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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Dagenham

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Dagenham

    Rehab Recovery is a specialist addiction treatment provider, focusing on offering quality support from a range of drug and alcohol services to addiction sufferers across the UK.

    From residential rehab to tailored and adaptable outpatient programmes and sustained aftercare, Rehab Recovery offer a variety of treatment services available to help equip you with the tools you need to begin your recovery journey with confidence.

    This page will give you information on how to access and what to expect from drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham and the wider borough of Barking and Dagenham in the East London area.

    To discuss your options for drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham, please contact our dedicated team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Is it Time to Attend Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Dagenham?

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    Identifying addiction is tricky. This is because no two people are the same, so it can be difficult to know when addiction takes hold.

    It is hard to put a number or limit on what constitutes an addiction from person to person – there’s no catchall for what addiction ‘looks like.’

    This means that our understanding of addiction can often be quite stereotypical, and therefore, not always very helpful.

    Instead of looking for a one size fits all approach to addiction, it can be helpful to look at your personal situation and think about how you are managing different areas of your life at present, and what this might tell you about your level of drug or alcohol consumption.

    This can help to identify if you would benefit from intervention at drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham.

    1. What Is Addiction?

    Addiction is classed as a disorder or a condition.

    This means that it is something that could happen to anyone, at any stage.

    Thinking about addiction as a disorder is a positive way to help erase the stigmas that can be associated with addiction.

    At Rehab Recovery, we see addiction and substance use as a condition like any other disorder, condition, or health concern.

    Our understanding is that addiction is found among all types of people, from all different walks of life, which suggests that addiction shouldn’t be associated with guilt or shame.

    It also means that, with the right help, it is something that can be managed and monitored, as is the case for many other conditions.

    2. Types of Addiction

    While many different types of addiction exist, these tend to fit into smaller categories.

    These types of addiction are:

    At drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham, we offer specialist treatment for both types of addiction.

    3. Substance Addictions

    Substance addiction is when someone becomes reliant on a particular substance.

    Often people think of illegal drugs, but this isn’t always the case.

    Addictions to sugar, caffeine and prescription medications such as painkillers are also classed as substance addictions.

    Addiction is different from casual use.

    Addictions are characterised by increasing or unsafe use and often, an associated decline in physical or mental health, as well as in social situations such as home life, work life and friend and family circles.

    This means that not everyone who uses substances has a substance addiction.

    Some examples of substance addictions treated at drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham include:

    4. Behavioural Addiction

    Not all addictions are to substances.

    Some people are addicted to certain things or activities.

    Research has shown that we can become addicted to activities that make us feel good because doing the activity causes a release of chemicals in our brains that make us feel happy, calm, or relaxed.

    We can get addicted to that feeling, meaning we keep doing the activity to get the same burst of chemicals.

    Some of the more common types of behavioural addiction include:

    Treatment for both substance and behavioural addictions are available at drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham.

    To learn more about addiction and what a drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham can do for you, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    How Common is Addiction?


    1. Across the UK

    Regularly, a report on ‘adult substance misuse treatment’ is published by the Office of National Statistics.

    These reports can be helpful in indicating how many people are in access to treatment to assess the need of the general public.

    Between April 2020 and March 2021, a total of 275,896 individuals were registered in a drug or alcohol service for adults.

    The government created a detailed report on these numbers, breaking down this statistic to look at what kinds of substances people sought help for the most.

    Out of these 275,896 adults,

    • 140,863 were in treatment for opiate use
    • 76,740 were in treatment for alcohol use
    • 27,304 were in treatment for cannabis use
    • 21,308 were in treatment for crack cocaine and opiate use
    • 19,209 were in treatment for cocaine use
    • 4,545 were in treatment for crack cocaine use
    • 4,321 were in treatment for benzodiazepine use
    • 1,444 were in treatment for ketamine use

    2. In Barking & Dagenham

    Dagenham is located in the wider borough of Barking and Dagenham in East London.

    Data on substance use in London specifically looked at the number of people using different drugs in different boroughs.

    The report estimates that in Barking and Dagenham in 2011, out of a population of 121,700 of 15 to 64-year-olds, 1,079 adults used opiates and crack cocaine.

