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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Colchester

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Colchester. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab Colchester

    Quick Links for help with addiction in Colchester

    Colchester is becoming a popular destination with people from elsewhere in the UK who are looking for addiction help. The rehabs have a good reputation and offer a high standard of care.

    The area can also be a good choice for those people who wish to recover in pleasant surroundings. Colchester has some beautiful scenery and it is a nice place to recuperate following addiction.

    It will also be easy for people going back home after treatment to move smoothly into aftercare.

    Rehab can help with any addiction, such as alcohol addiction, binge drinking, Buprenorphine addiction, benzodiazepine addiction, cannabis use disorder, cocaine addiction or cocaine dependence, crack cocaine addiction, heroin addiction, ketamine addiction, opioid use disorder, substance use disorder, any physical dependence, or behavioural addictions like a gambling addiction.

    To start your recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab in Colchester, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    Who Needs Addiction Help at Rehab in Colchester?

    Gardens outside a drug and alcohol rehab in Colchester

    It can be difficult for people who are caught up in substance abuse to determine if they need addiction treatment in Colchester.

    The problem is that the individual will tend to downplay his or her own need for such help as nobody likes to think that his or her alcohol or drug use is out of control.

    The situation is also complicated by the fact that one of the symptoms of addiction is denial – this means that the individual struggles to see that they are in trouble.

    Even when the person can admit that their life is a mess, they still might not believe that it is the substance abuse that is the problem. It is this failure to appreciate the reality of their situation that keeps individuals trapped in addiction for many years.

    There will be some warning signs that people are trapped in addiction and these will include:

    • The individual will experience withdrawal symptoms if they attempt to significantly reduce their intake or stop altogether. These withdrawals can include things like anxiety, body tremors, nausea, and flu-like symptoms. If the individual has been using alcohol or drugs for many years they may be at risk of a particularly severe form of withdrawals known as delirium tremens (DTs). If this is the case, they will need to enter a detox centre so they will be able to go through withdrawals safely.
    • The person needs to take an increasing amount of the substance in order to get the same effect as they would have previously have obtained with less of the substance. This is evidence that their body has adapted to substance abuse by developing tolerance.
    • The individual suspects that their life would be better if they did not abuse alcohol or drugs.
    • The person has tried to reduce their intake of alcohol or drugs in the past but they were unable to keep this up long term.
    • The individual feels unable to cope without these substances.
    • They have failed to meet their work, family, or social responsibilities because of the substance abuse.
    • The person has needed to take time off work because of hangovers.
    • They suffer from blackouts. This means that there are periods of time when they are inebriated that they are unable to remember afterwards. These blackouts are a particularly worrying symptom because it means that the individual is out of control when inebriated.
    • People say that the person’s personality changes when they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    • Friends or family are worried about the person’s drinking or drug use.
    • The person has legal or financial problems because of the abuse.
    • They do not like to go places where alcohol or drugs are not going to be available.
    • They become defensive when their drinking or drug use is brought into question.
    • They have lost interest in activities they used to enjoy. It seems that the only thing they really care about these days is substance abuse.

    For further discussion regarding your suitability for rehab in Colchester, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab and Addiction Treatment in Colchester

    Outside a rehab in Colchester

    Entering rehab can be the best option for people in Colchester who are dealing with addiction problems.

    There are a number of important reasons why this can be a good choice including:

    • When people enter this type of facility they will be able to focus fully on their recovery. There will be no need for them to be concerned with their usual obligations and duties. The fact that the person is so focused on their recovery increases the chances that they will be successful. Giving up an addiction will be a lifesaving move so it certainly deserves to be the centre of attention.
    • The rehab facility is considered a therapeutic environment. This means that the mere fact of staying in this type of treatment centre will magnify the person’s own motivation. The whole focus of this program will be recovery, and the person will be constantly reminded of this.
    • Most people who attempt to give up an addiction will fail within the first few days. There is just too much temptation, and the person can become overwhelmed by the changes needed to establish themselves in recovery. By entering rehab, the individual will greatly increase their chances of making it through this tricky first period of recovery, and thus increase the likelihood that they will be able to manage long-term recovery.
    • The goal of rehab is to help the individual get to the root of their problems. This is important because if these roots are still there they will increase the likelihood of relapse or turning to other maladaptive behaviours.
    • Most rehab facilities will also act as detox centres. This means that the individual can have their withdrawals medically supervised so that they remain safe. Another advantage of detox is that there will be pharmaceuticals and other treatments available that can make the withdrawal process a bit easier.
    • Many people will have fallen into addiction problems at a young age. This means that they will have missed some very important emotional developmental steps – there can be no emotional progress while the person is abusing alcohol or drugs so their development is retarded. This is why people can really struggle to cope once they become sober, as they just do not have the inner tools. By entering rehab, the individual will have the opportunity to develop the tools they need.

