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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Sheffield

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Sheffield

    Quick Links for help with addiction in Sheffield

    It is well-known that drug and alcohol abuse is one of the biggest public health issues of the modern age.

    Addiction can devastate the lives of people from all walks of life, as well as the loved ones around them.

    Here in Sheffield and the greater South Yorkshire area, we are all too familiar with the problems that substance abuse can cause.

    Drug and alcohol-related hospital admissions in the city of Sheffield continue to rise year after year.

    Here at Rehab Recovery, we provide rehab referrals for anyone struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, no matter what substances are involved.

    Whether you are struggling with alcohol, illegal drugs or even behavioural addictions, we are here to help you access support at a Sheffield rehab clinic that suits your own personal needs.

    If you’re ready to receive addiction treatment in Sheffield, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Impacts Can Drug and Alcohol Addictions Have on a Person?

    Holding hands at an alcohol rehab in Sheffield

    Although some cynics might think that drug and alcohol addiction is a choice, most of those in the medical profession refer to addiction as a disease.

    This means that addiction is a medical condition of mind and body, rather than any kind of moral failure or defect.

    It should also be noted that most rehabs focus on complete abstinence, rather than harm reduction or moderation management.

    Experts have agreed that abstinence is always the safer and more effective route to addiction recovery.

    In a secure environment free from any enabling people or factors, such as partnerships where codependency could unwittingly enable your addiction, rehab institutions can help you recover.

    It might take between 6 months to 5 years or more to reach abstinence and overcome your addiction completely, but it is worth it for a lifetime in recovery.

    How Do I Know When My Addiction is Something to Worry About?

    The difference between consuming drugs and alcohol and having a substance use problem is that the latter is marked by a loss of control over one’s actions (1).

    When this affects several parts of a drug user’s life, and yet they still continue to engage in addictive behaviours, we call this an addiction.

    All addictions are something to worry about. There is no level of addiction that is perceived as a non-issue by medical professionals in Sheffield.

    This is because no one develops an addiction overnight; it comes after a period of increased drug use, and it often follows tolerance and dependency.

    Addiction even causes concern in the lives of people who have spent a prolonged period in a treatment setting.

    In 2019-2020, just 47% of people in the UK drug and alcohol treatment system successfully completed their treatment plan (2).

    This demonstrates how challenging it is to recover from addiction.

    Ultimately, addiction is always something to worry about. Without treatment, there is a significant risk that individuals will become seriously ill or pass away due to their substance use.

    With treatment, the risk is fortunately reduced, though it never goes away.

    Relevant Statistics in Sheffield

    Below, we provide some statistics about alcohol and drug use in Sheffield:

    Drug and Alcohol Statistics in Sheffield Data
    Deaths per 100,000 population in Sheffield due to alcohol (2016-2020) 61
    Drug poisonings (2021) 68
    Drug misuse deaths (2021) 48
    Alcohol-related deaths in the whole of England (2021) 20,970

    What Impact Can Drug and Alcohol Addictions Have on Families in Sheffield?

    A mother and child in Sheffield

    Addiction is known as a ‘family disease’. This means it is a disorder that does not only affect the sufferer, but also their loved ones.

    When one person in a family suffers from addiction, there is an increased chance that other family members will eventually deal with a similar problem.

    As well as the increased risk of substance use issues, relatives of people with addiction are more likely to struggle with a range of psychological problems, including mental illness.

    The effects of addiction on family members vary depending on which family member is struggling.

    When a parent is battling addiction, there is evidence that their children are more likely than the average child to develop a substance use disorder (3). They are also more likely to struggle with mental illness, behavioural disorders, and managing their social life, family life, and academics (4).

    Spouses of people with addiction experience struggles in their marriage, as well as personal challenges relating to the substance use.

    It is proven that women whose husbands have an addiction often experience turbulent family dynamics (5). This can result in relationship breakdown, parenting insecurity, and social isolation due to shame.

    What Happens If I Don’t Get Help in Sheffield?

    An old woman holding her head in distress in Sheffield

    Addiction is extremely difficult to recover from without professional help. The longer you are consuming a substance, the more your body will adapt to the drug (tolerance).

    Without a detox, tolerance will make long-term sobriety almost impossible.

    Even if you decide to detox, there are many different risks to your health if you do not attend a treatment centre in Sheffield.

    Health care professionals monitor patients throughout the detox phase to ensure their symptoms are controlled, and you cannot do this yourself.

    Therapy is another significant part of addiction recovery, and it goes without saying that this is impossible to do without a trained professional.

    You will not get to the heart of your illness without therapy, and this means relapse is much more likely.

    The biggest risk of not getting help is passing away due to your addiction.

    In 2019, this was the fate of 128,083 people around the world (and this includes people who sought help) (17). With plenty of treatment types and resources available, this does not have to be the outcome.

    Another risk is serious illness, whether mental or physical. Addictive substances interfere with our functioning, and this only gets worse if treatment is not pursued.

    The effects of this are far-reaching; it could impact your career, family life, emotions, and mobility.

    Can I Force My Loved One to Go to Rehab in Sheffield?

    No one can be forced to go to rehab in Sheffield by a loved one. Each patient must be willing to attend for their own reasons.</div

    The five rules of recovery help to explain why no one should get sober before they’re ready (6). The rules are:

    • Change your life
    • Be completely honest
    • Ask for help
    • Practice self-care
    • Don’t bend the rules

    If you forced your relative to go to rehab, they would not be abiding by these rules. As a result, relapse would be extremely likely.

    Anyone who has an addiction is psychologically and physically dependent on the substance, as proved by studies such as the study by Terry E Robinson and Kent C Berridge that looked into the ‘Incentive-Sensitization Theory’ and why people crave drugs. If someone you love is addicted to substances, you must be patient and encourage them to seek help, but you must never force them.

    What is Rehab in Sheffield?

    A rehab in Sheffield

    Rehab is a type of addiction treatment where individuals attend a residential setting in Sheffield and attempt to get sober with the help of healthcare professionals.

    This term usually refers to a treatment facility that takes on a group of people with addiction and offers detox and therapy services for an extended period (usually 28 days).

    However, drug rehabs can also provide non-residential care, such as outpatient services. They can also accept patients on different terms e.g., staying for a 10-day treatment plan, or having therapy sessions but no detox.

    Most rehabs in the UK are abstinence-based. Residents are expected to get sober before they attend rehab, or to withdraw from drugs on their first day.

    They are then coached on how to stay sober for the rest of their life, as the belief is that even moderate drug use is too risky for people with an addiction history.

    Finally, aftercare is a key element of most rehab facilities (7).

    If residents are expected to stay sober indefinitely, they need additional support when they leave the rehabilitation setting.

    Aftercare tools may be therapy sessions, self-help groups, helpline numbers, and any other resource the staff or patient deem valuable for addiction recovery.

