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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Slough

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab Slough. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab Slough

    People who want to find help for their addictions need very specific treatments [1] geared towards their unique addiction needs.

    There are no general ‘quick fix’ addiction treatments in Slough that can offer an option for all patients to take advantage of.

    Drug abuse and alcohol rehabilitation have to be changed and altered to fit the individual, otherwise their beneficial effects will be limited.

    Rehab can help with any addiction [2], such as:

    Whether you need help to overcome your dangerous drug use, limit your drinking at night [5] or gain control over a shopping compulsion, professional addiction treatment can help you.

    To begin your journey towards sobriety with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Addiction Support Options in Slough

    group celebrating

    Addiction [6] is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – rehab is about treating the disease of addiction and helping an individual to go into recovery. [7]

    Here are the addiction treatment options offered by drug and alcohol rehabs in Slough:

    1. The first option people can take advantage of will be some much-welcome alcoholic support for families. Detox clinics offer detoxification programs that help to eliminate any toxic substances still in the body. These programs are transformed to suit the type of addiction as each individual has different needs and requirements
    2. Private counselling offers drug and alcohol rehabilitation in private rooms where a substance abuse counsellor will discuss the deepest, darkest problems of the patient. The idea is to help them cope with their issues, not forget about them
    3. Group support will be used regularly to help combat the stresses and strains of general rehabilitation. Alcoholic treatment centres can get extremely stressful when discussing the more emotional issues surrounding an addiction
    4. Creative courses allow the development of new skills. These skills can be used in the real world for finding employment and completely rebuilding the life of the individual. It’s entirely up to them as to which activities they decide to participate in; there’s a wide range of options available
    5. Aftercare offers each of these options in an area more local to the patient. The difference between residential rehab and aftercare is the sessions are held on a walk-in basis. It’s entirely up to the patient as to whether they attend these walk-in detox clinics or not

    To lean more about the various addiction treatments in Slough, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How many people in the UK need addiction treatment?

    drug and alcohol rehab slough

    There is a common misconception that drug or alcohol dependency is rare. This belief, unfortunately, leaves many people feeling isolated, as though they are unable to come forward in order to receive help.

    If you feel this way, it is essential for you to realise that you are not alone.

    Drug and alcohol dependencies are much more common than most people think. As it is now easier than ever to access most drugs and alcohol, people are turning to substance abuse in many different levels of addiction [8] in order to escape the stress and pressure of life.

    The statistics in the UK [9] show how the number of people living with drug or alcohol dependency has been on the rise in the last decade.

    It has been found that approximately 3.2 million adults are living with some kind of drug or alcohol dependency. This information is from 2020 and has shown an increase of over 8 per cent in the last decade.

    Similarly, about 1.2 million people between the ages of 16 – 24 are also struggling with substance abuse. This is a dramatic increase of 20 per cent since 2010 on both sides of the divide.

    The most common substances abused are cannabis and alcohol, as they are the easiest for most people to get their hands on. Unfortunately, their dangers can also be underestimated, leaving people unaware of their developing dependency until it is too late.

    These statistics are extremely concerning, particularly when one considers the dramatic impact addiction can have on an individual’s life expectancy [10].

    Whether a person only uses addictive substances occasionally, indulges each week [11] or engages with it every day [12], drug or alcohol addiction is always a risk. [13]

    It is important that you understand that drug or alcohol dependency is more complicated than just a bad habit. It is a chronic disease that requires specialised treatment [14] and clear rules and structure [15] to help you manage it.

    Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test [16] or the CAGE questionnaire [17] can help identify an addiction or dependence on alcohol.

    Alcohol recovery often requires a medically assisted detox to address particularly severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms or alcohol withdrawal syndromes, such as seizures or delirium tremens.

    Chlordiazepoxide, or brand name Librium, is used in the detox process, as are substances such as Acamprosate [18], Naltrexone [19], antidepressants [20] and anti-anxiety medications [21] when necessary.

