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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Cheltenham & Near Cheltenham

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Cheltenham. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab Cheltenham & Near Cheltenham

    Most people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol will spend a large portion of their time being in denial about having a problem.

    They may hide their substance abuse from everyone who is important in their lives, but the person that they lie to most about the addiction is themselves.

    Located on the edge of the beautiful Cotswolds, Cheltenham is a thriving spa town that benefits from its own mineral springs.

    Many people flock to this borough in Gloucestershire for relaxation and entertainment, but there are some problems hidden below its tranquil surface.

    Cheltenham has a higher rate of alcohol-related hospital admissions when compared to England as a whole, rising to 616 per 100,000 people compared to 570 per 100,000 people. [1]

    Additionally, 931 children out of Cheltenham’s population of 126,287 children are thought to be affected by parental drug use. [2]

    To combat this issue, many drug and alcohol rehabs are available across Cheltenham providing support and guidance for people looking to recover from a drug or alcohol addiction.

    To learn more about drug and alcohol rehab Cheltenham, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    What is alcohol addiction?

    Someone drinking alcohol near Cheltenham

    Alcohol addiction, also known as substance addiction or substance use disorder, is a disease of chronic brain relapsing.

    The brain disease model of addiction [3] applies to alcohol as well as drugs, whether licit or illicit substances.

    When someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they can become physically and psychologically dependent. These levels of dependence vary drastically from one addicted person to another. 

    One person may suffer from mild symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and so on, whereas those others may suffer from severe symptoms such as tremors, vomiting, seizures, and these complications can lead to death. 

    Some of the pathways in the brain, such as the mesolimbic or “reward” pathways, undergo rapid transformation which creates a dangerous reward system within patients. 

    Consuming these addictive substances releases euphoric and pleasurable feelings in the brain, such as dopamine, for example. 

    The more they consume these substances, the more dependent they become on them in order to experience basic pleasure. 

    As a result, they struggle to replicate these positive chemicals in other basic activities (e.g. sexual intercourse, exercise, eating) which makes them intensely dependent on drugs or alcohol.

    If you think that you need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab Cheltenham, give our experts a call on 0800 088 66 86

    How can you tell that you have a problem?

    Walking in a woodland near Cheltenham

    Addicts may not fit the conventional stereotype that is given to substance abusers. Whilst many may be homeless, unemployed and clearly ill, many more might be in permanent employment with a nice home and family that love them.

    They may appear to be completely normal to anyone who doesn’t look too closely.

    Addiction is the inability to control one’s actions because of physical or mental dependence on a substance. This could manifest itself in a number of ways.

    Some people may have such an addiction that they care very little about keeping up appearances; they may well lose their jobs, homes and families due to the addiction.

    However, many more people may find the following, more subtle signs of addiction:

    • They could decide that they will not drink or take drugs for a certain period of time, but then be unable to follow through on the commitment.
    • They may begin taking more of the substance that they are addicted to. The reason for this is normally because as they use more of it, their tolerance becomes higher. As substance abusers normally take drugs and alcohol to feel better about situations and themselves; a higher tolerance means a larger amount is needed to get to this state of mind.
    • Substance abusers may notice slight withdrawal symptoms such as not being able to sleep at night without a drink.

    There are a variety of different rehabs in Cheltenham with the tools needed to help people defeat their addictions. Breaking an addiction is extremely difficult for even the most determined people, but with professional support, it can be done.

    Rehab clinics are the answer.

    But it’s important to know about the treatment options given by rehabilitation centres so prospective patients know what to expect.

    If you recognise some of these signs in yourself or a loved one and want to access addiction treatment in Cheltenham or near Cheltenham, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    How do I understand the disease model of addiction?

    Group therapy near Cheltenham

    Many people now recognise addiction as a disease rather than a reflection of the affected person’s morals, values and priorities.

    The disease model of addiction focuses on the fact that certain people have differences in their brain functioning and structure, which can cause them to react differently to addictive substances.

    Therefore, they are more likely to develop a substance use addiction when compared to someone who does not have these brain differences. It is not a conscious choice, but rather a symptom of a form of brain disease.

    Just as other illnesses are treated, someone with addiction must also be managed and supported through their recovery.

    There is a debate over whether addiction is a disease, or whether it is simply due to the individual seeking gratification and short-term pleasure. This school of thought believes that addiction can be overcome through willpower and determination rather than with medical assistance.

    Here at Rehab Recovery, we will primarily refer you to rehab clinics that support the Disease Model of Addiction to ensure that you receive the support and care that you deserve.

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    To learn more about how taking this approach can make addiction treatment in Cheltenham or near Cheltenham much more effective, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What impact can addiction have on a person?

    Man exhausted in or near Cheltenham

    Drug and alcohol addiction can have a profound impact on someone’s life. These impacts can range from suffering from mild withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and nausea, all the way to death. 

    These impacts will vary from one person to another depending on their addiction history, physical and mental health, social issues, and so on. 

    You can categorise the impacts into three categories:

    1. Psychological Issues Associated with Addiction

    There is a strong correlation between mental health disorders and people who are suffering from substance addiction. 

    In fact, the Adult Substance Misuse Treatment Report 2021 to 2022 [5] conducted by the UK Government discovered that almost 70% of patients who are undergoing addiction treatment also required treatment for mental health issues.

    When an addicted person is suffering from co-occurring disorders, it is often a mental issue such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia which the addicted person also suffers from. 

    While there is a strong correlation between the two, substance addiction can cause mental disorders such as there, while these mental disorders can also lead to the development of addiction due to excessive self medicating. 

    2. Physical Issues Associated with Addiction 

    Not all patients will suffer from physical withdrawal symptoms when suffering from addiction. However, physical symptoms tend to be more severe than psychological symptoms. 

    This is because they have the potential to be fatal. Some of the most extreme forms of physical withdrawal symptoms include:

    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhoea
    • Trembling
    • Seizures

    In addition to these discomforting and potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms, addicted people will suffer from a range of physical issues such as susceptibility to cancer and diseases due to frequent and excessive drug and alcohol consumption. 

    Liver disease in particular is common among addicted people, and a large proportion of cases are attributable to extreme alcohol consumption [6]

    3. Social Issues Associated with Addiction

    Aside from the psychological and physical symptoms associated with addiction, the addicted person may suffer from a range of social consequences.

    These are many different issues which can be caused or exacerbated by substance addiction, including but not limited to relationship breakdown, social isolation, financial insecurity, housing insecurity, and so on. 

    Addiction can lead to relationship breakdown due to one person’s compulsiveness and obsession over intoxicating substances can lead to partners being neglected. Drug and alcohol addiction can also lead to sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, and so on.

    Furthermore, social isolation is a common symptom among addicted people, and this causes them to withdraw from their friends which can push them further away from support. 

    During these periods of withdrawal, their addiction will intensify because they may even self-medicate in order to counteract their feelings of loneliness.

    If you’ve started feeling the impact of addiction and need help from a drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham or near Cheltenham, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    How does addiction impact families?


    There are many indirect symptoms associated with drug and alcohol addiction which are often ignored or overlooked. Many of these indirect effects have a profound impact on the family, mentally and emotionally.

    Family members may suffer from a range of emotional and mental issues as a result of their loved one’s addiction. 