    This works out at around 8.87 users per 1,000 adults.

    In the general London population, there has been an 85% increase in the annual number of deaths related to drug use between 2012 and 2015.

    This suggests that there is a high treatment need for drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham and the wider East London areas.

    To learn more about the impact of addiction and the need for drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can I Get Someone into Rehab?

    People holding hands

    1. Supporting a Family Member

    Addiction is frequently accompanied by a mix of emotions that can feel quite difficult to untangle.

    If you are supporting a loved one with an addiction, it can be tough to know how to handle both your feels and the feelings of the individual you are supporting appropriately, whilst ensuring they feel supported in accessing the treatment they need.

    2. CRAFT Approach

    One method of supporting a family member is by looking into the CRAFT approach.

    CRAFT stands for Community Reinforcement And Family Training and is a set of guidelines on how to support a loved one battling addiction in a sensitive and respectful manner.

    In tough situations, we usually have one of three responses – fight, flight, or freeze.

    In the context of addiction, these responses could actually work to complicate things and cause further tension.

    Through engaging with the CRAFT approach, you can access resources to help you manage these responses and develop a more successful way of giving your loved one the care and support that they deserve.

    3. Professional Intervention

    With a network of supportive loved ones, people may feel able and ready to access professional, structured treatment.

    For some people, though, it can be a little more complex as when we are in the thick of things, we don’t always know what the best course of action may be.

    In a lot of cases, the people around us can know we are struggling a while before we realise ourselves.

    Because of this, qualified service providers can offer a kind of support known as a professional intervention.

    This is when a professional meets with an individual – and in some cases, their friends or family members – in order to gently help them recognise if they have any unmet treatment needs and establish an action plan for accessing support at a drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham.

    Make sure that your loved one gets the help they need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Choosing The Best Rehab Option for You

    A group therapy session. People are holding notebooks on their laps

    The secret to effective treatment – and therefore, higher chances of recovery – at drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham is making sure you choose a treatment model that works for you and your needs.

    Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab?

    The main difference between inpatient and outpatient care is the type of living environment; to an extent, the recovery process will look similar, just with a few changes.

    Both inpatient and outpatient options are available through a drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham.

    1. Inpatient Treatment

    Inpatient or residential rehab is a type of treatment that requires you to stay in a rehabilitation facility for the duration of your formal care.

    This would mean you would temporarily move into the centre whilst actively in addiction treatment.

    This can be attractive to many people as it can mean that you will have more frequent access to a range of staff from clinical, psychological and social care professions during your treatment.

    It can also, for some individuals, increase the effectiveness of their treatment, as being in a more controlled environment can work to limit the temptation – and ability – to use substances throughout your treatment.

    It can also help by offering a change of pace and scene, and therefore functioning as a more thorough ‘break’ from everyday life whilst you begin your recovery journey.

    Many people find that a benefit of inpatient treatment is the ability to speak not only with doctors and various recovery workers but also with individuals sharing the same experience.

    Research has shown that the contact and community that is built through meeting peers can positively impact the addiction recovery process in several ways.

    2. Outpatient Treatment

    Outpatient programmes are sometimes also known as community treatment.

    This is because outpatient rehab occurs when you are living in the community, as you do not need to stay in a rehabilitation centre for the full duration of your care.

    You may access the rehabilitation centre from time to time for scheduled appointments, but typically it is not required for you to alter your usual living arrangements to access outpatient support.

    This can be favourable to some individuals, as it can mean that accessing treatment does not cause your life to completely change or be ‘put on pause’ as it may be during inpatient care.

    There is an increased ability to keep to a usual routine – and therefore to work, educational, family or social commitments – during community treatment if this is something that would suit you better.

    Because of this, some people suggest that outpatient addiction can be more accessible to individuals.

    For help choosing between inpatient and outpatient treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham, talk to our experts on 0800 088 66 86

    Local or Further Away?

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table

    If you live in Barking & Dagenham, or Dagenham East, you may be interested in finding out what your treatment options are at drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham.

