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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stroud

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Stroud. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stroud

    Drug-related deaths have been at their highest levels in Stroud since 2006. These deaths concern the poisoning of drugs, including legal, illegal, and prescription drugs.

    This also includes deaths from drug-related accidents, such as suicide or car crashes. [1]

    • Between 2016-2018, the drug-related death rate was 4.1 per 100,000 people.
    • Between 2017-2019, the drug-related death rate was 4.7 per 100,000 people.
    • The average death rate across England between 2017 and 2019 was 7.1 per 100,000.
    • In 2018, the rate of alcohol-related harm stays in hospitals for those under 18 was 56 per 100,000 people. This is a higher average than the statistics for England generally. [1]

    For adults over 18 in Stroud, the rate of alcohol-related harm hospital stays was 562 per 100,000. [1]

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    If you or a loved one in Stroud is suffering due to alcohol or drug use, you/they may be dependent or addicted.

    Get the help you need to overcome addiction at a rehab in Stroud by calling us today on 0800 140 4690

    What is Alcohol Addiction?

    The World Health Organisation states that alcohol has ‘dependency-producing properties’. [2]

    The misuse of alcohol, widely used in many cultures and countries, causes an array of issues, from disease to social and economic burdens.

    The misuse of alcohol can cause issues not only for the user but also for their family and friends. There is a variety of contributing factors that affect the levels of alcohol consumption and the issues related to alcohol.

    • Economic development
    • Culture and social norms
    • Availability of alcohol
    • Enforcement of alcohol policies
    • Socio-economic status
    • Employment status
    • Age, gender, and family circumstances
    • Trauma and harmful experiences

    Alcoholism can be defined as a dependency on alcohol. This encompasses the inability to stop or reduce your intake. If you think you or a loved one in Stroud are struggling with alcohol or drugs, you may be interested in an at-home questionnaire.

    Beat alcohol addiction with the help of the experts at a rehab clinic in Stroud by calling us on 0800 140 4690

    The CAGE Questionnaire

    1. Have you ever felt you should CUT down your drinking? YES/NO
    2. Have people ever ANNOYED you by critiquing your drinking? YES/NO
    3. Have you ever felt bad or GUILTY about your drinking? YES/NO
    4. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady nerves or to get rid of a hangover? YES/NO

    CAGE Questions Adapted to Include Drug Use (CAGE-AID)

    1. Have you ever felt you ought to cut down on your drinking or drug use? YES/NO
    2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking or drug use? YES/NO
    3. Have you felt bad or guilty about your drinking or drug use? YES/NO
    4. Have you ever drank or used drugs first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover (eye-opener)? YES/NO

    A yes answer will give you a score of 1, whereas if you answer no, you will score a 0.

    If you accumulate a score of 2 or more, you may have issues relating to alcohol or drug use.

    If this is the case, consider reaching out to a medical professional in Stroud for help.

    Think you need the help of an alcohol rehab clinic in Stroud? Call us today on 0800 140 4690

    The DSM-IV’s list of symptoms of alcoholism

    Man looking at computer.

    1. Taking the substance in larger amounts or for longer than you’re meant to.
    2. Wanting to cut down or stop using the substance but not managing to.
    3. Spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from the use of the substance.
    4. Cravings and urges to use the substance.
    5. Not managing to do what you should at work, home, or school because of substance use.
    6. Continuing to use, even when it causes problems in relationships.
    7. Giving up important social, occupational, or recreational activities because of substance use.
    8. Using substances again and again, even when it puts you in danger.
    9. Continuing to use, even when you know you have a physical or psychological problem that could have been caused or made worse by the substance.
    10. Needing more of the substance to get the effect you want (tolerance).
    11. Development of withdrawal symptoms, which can be relieved by taking more of the substance.


    • 2-3 symptoms indicate mild substance use disorder
    • 4-5 symptoms indicate a moderate substance use disorder
    • 6+ symptoms indicate a severe substance use disorder

    If these symptoms seem familiar, get the help you need from a rehab centre in Stroud by calling us on 0800 140 4690

    The AUDIT Test

    stressed man

    If you believe you present any of these symptoms, there is a more developed test you can take at home called an AUDIT. The alcohol screening test (AUDIT) is an extended and developed version of the CAGE questionnaire.

    The first four questions are part of the basic questionnaire; if you score as ‘fast positive’, you should carry on with the next six questions.

    1. How often have you had six or more units if you are female or eight or more if you are male on a single occasion in the last year?
    2. How often have you failed to do what was normally expected from you during the last year because of your drinking?
    3. How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
    4. Has a relative, friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested that you cut down?
    5. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
    6. How many units of alcohol do you drink on a typical day when you are drinking?
    7. How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?
    8. How often during the last year have you needed an alcoholic drink in the morning to get going after a heavy drinking session?
    9. How often have you felt guilt or remorse after drinking during the last year?
    10. Have you or somebody else been injured as a result of your drinking?