    Not only will they have to suffer from some of the antisocial behaviour which may come from drug and alcohol addiction, they will suffer profoundly by witnessing their loved one’s health succumb to this debilitating disease. 

    Families can be torn apart by substance addiction in more ways than one. Witnessing your loved one struggling with addiction – and potentially even dying – has profoundly adverse mental and emotional effects on family members. 

    Additionally, many children in the UK are exposed to the effects of drug and alcohol addiction because of their parents’ consumption habits.

    A huge amount of money is spent each year by the UK government and social services spent on looking after children whose parents are suffering from addiction. 

    Not only are these children exposed to environments filled with drugs and alcohol, their basic needs are often neglected.

    Don’t let addiction control your life – speak to our experts today on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the benefits of complete abstinence from drugs and alcohol?

    If you are entering rehab in Cheltenham for a substance use disorder, addiction has likely taken over your life. Therefore, to recover you will be required to make some big life choices.

    Experts have agreed that abstinence is always the safer and more effective route to addiction recovery.

    Abstinence is defined as restraining yourself from a particular behaviour or substance. Many rehabs focus on complete abstinence as a large part of treatment and recovery, and while it can be difficult to achieve it is also the most effective path to success. [7]

    Some people believe that abstinence is too difficult and that instead, patients should focus on moderation management or harm reduction techniques.

    This involves slowly drinking less alcohol or using fewer drugs over time and sticking to specific amounts each time. However, that can be impossible for patients to achieve long-term particularly when the Disease Model of Addiction is taken into account.

    The constant temptation combined with chronic brain differences in people with substance use disorders can often cause them to relapse when attempting to moderate their alcohol or drug use.

    Additionally, this model of treatment may also cause people to move away from seeking professional help and instead attempt to moderate their substance use without medical assistance. This can be dangerous or even life-threatening due to the possibility of experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms.

    Abstinence has been proven to be the most effective model of treatment for people struggling with substance use disorders – it removes temptation, requires professional support and sets clear recovery goals and boundaries.

    If you’re still unsure about how useful abstinence will be for your addiction treatment in Cheltenham, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What happens if I don’t get help?

    Hospital bed recovery

    If someone who is suffering from addiction refuses to seek help, their chances of recovery are minimal. The longer they leave their condition to worsen without the assistance of health practitioners and addiction specialists, the more severe the dependence will become.

    Not only will the direct impact of the addiction continue, the level of dependence will intensify. With each time the addicted person consumes their drugs or alcoholic substances, their tolerance will increase.

    Therefore, they will need to consume higher quantities of drugs or alcohol in order to feel the same euphoric effects as before. As a result, they will start consuming dangerous quantities of these toxic substances. 

    Additionally, people who attend to take control of their recovery independently without the assistance of a drug and alcohol rehab risk exacerbating their substance use disorder.

    The idea of abstaining from drugs and alcohol may sound simple, but the body undergoes highly complicated physiological changes which makes this simple idea incredibly difficult and dangerous.

    Without the necessary medication to manage withdrawal symptoms and the cognitive and behavioural therapies, the subject will not learn about the different and highly effective ways of recovering and remaining in recovery.

    Even if they were to overcome the initial withdrawal symptoms, they will not have learned the necessary coping mechanisms from licensed and professional counsellors in order to live a long and healthy life of sobriety.

    Don’t take the risks that untreated addiction can bring – get help from a drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab vs outpatient drug & alcohol rehab Cheltenham – which is better?


    One of the biggest questions that patients consider before they enter rehab is whether they will benefit from inpatient or outpatient rehab more. 

    There are significantly different factors to consider, and while an inpatient treatment centre may offer more effective or intense treatment, it does not necessarily mean it is optimal for every patient.

    The benefits of inpatient treatment at a residential rehab is that treatment takes place in a medically supported facility which is occupied by health professionals. 

    This makes it an optimal environment for patients who are suffering from intense withdrawal symptoms or any co-occurring disorders. 

    Additionally, the addiction programme of an inpatient will be highly personalised, which will maximise their responsiveness to recovery methods. 

    The benefits of therapies such as CBT, DBT, Family Therapy, and more will be optimised because of the recovery programme’s attention to detail when it comes to the patient’s unique requirements. 

    Patients will spend hours per day undergoing highly personalised forms of therapy for around 28 days. 

    As an outpatient at a public rehab, patients will undergo similar forms of treatment, however, with far less intensity and much less personalisation.

    Patients will undergo support sessions, CBT, among other sessions in order to aid their recovery. 

    Outpatients will typically attend around 6 hours or more per week (up to 30 hours with the intensive outpatient treatment) and will be able to return home each day, allowing them plenty of flexibility to maintain employment and other responsibilities.

    However, the waiting list can be long for outpatient or public treatment, because the demand for treatment is high. 

    Additionally, personalisation plays less of a role as an outpatient at rehab. Since the treatment is often free, they will have fewer resources to spend personalising each recovery programme to its fullest. 

    Patients who are suffering from milder forms of addiction will benefit from undergoing treatment as an outpatient. 

    This is because they will have more flexibility throughout their recovery programme, and their addiction is not severe enough to warrant strict medical supervision. 

    On the other hand, patients who are suffering from a moderate to severe form of addiction will be required to undergo inpatient treatment at a residential drug and alcohol rehab to optimise their recovery. 

    Since their dependence, withdrawal symptoms, and levels of consumption are greater, they will need to undergo a more intensive form of recovery at a medically supported facility.

    If you are struggling to decide which would be best for you, addiction specialists will utilise the ASAM Criteria [8] in order to help determine whether inpatient or outpatient treatment would optimise your recovery. 

    When following the ASAM Criteria, addiction specialists will take into account 6 dimensions: 

    • Dimension 1: Withdrawal Potential – Understanding how likely and how severe withdrawal symptoms are based on the addicted person’s history of consumption. 
    • Dimension 2: Biomedical Complications – Learning about any existing physical conditions which the addicted person needs caring for in addition to their addiction.
    • Dimension 3: Emotional, Behavioural, and Cognitive Complications – Learning about any existing mental conditions (co-occurring disorders) such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder etc. which the addicted person needs caring for in addition to their addiction.
    • Dimension 4: Readiness to Change – How willing is the addicted person to change and commit towards recovery methods? 
    • Dimension 5: Relapse Potential – How likely is the addicted person to relapse during or following their addiction recovery. 
    • Dimension 6: Recovering and Living Environment – Understanding how appropriate their living environment is, and whether it is suitable for the addicted person to maintain their recovery there following rehab.

    These factors or dimensions will be taken into account to determine what kind of treatment facility and recovery programme the patient will enter. According to the ASAM Criteria, there are 4 levels of care when it comes to addiction recovery. 

    These levels are:

    • Outpatient Treatment 
    • Intensive Outpatient Treatment 
    • Inpatient Treatment 
    • Intensive Inpatient Treatment 

    It is not possible to enter someone into rehab treatment or move someone into a higher level of care without their consent. 

    While patients must voluntarily enter treatment, they will be guided by addiction specialists and licensed counsellors in order to understand the benefits of treatment and consent to being admitted into rehab. 

    For advice on choosing between inpatient or outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham, give us a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    What is private rehab vs. council-funded drug & alcohol rehab Cheltenham?

    One of the first decisions you will need to make when considering your options for addiction treatment in Cheltenham is whether to opt for private or council-funded rehab.