    Access addiction treatment in Colchester today – call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    Drug Addiction Statistics [1]

    Person researching in Colchester

    According to the ONS, an estimated 1 in every 11 adults in the UK (aged between 16 and 59) have taken at least 1 form of the drug in the past 12 months.

    Even more so, approximately 1 in every 5 people aged between 16 and 24 have taken a drug in the past 12 months.

    These statistics include all drugs. However, the ONS believe that a total of 3.4% of adults (aged between 16-59) have taken a Class A drug in the past 12 months.

    When you look at statistics for younger people (aged between 16 and 24 years old) this statistic increases to 7.4%, which totals to approximately 467,000 people across the UK.

    Many people might argue that these are just one-off occasions. However, 2.1% of adults aged between 16 and 59 have been classed as consuming drugs frequently, which means that they consume drugs on a regular basis.

    Similarly, the statistic for people aged between 16 and 24 years also increases, with 4.3% being classed as frequent drug users.

    Alcohol Addiction Statistics [2,3]

    Additionally, the NHS and the WHO (World Health Organisation) have also released statistics looking into alcohol addiction in the UK and around the world.

    They discovered that worldwide, every year, 3 million people die from abusing alcohol.

    In addition to this high number of deaths, approximately 358,000 individuals were admitted to the hospital due to their addiction to alcohol (between 2018 and 2019).

    Many people think that it’s mostly young people who overconsume alcohol. However, the NHS data shows that people aged between 55 and 64 are the ones who drink the most units of alcohol on an average week.

    As you can see, these statistics are both shocking and worrying. That’s why if you think you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, or know someone who might be, then it’s important to reach out for help before you become another statistic.

    Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test or the CAGE questionnaire can help identify an addiction or dependence on alcohol.

    Alcohol detox requires a medically-assisted detox for the severity of the alcohol withdrawal symptoms or alcohol withdrawal syndrome such as seizures or delirium tremens. Chlordiazepoxide, or brand name Librium, is used in the detox process.

    Detox for alcohol is important since alcohol addiction can cause any number of effects including Wernicke encephalopathy.

    Statistics in Colchester

    Below, we provide some statistics about drug use in Colchester:

    Drug Statistics in Colchester  Data
    Drug-related deaths in Colchester (2022) 21
    Drug-related deaths in Colchester (2021) 13
    Drug-related deaths in Colchester per 100,000 people between 2020 and 2022 10.1
    Drug-related deaths national rate for England per 100,000 between 2020 and 2022 8.1

    To learn more about the problem of addiction in the UK and the various treatments available in Colchester, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    The Disease Model of Addiction

    Group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Colchester

    If you struggle with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, then you might fall into the trap of blaming yourself for your addiction, failures and struggles.

    However, addiction is a disease and is not something that any individual can blame themselves for.

    The Disease Model of Addiction highlights to sufferers that addiction means that you’re not in control of your actions or cravings. Therefore, it’s not your fault.

    Substance abuse and addiction can alter the brain’s structure, making individuals crave more of the substance and altering their personality.

    If you’re struggling with an addiction to a substance, then it’s important to remember all of this when times are hard and you might be blaming yourself.

    Hopefully, with more and more of the general public gaining a better understanding of this, the image surrounding addiction will hopefully change.

    Addiction isn’t a ‘moral failing.’ It’s a disease that affects people’s abilities to make decisions [4].