    Once you or a loved one is believed to be suffering from addiction, you may then want to consider the interventions and rehabilitation available to you in Stroud.

    Make sure that you get the help you need from a rehab centre in Stroud by calling us on 0800 140 4690

    Drug and Alcohol Intervention in Stroud

    Intervention is designed to motivate users to seek help for addictive behaviours through rehabilitation in Stroud.

    This is a planned process, usually between a ‘concerned other’ and the user themselves, but many types of intervention exist.

    Interventions can also include medical professionals, psychologists, and friends of the family.

    People usually gather to discuss the harmful behaviours of addiction and how they can be solved or reduced. The intervention itself normally consists of:

    • Examples of destructive habits and behaviours
    • Impact of addiction
    • Arranged treatment plans

    A popular type of intervention is the CRAFT approach. CRAFT, Community Reinforcement And Family Training are directly intended to steer users away from substance abuse and reverse the social damage substances have done.

    The first step of intervention is getting the user to admit they have a problem because, without this acknowledgement, the rest of the process will be hard-fought.

    CRAFT is not confrontational like old-school styles of intervention. CRAFT is scientific, rewiring the user’s brain pathways that deal with behaviour and reward. This method is more respectful than original intervention techniques.

    The concerned others are asked to reward anti-using and pro-social behaviour and allow the negative consequences of using to play out.

    This is intended to rewire the user’s reward pathways.

    CRAFT has proven to be over 70% effective at getting loved ones into treatment.

    However, it is important that you know what treatment and rehabilitation are available to you in Stroud, as there are different types of rehab suited and tailored to different types of addiction.

    To make sure that your loved one has the best chance of beating addiction in Stroud, call us today on 0800 140 4690

    Rehabilitation: What is it?

    In person therapy session

    Rehabilitation, or ‘rehab’, is a treatment facility that aims to help you recover from addiction and help you reach sobriety. The nature of your addiction can determine what type of rehabilitation is best suited for you and your needs.

    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – so the focus of rehab is always on returning agency to the patient.

    In  the case of alcohol addiction, Rehab is generally suited to those who are consuming over 25 units per day, most of whom have co-occurring mental health conditions. Rehab can also be useful for:

    • Those that have continuously tried and failed to cut down their alcohol intake
    • Those that have suicidal thoughts and self-harm
    • Those that are violent or severely depressed when they are intoxicated
    • Those that regularly suffer from seizures when they try and cut down their intake
    • Those that suffer from Wernicke’s encephalopathy

    To learn more about the nature of rehabilitation in Stroud, call us today on 0800 140 4690

    Difference between Outpatient Rehab and Inpatient Rehab in Stroud


    They usually come in one of two forms, inpatient or outpatient.[4] The difference lies in whether you live in the facility or remain living at home.

    If you remain living at home and attend the facility, you are attending an outpatient rehab centre. You will attend the centre in Stroud for medication, therapy, addiction counselling and support groups.

    Outpatient treatment is usually referred by the NHS, but inpatient is not.

    Inpatient treatment (Residential Rehab


    This is where the users move into the facility and are cared for 24/7. This usually comes at a high price, where negative connotations regarding the costs are facilitated by the media.

    The price you pay can ranges from £14,000 per week to £70,000 per week.

    Inpatient rehab is usually advised to last for around 28 days, with a 7-day minimum.

    This inpatient cost covers:

    • Rent
    • Utilities
    • Medication
    • Staff training
    • Food and activities

    Despite the misconceptions, both inpatient and outpatient treatment are regular successes, and the process of overcoming addiction runs parallel in them both.

    For example, heroin and alcohol addictions require a detox first because they are physically addictive, unlike cannabis and cocaine.

    For help choosing between inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment in Stroud, call us today on 0800 140 4690

    Medicated Alcohol and Drug Detox in Stroud

    doctor and patient

    Also commonly called pharmacological intervention, a medicated alcohol or drug detox involves the use of prescription drugs like Librium to aid the initial wave of alcohol withdrawal symptoms, specifically seizures and anxiety.

    Librium re-balances the damaged brain chemicals, where the brain of the user has altered its reward system to cater to their high alcohol levels.

    As Librium is a type of benzodiazepine, it has an addictive nature, so it is taken across a 10-day period. Across these ten days, the Librium is reduced, but the actual dose depends on how bad your addiction is.

    Librium is not the only prescription drug used during alcohol and drug detox, and different medications will be used to help tackle different alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

    Make sure that your alcohol detox is safe and effective with the help of an addiction treatment clinic in Stroud – call us today on 0800 140 4690

    The ASAM Criteria for Determining Treatment in Stroud

    Man working on his laptop looking annoyed

    The ASAM created criteria of 6 dimensions to help tailor treatment plans. [5] These six dimensions are all scored on a risk level of 1 to 4; the higher the risk, the more the treatment plan is tailored to that specific dimension.