    How Do I Know If I Need Sheffield Rehab?

    Rehab in Sheffield is primarily useful for people who are experiencing addiction. That said, it can also be valuable for anyone with a dependency issue, or even a mildly unhealthy relationship with drugs, alcohol, or a specific behaviour (e.g., sex or gambling).

    There are different criteria that may indicate someone needs to go to rehab, such as ASAM’s 6 Dimensions.

    This covers acute intoxication/withdrawal, biomedical conditions and complications, emotional/behavioural/cognitive conditions and complications, readiness to change, relapse/continued use/continued problem potential, and recovery/living environment.

    Medical professionals who use these criteria will assign a risk rating to each patient, which informs them whether rehab is a necessary treatment. The rating system ranges from 0-4, with 0 being zero to very low risk and 4 standing for imminent danger.

    We know that people with a high ASAM risk rating need rehab because these people have worse abstinence rates when they pursue outpatient care (as opposed to inpatient) (8).

    Anyone who is unsure which treatment would be suitable should speak to an addiction recovery specialist to discover the best option. Rehab Recovery advisers can offer useful guidance over the phone (on 0800 088 66 86).

    How Effective is Rehab in Sheffield in Treating Alcohol or Drug Addictions?

    Rehab is the most effective way to treat drug and alcohol addictions. Yet, it still has its downfalls, as there is no treatment that deals with addiction flawlessly.

    One key factor that determines rehab success is retention rate. If patients are not completing a full treatment programme, their risk of relapse is much higher. In 2004, a study found that only 48% of rehab residents were remaining in rehab for the full programme (9).

    Though you are allowed to leave rehab at any point, it is rarely a wise choice to make. As difficult as recovery may be, staying in rehab significantly boosts your chances of maintaining recovery, which is better than being in and out of recovery.

    Another factor is the length of stay. People who stay at Sheffield rehab for a short period of time are less likely to feel the range of benefits that long-term patients will experience.

    A 2004 study into female rehab residence found that 68-71% of women who spent at least six months in treatment remained abstinent after their rehab stay (10). General abstinence statistics, which are more representative of 28-day rehab stays, tend to be around 45%.

    Patients who depend on their aftercare plan are more likely to stay sober, as this is a crucial vehicle to avoiding addiction in everyday life (not just in rehab).

    Will Rehab in Sheffield Cure Me of My Addiction?

    No, addiction cannot be cured. However, rehab in Sheffield helps people with addiction to manage their illness (11). Some of these patients will go on to have a completely sober life, and the symptoms of their addiction will not interfere with all areas of their life.

    Even people who maintain sobriety long-term will still need to work on their coping strategies on a daily basis.

    People with addiction cannot simply avoid being around drugs, or choose to say no when they are presented with drugs, without working hard to battle their addiction.

    The temptation will always be there, and the coping mechanisms they learn at rehab will enable them to live a normal life without falling back into addiction.

    Does Sheffield Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Teens Work?

    A pair of teenagers in Sheffield

    Drug and alcohol rehab for teens is a vital resource. While addiction is damaging for everyone, teens are especially vulnerable as their brains are still developing. Going to a rehab that understands young people is an important step of addiction recovery for teens.

    Rehab in Sheffield works well for young people. It is an opportunity to learn about the serious dangers of addiction, meet other teens who are struggling with similar issues, and step away from substances to gain a clear mind.

    The abstinence rate at adolescent rehab in the US is around 38% at six months after treatment, and 32% at 12 months post-treatment (12).

    When adolescents attend rehab, it is not just their addiction issues that can improve. There have been reported improvements in employment and illegal behaviours (13).

    Teens who stay out of crime and have a stable job will be less likely to return to addictive behaviours, so rehab often triggers a cycle of positive change and subsequent stability.

    Adolescent rehabs often place an emphasis on family therapy, which is incredibly helpful for young people. When a teen’s parents understand addiction, they can navigate their family relationships in a healthy way, which provides stability for their teen.

    Family therapy also encourages deep discussions, which can help teens get to the heart of issues with their parents.

    Often, both the teen and the parents will be struggling in silence with various aspects of the addiction, and unearthing this is key to establishing healthy communication.

    Will I Be Able to See My Family During Rehab in Sheffield?

    Most rehabs in Sheffield allow family visits, but it is worth checking before you attend. Certain treatment centres do not permit family visits outside of family therapy, but you would still be able to see your family once a week for this purpose.

    We recommend opting into family therapy if it is provided by your chosen rehab. This type of addiction therapy is proven to enhance family resilience, structure and ties (14).

    What Types of Addictions Are Treated At Rehab in Sheffield?

    Treatment centres may address a variety of addictions and substance use disorders from benzodiazepines to gambling addiction,  ketamine, and opioid use disorder, alcohol; caffeine; cannabis; hallucinogens; inhalants; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; stimulants; and tobacco.

    A lot of people in addiction may be able to cut down their use for a period of time, but the recovery process is about addressing underlying issues in order to eliminate the behaviour of substance abuse altogether.

    Rehab is the best place to do this, because it is a secure, often purpose-built place that can handle every step of the recovery journey, from detox to education and therapy.

    As you come to understand addiction, as well as yourself, your desire to use will gradually diminish, and your cravings will become more manageable going forward.

    We can refer you to trusted rehab centres that provide person-centered care, to ensure all of your needs are met.

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    To learn more about this approach to addiction and how it is used at drug and alcohol rehab in Sheffield, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What If I Suffer From Multiple Conditions Alongside Addiction?

    Hands holding a flower

    Co-occurring mental illnesses are very common in those who are living with addiction.

    These include bipolar disorderschizophrenia, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)obsessive compulsive disorderand bipolar disorder.

    According to the NESARC data, 28.6% of people with a current alcohol use disorder diagnosis had at least one personality disorder like bipolar disorder.

    In the context of addiction treatment, this is commonly referred to as ‘dual diagnosis’

    Sadly, it can often be years, or even decades before these problems are diagnosed.

    Before diagnosis, these problems can easily exacerbate a drug or alcohol addiction and may have even been the main factor in the addiction starting to begin with.

    At drug and alcohol rehab in Sheffield, you will be under the care of a highly-qualified and experienced mental health team.

    This means that any mental health problems that you are experiencing can be identified, diagnosed and treated.

    Rehabs in Sheffield can also help you to manage coexisting mental health issues and illnesses such as various eating disorders and body image issues including binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa with a personalised package tailored to you.

    A team of dedicated trained professionals and mental health counsellors can treat you with specialised psychiatry in mind, to offer psychiatric rehabilitation.

    Treatments can include eye-movement desensitisation and reprocessing can help with many of these struggles, as well as grief pain management and bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and anxiety among others.

    A thorough examination will enable the diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues. This is called a psychiatric assessment.

    We know that individuals need a unique approach to achieve sobriety, so holistic therapies and person-centred therapies like reiki, drama therapy and acupuncture are available, depending on your preferences.