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    To learn more about how this approach to addiction can help inform effective drug rehab in Colchester, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Dual Diagnosis

    Group hug at a drug and alcohol rehab in Colchester

    Image above: Group hug at a drug and alcohol rehab in Colchester

    If any individual is suffering from addiction alongside a pre-existing mental health condition (as determined by the DSM-5), then they would be described as suffering from a dual diagnosis.

    You will have a psychiatric assessment from a psychiatrist who will assess if you need psychiatric treatment.

    Lots of people who suffer from addiction often develop mental health issues.

    Likewise, people who suffer from a mental health issue also suffer from an addiction.

    These mental health issues include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and schizophrenia.

    Unfortunately, it’s often difficult to work out which came first. Sometimes, drug and alcohol abuse leads to a mental health condition and sometimes a mental health condition leads to addiction.

    If you attend a drug and alcohol rehab in the Colchester area, then you will be assessed for a mental health condition and potentially given a dual diagnosis.

    Whilst at rehab in Colchester, you will be treated for a dual diagnosis with therapy, including CBT.

    Learn more about how rehab in Colchester can support your mental health by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The Focus on Abstinence at Rehab in Colchester

    Woman meditating on bed in a rehab in Colchester

    Experts have agreed that abstinence is always the safer and more effective route to addiction recovery.

    According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, achieving abstinence is the second stage of recovery. Maintaining abstinence is the third.

    Whilst at rehab, a lot of importance will be put on achieving and maintaining abstinence rather than simply trying to reduce your cravings or reducing the harm you’re doing to your body.

    The aim of every treatment option available at a rehab in Colchester is to achieve abstinence to rid your body and mind of the addiction completely.

    By achieving complete abstinence, you will notice that you are sleeping better than ever, your memory is significantly improved and your overall physical and mental health has improved.

    You will no longer be putting your body in danger, and your life will be significantly improved.

    Begin your journey towards abstinence today with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Colchester by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Private Rehab vs. NHS Funded Rehab in Colchester

    A kitchen at a rehab in Colchester

    Image above: A kitchen in a rehab in Colchester

    In the UK, there seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding the issue of private and NHS rehab.

    Unfortunately, in the UK today there is no such thing as an NHS rehab centre in Colchester or elsewhere.

    This is because the NHS cannot fund entire units or centres for individuals suffering from an addiction.

    Instead, they utilise private rehab centres in Colchester by reserving a few spaces for people who cannot afford to pay to go there privately.

    Understandably, after COVID-19 there is a lack of funding for rehab in Colchester and these places are extremely limited.

    Here’s a list of the pros and cons of attending private or NHS-funded drug and alcohol rehab  in Colchester.

    1. Pros of Private Rehab in Colchester

    There is a long list of pros when it comes to attending private rehab. For example, you will bypass and skip through the long waiting line.

    You will also get top of the range, professional help whilst receiving the very best forms of treatment.

    By attending private rehab, you will also receive a relapse prevention plan, as well as 24/7 care when it comes to your detox.

    2. Cons of Private Rehab in Colchester

    The biggest con when it comes to private rehab is the associated cost. Additionally, you might become overwhelmed with the choice of private rehab if money isn’t an option.

    3. Pros of NHS-Funded Rehab in Colchester

    Attending NHS-funded rehab is just as confidential as private rehab, and it won’t cost you a penny in the meantime. It’s also more likely that you will be placed in a local rehab centre when attending NHS-funded rehab.

    4. Cons of NHS-Funded Rehab in Colchester

    Unfortunately, there is a long waiting list associated with when you go through the NHS for your rehab treatment. There’s also a chance you will receive less one-to-one time in therapy whilst at rehab.

    Additionally, if you suffer from a dual diagnosis then you will need to be treated for your mental health addiction separately from your addiction.

    Other organisations to consider in Colchester

    Below is a list of other organisations that offer free support and advice for addiction in and around Colchester:

    1. Open Road Colchester

    Address: 5a Queen St, Colchester CO1 2PG

    Telephone: 01206 766096


    2. Colchester SOS Bus

    Address: High St, Colchester CO1 1TB

    Telephone: 07598 932988


    3. CGL | Change Grow Live

    Address: Brookfields Hospital, 351 Mill Rd, Cambridge CB1 3DF

    Telephone: 01223 723020


    You can also reach out to a number of helplines, including Mind UK, YoungMinds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus, SMART Recovery or find an Alcoholics Anonymous Colchester (based on the 12 steps involving a higher power), Narcotics Anonymous, Alateen or Cocaine Anonymous near you. The NHS are also there to help you.