    If you require fast access to treatment, private rehab may be the best option for you. Many private clinics can admit patients within just a few days, while council-funded rehabs often come with long waiting lists that can last for several weeks or months.

    Private rehabs often offer a wide range of therapies including holistic treatments such as equine therapy, which may be more difficult to access. As a result, if you require a specific form of therapy to effectively recover then you may need to attend a private rehab clinic.

    If you are concerned about the cost of rehab, you may be more suited to a council-funded clinic in Cheltenham as they offer treatment for free or at a reduced price. However, private rehabs can offer a range of flexible programmes that work with your budget.

    As your recovery journey does not end once you finish treatment, it’s important to consider your aftercare options.

    At a private rehab clinic in Cheltenham, you will have access to a free 12-month aftercare programme, providing continued support and guidance even after your treatment has ended.

    Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to research your potential rehab clinics carefully before making a decision.

    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – rehab is about treating the disease of addiction.

    For more guidance in choosing between private and public rehab in Cheltenham, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    Should you attend residential drug and alcohol rehab Cheltenham?

    Attending rehab is a big decision and not one that should be taken lightly. If you are struggling with a substance use disorder whether mild, moderate or severe, you will likely benefit from residential rehab in Cheltenham.

    However, this form of treatment may be more beneficial to some than others. If your addiction is mild or moderate, you may have the option to be more flexible with your recovery methods with some people opting for an outpatient programme or home detox.

    If you have been diagnosed with a severe substance use disorder or meet any of the below criteria, you may find that it is safer and more effective for you to recover in a residential clinic, [9] due to the risk of relapse and/or dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

    • I have a history of suicide attempts and/or self-harm.
    • I have attempted to recover multiple times in the past and have ended up relapsing.
    • I have been diagnosed with Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
    • I have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder such as schizophrenia or post-traumatic stress disorder which may impact my recovery.
    • I have experienced severe withdrawal symptoms such as seizures or delirium tremens in the past.
    • I am highly dependent on a physically addictive substance and will likely experience severe withdrawal symptoms that may be dangerous to my health.
    • I become physically and/or verbally abusive to those around me when withdrawing from drugs or alcohol.
    • I have been identified as a high-risk patient through the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and/or the DSM-5 criteria.

    If you are unsure as to whether residential drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham is the right choice for you, our team at Rehab Recovery are here to walk you through your options.

    If you’re still wondering whether or not an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham is the right place for you, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    What is the admissions process at a drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham or near Cheltenham?

    When you first arrive at your chosen rehab in Cheltenham, you will not begin your treatment straight away. Instead, you will be thoroughly assessed and tested by staff to gain an objective understanding of the nature and severity of your substance use disorder.

    This will allow them to create a personalised treatment plan that reflects your individual needs.

    Additionally, it is important to understand whether you are also suffering from an undiagnosed co-occurring mental health disorder as this will shape the framework for your treatment programme.

    As part of the admissions process, you may encounter several commonly-used tests [10] including the ASAM Criteria, the DSM-5 Three Levels of Severity and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tests, all of which are explained in further detail below.

    For more information about diagnosing addiction at rehab in Cheltenham, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the six dimensions of the ASAM Criteria?

    The ASAM Criteria (American Society of Addiction Medicine) [11] are a set of guidelines that allow doctors and other medical professionals to objectively assess patients with substance use disorders as well as co-occurring mental health disorders.

    It is based on a holistic, whole-body approach that views addiction as a disease that affects every part of a person’s life.

    When you arrive at your chosen rehab clinic, you may be asked a series of questions that lead back to the six dimensions of the ASAM Criteria.

    This will allow your medical team to create an effective treatment plan that takes your needs, the severity of your addiction and any additional factors into account.

    These six dimensions are as follows:

    • Acute Intoxication and Withdrawal Potential: What is the extent and severity of your addiction?
    • Biomedical Conditions and Complications: Are there any physical health problems that may impact recovery?
    • Emotional, Behavioural or Cognitive Conditions and Complications: Are there any mental health problems that may impact recovery?
    • Readiness to Change: Are you motivated to make the necessary changes to recover?
    • Relapse, Continued Use or Continued Problem Potential: How likely are you to relapse?
    • Recovery and Living Environment: Is your living environment and lifestyle conducive to long-term recovery?

    You will be given a rating from 0-4 for each dimension, with the results providing the likelihood of your risk.

    Begin your recovery journy at a rehab in Cheltenham today – call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the DSM-5 criteria and the three levels of severity?

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) [12] is based on decades of research and contains information on all types of mental health disorders, including substance use and addiction.

    It is used by doctors and physicians to accurately diagnose patients with mild, moderate and severe substance use disorders, and helps them to create a personalised treatment plan for each patient.

    You may experience this as part of the admissions process when entering rehab, or when you are being referred by your GP for a suspected substance use disorder.

    The DSM-5 contains 11 criteria that can assess the severity of their addiction and these fall into four distinct categories: Impaired Control, Social Problems, Risky Use and Physical Dependence.

    Examining Impaired Control involves asking the following questions:

    • Do you use large amounts of the substance, with the frequency of use increasing over time?
    • Do you wish to reduce or completely stop your intake of the substance but have been unable to?

    Examining Social Problems involves asking the following questions:

    • Do you neglect your responsibilities in favour of using substances?
    • Have you stopped taking part in hobbies and other activities in favour of using substances?
    • Are you prioritising your substance use over other, more important tasks?

    Examining Risky Use involves asking the following questions:

    • Do you continue to use substances despite experiencing problems and consequences?
    • Do you use substances in risky settings?

    Examining Physical Dependency involves asking the following questions:

    • Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when not using substances?
    • Have you built up a tolerance to the substance and now need to take more to experience the same effects?

    If you answer ‘yes’ to two or three of the above questions, you may be diagnosed with a mild substance use disorder. If you meet four or five of them, this may indicate a moderate substance use disorder.

    Answering ‘yes’ to six or more of the above questions can be a sign of a severe substance use disorder, also known as an addiction.

    Even if you are initially diagnosed with a mild substance use disorder, over time this can worsen. As a result, you will often be monitored over long periods to ensure that your condition does not worsen.

    If hearing about the DSM-5 has made you concerned about your own substance use, call us today on 0800 088 66 86 and begin your journey towards addiction treatment in Cheltenham

    What is the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test?

    The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) [13] is a test made up of 10 questions that can form an objective picture of your relationship with alcohol and identify any risks associated with substance use.

    It can be helpful for the medical staff at your chosen rehab clinic to understand the extent of your substance use disorder and as a result, AUDIT may be performed as part of the admissions process when you enter rehab.

    You may also come across AUDIT in your doctor’s office, where a GP may use the test to determine whether you need to be referred for treatment.

    The ten questions of AUDIT are as follows:

    • How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
    • How many units of alcohol do you drink on a typical day when you are drinking?
    • How often have you had 6 or more units if female or 8 or more if male, on a single occasion in the last year?
    • How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?
    • How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of your drinking?
    • How often during the last year have you needed an alcoholic drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?
    • How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
    • How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
    • Have you or somebody else been injured as a result of your drinking?
    • Has a relative or friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested that you cut down?

    Each of these questions is important and provides a valuable insight into the extent of your alcohol use with questions 1-3 relating to your alcohol intake, questions 4-6 relating to your dependency on this substance and questions 7-10 examining the consequences of your alcohol use.