    Psychiatric treatment from trained psychiatrists can assist you in treating any underlying mental health conditions and in getting rid of the reasons of your addiction.

    There are a multitude of evidence-based practices.

    To learn more about how your mental health can be supported whilst undergoing addiction treatment in Sheffield, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What is Inpatient Addiction Treatment In Sheffield?

    A living room in a rehab in Sheffield

    Image above: A living room at an alcohol rehab in Sheffield

    It is widely accepted that residential rehab is the most effective treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, but why is that?

    Well, there are a number of different reasons.

    For one thing, most people find the safe, tranquil environment of rehab provides a welcome respite for those whose lives have become chaotic and unmanageable due to addiction.

    The main reason that rehab is so effective is that it is the only place where every aspect of addiction treatment can be combined into one treatment plan, within the same facility.

    During a patient’s time at rehab, they will have high-quality professional help from detox clinicians, psychologists and behavioural specialists, all of whom will help them with a different aspect of their recovery.

    Trying to arrange all of these different types of care and treatment outside of the rehab environment would be a logistical impossibility, not to mention much more expensive.

    We know that private rehab is a considerable cost, but think about how much all of these treatments would cost separately.

    On top of that, think about the costs, both financially and personally, of staying in active addiction for the rest of your life.

    When you take all of this into account, a course of treatment at rehab may be the best investment that you ever make.

    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – rehab is about treating the disease of addiction.

    To get the most out of residential drug and alcohol rehab in Sheffield, contact our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What is Outpatient Addiction Treatment in Sheffield?

    Outpatient treatment in Sheffield is any form of care that does not require the patient to stay overnight; there is no 24-hour supervision. This means the patient attends a centre in the daytime, but they do not leave their family home to pursue recovery.

    Outpatient addiction treatment is available across a range of settings, from rehab facilities to specialist outpatient centres. They tend to offer various types of therapy (group, family and individual) and education on mental health and substance use.

    This treatment type can be just as helpful as inpatient rehab in some cases. One study found that there were comparable outcomes between the two (15).

    Yet, we must keep in mind that most people with severe addiction issues will go to inpatient rehab for round-the-clock care. This means outpatient treatment is not as effective as residential rehab for everyone.

    How Do I Prepare for Addiction Rehab in Sheffield?

    A blue suitcase beside a bed at a rehab in Sheffield

    Image above: Suitcase at a drug and alcohol rehab in Sheffield

    If you are dealing with a severe drug or alcohol problem, the most important thing is to find a suitable rehab facility as soon as possible. As long as you are ready and willing to get sober, there is no need to delay this process.

    However, there are a few things you may need to organise before going to drug or alcohol rehab in Sheffield, such as:
    • Time off work
    • Travel arrangements
    • Childcare
    • Budget
    • Packing your things (after checking which possessions are allowed)

    How Do I Tell My Family I’m Going to a Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Sheffield?

    This is a personal matter, so there is not one system to follow when it comes to informing your loved ones of your Sheffield rehab stay.

    The most important thing is that you open up the conversation at an appropriate time, and you focus on being compassionate towards your family members and yourself.

    We advise bringing up the topic when your family are not busy, as they will be able to offer their full attention, and they can let their emotions out if they struggle with the news.

    Some people prefer to write a letter to start the discussion, as it can be difficult to say the words aloud.

    Family involvement in the treatment process is a key factor in successful sobriety (16).

    While you can’t control your family’s reactions to your rehab news, starting off with clear communication and compassion means your loved ones will be more likely to show support.

    Do I Have to Tell My Boss About Alcohol Rehab in Sheffield?

    There is no requirement for you to inform your boss about your Sheffield rehab stay, aside from asking for time off. However, in most cases, it’s the best thing to do.

    Most workplaces are set up to support employees with addiction issues, so telling your employer about your rehab stay could allow you to access important support when you return to work.

    If you’re concerned about being sacked due to your addiction, read up on the policies of your workplace before meeting with your boss.

    The vast majority of UK workplaces view addiction as an illness, so you will not lose your job for telling your employer.

    The reality is that someone who is seeking help for their addiction is going to pose fewer risks than someone who is continuing to use drugs without getting help.

    Addiction at work can cause high rates of absenteeism, turnover, and theft, so going to rehab is best for both the drug user and their employer (17).

    What Happens When I Arrive At Rehab in Sheffield?

    When you arrive at rehab in Sheffield, after dealing with registration and any other administration, you will meet the staff and then start your rehab programme shortly after.

    Your rehab programme is completely confidential, so you do not have to worry about your details being passed on.

    The staff that you work with are trained to deal with your issues privately and keep all information confidential.

    For most people, the journey starts with a medical detox, followed by daily therapy sessions (including group therapy).

    Detoxes last between 3-10 days for most patients, though they can sometimes take two weeks.

    Patients are usually offered medication (e.g., benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, Suboxone and Naltrexone) to reduce withdrawal symptoms.

    Therapy tends to begin either during or after the detox. The sessions vary as a variety of therapeutic models are on offer.

    Each patient will be immersed in addiction therapy, and the total time spent in therapy is usually 18-28 days.

    Is Addiction Treatment Accessible Through the NHS in Sheffield?

    Gardens outside a rehab in Sheffield

    Here at Rehab Recovery, we only refer people to private rehab clinics in Sheffield.

    This means that, whichever clinic you end up getting treated at, there will be a cost involved in your care.

    It will be a significant financial investment, and we understand that you may not be able to afford private treatment right now.

    If this is the case, there is always the option of pursuing rehab treatment that is free through public services such as the NHS.

    Sheffield City Council offer free government advice for substance abuse prevention. Find free community mental health services that can offer help with everything from alcohol abuse to drug detoxification.

    When it comes to funding, these are the two basic types of rehab – private and public, and each comes with both advantages and disadvantages.

    The main advantage of pursuing public-funded addiction treatment in Sheffield is that you will likely not need to pay for your treatment, or any costs involved will be minimal.

    The main disadvantage is that you will probably have to stay on a waiting list for an indeterminate period of time before actually starting treatment, sometimes for months. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of people have a wait of more than four weeks for NHS therapy.

    The main drawback of going private is, obviously, that there will be a significant cost involved.

    However, the advantages to private treatment are that there you will likely receive a high standard of accommodation and care, and crucially, you can start your treatment straight away once you have been referred to the appropriate clinic.

    Starting treatment with a quick turnaround can be a big help to anyone who is in a pattern of severe substance abuse.

    This is one of the reasons that we recommend going private if you have the funds to do so.

    During your phone consultation, we can discuss ways in which you might be able to make rehab more affordable.

    We can also provide practical advice on how to take care of your regular commitments and responsibilities while you are away at rehab.

