that you do not overwhelm your body all at once by withdrawing from an addictive substance abruptly and suddenly.

    Speak to Our Team at Rehab Recovery

    Thumbs up

    If you are considering drug and alcohol rehab in Westminster, then speak to someone at the Rehab Recovery team. We are on hand to answer any questions that you might have and will recommend the best rehab centres for you in your area.

    Our team will never pressure you into making a decision, we will simply provide you with all of the relevant information you need to make an informed decision.

    Call our team on 0800 088 66 86.


    [1] Tackling Alcohol Misuse in Westminster 2006-2009 – Westminster city council

    [2] Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy, Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, March 2004.

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