    Your answers are determined by points, with a score of 0-4 given to each answer.

    • 0-7 points may show a low risk of developing a substance use disorder
    • 8-15 points may show an increased risk of developing a substance use disorder
    • 16-19 may show a higher risk of developing a substance use disorder
    • 20 points may show a potential dependence on alcohol

    If you are unsure about the measurements of units and how to quantify your drinking, a doctor or other medical professional will provide the necessary information that will allow you to answer correctly.

    Aside from the afore-mentioned sources, you can also use the CAGE Questionnaire to indicate whether you may have an addiction or not.

    Start your alcohol rehabilitation in Cheltenham today – call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    How do I hold an intervention in Cheltenham or near Cheltenham?

    It is not possible – or ethical – to coerce someone into joining a drug and alcohol rehab. 

    Convincing a loved one to receive drug and alcohol addiction treatment can be difficult, because some addicted people may become very defensive or even hostile if questioned or commented on about their addiction.

    If someone is reluctant to undergo addiction treatment at rehab, they must be carefully guided and convinced into undergoing addiction treatment, and this can be done by hosting an intervention.

    An intervention is where friends, family members, and others who are closely acquainted with the addicted person gather in one space to tell the addicted person how their addiction is affecting their life. This will need to be facilitated with a licensed interventionist present. 

    When a licensed interventionist is present, they will help conduct an intervention which is non-confrontational and non-judgemental. 

    This will create a safe space for friends and family members to express in great detail how their loved one’s addiction is hurting them, and this will reinforce why they should enter rehab.

    Despite the most careful planning, this type of confrontation can be emotional and anger-inducing.

    In some cases, the affected person may feel ‘ganged up on’ and become further isolated from the people who care for them most.

    Thankfully, there is another option. Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) [14] is a gentle form of intervention that focuses on teaching family members and other loved ones how to communicate effectively with someone who is struggling with addiction.

    This method aims to help the affected individual realise how rewarding positive behaviours are while steering them away from substance use over time.

    CRAFT also allows friends and family members to focus on their own physical and mental health without having to completely detach from their loved ones.

    For advice about holding an intervention in anticipation for addiction treatment in Cheltenham, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How much does rehab in Cheltenham cost?

    While a stay within a residential rehab facility does come at a cost, there are many customisable packages available at rehabs in Cheltenham to suit a range of budgets.

    Factors such as the length of your stay, the type of facility you select and your choice between a single or shared room will reflect the total price of your stay.

    A 10-day stay in a shared room can range between £2,000 and £4,000, while a single room is between £3,000 and £6,000.

    Longer stays such as a 28-day programme can range between £6,000 and £12,000 depending on the above factors.

    Certain facilities may be more luxurious or provide a wider range of treatment options which can impact the total price, and this should be considered if you are interested in a specific form of therapy.

    Home detox is often the most affordable option for recovery, usually starting at £1,500. This involves undergoing a medically-supervised detox in your own home but does not include counselling, hence the lower price.

    You will need to meet specific criteria to undergo a home detox which is detailed further in this article. These criteria ensure that you will be safe and comfortable during the process, as it will not take place in a residential rehab facility.

    Will my insurance cover rehab in Cheltenham or near Cheltenham?

    Due to the high costs of private residential drug and alcohol rehab treatment, many patients wonder whether their treatment may be covered by their insurance. And as you might expect, this entirely depends on your insurance provider and their unique plan and policy. 

    If you have employee health insurance or your own form of private insurance, you may be reimbursed for some aspects of your treatment. 

    Some insurance providers may cover costs such as accommodation, medication, therapy sessions, and so on.

    So, it is possible that you may receive partial reimbursements if you’re not entitled to full coverage of your addiction treatment.

    However, it must be noted that each insurance policy and plan is different. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you communicate with your insurance as well as rehab provider in order to understand what will or will not be covered, especially if the budget is a huge

    For a more accurate estimation of how much your rehab treatment in Cheltenham will cost, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    How long does rehab in Cheltenham last?

    Many people are concerned with the length of the rehab process in Cheltenham, particularly if they have work or family responsibilities to attend to.

    Fortunately, there is a wide range of programme lengths to choose from depending on the nature and severity of your addiction.

    If you simply wish to detox from alcohol or drugs safely and effectively, most clinics offer a 7-day detox programme. However, it is recommended that patients stay for at least 28 days to benefit from intensive counselling and relapse prevention.

    The most common programmes available are 30, 60 and 90-days in length, although these can often be customised.

    Some substances such as cocaine and cannabis are not physically addictive, so the length of treatment is often shorter when these substances are involved due to the absence of physical detoxification.

    Others such as heroin and alcohol can be both physically and psychologically addictive, so treatment will likely involve physical detoxification as well as at least three weeks of counselling.

    The length of your stay is often determined during the admissions process, once your specific type of addiction and extent of the severity has been diagnosed.

    When making this decision our physicians will take your budget into account as well as your health and treatment needs.

    To learn more about how the length of addiction treatment in Cheltenham is determined, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    How do I choose the right drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham?

    Selecting the right rehab in Cheltenham can be an intimidating prospect. There are a wide variety of treatment methods available for substance use disorders and many clinics specialise in specific addictions.

    How are you to know which one is best for you?

    Below is a list of tips and things to look out for when entering treatment, including a long track record and considering your budget.

    1. Choose a rehab that receives excellent reviews and recommendations: Before committing to a specific clinic, research them thoroughly and read any reviews from past patients.
    2. Hearing about other people’s experiences and success with your chosen clinic can give you the confidence to move forward with your treatment.
    3. Choose a rehab with proven success rates: Attending residential rehab can be a costly and time-consuming treatment option, so it makes sense that you want their methods to be successful.
    4. Do your research and ensure that you are committing to a facility that has proven success rates and uses well-established methods of treatment.
    5. Choose a rehab that has been running for a long time: It is always recommended to choose a facility with a long track record, and Cheltenham offers many long-running rehabs that have become part of the community.
    6. It is usually a good sign if a clinic has been successfully operating for more than twenty years, as this means they are established and experienced in treating people with substance use disorders.
    7. Choose a rehab that works with your budget: It’s true that money can’t buy health, but it’s important to choose a rehab clinic that you can afford.
    8. Think about your specific needs and requirements, and aim to find a facility that offers what you want at a price that works for you.
    9. Choose a rehab that works with your lifestyle: Despite what many people think, residential rehab is not the only option for recovery.
    10. If you have family and work responsibilities that cannot be put off, consider an outpatient programme or home detox as a more flexible option.
    11. Choose a rehab with experienced and qualified staff: The staff and physicians at your chosen rehab clinic will have a huge impact on your recovery, so it’s crucial that you ensure they have the proper training and qualifications to effectively treat and support you.
    12. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
    13. Choose a rehab that feels right for you: Take note of how you feel when you speak to staff at the rehab clinic, either by email or over the phone. Do you feel comfortable and relaxed, or is there something that you can’t quite shake?

    If the situation doesn’t feel right for you, keep looking.

    For more advice about choosing the right drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the alternatives to drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham?

    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham is one of the best ways to recover from addiction.

    However, we understand that not everyone has the flexibility, budget or lifestyle to suit a 30, 60 or 90-day stay at a residential rehab clinic.