    Other organisations include Turning Point and We Are With You.

    Organisations and rehabs in Colchester are led by guidelines set by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, NHS Foundation Trust and the National Association for Children of Alcoholics so you are in good hands with person-centered care.

    For help choosing between public and private rehab in Colchester, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Why Residential Rehab in Colchester IS NOT for Everyone

    Family therapy in Colchester

    Nonetheless, the reality is that residential rehab is not suitable or accessible for everyone.

    There is a list of criteria used to determine if anyone is suitable for residential rehab in Colchester.

    This list includes but is not limited to:

    • If you drink more than 30 units of alcohol per day
    • If you’ve ever experienced suicidal thoughts
    • If you’ve ever tried but failed to withdraw
    • If you’ve ever suffered from seizures or delirium tremens
    • If you suffer from Wernicke’s Encephalopathy
    • If you’ve ever hit or abused someone else or yourself whilst drunk
    • If you’re also suffering from a severe mental health issue and would struggle to detox at home due to this

    Additionally, the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria also highlights that you might not be suitable for residential rehab if you:

    • Carry on consuming even though you know it’s causing harm
    • Experience higher tolerance
    • Continue to abuse the substance so that you avoid experiencing withdrawal symptoms
    • Go out of your way to get your hands on the substance
    • If you ever cancel plans or hobbies so that you can abuse the drug

    To further discuss whether or not residential rehab in Colchester may be suitable for you, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The Alternatives of Going to Rehab in Colchester

    Two people walking in a woodland in Colchester

    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab in Colchester is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, however for many people it simply isn’t possible.

    Below we’ve listed some of the most common alternatives to going to rehab in Colchester.

    Home Detox in Colchester

    If you aren’t able to attend residential rehab, then a home detox might be best. That way you’re still able to receive the right kind of help via phone calls from professionals and medication in the post.

    Thanks to its remote nature, anyone in Colchester who qualifies for home detox will be able to access it.

    SMART Meetings in Colchester

    SMART Group Meetings teach people that there are four steps to recovery:

    • Motivation
    • Dealing with cravings
    • Managing your negative emotions
    • Tips on how to live a happier, everyday life

    By attending a SMART meeting, you’ll receive support, care and advice from like-minded people.

    Many SMART meetings are held in and around Colchester, alongside frequent online meetings.

    Al-Anon Family Group Meetings in Colchester

    Family group meetings like Al-Anon are a great way to recover with the help of your family. They’re a great way to get the right kind of support, whilst making sure that your family understands exactly what you’re going through.

    Multiple Al-Anon family meetings are held in and around the Colchester area.

    AA or Narcotics Anonymous in Colchester

    In addition to SMART meetings, there is also the AA and the NA. Whilst they believe in 12 steps, you’ll also be able to gain advice and tips on recovery whilst gaining a support system.

    Both AA and NA meetings are held frequently in and around Colchester.

    Outpatient Treatment Via a Local Drug & Alcohol Rehab Colchester

    There is also a wide range of outpatient treatment in the Colchester area, and your local drug and alcohol addiction team in Colchester will be able to point you in the right direction, treatment-wise.

    Thankfully, there are a wide range of outpatient treatment options in Colchester.

    If you’re struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction in the Colchester area, then it’s important to understand that there are other options than attending residential rehab like the ones listed above.

    To learn more about the various alternative addiction treatment options available in Colchester, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    The Admissions Process in Colchester

    Group therapy in Colchester

    If you’re worried about the admissions process for a drug or alcohol rehab centre in the Colchester area, then Rehab Recovery are here to help.

    Below is a list of the ASAM criteria that professionals use to assess whether or not a patient is ready to be admitted into a rehab centre [5].

    The ASAM uses 6 dimensions, which follow.

    Dimension 1 – Detox Potential

    Your detox potential determines how likely it is that you will be able to successfully complete a detox programme, whilst assessing what kind of treatment you will need to detox successfully and safely.