    For more help and guidance choosing between public and private rehab in Sheffield, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    I Can’t Afford Drug and Alcohol Rehab – I Don’t Have Insurance. What Can I Do?

    Money in Sheffield

    Below is a list of other organisations that offer free support and advice for addiction in and around Sheffield:

    1. Addaction Sheffield

    Address: 42 Sidney St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 4RH

    Telephone: 01142 536830


    2. C G L Change Grow Live

    Address: 44 Sidney St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 4RH

    Telephone: 01143 050500


    3. Centenary House CAMHS

    Address: Heritage Park, 55 Albert Terrace Rd, Sheffield S6 3BR

    Telephone: 01143 053218


    You can also reach out to a number of helplines, including Mind UKYoungMindsRethink Mental IllnessSamaritans,  We Are With You, Turning Point and PapyrusSMART Recovery or find an Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous near you.

    The NHS Foundation Trust services and the NHS website both provide free, reliable information.

    Will Your Insurance Cover Rehab in Sheffield?

    Private medical insurance can be used to pay some of the costs of rehab in Sheffield.

    Before budgeting for rehab, make sure you check your insurance policy, as it may not be compatible with a rehab stay.

    Some insurance companies offer to pay a portion of the treatment costs, which is known as coinsurance.

    Certain aspects of treatment may not be funded, such as the use of leisure facilities. Other companies offer to pay for one treatment only (e.g., therapy).

    What Are the Alternatives to Going to Rehab in Sheffield?

    Group therapy in Sheffield

    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab in Sheffield is one of the best ways to recover from addiction.

    However, we recognise that getting a full course of treatment at private rehab is a considerable financial investment for most people.

    If you cannot currently afford private rehab, do not worry.

    There are alternatives that are either free or much cheaper.

    Below, we have listed a number of different addiction treatment options for anyone on a limited budget.

    What is Alcoholics Anonymous?

    Alcoholics Anonymous is a free-to-attend group which has regular meetings in towns and cities all over the world.

    It uses a 12-step model, which is broadly the same across all of its equivalent groups, such as Gamblers Anonymous.

    The Alcoholics Anonymous approach has a large emphasis on the spiritual side of recovery.

    What is Narcotics Anonymous?

    Narcotics Anonymous are another twelve-step group that host frequent meetings in and around Sheffield. They also access a ‘higher power’ for help in recovering from drugs.

    What is Smart Recovery?

    SMART is an international non-profit organisation that provides free support and resources to people who need help with addiction problems.

    They differ from AA in the key point that they do not refer to addiction as a disease or a spiritual problem.

    They also do not require you to turn yourself over to a higher power as part of treatment.

    Instead, they see drug and alcohol addiction as a behavioural problem and rely on evidence-based treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy to treat it.

    SMART Recovery operates several in-person meetings in and around Sheffield, as well as providing frequent online meetings.

    Outpatient Treatment Via A Local Drug & Alcohol Team In Sheffield

    As we mentioned at the top of the page, addiction is a health issue.

    This means that it is entirely appropriate to speak with your GP about the problems you have been having with drugs or alcohol.

    They will be able to provide you with a number of resources, including the possibility of putting you under the care of your local drug & alcohol outreach team.

    Book an appointment with your doctor and ask them about what services are available in your area.

    Alateen can also offer you support and guidance free of charge. It’s specifically for teenage friends and family of alcoholics, and offers help to support younger people affected by addiction.

    If you’re interesting in any of these alternative addiction treatments in Sheffield, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    What is Alcohol Addiction?

    A woman holding another person's hand in Sheffield

    Alcohol dependence can develop from either infrequent or binge drinking. The CAGE questionnaire is one way to measure alcohol addiction, and looks at your usage of and emotions about alcohol.

    There is another addiction screening tool, known as the 4 Ps – standing for Parents, Partner, Past, and Present. To conduct this test, you need to ask:

    • Parents: Did any of your parents have problems with alcohol or other drug use?
    • Partner: Does your partner have a problem with alcohol or drug use?
    • Past: In the past, have you had difficulties in your life because of alcohol or other drugs,
      including prescription medications?
    • Present: In the past month, have you drunk any alcohol or used other drugs?

    Recognizing you have a drinking problem is generally the first step to recovery. Heavy drinking is classed by the NHS as regularly drinking more than 14 units each week.

    Left untreated, you could develop side effects like alcoholic hepatitis and Wernicke encephalopathy. Alcohol can have other effects like difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times and impaired memory.

    Alcohol addiction is common in the population, with a study by Robin Room, Thomas Babor and Jürgen Rehm revealing that ‘4% of the global burden of disease is attributable to alcohol’, accounting for almost as much death and disability as tobacco and high blood pressure (hypertension) globally.

    As alcohol is physically addictive that alters your brain and body, if you have a severe dependency, you will need to undergo an alcohol detox.

    Can I Do An Alcohol Detox At Home?

    It’s vitally important that this is supervised by a medical professional, as withdrawing can cause serious health complications.

    When you suddenly stop drinking after drinking alcohol for a while, your body begins a life-threatening process of alcohol withdrawal.

    Without medical advice, you risk alcohol withdrawal symptoms like alcohol withdrawal syndrome and Delirium Tremens.

    We can discuss whether you are a suitable candidate for home detox during your phone assessment. This would involve a clinic sending the medication Librium out to you in the post.

    Another medication sometimes needed to stop drinking is Acamprosate (Campral®), which helps rebalance the chemicals in the brain that have been altered by alcohol.

    The opioid antagonist Naltrexone can also be helpful in cutting alcohol out of your life as it decreases the alcohol you consume.

    Alcohol can also cause anxiety and depression, which means you might be able to get prescribed medications such as an antidepressant like nefazodone, desipramine, or imipramine. 

    Please be aware that this is only available to patients who consume fewer than 30 alcoholic units per day, as well as other eligibility criteria.

    Thanks to its flexible nature, anyone undergoing alcohol addiction treatment in Sheffield who qualifies for home detox will be able to access it.

    If you’re a child of a parent affected by alcohol use, you can receive free help from The National Association for Children of Alcoholics.

    Free and charitable organisations like Al-Anon and Alateen can offer you support and guidance at no cost to yourself.

    If you need an alcohol detox, it’s vitally important that this is supervised by a medical professional.

    If you’re a child with a parent affected by alcohol use, you can receive free help and advice from The National Association for Children of Alcoholics.

    As for your body’s recovery after drinking alcohol, damaged organs may regain function partially or might heal altogether, depending on what overall condition they were in and whether you’ve had a relapse or not.

    It is reported that about 14% of alcoholics develop liver cirrhosis if they continue their drinking habits for over a period of 8 years. It is best to stop drinking today so that you can have the best chance at a full recovery.

    It is crucial to begin your recovery now, as being an alcoholic is thought to drastically lower your age of death. The average age of death for an alcoholic is 47–53 years in men and 50–58 years in women.