    However, there are many alternative addiction treatments in Cheltenham that can be effective at helping you to recover from a substance use disorder and still allow you to keep up with your responsibilities.

    12-Step programmes such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous: A common reason for self-medicating with drugs or alcohol is to distract from feelings of loneliness and isolation. These are based on religion and the concept of a higher power.

    Attending local support groups and meeting other people who share similar experiences can help you to feel connected and part of the world again, while simultaneously receiving guidance and support to assist you in recovering from an addiction.

    Both AA and NA host frequent meetings in and around Cheltenham.

    Outpatient programmes: If the thought of attending a residential rehab clinic sounds intimidating or impractical with regard to your current responsibilities, an outpatient treatment programme may be an effective solution.

    This option will allow you to reap the benefits of detoxification, counselling and relapse prevention while still returning home each day and continuing work or family life.

    There are many outpatient programs available throughout Cheltenham.

    Home detox: If you meet the criteria, a home detox can be a more affordable option than residential rehab for many people.

    This will allow you to detox from alcohol in a familiar and comfortable environment, with family and friends around to provide support if you would prefer. You can even be prescribed medication to help with the process, and it can be an extremely effective way to begin your recovery journey.

    Thanks to its remote nature, anyone looking for addiction treatment in Cheltenham who qualifies for home detox will be able to access it.

    SMART Recovery: Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART) [15] is a self-empowering form of treatment that is similar to 12-Step programmes such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

    It is a support group providing techniques based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to enhance motivation, help with goal-setting and replace detrimental thoughts and mindsets with more positive outlooks.

    SMART Recovery hosts frequent meetings throughout Cheltenham, as well as many online sessions.

    Al-Anon family group meetings: As a family member or friend of someone who is struggling with alcohol addiction, you may feel alone and helpless.

    Thankfully there are several local Al-Anon support groups available in Cheltenham where you can meet people who share similar experiences, gaining support and advice while making connections with other friends and family members of addiction sufferers.

    To begin your recovery journey today with an addiction treatment service in Cheltenham, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What is a detox, and do I need one?


    If you are struggling with a physical addiction to drugs and alcohol, a medically-assisted detox can help you to slowly and safely withdraw from these substances.

    Attempting to suddenly stop taking certain substances, such as alcohol and heroin, can be extremely dangerous. The body has become used to these substances over a period of months and years, and when they are reduced or stopped you are likely to experience a range of withdrawal symptoms.

    A detox will usually take place in a residential rehab setting, where patients will benefit from 24/7 medical monitoring and assistance.

    Over a period of around one week, you will be slowly weaned from the substance until you are no longer taking it.

    Depending on which substance you are addicted to and the severity of your addiction, you may experience a range of withdrawal symptoms.

    These include:

    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Excessive sweating
    • Depression and anxiety
    • Insomnia and nightmares
    • Aggression
    • Muscle and body aches
    • Hallucinations
    • Extreme confusion
    • Seizures

    Your medical team will be able to prescribe you any necessary medications that can make the detoxification process more comfortable and easier to deal with.

    This may include Librium over a period of ten days, which can help to prevent alcohol withdrawal-induced seizures.

    If you are dependent on a physically addictive substance such as alcohol, heroin or various prescription medications, you will likely require a physical detox followed by three weeks of counselling to take the psychological aspects behind the addiction.

    When you get to rehab you will undergo a psychiatric assessment. This is so you will receive the correct treatment to ensure you are on the route to sobriety. This will be done by a psychiatrist or other medical professional.

    If you have an alcohol addiction you will need to have an alcohol detox before you can begin any treatment. This means you will likely experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

    For a physical dependence on a substance, such as alcohol, you will need a medically-assisted detox – this is underseen by a doctor or medical professional. You will also need one of these for heroin withdrawal for example.

    After your detox, you may be prescribed Chlordiazepoxide which will help with the symptoms of withdrawal.

    Long-term complications of substance abuse include:

    • Delirium Tremens
    • Hepatitis
    • Wernicke Encephalopathy
    • Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome

    Ensure that any detox you need is treated appropriately at a drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham by giving us a call on 0800 088 66 86

    What type of addictions are treated at rehab?

    A male patient talking to a female therapist

    A wide range of substance addictions are treated at rehab. Behavioural addictions are typically treated in specialised facilities, but many rehabs are equipped to treat both. 

    When someone enters a drug and alcohol rehab in order to recover, they can usually receive treatment whether they are suffering from:

    The process is structured similarly for each of these substances, with a few differences depending on the substance and the patient. 

    Patients may undergo a detox process, and then a range of cognitive, behavioural, and holistic therapies in order to learn techniques which can act as coping mechanisms to sustain recovery. 

    The detox process or withdrawal management (WM) is an imperative aspect of the addiction recovery process, especially for patients suffering from physical dependence, is the prescription of medication for patients.

    Not all patients will need to undergo a medically assisted detox, but for those who do, they may undergo more than one form of medication. 

    Since medication is such a complex disease which creates a range of different symptoms, there is a wide range of medication used throughout the addiction treatment process for different patients. 

    The purpose of these prescribed medications is to minimise withdrawal symptoms.

    However, symptoms vary emphatically from one patient to another, so it is important that the right medication is prescribed. 

    An addiction physician will thoroughly evaluate the patient’s unique case of addiction in order to make the right decision when it comes to selecting and prescribing medication. 

    The medication prescribed for the form of drug or alcoholic substances will vary accordingly:

    Withdrawal management for alcoholism

    Alcohol can be both psychologically and physically addictive, making it a very dangerous substance to be addicted to. 

    Withdrawal symptoms for patients who are highly dependent on alcohol can be life threatening, therefore, it is imperative that patients receive medical support in a medically supported facility.

    The withdrawal symptoms of alcohol can appear as soon as 6 hours after someone’s last consumption, but they typically appear at around the 24 hour mark.

    They usually last for around one to two weeks, but can be longer depending on someone’s level of dependence.

    Additionally, the amount that someone used to consume would exacerbate their withdrawal symptoms.

    Benzodiazepines [16] (and Diazepam in particular which belongs to the category of Benzodiazepines) are typically the preferred method of prescription medicine during the withdrawal phase. 

    Diazepam [17] and other forms of benzodiazepines (such as chlordiazepoxide and lorazepam) can have incredibly positive effects in minimising withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, aggression, hyperactivity, hallucinations, delirium, and seizures which can lead to death.

    Some of the benefits which make Benzodiazepines so effective is that they are active very quickly and they also have a long lasting effect, which means that patients can consume less of it compared to other forms of medication.

    Withdrawal management for opioid dependence

    Opioid is a class of drugs which include substances such as heroin, opium, morphine, methadone, codeine, and more.

    Opioid withdrawal syndrome typically occurs around 8 to 24 hours after the last period of consumption, and withdrawal symptoms can last as long as 10 to 20 days.

    These symptoms can include diarrhoea, insomnia, anxiety, vomiting, cramps, and more. 

    Clonidine, Buprenorphine, and Methadone are notable forms of medication which can effectively treat opioid dependence. 

    Clonidine can provide relief for some of the discomforting symptoms which come with opioid dependence, such as sweating, nausea, cramps, and more. 

    Buprenorphine, also marketed under the name of ‘Subutex’, is one of the most effective forms of medication to treat patients who are suffering from moderate to severe forms of opioid dependence.