    Dimension 2 – Health & Wellbeing

    Professionals will also check your health and well-being before admitting you into a rehab centre.

    Dimension 3 – Psychological Wellbeing

    In addition to your physical health, professionals will also assess your mental well-being before admitting you.

    Dimension 4 – Your Commitment to the Cause

    Your commitment to recovery will also be assessed, as this plays a large role in the success of your recovery.

    Dimension 5 – Relapse Potential

    Professionals will also ask if you’ve ever relapsed or thought about relapsing in the past, to assess what kind of support you would need long-term.

    Dimension 6 – Home Environment & Potential Triggers

    It’s important that they also assess your home environment and try to determine and pinpoint any potential triggers.

    Once the team has assessed you, they will determine if you have a mild, (2 or three of the above dimensions) moderate (four or five) or severe (five or more) addiction.

    If this criteria has made you wonder whether your need drug and alcohol rehab in Colchester, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tests (AUDITs)

    Outpatient therapy in Colchester

    If you are considering attending rehab for a drug or alcohol addiction in Colchester, then you should understand that the AUDIT test is used to determine how severe an individual’s addiction is [6].

    The AUDIT test has a total of 10 questions which involve questions about your dependency, the consequences of your addiction and your addiction use.

    These questions include [6]:

    • How many units of alcohol do you drink on a weekly basis?
    • How often do you think more than 6 units of alcohol (for women) and 8 units of alcohol if you’re a man?
    • Has a friend or family member ever told you that they are concerned about your addiction?
    • How many times in the last 12 months have you failed to stop drinking?
    • How many times in the last year have you regretted drinking?
    • How many times in the last year have you failed to stick to plans, activities or day to day tasks?
    • Have you ever hurt yourself or someone else drunk?
    • How often have you failed to remember the night before because of alcohol?
    • How many times in the last year have you craved a drink in the morning?

    You can answer in a few different ways to each question:

    • Never
    • Monthly or less
    • 2 – 4 times a month
    • 2 – 3 times a week
    • 4 or more times a week

    If you score 13 points (or even more) then the AUDIT test has determined you are dependent on alcohol [6].

    To learn more about your addiction treatment options in Colchester, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    Holding a Professional Intervention in Colchester

    Group therapy chairs in Colchester

    A professional intervention is when a group of family members or friends make a plan to hold a meeting with an individual who they believe is addicted to drugs or alcohol.

    It’s a great way to discuss your concerns in a calm and structured way.

    The meeting will highlight your concern, along with any possible treatment options available to them in Colchester.

    With the right people around them and treatment options highlighted and available, they’ll be in the best position possible to start their rehab journey.

    If you want to inform an intervention specialist, then they can also be present at the intervention to help steer the conversation in the right direction.

    CRAFT is also a great tool to turn to and consult. Community Reinforcement and Family Training advises families and friends on tips, tools and techniques to aid their recovery.

    They provide tips on positive reinforcement as well as communication tips [7].

    For advice and guidance on holding an intervention in order to convince a loved one to attend addiction treatment in Coklchester, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Much Does Rehab in Colchester Cost?

    A living room at a rehab in Colchester

    If you’re hoping to attend an alcohol or drug rehab centre in the Colchester area, then you might be wondering how much private rehab costs.

    The cost of rehabwill depend on which centre you choose as well as how long you decide to stay.

    A 10-day rehab programme, staying in a private room costs around £3,000 – £6,000.

    However, a shared room costs £2,000 – £4,000.

    The longer you stay at the rehab centre, the more expensive rehab gets. A 28-day stay for a private room costs approximately £8,000 – £10,000. However, a shared room is slightly cheaper at approximately £6,000.

    If this is too expensive, then you might want to consider a home detox which costs approximately £1,500.

    For a more accurate answer to how much rehab in Colchester might cost, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Tips on How to Choose the Right Drug and Alcohol Rehab Colchester

    Two people walking near Colchester

    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – rehab is about treating the disease of addiction.

    If you want to attend an alcohol or drug rehab centre in the Colchester area, then there are many options to choose from.