    If you go on to have CBT therapy for alcohol addiction, a report has shown that the success rate is 83.87%. Therapy after treatment is therefore recommended greatly. 

    Residential Alcohol Rehab Vs. Outpatient in Sheffield. Which is Better?

    Outside a rehab in Sheffield

    The two basic types of rehab in Sheffield are outpatient rehab and inpatient rehab.

    Inpatient rehab simply means that the patient stays overnight at the clinic while they are receiving care.

    They will remain at the facility for the full duration of their treatment.

    Outpatient treatment, on the other hand, means that the patient will stay at their home at night and travel to the rehab clinic during the day.

    Outpatient treatment allows users to maintain some aspects of their normal life as they go through rehab, rather than leaving everything behind for a month.

    Is Detox With No Rehab Possible?

    There are certain people for whom outpatient rehab or home detox is not a good idea.

    This includes:

    • People who are regularly drinking 30+ units of alcohol a day
    • Those who have co-occurring mental illnesses such as anxiety, OCD or depression
    • People who are currently exercising suicidal thoughts
    • Anyone who has failed to remain sober after repeated attempts at outpatient treatment or home detox
    • People who are prone to acting out in a violent manner towards loved ones whenever they are intoxicated
    • Those who have suffered from delirium tremens or alcoholic seizures
    • Anyone with Wernicke’s encephalopathy

    If you fit any of the above criteria, you would likely identify as high-risk, and therefore outpatient rehab would not be suitable for you.

    You would also only be eligible for outpatient rehab if you lived within a reasonable distance of the clinic in question.

    We can discuss whether you might be suitable for outpatient treatment during your phone assessment with us.

    For help choosing between inpatient and outpatient rehab in Sheffield, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Percentage of Alcoholics Recover?

    In the US, 35.9% of individuals with alcohol dependence make a full recovery within one year (18). ‘Full recovery’ refers to long-term sobriety, but it does not mean that these people never experience cravings or temptation.

    The percentage of people in partial remission (still experiencing several symptoms of addiction or dependence) is 27.3%, and 11.8% of this group are still drinking but no longer experience symptoms of dependence (19).

    People in Sheffield with a severe case of alcoholism will find it harder to recover, though it is certainly still possible. Dependence issues are linked to higher recovery rates, as milder issues are easier to treat.

    You can avoid relapse by taking Acamprosate. This medication will help the chemicals in your body to be repaired and return to normal levels.

    Acamprosate is taken after detox, and prevents alcohol cravings.

    Al-Anon Family Group Meetings

    Al-Anon is an organisation that provides support and meetings for family members and loved ones of those suffering from alcohol addiction.

    In the same manner as Alcoholics Anonymous, it is based around a 12-step concept.

    Many people who are concerned about the alcoholism of a loved one find Al-Anon to be a very helpful resource.

    Al-anon hosts several meetings in and near to Sheffield.

    Should I Go Alcohol Rehab or AA in Sheffield?

    There is no reason to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Sheffield without also going to rehab.

    Unless your relationship with alcohol is only mildly abnormal, you should always seek out a formal treatment programme alongside a self-help group such as AA.

    That being said, AA meetings can be extremely effective, so we recommend prioritising this resource as part of your aftercare.

    One study concluded that AA is the ‘most effective path to abstinence’, so it should certainly be embraced (20).

    What is the Admissions Process for Our Rehabilitation Centre in Sheffield?

    Group therapy in Sheffield

    Once you arrive at a drug & alcohol rehab in Sheffield, you will be assessed by on-site staff so that they can get a better of your history with substance abuse, as well as your personal proclivities, triggers, and sensitivities.

    Another reason for assessment is to make sure that you are not an imminent danger to yourself or to others at rehab.

    The exact methods used to assess you will vary, but may include any combination of the following:

    ASAM Criteria

    The ASAM criteria is a system with which the patient I assessed in order to get a more objective idea of the extent of a person’s addiction, and how suitable they are for addiction treatment at rehab or elsewhere.

    The six categories of ASAM are as follows:

    • Acute Intoxication and/or Withdrawal Potential – Exploring the person’s experience of substance use and withdrawal, past and present
    • Biomedical conditions and complications – Exploring the person’s medical history and physical conditions, and how they relate to the recovery process
    • Emotional, Behavioural, or Cognitive Conditions and Complications – Exploring the person’s emotions, thoughts, and mental health challenges
    • Readiness to change – Assessing how willing the person is to actively involve themselves in the treatment process
    • Relapse, continued use, or continued problem potential – Assessing the individual’s unique relationship with drug and/or alcohol relapse
    • Recovery/living environment – exploring an individual’s living situation, and whether it is an environment that makes recovery viable

    DSM-5 Technique

    Family therapy in Sheffield

    The DSM5 criteria are used to assess how severe a person’s substance abuse problem is, and whether it constitutes an addiction.

    It lists nine different behaviours within four different categories, and asks the patient to answer how many apply to them.

    The categories are:

    • Impaired Control – Taking more of a substance than first intended, using more often than intended; wanting to cut back but not being able to do so
    • Social Problems – neglecting responsibilities and/or relationships; giving up on activities that they used to deeply care about; failing to complete fairly simple tasks at work or school
    • Risky Use – using drugs or alcohol in risky settings or circumstances, continuing to use despite knowing that they are in danger
    • Physical Dependence – Requiring more of the substance to get the same effect; having physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms when not using

    In terms of scoring, two or three of the symptoms listed above would indicate a mild substance abuse disorder.

    Four or five would indicate a moderate substance abuse disorder, while six or seven symptoms indicates a severe substance abuse disorder.

    Under the DSM5 model, a severe substance disorder is classed as an addiction.

    However moderate or severe your substance abuse disorder or addiction is, you will be able to get help with it at rehab.

    The only reason you are assessed so thoroughly is so that the rehab staff can plan out the right treatment plan for you.

    Everyone’s addiction experience is slightly different, and so it follows that their treatment plan should take that into account.

    During your assessment, the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s Patient Placement Criteria (ASAM Criteria), will be used.

    This helps all healthcare providers to create a person centred care plan, so that your needs and health concerns are met.

    Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

    The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, or AUDIT for short, was developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

    It is a popular way of getting a more objective idea of the severity of a person’s alcohol addiction, and what kind of risks they present.

    It asks a series of questions relating to the person’s drinking and then provides a scoring system from which to make a judgement.

    0 to 7 points indicates low risk, while 20 or more points indicates a possible dependence.

    To learn more about how addiction is diagnosed at drug and alcohol rehabs in Sheffield, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can I Convince a Loved One to Receive Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Sheffield?

    Group therapy chairs at an alcohol rehab in Sheffield

    Some people can stay in denial about their addiction for years before seeking help.

    This is unfortunate, because the longer they stay in active addiction, the greater the potential for harm to themselves as well as others.