    Detox for alcohol is important since alcohol addiction can cause any number of serious physical effects [22], including:

    As severe as these issues are, if an individual receives the right help at the right time, their impacts can be properly managed and even healed entirely. [31]

    Begin your recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough today – call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Using the disease model of addiction at an alcohol and drug rehab in Slough

    The disease model of addiction recognises the fact that through substance abuse, you are not in control of yourself and that you need help from professionals.

    Addiciton can affect anyone of any background, sex, age [32] or career.

    This mindset can make accepting the existence of addiction all the easier, allowing the sufferer to take that essential first step in recovery. [33]

    It also recognises addiction as a chronic brain disorder that is a lifelong condition, one that needs to be monitored even after treatment has been completed.

    It is realistic and knows that you won’t be able to wake up one day and never experience cravings again. [34]

    Instead, you will always have to take measures to avoid your triggers and practise self-care, just like someone living with any other chronic illness.

    At a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough, you will be given the time away from your everyday stresses to be able to learn how to manage your addiction so that you can live a better life.

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here. [35]

    To learn more about how this approach to addiction can inform effective addiction treatment in Slough, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    When is a professional intervention needed?


    Spotting the signs of addiction [36] in a loved one can make you want to help them see how bad their issues are.

    These signs can sometimes be difficult to spot [37] and can differ depending on the individual and the severity of their addiction.

    For example, someone suffering from type one alcoholism [38] will show significantly different behavioural symptoms and mental health effects to someone with type two alcoholism. [39]

    Regardless, when someone is suffering from addiction it is easy for their loved ones to want to help.

    When an addicted individual does not see the need to seek treatment, their family and friends can host an intervention.

    Interventions are intense things to organise and execute – a positive tone is required, as is unanimity and preparedness from everyone involved.

    One should always follow a clear structure [40] to ensure that the intervention stays on-track and is effective.

    As a result of this, help can be gained from a professional interventionist.

    These are experts who know exactly how to organise an effective event.

    They can help with deciding who to invite, ensuring everyone is prepared and maintaining the right tone throughout the intervention.

    The CRAFT approach

    Two men, one with his hand on the other's shoulder

    CRAFT interventions [41] differ from their conventional counterparts in that they do not involve a single event.

    Instead, they see family and friends working together for the long-term goal of changing an individual’s behaviour for the better.

    With CRAFT, a reward system is devised with the aim of promoting healthier behaviours [42] and getting rid of addictive tendencies.

    Family and friends work unanimously to change the associations an individual’s brain has made with addiction.

    The objective is to help them see that sober living is the more beneficial option.

    In addition, it pushes individuals to a point where they are more receptive to the idea of getting professional treatment and support.

    CRAFT also helps family members to ensure they are not enabling addictive behaviour – which unfortunately is a common occurrence [43] – and instead helps them to encourage their loved one towards recovery.

    For advice on how to conduct an intevention for a loved one in Slough, talk to our experts on 0800 088 66 86.

    Private vs NHS drug and alcohol rehab in Slough

    Many people find that the best way for them to achieve long-term recovery is through staying at an alcohol and drug rehab in Slough.

    It gives you the opportunity to take a break from your everyday stresses. In addition, it allows the facilities staff to take control of your substance abuse so that you can learn how to eventually manage it on your own.

    A residential stay at a drug rehab or alcohol rehab in Slough can provide a more intense and structured recovery process over a period of, typically, 28 days.

    This is significantly shorter than the six months to five years [44] that most individuals need to fully recover from addiction, but is more than enough to set an individual up for a successful life free from addiction.

    It allows you to put your trust in rehab staff to keep you away from addictive substances. They can help you day and night to make the right decisions to enable your journey to long-term recovery.

    Only private residential rehabs exist in Slough, but it is possible to receive funding for a place in one via the NHS [45].