    Here are some tips on how to choose the right rehab centre in Colchester for you:

    • Find ones that have been open for many years
    • Find one with good testimonials
    • Find one that seems affordable for your budget
    • Speak to the team and see if they suit your needs and personality

    Call our friendly team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What is a Detox, and Do I Need One?

    Group therapy at a rehab in Colchester

    Detox is when an individual purposely aims to remove a toxic substance from their body.

    Detox must be completed if you’re addicted to a substance and want to recover on a long-term basis.

    Unfortunately, a detox brings with it a whole host of negative and nasty withdrawal symptoms, including but not limited to being sick, feeling anxious, paranoid, struggling to sleep, feeling agitated and developing the shakes whilst excessively shaking.

    If these symptoms go unnoticed and unmanaged, they can result in life-threatening consequences.

    This is why you must complete detox in a rehab centre. By detoxing in a safe environment like this, you will receive around the clock care and support.

    You might also receive medication, such as Librium which is used to calm your symptoms.

    To learn more about undergoing detox through a rehab in Colchester, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    How Long Does Rehab in Colchester Last?

    People celebrating a sunset in Colchester

    Depending on the severity of your addiction and withdrawal symptoms, you will stay in rehab for a certain amount of time.

    However, it’s important to understand that your addiction also depends on the type of substance you’re addicted to. Some substance addictions require a medical detox, such as alcohol and opioids.

    However, some other substances such as cannabis and cocaine do not require a physical or medical detox which also determines how long you will stay at rehab.

    You will, at minimum, stay at rehab for 7 days. However, you will most likely stay for a total of 28 days.

    Once you’ve completed your detox, you will then receive help for a range of physical and psychological issues.

    To learn precisely how long your stay in a drug and alcohol rehab in Colchester could last, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab for Cocaine in Colchester

    Cocaine is a highly addictive substance that will make you psychologically dependent on the drug.

    However, cocaine is not physically addictive and therefore if you withdraw from the drug, it will not cause any physical withdrawal symptoms.

    Your withdrawal from cocaine will consist of a lot of therapy relapse prevention training and planning to ensure that you do not become addicted again.

    Overcome your addiction to cocaine with the help of a rehab in Colchester – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab for Heroin in Colchester

    If you’re addicted to heroin in the Colchester area, then you will need to undergo a medical and physical detox from the substance before you can receive any other help.

    This is because Heroin is a physically addictive drug, which means you first need to rid your body of any addictive substances before receiving psychological treatment (heroin withdrawal).

    This psychological treatment for heroin includes therapies such as motivational interviewing and CBT.

    You can also work through any effects of a heroin addiction such as hepatitis.

    Overcome your addiction to heroin with the help of a rehab in Colchester – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab for Cannabis in Colchester

    Group fist bumping in Colchester

    Unlike Heroin, cannabis is not a physically addictive substance. Therefore,  you will not need to receive a physical detox for cannabis.

    Although your body will not crave the drug itself, your mind will. Therefore, the majority of your time in rehab will be spent in therapy.

    Again, this will likely involve CBT therapy and could also involve group or family therapy.

    Overcome your addiction to cannabis with the help of a rehab in Colchester – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The Types of Therapies on Offer at Rehab in Colchester

    Whilst at rehab, you will receive a wide range of therapies. A lot of therapy aims to treat the underlying mental issues that often lead to or worsen an individual’s addiction.

    You will receive the following forms of therapy if you suffer from a dual diagnosis (suffering from a mental health condition whilst battling an addiction).

    1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    CBT is a very popular form of therapy that changes the way people frame their negative thoughts, including depression and anxiety. It often helps people battle these mental health issues, with the aim that it will also reduce their cravings.

    2. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy – dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)

    DBT is very similar to CBT. However, DBT is used when an individual is suffering from particularly intense or strong emotions and struggling to manage their actions.

    It’s often used to help those suffering from an addiction as well as a personality disorder.

    DBT focuses on helping sufferers acknowledge their negative emotions before then accepting and improving them.

    3. Brief Interventions

    A brief intervention is what it says in the name, it’s a very brief and short conversation with the sufferer to try and help them and show them the treatment options at hand.

    It’s used at the start of the admissions process and helps professionals work out if the individual is capable of recovery without the help of rehab.