    If you are concerned about the addiction of someone you know, the best course of action may be to arrange an intervention.

    Traditionally, an intervention involves a person’s loved ones and/or family gathering in a room with the person to communicate their feelings and encourage the person to get help.

    This is ideally done with the help of a trained intervention counsellor, who can mediate the session make sure it is measured and productive.

    It is very normal for the person to get defensive and for the conversations to get heated, which is why is good to have an independent mediator.

    Intervention starts with identifying a person’s willingness to quit. The five major steps to intervention are the “5 A’s”: Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange.

    Acceptance and believing in yourself are vital to a successful recovery, so it’s essential that the person entering rehabilitation wants to change.


    An alternative to this kind of intervention is the CRAFT method, which stands for Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training.

    This method uses positive reinforcement and recognition to encourage the person to change their behaviour for the better.

    The idea behind this method is that, in order to change someone else’s behaviour, one must first change their own.

    We can provide advice on how to stage an intervention, using either of these methods.

    We can also advise on how to arrange the services of an independent intervention counsellor.

    If you want help holding an intervention in order to prepare a loved one for addiction treatment in Sheffield, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    How Much Does Rehab In Sheffield Cost?

    The exact cost of rehab will vary depending on the clinic, as well as the treatment options that you choose.

    For example, if you were to go with a full 28-day course of residential rehab, you should expect to pay around £8,000-£12,000 for a single-person room, and around £6,000 for a multiple-occupancy room (a place in a dorm).

    If you were to choose to do a standalone 10-day detox at the clinic, you could expect to pay between £3,000-£6,000 for a single room, or £2,000-£4,000 for a multiple-occupancy room.

    You could reduce this cost even further to around £1,500 by doing a home detox.

    However, only certain eligibility criteria will apply.

    For a clearer answer about the exact cost of your addiction treatment in Sheffield, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Tips For Choosing The Right Rehab In Sheffield

    Outpatient therapy in Sheffield

    We are here to help you find help at a rehab in Sheffield that is right for you.

    However, some people prefer to do their own research on private rehab clinics, and that is perfectly valid.

    If you are researching rehab clinics, there are certain things that you should look out for:

    • Track record – Check how long the clinic has been running – ideally you should choose a clinic that has been operating for 20 years or more.
    • Rates of success – Research what percentage of people who have been through the clinic have managed to get into long-term recovery. If the number reflects well upon the clinic, it should be easy to obtain via their website.
    • Affordability – Every clinic has different pricing, so make sure that the clinic in question is affordable for you at the present time.
    • Qualifications – Look through the clinic’s staff page and see who works at the clinic and what their qualifications are.
    • Reviews – Private rehab clinics are businesses, and will likely have a series of reviews on Google or elsewhere. These reviews can be a good indicator of the quality of the clinic.

    It can take a long time to research all of the above, which is why we’re happy to help you by offering our expertise and picking a clinic that would suit your specific needs.

    For more advice and guidance on choosing the right rehab in Sheffield, reach out to our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Do I Need a Detox Programme/Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment?

    Coming off any substance will involve going through a period of withdrawal.

    However, not all will require a detox.

    In the context of addiction treatment, detox is used to describe a medical process that manages a person’s withdrawal from a problematic substance.

    Specifically, it is used in the case of heroin, alcohol and benzodiazepines withdrawal.

    This is because all of these substances can present severe withdrawal symptoms that need to be properly managed by professionals.

    Specific medications are used to alleviate the physical symptoms and anxiety associated with withdrawal, as well as reducing the risk of serious physical side effects such as seizures.

    Buprenorphine and Chlordiazepoxide can medicate addiction withdrawal symptoms to remove any unpleasant feelings.

    Other illicit substances, such as cannabis, ecstasy, speed, cocaine and crack cocaine, ketamin, as well as prescription medication such as and morphine and codeine do not require detox or the use of withdrawal medications, as they are not physically addictive.

    Nevertheless, it is preferable that you are monitored by professionals as you withdraw, due to the high risk of unpleasant psychological withdrawal symptoms.

    To reiterate, addiction to any substance can be treated at rehab.

    However, there are certain substances for which a medically-supervised detox is essential.

    This includes prescription opioids, illicit opiates, benzodiazepines and alcohol.

    You should never try to withdraw from any of these substances on your own, or go ‘cold turkey’, as this can be dangerous.

    If you’re ready to beat your addiction with the help of a rehab in Sheffield, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What is a Medically Assisted Drug or Alcohol Detox?

    Detoxing from drugs or alcohol involves withdrawing from the addictive substance in order to establish a state of sobriety.

    This can be done without medication, but there is evidence that medically-assisted detoxes can be safer and more effective.

    Depending on the drug in question, different medication is used for the detox in Sheffield.

    People with a nicotine addiction are sometimes offered the antidepressant bupropion (brand name Wellbutrin) during the detox phase.

    This drug can reduce cravings and increase the chances of an individual quitting smoking for good (21).

    Most medication used in detoxes share this benefit of reducing cravings, as cravings are one of the main obstacles to addiction recovery.

    Other withdrawal symptoms are also frequently targeted, such as tremors and anxiety.

    Sometimes, detox medication can prevent individuals from experiencing the effects of drugs. For example, Naltrexone blocks the effects of opioids in order to maintain sobriety in people with this substance addiction.

    Not all detoxes require medication. The use of medication is dependent on many factors including the type of drug used, the severity of the addiction, and the health of the drug user.

    If the drug of use is not physically addictive, there is no need for a physical detox in any way (though a detox of sorts will always occur, as the individual will stop taking the substance).

    How Long Does Rehab In Sheffield Last?

    A diary and a pencil in Sheffield

    Drug and alcohol rehab usually lasts around 28 days, although in some extreme cases, patients may stay in rehab for up to 90 days.

    If the substance from which are withdrawing requires a detox, this will take up the first 7 to 10 days of your time at rehab.

    Therapy, treatment and addiction education will make up the remaining weeks at the clinic.

    In some cases, a patient may have planned for a 28-day detox, but their detox takes longer than expected, perhaps due to heavy substance abuse prior to entering the clinic.

    If this is the case, it could have a knock-on effect on your overall treatment time.

    Generally speaking, rehab should not take more than one month from admission to discharge.

    Standalone detox usually takes between a week and 10 days, but this is not considered rehab, as it doesn’t involve any other kind of therapy or treatment.

    To get a clearer idea of just how long your time in addiction treatment in Sheffield may last, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What Are the Benefits of Alcohol Rehab in Sheffield?

    Alcohol is unfortunately still a major part of British nightlife and pop culture in general.

    This is despite the fact that alcohol is directly responsible for thousands of deaths in the country every year, as well as having an indirect effect on the lives of millions of others.

    As well as being the most widely available drug, it is also one of the deadliest.

    If your drinking has become a problem, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to seek treatment at an alcohol rehab in Sheffield.