    Both of these types of rehab share some merits, such as:

    • They both offer residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation services.
    • They both offer you a safe and controlled environment to work towards long-term recovery.
    • They both are staffed with caring and skilled professionals.

    However, a private rehab in Slough also has the benefits of:

    • Your treatments can work around your schedule and in your local area.
    • You have a wider selection of treatments to pick from.
    • You have complete control over your recovery process.

    You will receive top-quality treatment no matter which approach you decide to use, and they can both help you achieve long-term recovery.

    To lean more about choosing between public and private drug rehab in Slough, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The admissions process at drug and alcohol rehab in Slough

    In order to receive treatment in a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough, it is important that the staff are sure you are in the right place to receive treatment. This is done by seeing if certain specified criteria apply to you and your relationship with substance abuse.

    There are six dimensions, detailed in the ASAM criteria [46], which are as follows:

    1. With dimension one, the rehabilitation team needs to examine your history and your past relationships with substance abuse. This is to identify any patterns involving past attempts at achieving long-term recovery that eventually resulted in a relapse. It also has the staff look into your past experiences with withdrawal symptoms and how you have managed experiencing them before.
    2. Dimension two has the staff looking into your physical health. The recovery process is physically draining, and they want to make sure you are able to put in the work to safely achieve long-term recovery. They are also looking to see if you have a history of medical issues that they may need to keep in mind during your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough.
    3. Dimension three looks into the state of your mental health and assesses if a drug and alcohol rehab centre is the best place for you. They need to know if you or anyone else in your family has a history of mental illnesses or mental health issues in general. They need to make sure you will be able to undertake the mental strain that comes with the recovery process and that you won’t prove a threat to yourself or others.
    4. Dimension four, staff need to see that you are ready and willing to put the work in to achieve long-term recovery. They need proof that you are serious about your recovery and that you will do what needs to be done so that you can live a happier and healthier life.
    5. Dimension five is necessary if you are returning to a drug and alcohol rehab centre after a relapse so that you can restart your journey. They will need to know as someone returning to treatment will need a different kind of care to those that are attempting to achieve long-term recovery for the first time. There is no shame in going back and asking for help again. What matters is that you are still trying.
    6. For dimension six, the staff at the drug and alcohol rehab centre need to know if you are living in a safe and clean environment. This can be so that they know that once you are released from your chosen addiction treatment in Slough, you will be cared for and not in any danger. If you find yourself in an unsafe environment, help is available through a drug and alcohol rehab centre.

    Along with the necessary criteria that decide if you need access to a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough or not, you will also have specific criteria that determine how intense of a treatment you need to be based on how severe [****] your dependency is found.

    This is done by analysing your behaviour when connected with substance abuse.

    First of all, if you find yourself with impaired control.

    This can involve abusing more substances than you meant to after attempting to cut back or stop and finding yourself unable to.

    Next, there are social problems.

    This is if you find substance abuse has negatively affected your interpersonal relationships with friends and family, and your social circle might even be directly influencing your addiction. [47]

    It also means you can find your mood being negatively affected, and you are losing interest in your hobbies and activities you used to enjoy.

    There is also risk. Suppose you are putting yourself in danger in order to get drugs or alcohol or while you are intoxicated. Risk can also be if you are neglecting your job or responsibilities due to the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    Finally, there is a physical dependency.

    This is when you find your life controlled by your need to remain abusing substances. Be it to satisfy your cravings or to avoid the inevitable withdrawals that come along with most drugs and alcohol.

    The staff in a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough can help you identify a problem and begin to work towards a solution.

    To learn more about how the admissions process works at a rehab in Slough, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    The cost of drug and alcohol rehab in Slough

    When it comes to your journey to long-term recovery, the services of a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough will be your best option.

    Professionally supported [48] drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction.

    Some people, however, can feel put off about the cost of a private drug and alcohol rehab centre in Slough.

    This is perfectly understandable. For many, it is a large sum of money, but anyone who has attended a drug and alcohol rehab centre will tell you it was worth it.