    This can be preferable to some people, as accessing a recovery trust closer to your local area can limit anxieties around travel and arranging appointments or temporarily moving away for a period of time.

    For others, travelling away from the Barking & Dagenham area to seek addiction specialist support can feel more comforting, as the distance from home can provide privacy and peace of mind.

    Rehab Recovery offer a range of services in Barking & Dagenham, throughout London, and across the UK.

    You can look through our range of locations to find a centre in an area that works for you.

    Get the help you need from the perfect drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Shall I Continue to Work When Undergoing Addiction Treatment?

    A group therapy session. People are holding notebooks on their laps

    One of the final decisions to make is about working.

    Many people who come to Rehab Recovery are in employment and therefore may need to consider work arrangements during their treatment.

    If you are currently working and feel you need help, your employer should offer you sensitive and professional support.

    In all contexts, your health should be made a priority.

    There are several ways you may wish to address your work life during drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham:

    • Taking holiday or leave
    • Taking sick leave, or being signed off by a GP or medical professional
    • Working reduced hours for a period of time
    • Asking to be moved to a less intensive project for a period of time

    If you struggle to speak with your manager about personal issues, you can liaise with medical staff to see if they can assist you with work-related matters.

    Not sure how to handle your employment whilst undergoing recovery? Talk to our experts on 0800 088 66 86

    What Happens During Rehab?


    We can all get anxious when starting something new, especially when it’s something we may not know much about.

    At Rehab Recovery, we like to be clear about what you might expect during your stay at drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham, and like to give a general overview of what your rehab treatment could look like.

    1. Initial Assessment

    Before the admissions process begins, you will need to have an assessment with a member of clinical staff.

    You can do this by talking with your GP if you would like.

    If you do not feel comfortable doing so, you can speak directly with qualified service providers, such a Rehab Recovery, to discuss your situation and the available options at drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham.

    2. Discussing Your Situation

    It’s natural to be nervous when talking about such personal information.

    However, the admissions team at Rehab Recovery are trained professionals who take the utmost care to give you non-judgemental, non-biased, accurate and sensitive support.

    During your assessment, you will be asked some questions.

    These could be about your daily activities and habits, your work life, your health conditions and your general well-being.

    You may also be asked questions that relate to your potential treatment.

    These may feel like sensitive and tricky areas to talk about; however, the team will never ask questions just for the sake of it, and everything they ask is designed to get a sense of how to best help you.

    Your assessment may follow the framework of the CAGE Questionnaire, a widely used system for addressing the severity of substance misuse, or they may follow another method.

    3. Disclosing Any Medical or Mental Health Conditions

    A report from the UK government found that 82,613 (63%) of adults starting treatment for drug and alcohol dependency and addiction had a mental health treatment need.

    That suggests that almost two-thirds of adults currently receiving support from addiction treatment services have a dual diagnosis.

    A dual diagnosis means having more than one diagnosed (or diagnosable) condition.

    In the context of addiction recovery services, this usually refers to mental health conditions.

    Frequent dual diagnoses experienced by individuals dealing with addiction include:

    It is also not uncommon for people struggling with grief and insomnia to also experience problems with managing their substance use.

    Sharing information on any mental health conditions you may have is a great way to start your recovery process with open and honest communication.

    Doing so can mean that your potential provider can ensure that your support accounts for your dual diagnosis, limiting the risk of you having unmet treatment needs (measures to help you in areas that you could be supported for, that are not currently in place).

    You can also get free mental health support from organisations like Mind UK, Young Minds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus.

    To make sure that your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham comes with effective mental health support, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Addiction Treatment

    A doctor typing with a stethoscope beside the laptop

    1. Medical Detox

    Medical detox is not always a required step in addiction treatment.

    If you do need a medical detox, this will be discussed with you beforehand.

    The detox phase of treatment is a way of making sure you and your body are physically safe and ready to tackle the therapy side of things.

    During detox, you may experience uncomfortable side effects. These are known as withdrawal symptoms and can happen when our bodies have to adjust to a substance not being there anymore.