    This medication is prescribed to patients suffering from opioid dependence in order to manage severe symptoms and also eliminate cravings.

    Buprenorphine should only be prescribed when the patient is already suffering from symptoms, not as a precaution before the symptoms occur.

    Methadone can also be used to reduce cravings and reduce symptoms and is particularly useful for overcoming symptoms of longer lasting detoxification drugs, such as morphine.

    It should be noted that pregnant women who are suffering from addiction should not be prescribed particular drugs to undergo opioid withdrawal. This is because it can cause miscarriage or premature delivery.

    Withdrawal management for cannabis dependence

    While cannabis is typically associated with psychological dependence and addiction, it can produce a range of symptoms.

    These include but are not limited to:

    • Anxiety
    • Tremors
    • Sweating
    • Insomnia
    • Irritability
    • Paranoia

    However, these symptoms are far less serious than those of an opioid or alcohol dependence, for example.

    Because of its predominantly psychological effects when it comes to withdrawal symptoms, there is far less of a need for medication for patients undergoing cannabis withdrawal.

    Withdrawal management for stimulant dependence

    Stimulants are a class of drugs which include methamphetamine, amphetamine and cocaine.

    These drugs can have a significant effect on its users, with withdrawal symptoms including both physical and psychological effects such as psychosis, muscle cramps, depression, irritability, and more. 

    Diazepam is a form of prescribed medication which again can be of use when it comes to optimising cognitive and behavioural treatment for patients. 

    If the dependence is severe enough, it may be the case that the patient must be admitted into a hospital in order to undergo psychiatric care.

    However, it should be noted that cocaine is not physically addictive, so a cocaine detox is not necessary.

    Whatever the nature of your addiction, get help from a drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    What is cocaine rehab in Cheltenham?


    Many people think of cocaine as simply a party drug, but this white powdered substance is highly addictive and even short-term use can result in a physical dependency.

    As it increases the amount of dopamine that your brain produces, it’s very easy to quickly become addicted to cocaine. Over time your brain may find it difficult to produce dopamine without the assistance of this drug, and you will likely experience intense psychological withdrawal symptoms.[18]

    There are many drug and alcohol rehabs in Cheltenham that specialise in cocaine addiction, as it is possible to recover from an addiction to this drug,

    As cocaine is not physically addictive, it is unlikely that you will need to undergo physical detoxification. You may experience depression and anxiety as your brain chemicals attempt to rebalance, but this will pass with time.

    All patients benefit from 24/7 medical supervision while in residential rehab, and your medical team will be able to prescribe you any necessary medications to help you feel more comfortable during the process.

    The treatment for cocaine addiction primarily focuses on psychological counselling, and it is recommended that you undergo at least three weeks of intensive therapy sessions to tackle the mental aspects of the addiction.

    This may involve cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) which can help you to make healthier decisions and understand the reasons behind your behaviour.

    To start beating your cocaine addiction with the help of a rehab in Cheltenham, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    What is heroin rehab in Cheltenham?


    Heroin is one of the deadliest and most addictive substances known to man. A form of opioid, it is commonly injected or smoked and is extremely difficult to recover from without professional assistance. [19]

    Unlike many other substances, heroin is extremely physically and psychologically addictive. As a result, heroin rehab can last between 30 and 90 days and involves full detoxification as well as several weeks of counselling and an effective aftercare plan.

    Heroin withdrawal will typically begin just a few hours after your last dose. These symptoms can be extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable, ranging from nausea and vomiting to body chills and excessive sweating, as well as psychological side effects such as anxiety and intense cravings.

    Many people feel as though they have a bad flu bug throughout the duration of the detox process, which typically lasts for 5-7 days.

    It is common for your medical team to prescribe a range of medications to help make the process more comfortable. Methadone is a less addictive form of opioid which is easier to withdraw from than heroin, so you may have the option to switch to this drug as a substitute.

    Once you have physically recovered from withdrawal, you will begin a course of counselling sessions which may involve family, group and individual therapy.

    This will address the behaviours, thoughts and mindsets surrounding your heroin use and help you to make healthier choices in the future.

    Before your treatment ends you will be encouraged to create a relapse prevention plan, which is discussed in more detail at the end of this article.

    This will prepare you for managing temptations, cravings and other factors which may cause you to relapse after treatment and can help you feel more confident about easing back into regular life and responsibilities.

    To start beating your heroin addiction with the help of a rehab in Cheltenham, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    What is cannabis rehab in Cheltenham?


    Cannabis is becoming more popular across the UK with many people enjoying its effects. This drug may have gained a reputation for being a relaxing and entertaining substance but for many people, it can cause paranoia or aggravate mental health conditions such as schizophrenia.

    While cannabis is not physically addictive, it has been proven to be psychologically addictive despite some arguments to the contrary.

    The main compound in cannabis is Tetrahydrocannabinol, which can induce feelings of drowsiness and relaxation. Despite its popularity, cannabis is still classed as an illegal substance in the UK.

    Many drug and alcohol rehabs in Cheltenham are now offering cannabis addiction treatment, mainly consisting of counselling and therapy treatments such as CBT, DBT, motivational interviewing and holistic therapies such as massage and mindfulness.

    It is thought to be safe to stop taking cannabis ‘cold turkey’, but you will likely experience a range of psychological withdrawal symptoms during this time. These may include increased anxiety, intense cravings for cannabis and trouble sleeping, but these will usually pass within one week.

    Just like other substances, an effective relapse prevention plan is essential to increase your chances of long-term recovery from cannabis. You will need to think about avoiding any potential triggers while working to create a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

    It may even be necessary to make some difficult decisions such as finding a new group of friends or applying for a new, lower-stress job if these factors are causing you to reach for cannabis.

    To start beating your cannabis addiction with the help of a rehab in Cheltenham, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    What types of therapy are available at drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham?


    While physical detoxification is an extremely important part of the recovery process, the psychological treatment that you will receive at a residential rehab is equally as crucial.

    As a result, many drug and alcohol rehabs in Cheltenham offer a range of therapy treatments to cater to as many people as possible. Each patient and their addiction are unique, so what works for you may not necessarily be effective for someone else.

    The below forms of therapy are commonly offered at rehab clinics in Cheltenham and have been proven to successfully treat both the psychological aspects of addiction as well as other co-occurring mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Some types of therapy are more traditional, such as CBT and DBT, while others like music and art therapy are holistic in nature.

    While alternative and holistic therapies have been proven to be effective within a ‘whole body’ approach to treatment, it is recommended that these methods should be combined with traditional forms of therapy to be most effective.

    If you require a specific type of therapy such as aromatherapy, massage therapy or other forms of holistic treatments, make sure to speak with your chosen rehab clinic to ensure that they provide these services.

    Other types of therapy available at rehab include acupuncture, brief intervention, contingency management, coping mechanisms, drama therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, family therapy, group psychotherapy, motivational therapy, music therapy, Person-centered care, psychiatric treatment, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and talking therapies.

    Start your journey towards addiction treatment in Cheltenham today – call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    How do I create a relapse prevention plan at rehab in Cheltenham?


    Many people see the idea of relapse as the single biggest threat to their long-term sobriety.