    However, most drug and alcohol rehabs in Slough offer different price options to help cater for different peoples budgets.

    First of all, you have the most expensive option at £8,000 – £12,000.

    This is for a single room that you can stay in for the full 28-day residency at the drug and alcohol rehab centre.

    Next, you have the option that will cost you £6,000 for the same 28-day stay at the drug and alcohol rehab centre. This, however, is in a shared room.

    You also have the option to detox at home for the cheapest option of £1,500.

    Each of these options has its merits and disadvantages. Still, at the end of the day, they will both enable you to safely work through your withdrawal symptoms and make real progress towards long-term recovery.

    For a more specific estimate of how much your time at a rehab in Slough will cost, call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    The types of therapies used at rehab in Slough

    A drug or alcohol dependency is a complex thing that doesn’t just happen overnight.

    Prolonged substance abuse [49], more often than not, tends to be a symptom of a deeper psychological issue that needs addressing so that you can achieve long term recovery.

    There are a number of different kinds of therapy [50] available to help tackle different areas of your mental health. You will complete a short assessment so that the facility you attend can give you the option that works best for you.

    First of all, you have cognitive behavioural therapy.

    Cognitive behavioural therapy is when negative behaviours and emotions are responded to with a challenge. It is all about changing your attitude and your worldview so that you can train your brain to respond to your triggers differently.

    It is very useful for treating mood disorders such as anxiety or depression. You are taught how to deal with these negative emotions without denying their existence. Instead, you can acknowledge how you are feeling and then take steps to change it.

    CBT has proven to be extremely successful [51] when treating addiction, with very low relapse rates [52] when a course is successfully completed. However, some individuals will find it less effective due to certain pre-existing conditions [53], so other forms of treatment are always offered.

    Next, you could experience dialectical behavioural therapy.

    Dialectical behavioural therapy is used to treat mental health disorders [54] such as depression or suicidal thoughts. It typically involves you working with a therapist one to one so that you can learn tools to deal with your triggers and cravings.

    The key part of dialectical behavioural therapy is learning how to accept difficult situations, change strategies to deal with difficulties, learn how to regulate your emotions, how to deal with distressing situations and how to live effectively.

    Motivational interviewing is about helping you create a positive outlook and building the self-belief [55] that is necessary for full recovery.

    It involved you working with a therapist to help you change negative behaviour and motivate you to put in the work [56] so that you can overcome the behaviour you need to change. It is personal and best done one to one.

    Holistic therapy is considered more creative than the other options, and many find it very helpful for its mindfulness quality.

    It is most commonly related to art therapy. Still, it can cover a wide range of activities designed to help you relax and centre yourself. They can include music therapy, adventure therapy and equine therapy as well.

    Group and family therapy are very similar.

    They both involve you and others sitting in with a fully trained therapist, to be honest about your experiences with substance abuse and the state of your mental health. But, again, some people find it easier to do this with people they know and trust.

    Others, however, prefer to talk with strangers that are also dealing with the effects of substance abuse and can really understand what they are going through.

    They both have the same benefit of dealing with the sense of isolation many who are experiencing mental health issues deal with. It is more about preference rather than one being better for you than the other.

    Individual therapy is the most widely known and is simply private sessions between you and your therapist. You work together to understand your mental state and learn how to improve your general mental health.

    Codependency treatment is a very good option for people who have a strong support system. It allows someone you trust to monitor your behaviour and offer distraction when it appears like you are struggling.

    Finally, Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy involves you engaging with a support system and working through the famous 12 steps.

    These steps include:

    • Admitting you are unable to achieve long-term recovery alone.
    • Recognising that there is a higher power that can help you.
    • Examining your past and recognising the harm you have done.
    • Make amends with the people you have harmed in your past.
    • Learning and accepting a new code to live your life by.
    • Helping others who are also struggling with a dependency.

    No matter the treatment you are given, it is essential for you to remember that improving your mental health is at the core of your addiction treatment in Slough.