    Within the same facility, you will be able to go through medically-assisted detox, get help through therapy, and move into a positive future with the help of a relapse prevention plan.

    There are hundreds of alcohol rehab clinics around the UK, and a great deal here in South Yorkshire.

    If you would like us to provide a referral or just want some advice, please reach out to us and speak with a member of the Rehab Recovery team.

    Our team are highly trained, sympathetic and discreet.

    Whatever you share with us will be treated with strict confidence.

    Start your alcohol addiction treatment in Sheffield by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Type of Addictions Are Treated At Rehab in Sheffield?

    Two men hugging in Sheffield

    Rehab For Cocaine In Sheffield

    Cocaine has become something of an open secret amongst the bars and clubs of the UK.

    In fact, in certain social circles, cocaine use is rampant, and is not much more stigmatised than drinking a pint of beer.

    Unfortunately, cocaine dependence can soon become problematic for many people, as it is a potent, expensive drug which is also highly addictive.

    The best way to treat a cocaine problem is through rehab.

    Cocaine rehab does not require a medical detox, as would be necessary with heroin or alcohol.

    Rather, the staff will monitor your psychological wellbeing as you withdraw, before starting you on a comprehensive treatment plan to address the underlying issues that have driven you to cocaine abuse in the first place.

    Through a combination of various therapies and treatments, you can achieve long-term recovery from cocaine addiction, and manage your cravings effectively in the future.

    Staying off cocaine does not require any kind of substitutive medication.

    You just need to commit to your treatment programme and stay proactive in your own recovery.

    Start your cocaine addiction treatment at a drug rehab in Sheffield by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab For Heroin In Sheffield

    The effects of heroin abuse can be seen first-hand on the streets of every major city in the UK.

    The highly potent opiate has the ability to ruin the lives of those who use it, as well as everyone around that person.

    Aside from the severe health risks involved, heroin use also comes with unbearable withdrawals.

    This means that users will often steal, even from those closest to them, in order to afford their next fix.

    This can lead to severe trauma in those relationships, causing divides which often cannot be fully repaired.

    Heroin abuse is not easy to treat, but the best place to do so is at residential rehab.

    A proper drug & alcohol rehab in Sheffield will have the facilities for a medically-supervised heroin detox, where heroin withdrawal symptoms can be medicated and managed.

    This usually involves the use of Subutex during detox, before moving on to methadone as a transition from heroin use.

    Once you have got through detox, you will be able to receive a comprehensive treatment and therapy plan.

    Heroin addiction can seem impossible to escape at times, but with the right treatment at rehab, recovery is always possible.

    Start your heroin addiction treatment at a drug rehab in Sheffield by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab For Cannabis In Sheffield

    Walking in a woodland near Sheffield

    Cannabis is one of the most widely used drugs in the UK, along with alcohol and cocaine.

    Unfortunately, there are still some people who insist on perpetuating the myth that cannabis use is harmless, and that it is not possible to get addicted to it.

    Neither of these things are true. Long-term cannabis use can have a massively detrimental effect on a person’s health and wellbeing.

    A study by Wayne Hall and Louisa Degenhardt identified the adverse side effects of regular use of cannabis during adolescence and into adulthood can include ‘a dependence syndrome, increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, impaired respiratory function, cardiovascular disease, and adverse effects of regular use on adolescent psychosocial development and mental health’.

    It is not possible to die of a cannabis overdose.

    However, this certainly does not mean that there is no harm in smoking cannabis.

    Cannabis use disorder increases your risk of debilitating mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety disorders.

    On top of that, the effects of the drug can also cause users to become socially withdrawn, paranoid and generally lacking in motivation.

    Cannabis addiction is best treated at rehab, where you can focus on the underlying issues that may be causing you to want to be stoned so often.

    You will not have to go through detox – instead, you can spend the bulk of your time at rehab focusing on your mental health and wellness, which in turn will diminish your need to turn to cannabis use as a form of escapism.

    While medications like Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), especially Sertraline, can help ease anxiety symptoms, it is helpful to prevent anxiety and other effects that cannabis might be causing you by cutting cannabis out of your life altogether. 

    Start your cannabis addiction treatment at a drug rehab in Sheffield by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    What Type of Therapies Are on Offer at Rehabs in Sheffield?

    There is no such thing as a ‘typical’ rehab therapy plan, as everyone experiences addiction differently, and requires different kinds of help to deal with their own issues.

    Addiction is a very complex condition, and so it makes sense that the types of therapy on offer at rehab are wide and varied.

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence establishes criteria to ensure that all treatments given by healthcare practitioners satisfy quality standards.

    Below, we have written a concise list of some of the types of treatment that you can expect to receive at drug & alcohol rehab in Sheffield.

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    Cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT for short, is a therapy that has a wide range of applications.

    One of many talking therapies, it is often used to treat drug and alcohol addiction problems, as well as addictive behaviours such as gambling and sex addiction.

    CBT focuses on the person challenging their own thoughts, as well as their responses to them.

    It also aims to improve a person’s emotional regulation, as well as developing healthy coping strategies to deal with negative and/or challenging emotions.

    Most rehabs in Sheffield will use CBT as an essential part of their treatment.

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy

    Dialectal Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a therapy that has been gaining popularity in recent years, mostly as an effective method of treating drug or alcohol addiction problems.

    It is based on the same principles as CBT, but is particularly adept at managing the symptoms of personality disorders such as Borderline Personality disorder.

    Conditions like BPD are commonly diagnosed as co-morbidities with drug or alcohol addiction.

    The vast majority of drug and alcohol rehabs in Sheffield can offer DBT when needed.

    Brief Interventions

    A brief intervention is a term used to describe pointed, short-term interventions in a person’s addiction or sets of problematic behaviours.

    This could perhaps involve pointing them towards a resource that would help them, giving them some helpful information, or encouraging the person to believe that they can change for the better.

    Brief interventions will be experienced by most people undergoing addiction treatment in Sheffield.

    Motivational Interviewing (MI)

    Motivational interviewing is a counselling technique that was developed by psychologists in the 1980s and has been used in the context of addiction ever since.

    It is based around the four principles of partnership, evocation, acceptance and compassion.

    Motivational interviewing aims to resolve a person’s ambivalence and apathy about their future, which can be a common trait in someone who has battled drug or alcohol addiction for a long time.

    MI is a key part of many people’s experience at rehab in Sheffield.

    Holistic Therapies

    Holistic therapy is a sort of umbrella term for therapies that are not as traditional as others, yet still have a positive effect on a person’s recovery and well-being.

    Following a psychological evaluation, couples therapy, equine therapy, music therapy and art therapy, mindfulness and other treatments can support you to overcome any other issues such as insomnia, and improve your overall wellbeing.

    At rehab, it may also include activities that involve gentle exercise, such as yoga or gardening.