    • Dimension 1 – Acute intoxication and/or withdrawal: is the user vulnerable to severe withdrawal symptoms?
    • Dimension 2 – Biomedical conditions and complications: does the user have underlying health conditions that could affect treatment?
    • Dimension 3 – Emotional, behavioural, or cognitive conditions and complications: is the user’s emotional state able to be regulated?
    • Dimension 4 – Readiness to change: does the user have sufficient motivation to change?
    • Dimension 5 – Relapse, continued use, or continued problem potential: does the user seem vulnerable to relapse?
    • Dimension 6 – Recovery/living environment: is the user very social to the extent it may interfere with treatment?

    Once an assessment has been carried out by a medical professional, a clinician will then tailor your treatment based on the outcome of the assessment.

    The more honest you are with the medical professionals, the better your treatment will be for you in Stroud. Once you have successfully completed rehabilitation in Stroud, a range of therapies are available to prevent relapse.

    Mke sure that you end up with the right addiction treatment for your need by calling us today on 0800 140 4690

    Alcohol detox and alcohol rehab in Stroud

    Woman depressed

    If you have an alcohol addiction, the easiest approach to healing is through alcohol detox and the most beneficial place to get one of those is at an alcohol rehab in Stroud.

    Alcohol is found everywhere you turn, from shops to restaurants, to cinemas, to most people’s homes.

    This is part of the problem as to why it’s the cause of so many addictions and hospital admissions every year. It’s a substance commonly used to self-medicate around anything from severe mental health conditions to stressful life events.

    When experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms, you might face sweating, delirium tremens, confusion, mood swings, hallucinations, and seizures. It can be dangerous.

    This is why alcohol detox at a private rehab is essential.

    That way, staff can ensure you wean off the substance safely over seven to ten days. This will often involve the use of the prescription drug Librium.

    At the end of the detox, you’ll then participate in group therapies and individual therapies, which will support you in managing the disease long-term.

    Overcome alcohol addiction at a rehab in Stroud by calling our team today on 0800 140 4690

    Cocaine rehab in Stroud

    Being addicted to cocaine forms a seriously compelling urge to use it repeatedly. While a person might associate it with parties and festivals, to begin with, it can quickly morph into a more worrying habit.

    People also might move on to crack cocaine in the search for a stronger hit.

    Cocaine introduces toxins to the body, usually so many that the organs can’t expel them quickly enough.

    What this means is that they can secrete into the bloodstream and spread further around the body. Long-term effects of use not only lead to skin sores and erosion of nose cartilage but to reduced immunity and cardiac and lung problems.

    Entering a drug rehab in Stroud offers you the most effective approach to treatment for both cocaine and crack cocaine.

    There you’ll be supported by experts who know how to support you in changing the thought patterns in your brain.

    You’ll also meet peers who you’ll connect with and learn to share experiences and grow from them.

    Cocaine is not a physically addictive substance, so cocaine detox is not necessary.

    Overcome cocaine addiction at a rehab in Stroud by calling our team today on 0800 140 4690

    Heroin rehab in Stroud

    doctor and patient

    When people become hooked on heroin, it can be incredibly difficult to stop using. Not only has a psychological addiction formed, but usually also a physical dependency too.

    Even when a person feels they’re fully committed in mind to stopping using heroin, their bodies can overrule them.

    If you use heroin for a long time, it changes your neural and hormonal activity.

    As a result, your brain literally reduces in white matter, making decision-making and emotional responses much harder to navigate.

    Of course, there’s also concern about what heroin is mixed with that can make it very dangerous.

    At drug rehab, you’ll be supported by a medical team to recover from the physical side effects.

    There is a seven to ten-day heroin detox to ensure you taper off heroin comfortably. This will involve the use of many prescription drugs designed to limit the effects of heroin withdrawal.

    When you’ve completed detox, you’ll then move on to psychological treatment, which addresses thoughts and behaviours.

    Overcome heroin addiction at a rehab in Stroud by calling our team today on 0800 140 4690

    Cannabis rehab in Stroud

    Therapy Session

    Some people are surprised to find themselves in a negative space of using cannabis. It’s often seen as a more relaxed drug and is quite socially accepted.

    It’s glamorised in the media, and with the increase in use in the medical field, perceptions are increasingly more open.

    While this is useful in some ways, there remains a side of cannabis that, for some users, is a serious problem.

    THC strains – the illegal strains in the UK – are unregulated and are very strong.