    Other forms [57] of therapy include:

    To access these effective treatments at an alcohol and drug rehab in Slough, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    What is the importance of Dual Diagnosis during addiction treatment in Slough?

    The most common cause of substance abuse is an undiagnosed mental illness that people are attempting to self-medicate for.

    It is not uncommon [58] for people to turn to addictive substances to help them cope with living with many different mental health conditions (as determined by the DSM-5), such as:

    You will have a psychiatric assessment from a psychiatrist who will assess if you need psychiatric treatment.

    While this seems to be working, any solutions it provides are only temporary. In the long term, substance abuse will only make your mental health much worse, and you need actual help.

    Getting a diagnosis can be difficult, especially through the NHS. But you can work for a dual diagnosis of your mental illness while you are in therapy as part of your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough.

    That means you will be able to get support once you leave the facility and use healthier and more effective methods to manage your mental illness.

    Your chosen rehab in Slough will also be able to help treat your mental illness during your stay through evidence-based treatments.

    You will be able to make progress with your mental health thanks to not having to worry about giving in to your cravings in the drug and alcohol rehab centre.

    To learn more about how your mental health will be cared for whilst undergoing addiction treatment in Slough, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Abstinence at a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough

    Many drug and alcohol rehabs in Slough and the wider Buckinghamshire county use the abstinence model, which is when you are cut off from all drugs and alcohol.

    This will involve you working through the detox so that you can be weaned off your substance of choice.

    The detox is a key part of the abstinence model, and it is done over a ten-day period to reduce the risk of you experiencing dangerous withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures. During this time you will be given medication to relieve the withdrawal symptoms before they can overwhelm you.

    When done with the supervision of a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough, the detox is perfectly safe and once complete, you will be able to carry on without fear of experiencing withdrawal symptoms or without the distraction of your cravings.

    The detox is what enables you to work through the abstinence model safely. Therefore, it is recommended that it is done through the full 28-day drug and alcohol rehab centre residential stay.

    This is because, in a drug and alcohol rehab, you are in a completely controlled environment. The staff take on the responsibility of keeping you away from all drugs and alcohol until the time you are ready to leave the facility and carry on your own.

    You will move on from the detox to therapy so that the emotional and mental causes of substance abuse can be dealt with.

    Experts have agreed [62] that abstinence is always the safer and more effective route to addiction recovery than other methods, such as harm-reduction or moderation management. [63]

    To find out more about how addiction treatment in Slough can help you undergo a safe and effective detox, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Drug rehab in Slough

    Different drugs have different effects on a person and require different kinds of treatment to overcome your dependency.

    For example, cannabis and cocaine, rather than a physical dependency develop a mental one due to their intense effect on your mental state during use.

    This means that you can quit these drugs cold turkey without the dangers associated with other drugs or alcohol withdrawal symptoms, which should never be quit without support. [64] The key part to remember is that there lacks a risk of seizing while detoxing from cannabis and cocaine.

    Instead, you experience mental withdrawals, which seriously impact your mood. This can result in anxiety and depression, which require specialised help too.

    Unfortunately, there is no cannabis or cocaine detox as both of these substances cause a psychological dependency. Stopping the usage is a good thing, but it won’t change your relationship with your cravings like a detox for a chemical dependency.

    You will require therapy to help you deal with your cannabis or cocaine dependency, as even if it feels intense, it is all mental, and so the solution is tied to your mental health.

    Other substances such as heroin or alcohol do cause a chemical dependency.

    This dependency is developed when you abuse substances, and your brain becomes reliant on them to create dopamine. As dopamine is the feel-good chemical going without the substance that creates it, it causes your body to panic.

    In order to treat the chemical dependency that comes from heroin and alcohol, you will need to work through the detox.

    A heroin addiction causes heroin withdrawal and could result in other effects such as hepatitis.

    The detox is famously the worst part of the recovery process. This is because you will be experiencing withdrawals as a part of it.