    Some examples of withdrawal symptoms include:

    • Tremors
    • Difficulty regulating temperature
    • Sickness
    • Dilated pupils
    • Changes to sleep pattern
    • Changes to appetite
    • Low moods or anxiety
    • Some irritability or anger

    The detox phase is carefully monitored by medical professionals who will ensure you are safe and as comfortable as possible throughout.

    2. Psychological Support

    Some mental health conditions can lead to addiction – often as a way to help manage difficult symptoms.

    In some cases, mental health conditions can develop due to the complicated feelings that can come hand-in-hand with addiction.

    Because of this, at drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham we approach therapy with an open mind.

    You may find that your support directly tackles your addiction.

    It may also end up considering the roots of your addiction, and help you to begin untangling complicated feelings or experiences that may have led you to use substances.

    We offer many types of therapeutic support, including:

    Financial Advice – Can I Afford Rehab?


    Sadly, one of the things that can stop people from accessing rehab is the fear of financing it.

    At Rehab Recovery, we believe we offer a form of support at drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham at a price point for everyone.

    How Much Does Rehab Cost?

    For a week of treatment, you can expect to pay between £1,000 and £10,000.

    On average, a 28-day course of treatment (4 weeks) costs £14,00. This works out approximately £500 per day in inpatient rehab.

    Outpatient rehab is usually appointment based.

    Typically, your support will be charged per session. The price of this will range depending on the type of treatment you are accessing.

    How Do People Usually Pay for Rehab?

    There are several ways people pay for treatment, including:

    • Help from private health insurance providers
    • Help from health insurance providers through employee benefit schemes
    • Through direct debit schemes
    • Through fundraising or support from charities
    • Through help from friends and family.

    There are several charity and NHS-run recovery services operating in and near Dagenham, including:

    1. Barking & Dagenham CAMHS

    Address: 79 Axe Street, Barking Essex, IG11 7LZ

    Telephone: 0300 555 1035


    2. St Luke’s Service (Change Grow Live)

    Address: St Luke’s Service, Dagenham Road, Dagenham, RM10 7UP

    Telephone: 020 8595 1375


    3. Richmond Fellowship

    Address: 80 Holloway Road, London, N7 8JG

    Telephone: 020 7697 3300


    For guidance on how to pay for drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham, talk to our experts on 0800 088 66 86

    How Long Will I Be in Rehab For?

    A clock with roman numerals on a panelled wall

    Rehab treatment can take anywhere from a few days up to a few months.

    On average, rehab tends to last about 28 days.

    It’s difficult to know how long your treatment will need to be without talking with you.

    You can discuss the expected treatment length and duration of care with the admissions team – but please be reassured, you will be continually assessed to make sure you are safe and will not be made to leave the centre if you are not ready to do so.

    Similarly, you will not need to stay if you are safe and happy to leave.

    For a more personalised prediction of how long your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham will likely be, call us on 0800 088 66 86



    When you do leave drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham, you will have access to an aftercare programme.

    This is a range of care designed to help you adjust back into your daily life with guidance and support from professionals.

    Talking therapy, holistic treatment, family intervention, support groups (such as the 12-step programme) and check-ins with your clinical team are all potential forms of aftercare offered to clients in the post-treatment stage.

    Ensure that your time at a drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham is matched with an equally effective aftercare plan by calling our team on 0800 088 66 86

    Contact Us Today

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Dagenham may be the key to starting your journey to recovery.

    Rehab Recovery is run by a team of specialist dedicated staff from a range of medical, psychological, and clinical fields.

    Every rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission.

    Get help for addiction across London, including in Croydon, Ealing, Newham, Bradford, Brent, Bromley, Enfield, Wandsworth, Lambeth, Tower Hamlets, Redbridge, Southwark, Hillingdon, Lewisham, Greenwich, Hounslow, Waltham Forest, Haringey, Havering, Harrow, Hackney, Bexley, Islington, Sutton, Westminster, Richmond, Kingston, Kensington, Chelsea and many more.

    If you are ready to access support for your addiction and substance abuse you can contact Rehab Recovery at 0800 088 66 86 or use the online form to request a call back from a member of our specialist team about accessing support at a local rehab centre.

    If you are uncomfortable with speaking over the phone, you can use our free chat service at any time of day, to speak with a professional virtually.

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