    4. Motivational Interviewing

    Motivational Interviewing is a great form of therapy that uses the sufferers own hopes and beliefs to motivate them to change on their own.

    The Royal College of Nursing [8] believes that motivational interviewing helps people understand their overall life purpose and empowers them to go after it.

    5. Holistic Therapies

    Holistic therapies are tried and proven and consist of yoga, art therapy, meditation, exercise, swimming, playing or listening to music, drawing and painting.

    6. Group Therapy

    Human beings are social animals, therefore group therapy is a great way of helping people who suffer from addiction understand that they’re not alone. They will also receive help and advice from their peers.

    7. Individual Therapy

    In addition to group therapy, individual therapy in the form of CBT or Motivational Interviewing helps people open up to a professional who will be able to use their knowledge and techniques to help.

    Everything in individual therapy sessions will be private and confidential, so you feel like you can truly open up about your addiction, concerns and worries.

    8. Family Therapy

    It’s often a good idea to invite your family to family therapy so that they can gain a better understanding of your addiction. They will be able to reduce your triggers at home, whilst making you feel like you are supported and cared for even after you leave rehab.

    9. Co-Dependency Treatment

    If you’re codependent on a substance or person, then codependency treatment might be for you.

    Co-dependency treatment helps those who might feel overly dependent on someone or something, whilst suffering from low self-esteem and a poor self-image.

    Treatment for this helps people set better boundaries for themselves and teaches them to simply say ‘no.’

    10. Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy

    Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy aims to promote the popular and successful 12-step self-help group method.

    Self-help groups such as the AA and NA have proven to be very successful and are highly recommended throughout Twelve Step Facilitation Therapy.

    Other forms of therapy include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, acupuncture, contingency management, dialectical behaviour therapy, drama therapy, equine therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, group psychotherapy, mindfulness, motivational therapy, music therapy, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and talking therapies.

    Find our more abour the various therapies available at rehab in Colchester by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Relapse Prevention Plans

    Woman writing in a journal in Colchester

    If you want help for a drug or alcohol addiction in the Colchester area, then you should research what a relapse prevention plan actually is.

    Throughout your rehab, a large part of your time will be spent creating a plan for when you leave rehab, often referred to as your relapse prevention plan.

    Here are a few other ways you can maintain your recovery after you’ve left rehab.

    1. HALT

    If you start to feel hungry, angry, lonely or tired, then you should resolve it before starting to think about anything else.

    Often, your body will trick your mind into thinking it is craving an addictive substance when in reality, you could just simply be craving any of the above.

    2. Self Care

    It’s important to be kind to yourself after you have left rehab. Therefore, you should remember to give yourself enough rest, sleep, food and TLC every day.

    3. Meditation

    You could try to meditate on a daily basis, even if it is just for five minutes. Meditation has been proven to help people feel calm and more relaxed and might help if you start to feel depressed, anxious or irritable.

    4. Have an Emergency Person in Mind

    It’s also a good idea to have a person on standby when you’re feeling a bit low. They will be able to guide and help you by talking through your issues. Try to pick someone who’s trustworthy and invested in your recovery.

    Call our helpful, friendly team today on 0800 088 66 86

    We, Will, Help You Find the Perfect Addiction Rehab

    One of the realisations that most of us make near the end of our addiction is that we need at least some help to break away from this suffering. This is why we become willing to consider rehab as the best way out.

    The problem is that there are so many facilities to choose from, and this is definitely not the type of decision that you want to rush into. This is where we come in.

    We will be able to help you to consider all the appropriate rehab options so that you make the best decision for you. All drug and alcohol rehabs must be registered and audited by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

    We can provide information on facilities right around the world, so it is almost certain that together we will find something appropriate.

    Once we have found the rehab, facility that you are most happy with we will then be able to arrange everything for you. So do not waste any more time – contact us right away to go over your options.

    Rehab will allow you to develop coping mechanisms to lead to long-time abstinence or sobriety.

    Sober living houses may also be provided after rehab in order to enhance the chance of staying sober.

    We also offer drug and alcohol rehab services in a variety of locations across the UK, including Essex, Woking, Surrey, Kent, Canterbury, Hastings, Slough, Lincoln and more!










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