    The detox takes around ten days to complete and is available in a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough as part of your residential stay, or in a home detox form.

    No matter what decision you make, the detox will still be perfectly safe with the supervision of medical professionals at a drug rehab in Slough.

    To find out more about the various addictions that can be treated at rehab in Slough, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How to find the right drug and alcohol rehab in Slough

    The right drug and alcohol rehab centre can make all the difference in your journey to long-term recovery.

    But many people who are new to the recovery process may not know where to start in order to get help.

    There are certain things you can look out for when trying to make a sensible and informed decision about the drug and alcohol rehab centre you choose.

    Firstly, try to find a drug and alcohol rehab in Slough with a good track record that has been in operation for a long time. The more people who have had treatment there and are able to say it helped them, the better.

    Try to find a rehab centre with good reviews. Again, the internet is an excellent resource for finding out what locations are really like without you ever needing to get close.

    It is best to figure out your budget and how much you are able to spend on your treatments so that you can find a rehab in Slough that works for you.

    It is always a good idea to find a centre that has good quality staff that you will feel comfortable around.

    It is important that you find a drug and alcohol rehab centre that makes you feel safe so that you can work towards long-term recovery and a better life. You need to be ready to make a change, and you need to find a rehab centre that will enable you to do this.

    To lean more about the various addiction treatments in Slough, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Charities & Organisations Statutory-Funded in Slough

    A man talking another man's hand in support

    1. Turning Point – Slough

    Address: 27 Pursers Ct, Slough SL2 5DL

    Telephone: 01753 692 548


    2. Cranstoun Windsor & Maidenhead

    Address: Unit 13, Reform Rd, Maidenhead SL6 8BY

    Telephone: 01628 796 733


    3. C G L Change Grow Live

    Address: 95 High St, Burnham, Slough SL1 1DH

    Telephone: 01753 692 548


    The NHS [65] provides free and reliable information about drug and alcohol addictions and dependencies, however, direct support can be difficult to get due to long waiting lists [66], high demand, issues of underfunding and the sheer cost of treating addiction. [67]

    Attending nearby 12-Step programmes like Cocaine AnonymousNarcotics Anonymous (NA), Alateen and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can be a great way to connect with other people in recovery.

    Organisations like these hold many meetings in and near Slough.

    SMART Recovery can help you to cope with relapse triggers, manage your thoughts and feelings, stick to your recovery principles [68] and increase your chances of staying sober.

    Al-Anon are another useful tool that will make addiction easier to navigate for you and your loved ones.

    Find mental health support at Rethink Mental IllnessMindYoung Minds, Samaritans and Papyrus.

    Organisations and rehab are led by guidelines set by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [69], NHS Foundation Trust [70] and the National Association for Children of Alcoholics [71], so you are in good hands with person-centered care.

    Get Help with Rehab Recovery

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    The services Rehab Recovery can refer you to are available across MaidenheadBasingstoke, Newbury, Wokingham, High Wycombe, Windsor, Ascot, Bracknell, Crowthorne, Eton, Newbury, Thatcham, Cookham, Bucklebury, Pangbourne, Sonning, Sunninghill, Wraysbury, Lambourn, Ascot, Speen, Twyford, Finchampstead, Binfield, Chieveley, Kintbury, Aldermaston, Boxford, Sunningdale, Great, Shefford, Littlewick Green, East Ilsley, Bisham, Datchet, Theale, Crowthorne, Beenham, and even more towns in and around Berkshire.

    All of the rehabs we recommend are regulated by the Care Quality Commission [72] (England and Wales) or the Care Inspectorate [73] (Scotland).

    Rehab will allow you to develop coping mechanisms and relapse prevention to lead to long-time abstinence or sobriety.

    Sober living houses may also be provided after rehab in order to increase the chances of staying sober. [74]

    We’ll provide you with the tools and information you need to decide what’s best for you or your loved one.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Slough, reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86











































































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