    While it can feel like a huge setback, it’s important to remember that a relapse does not take you back to the beginning of your recovery journey. Instead, it should be seen as a mere bump in the road and a chance for you to reflect on and improve your sobriety strategies.

    However, there are many things that you can do to reduce your chances of experiencing a relapse and these begin before you have ever left your rehab clinic.

    With the guidance and support of your counsellor, you will be encouraged to create a relapse prevention plan as part of your treatment programme. This is designed to support you through your recovery in the days, weeks, months and years after leaving rehab.

    You will need to think about the situations, reasons and times in which you used substances in the past. What was your mindset like at the time? Who was around you? Did it often happen at a specific time of day?

    Understanding the factors that cause you to use substances can help you to avoid them in the future.

    It is also important to recognise the signs that you may be heading for relapse so that you and your treatment team are aware of these feelings and behaviours. You may find that you begin to withdraw from others, stop washing and grooming yourself or experience anxious thoughts.

    Next, you will need to create an action plan detailing how you will respond to potentially triggering situations and the changes that you will make in your life going forward.

    If certain people are likely to pressure you into drinking alcohol, it may be wise to distance yourself from them. If a relationship breakdown or work stress may push you into a relapse, come up with healthier coping strategies to try instead.

    You may find it helpful to role-play potential scenarios with your counsellor so that you feel more confident and prepared to face them in the future.

    Another effective strategy to be aware of is HALT, which stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired.

    While these sensations are completely normal and understandable they can make us more vulnerable to self-destructive behaviour and unhealthy decisions, and there are many steps that you can take to ensure that they don’t take over.

    You are at greater risk of relapse when you are experiencing one of these four conditions, so it’s important to learn how to successfully care for your physical and mental health.

    Finally, taking proactive steps towards your recovery is another effective strategy to prevent relapse.

    Attending local support groups and ongoing counselling sessions while making the necessary changes in your life to reduce stress and temptation may be difficult to stick with at first, but will go a long way towards achieving long-term sobriety.

    To slearn more about how a drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham can help you beat your addiction, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What happens after rehab?


    Although rehab serves to give people a solid foundation to work from, substance abusers need to follow up appointments or a program to stick to in order to avoid relapse.

    When leaving rehab, counsellors will normally give out information on local meetings and groups for the substance abuser to go along to. Groups are normally held on a weekly basis.

    The aim of this is to carry on the work that was started in the detox centre. Substance abusers will continue to be around people who have a positive influence on them and encourage them to stay clean.

    Substance abusers may also be assigned a sponsor when leaving rehab, or they could take steps to ask somebody to play the role of a sponsor for them. A sponsor is the abuser go-to person when they feel they are on the brink of relapse.

    It is a sponsor’s job to re-affirm the lessons that have been learnt during rehab and try to keep the addict on the right path.

    This is one of the most vital parts of aftercare for substance abusers as many can find it very difficult to abstain from drugs and alcohol once they are in the real world.

    What is dual diagnosis at rehab in Cheltenham?

    Living with a drug or alcohol addiction is difficult and painful enough, but it can be even harder when you are also dealing with a co-occurring mental health disorder.

    Many people entering rehab in Cheltenham for a substance use disorder are unaware that they also have a mental health condition. This is often diagnosed during the admissions process and is commonly known as a dual diagnosis.

    Mental health conditions commonly associated with addiction include:

    It is not believed that addiction directly causes a mental health condition or vice versa, but it has been proven that the two do interact with each other.

    Some people attempt to self-medicate the symptoms of their mental health condition such as PTSD by using drugs or alcohol, while others may aggravate previously dormant symptoms of schizophrenia by repeatedly misusing these substances.

    It is important to treat both disorders simultaneously, as merely focusing on the addiction can result in a relapse further down the line due to the mental health condition.

    Similarly, solely treating the mental health disorder will not result in recovery from physical or psychological addiction.

    Staff at our rehab clinics in Cheltenham are specially trained to identify the signs of a dual diagnosis and ensure that each patient receives the help and support that they need to recover.

    To find out more about how drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham support your mental health needs during addiction treatment, call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    What are alternative services & charities?

    A group of people at a table with notebooks

    1. The Sober Parrot

    Address: 7 St James’ Square, Cheltenham GL50 3PR

    Telephone: 01242523665


    2. Change Grow Live Gloucestershire, near Cheltenham

    Address: 41-43, Imperial Chambers, Longsmith St, Gloucester GL1 2HT

    Telephone: 01452223014


    3. Mind Gloucestershire, near Cheltenham

    Address: Bramery House, Alstone Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 8HE

    Telephone:01452 245338


    Going along to local 12-Step programmes like Cocaine AnonymousNarcotics Anonymous (NA)  and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can help you to stay sober by sharing your journey with other people in recovery.

    The NHS provides free, reliable information for drug and alcohol addictions and dependencies.

    Smart Recovery  can help you to keep relapse triggers in check, and manage your thoughts and feelings.

    Al-Anon are another useful service that can make addiction easier to navigate for you and friends or family.

    Find mental health support with Rethink Mental IllnessMindYoung Minds, Samaritans and Papyrus.

    You can also find help through national support groups like Change Grow Live, Turning Point, We Are With You, The National Association for Children of Alcoholics, Alateen, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, and various NHS Foundation Trusts.

    Whether you need the support of a drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham or one of these alternative servives, let our experts help by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Does drug and alcohol rehab for teens work?

    Serious conversation

    When consuming drugs and alcohol at a younger age when the brain has not yet fully developed, the young person is far more susceptible to developing a dependence on these substances. 

    The reward pathways in their brain are more pliable and influenced, which means that consuming drugs and alcohol may lead to physiological changes which make them crave these substances.

    Because of this, a drug and alcohol rehab is imperative for teenagers suffering from substance addiction.

    Although the legal age of drinking alcohol is 18 and most of the drugs which cause problems are illicit, drugs and alcohol are still easily accessible for teenagers and young people in the United Kingdom, including in Cheltenham. 

    In fact, the UK Adult Substance Misuse Treatment Statistics Report saw that there were 3,602 people aged 18 or 19 already undergoing addiction treatment. 

    Another study found that around 20% of young people aged 16 to 24 [4] years reported last year that they had consumed drugs in the year ending June 2022.

    Additionally, 20% of patients undergoing treatment at rehab (which amounts to around 26,570) were also living with children, whether their children or someone else’s. 

    This exposes children to drugs and alcoholic substances, as well as the toxic and negative behavioural traits and lifestyle associated with these addictive substances. 

    Young people are particularly more exposed to drugs and alcoholic substances because of the culture that surrounds them.

    As people become more outgoing and are able to exercise more independence, they are exposed to drugs and alcohol, whether directly or indirectly. 

    Social pressures may even compel people to take part in consuming these addictive substances and they may not understand the short and long term consequences, which makes them more willing to consume higher quantities. 

    The benefits of undergoing addiction treatment specifically catered to young people include:

    • Special emphasis on the young person’s developing brain
    • Undergoing holistic, cognitive, and behavioural therapy 
    • Including family members throughout therapy 

    Special emphasis on a young developing brain

    As previously mentioned, a young person’s brain is unlikely to be fully developed. Studies show that the brain becomes fully developed around the age of 25 [5], with the prefrontal cortex being the last part to develop. 

    The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain which is responsible for managing rationality, decision making, organisation, and other important aspects of our cognition.