    Many users don’t realise how smoking them releases toxic fumes into the lungs, which of course, increases the risk of lung diseases. As well as this, cannabis is shown to trigger schizophrenia and drug-induced psychosis.

    It’s a drug addiction that needs to be treated with respect and care.

    Rehab staff understand how to support you to reframe your thoughts around those things that are driving you to use it.

    As well as this, you’ll start to reshape your future through goalsetting and implementing lifestyle changes.

    Cannabis detox will not be necessary.

    Overcome cannabis addiction at a rehab in Stroud by calling our team today on 0800 140 4690

    Therapies Available At A Rehab Clinic in Stroud

    Woman in therapy session

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, also known as CBT, is one of the most commonly used therapies for addiction. CBT focuses on harmful and generally damaging thought patterns to enable people to change their behaviour.

    This can be specifically helpful to those with SUDs (substance use disorders). CBT helps them form connections between:

    • Thoughts
    • Feelings
    • Actions
    • Awareness
    • Trauma

    Once someone understands their emotions, their circumstances, and their connection to their history, they are in a better position to overcome addiction.

    man looking stressed

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, also known as DBT, is a form of CBT designed specifically for feelings and emotions.

    It appears difficult and perplexing that you must accept yourself and change your behaviour simultaneously. However, DBT makes this a possibility.

    This is aimed mainly towards dual diagnosis issues, particularly in the case of:

    Holistic Therapy

    man stroking horse

    Originating from the Greek word for ‘whole’, holistic therapy in Stroud focuses on the body as a whole rather than looking at individual symptoms. There are many different types of holistic therapy:

    These are just a few of the most popular treatments used in drug addiction treatment services across Stroud, which also include:

    Most treatments are available as either group therapy or individual therapy.

    To experience any of these superb therapies and many m0re at a rehab centre in Stroud, call us today on 0800 140 4690

    Other Support Services Accessible in Stroud

    Group therapy session.

    These are only a few of the many therapies on offer in Stroud. It may also be useful to involve yourself in support groups for the sake of relapse prevention and to assist you mentally.

    Group therapies such as Alcoholics Anonymous offer a support mechanism where everyone can be honest and share experiences without judgement.

    Both AA and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) follow a 12-step program designed on the experiences of the early founders. For the AA, the following are their 12 steps.

    SMART Recovery is another excellent peer support group that provides a more secular approach than the 12 steps.

    Make sure that your stay at a rehab clinic in Stroud is matched with an effective aftercare plan by calling us today on 0800 140 4690

    The 12-Step Programme

    man overlooking valley

    1. To admit you were powerless over alcohol – that your lives had become unmanageable.
    2. Choose to believe that a Power greater than yourself could restore us to sanity.
    3. Make a decision to turn your will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
    4. Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
    5. Admit to God, to yourself and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
    6. Become entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
    7. Ask Him to remove your shortcomings.
    8. Make a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
    9. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
    10. Continue to take personal inventory and promptly admitted it when you were wrong.
    11. Through prayer and meditation, improve your conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for you and the power to carry that out.
    12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, try to carry this message to alcoholics and practice these principles in all your affairs.

    Discover more avout the various 12-step grousp available in Stroud by calling our team on 0800 140 4690

    The Most Common Triggers of Relapse

    man with his head rested on his hand sitting at a wooden table

    Experts have agreed that abstinence is far more effective than harm reduction or moderation management, so relapse prevention is a key aspect of recovery.

    Triggers are a key aspect of beating addiction. Consideration of which triggers will affect you most will give you the best chance of maintaining sobriety during your aftercare.

    The most common addiction triggers are:

    • Stress and Boredom
    • Money and relationship issues
    • Certain people
    • Certain places
    • Negative emotions
    • Keeping negative habits

    If you find yourself at high risk of relapse, try to implement these into your aftercare in Stroud:

    If you believe you are struggling with addiction, or require more information on rehabilitation in Stroud, give us a call today.

    Beat addiction once and more all by calling our team today on 0800 140 4690

    Get Help Today


    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction.

    If you are worried about substance use, either for yourself or for someone you love, it is better to get help sooner rather than later.

    Call a member of our team today on 0800 088 66 86 for advice on the next steps you can take to beat addiction for good.

    When you make the choice to reach out and get help for your addiction, you’re choosing to pursue a happier, healthier and longer life.

    We offer connections to multiple rehab centres and rehab clinics in and near to Stroud, including in Gloucester, Cheltenham, Swindon, Bath, Bristol, Chippenham, Newport, Cardiff and many more.




    [3] Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Managing Chronic Pain in Adults With or in Recovery From Substance Use Disorders. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2012. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 54.) Exhibit 2-6, DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Substance Abuse and Substance Dependence. Available from:

    [4] .

    [5] American Society of Addiction Medicine (2021) ASAM: Quality and Science. Available @ASAM Home Page.


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