    Addiction can affect someone’s brain significantly, particularly someone whose brain is not yet fully developed.

    When suffering from an addiction, chemicals in the brain are altered, and the person’s reward pathways are altered in a way which makes them crave addictive substances. 

    In addition to this, medication may be prescribed throughout treatment and the detox process.

    While these forms of medication can be of incredible use throughout the medical detox phase, the patient can also become dependent on them depending on the substance and their addiction history. 

    Combined with a young brain which is more susceptible to addiction, an addiction treatment tailored to young patients will be thoroughly catered to their unique requirements. 

    Undergoing holistic, cognitive and behavioural therapy

    When an addiction treatment programme must omit medicated assisted therapy – which is often integral to some people’s recovery – there must be more emphasis on other forms of therapy. 

    While holistic, cognitive, and behavioural therapy often play monumental roles in addiction treatment, there may be more emphasis on these elements for young patients. 

    While the young person’s brain is still developing, it is easier for them to learn and establish patterns and skills into their lifestyle. 

    If a young person is to undergo cognitive and behavioural therapy, this will allow them to establish and embrace new and healthy coping mechanisms which can sustain their sobriety. 

    On the other hand, it may be more difficult for an older patient to develop and stick to these new habits because of their older and much more rooted habits. 

    Examples of therapy which can help patients develop new coping mechanisms and positive lifestyle changes include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, and many more. 

    Holistic therapy will also introduce the young person to a wealth of health improving activities, whether they come in the form of art therapy, yoga, meditation, or otherse. 

    Including family members in therapy

    For obvious reasons, younger patients are more likely to rely on their parents and other family members than older patients do. However, Family Therapy is used to help patients of all ages and is employed to treat patients who have positive or negative relationships with their family members. 

    A person who has a dysfunctional or negative relationship with their family members will benefit from therapy which helps them foster better forms of communication.

    Developing communication skills will allow them to articulate their thoughts more thoroughly and create a greater sense of synergy between family members. 

    In turn, this will lead to more positive relationships and will also help create a living environment or home which can also serve as a more appropriate recovery environment. 

    Some forms of Family Therapy include: 

    • Functional Family Therapy: Functional Family Therapy has the objective of improving lines of communication between family members. This can benefit young patients and family members regardless of whether they have a positive or negative relationship, as it can help them constructively express their thoughts when they have concerns when they are or reach out for help when they are feeling vulnerable.
    • Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT): MDFT is particularly useful for families where there is a young person who is battling substance use disorder. Young patients and their parents can benefit from undergoing sessions with a licensed counsellor who will help them develop healthier coping mechanisms in order to overcome their addiction. The parents will also learn more about their loved one’s complex addiction, and will be able to understand how they can create a more accommodating environment.

    If you’re a young person looking for help from a drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham, or if you know someone who is, call us for free on 0800 088 66 86

    Frequently asked questions about drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham

    Open conversation

    Do I have to tell my boss about rehab in or near Cheltenham?

    In many cases, your boss will support you if you decide to get help for your drug and alcohol addiction. This is because they must treat your condition like any other illness.

    By telling them that you will be entering rehab, they will be able to plan accordingly for your temporary absence. Additionally, it is their responsibility to keep the details which you have provided confidential from anyone else. 

    However, while it may be the right thing to do to tell them that you are receiving treatment, it can be a hard topic to bring up. 

    When you tell your boss that you are suffering from addiction and that you need to enter rehab, you should explain to them that you are doing what is best for you and your career. 

    They may also appreciate your honesty rather than your addiction coming to light in the event of random drug testing or consumption at the workplace. 

    Can I lose my job if I go to rehab?

    There are employee rights which can help prevent you from being dismissed for suffering from a substance use disorder. 

    One example of this is the Employment Act 1996, which prevents people from being discriminated against if they are suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, which should be treated as any other medical illness.

    However, company policies may prohibit drug use inside or outside the workplace, and these can lead to dismissal if these policies are not followed. 

    Additionally, an employer can list another reason to dismiss someone who is suffering from substance use disorder.

    It depends on your workplace policy, and despite the employee rights that you have, an employer can dismiss someone for a range of reasons, which means that not all addicted people will be entirely safe from dismissal.

    How do I tell my family I’m going to rehab?

    It is important for your family to understand why you are going to rehab.

    Telling your family members that you are going to rehab can be met with scepticism, so it is important for them to realise what addiction is doing to you mentally, physically and socially.

    You can tell your family that you are going to rehab by:

    • Telling them how addiction affects your life: Explaining to your family how your substance use disorder is affecting your life will provide them insight into how you feel. Detailing the ways in which your condition is deteriorating your health will allow them to sympathise.
    • Explain the recovery process: Your family may be apprehensive about the recovery process. Explain to them that you won’t be at rehab for life, and that the treatment and therapy methods utilised at rehab are science based and have a high success rate in helping people recover.
    • Establish boundaries: If your family is still against the idea of you going to rehab, you will need to establish boundaries. Setting these boundaries will not only grant you the freedom to pursue recovery, but they will have to accept – and support – your decision.

    Can I leave rehab at any time?

    Going to rehab is something which must be done consensually. No one can be forced into seeking treatment.

    Likewise, patients have the right to leave their rehab facility whenever they want. 

    However, while you have the right to leave your rehab facility whenever you want, health practitioners will provide you plenty of guidance and advice if you are considering leaving during an important stage such as the detox stage. 

    The medical detox process is vital for patients who are suffering from intense withdrawal symptoms, and to leave the treatment process in the middle of the detox process can be hazardous to one’s health.

    Will my friends and family be allowed to visit?

    Your friends and family members may be able to visit you throughout your treatment, however rules and policies vary from one rehab facility to another, and they can be rather strict. These rules are enforced in order to maximise the patient’s focus on their recovery. 

    Some rehab facilities may have rules in place which prohibit any contact or visitations from friends or family members within the first two weeks of rehab. 

    This is crucial because the earlier stage of rehab may be filled with high levels of emotions, and patients will need to direct their focus onto recovery methods in order to ensure that their responsiveness to treatment is maximised.

    If you have any more questions about drug and alcohol rehab in Cheltenham, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    How do I get help from Rehab Recovery?

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    The services Rehab Recovery can offer are available across Gloucester, Cirencester, Stroud, Chipping Campden, Wotton-under-Edge, Bourton-on-the-Water, Nailsworth, Berkeley, Tetbury, Stow-on-the-Wold, Fairford, Painswick, Bibury, Tewkesbury, Winchcombe, Lechlade-on-Thames, Moreton-in-Marsh, Ampney Crucis, Blockley, Chalford, Northleach, Bledington, Cinderford, Bisley, Dursley, Broad Campden, Bishops Cleeve, Coleford, Ashleworth, Arlingham, Chedworth, Birdlip, Mitcheldean, Alderton, Bourton-on-the-Hill, Kemble, Batsford, Newent, Adlestrop, Alderley, Lydney, Stonehouse, Bagendon, Andoversford, Broadwell, Frampton on Severn, Alkington, Icomb, Didbrook, Minchinhampton, and even more towns in and around Gloucestershire.

    If you or your loved one is addicted to drugs and alcohol and needs help, we can guide you through the first steps to recovery.

    All of the rehabs we recommend are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (England and Wales) or the Care Inspectorate (Scotland).

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Cheltenham, reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.




















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