    Anything that provides a positive focus, or encourages a mindful state of being, will no doubt be helpful in terms of your recovery.

    Whilst many rehabs in Sheffield will provide some form of holistic therapy, the specific kind will depend on that clinic’s expertise, location and resources.

    Group Therapy

    Group therapy sessions are a big part of the programme at almost every rehab clinic.

    This is because they provide a sense of fellowship and community with others who are going through the recovery process like you.

    It can be very helpful to be able to share your problems with the group, as well as provide support for others who are going through similar challenges.

    Group psychotherapy is a key part of any addiction treatment programme in Sheffield.

    Individual Therapy

    Being under the care of top mental health professionals will give you the chance to get to the bottom of whatever issues you have and work through some of your personal trauma, whether or not it is related to your substance abuse.

    You will have help with this from psychologists, counsellors and other specialist mental health practitioners.

    Everyone attending drug and alcohol rehab in Sheffield will experience some kind of individual therapy.

    Family Therapy

    Two women hugging in Sheffield

    Family therapy focuses on healing trauma that has been brought about by addiction.

    It would involve loved ones coming into the clinic to be in a therapy session with the patient, overseen by a therapy professional.

    Sessions like these can be very helpful in repairing relationships that have been frayed or damaged by the person’s substance abuse and the behaviours that came with it.

    We know that familial relationships can be very complex and that not everyone wants to have a relationship with their own family.

    Please be assured that these kind of sessions would only take place if it was deemed appropriate for your treatment plan, and if you and everyone else involved consented to it.

    It is not something that would be sprung on you.

    Most rehabs in Sheffield will be able to facilitate family therapy when it is necessary.

    Other Types of Therapy

    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a typical form of therapy you’ll find in rehab. ACT therapy, a type of mindful psychotherapy, can help you stay in the now and accept your thoughts and feelings without condemnation.

    It seeks to help you get through difficult emotions so you can concentrate on healing rather than dwelling on the past.

    Brief Interventions are crucial to many patients’ recovery. People commonly realise they need help after observing how others perceive their addiction (and realising how it has impacted people close to them).

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a cutting-edge alternative to traditional therapy that has produced amazing outcomes for problems ranging from PTSD to anxiety.

    Motivational therapy and Motivational Interviewing uses a sequence of understanding questions to motivate individuals to improve their lives.

    Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy is a practical treatment that shows you how to comprehend and manage your emotions, and can increase your chances of maintaining long-term sobriety.

    Brief Interventions are crucial to many patients’ recovery. People struggling with addiction commonly only realise they need help after observing how others perceive their addiction, and realising how it has impacted people close to them.

    Co-dependency Treatment

    Being in active substance addiction can often force people to develop relationships, romantic or otherwise, that are unhealthy and/or mutually destructive.

    For example, you might find yourself in a co-dependent romantic relationship with someone else who is in active addiction.

    This is not healthy for either person involved and could end very badly.

    At drug & alcohol rehab in Sheffield, you will be able to assess your personal relationships with the benefit of hindsight and distance, as well as the supervision of a mental health professional.

    Through co-dependency treatment, you can learn to spot the signs of a toxic relationship, as well as what to do about it for the good of your own recovery.

    Many rehabs in Sheffield will be able to facilitate co-dependency treatment when it is needed.

    Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy (TSF)

    Although it is not for everyone, the 12-step approach has helped millions of people around the world is their quest for recovery.

    These guidelines form the basis of Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as sister organisations like Narcotics Anonymous.

    The 12 steps can also be incorporated into your treatment plan at rehab -if that is something that you would like to pursue.

    Thanks to its fame and effectiveness, most drug and alcohol rehabs in Sheffield are equipped to conduct TSF.

    What Happens After Rehab In Sheffield?

    Group therapy in Sheffield

    Although getting through rehab is a great achievement for anyone, it is always potentially challenging going back out into the world and re-adjusting to a new life in sobriety.

    A committed aftercare service will keep you on the right track after you leave treatment.

    How Long Does Aftercare Last?

    You’ll receive frequent check-ins and support as you navigate your new life in recovery, to make sure you’re keeping any relapse triggers in check and managing the temptations of everyday life.

    You will be helped to come up with a relapse prevention plan prior to leaving the clinic.

    It should not be seen as a sign of weakness if you do relapse as recovery takes time. Relapsing is common and occurs between 40% to 60% of adults trying to recover.

    How Will I Sustain My Soberness Once I Leave Rehab?

    Contingency management and coping mechanisms will provide a solid foundation for you to recover with a safety net of tools and abilities to stay sober.

    This plan will outline ways that you can reduce the potential of harm and relapse going forward.

    One thing you may be asked to do is reassess your social circle.

    For example, if you are friends with a person who is still in active drug or alcohol addiction, it might be best to cut ties with that person, or at least minimise contact.

    This is because socialising with them would have the potential to endanger your own recovery, which is not a price worth paying.

    Sober living houses give you and other people on the same journey a secure home, free from temptations, where you can support one another as you rebuild your lives.

    Another commitment you could make might be attending regular group therapy meetings.

    This could be at Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous, or at a more secular equivalent if you would prefer.

    These kinds of meetings give you a chance to share your thoughts with others, as well as gain perspective from them.

    Staying in recovery will require proactive steps such as this.

    There are many other ways to help you stick to your recovery plan. This includes sticking to the 5 Rules of Recovery that include:

    • change your life for the better
    • be completely honest with yourself and those around you
    • don’t be afraid to ask for help
    • practice self-care
    • don’t bend the rules

    To learn more about how a rehab in Sheffield will support you to avoid relapse, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can I Refer Myself Into Rehab?

    For more information on detox and rehab options in Sheffield, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.

    When you contact us, we shall outline a variety of treatment options that are available to you.

    This includes both private and publicly available addiction treatments in Sheffield.  All drug and alcohol rehabs must be registered and audited by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

    Rehab Recovery has rehab services across Sheffield and the UK, including Dronfield, Chapeltown, Rotherham, Chesterfield, Staveley, Barnsley, Worksop, Bentley, Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds.

    If you are ready to take that important first step away from addiction, reach out today.


    [1] Biology of Addiction,hurting%20family%2C%20or%20losing%20jobs.

    [2] Adult substance misuse treatment statistics 2019 to 2020: report,from%2048%25%20to%2047%25).


    [4] Ibid.

    [5] Experienced Psychosocial Problems of Women with Spouses of Substance Abusers: A Qualitative Study

    [6] Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery

    [7] The Treatment of Addiction: What Can Research Offer Practice?

    [8] Ibid.

    [9] A national survey of retention in residential rehabilitation services

    [10] Effectiveness of long-term residential substance abuse treatment for women: findings from three national studies

    [11] Treatment and Recovery

    [12] A comprehensive and comparative review of adolescent substance abuse treatment outcome

    [13] Ibid.

    [14] Inclusion of Family Therapy in Rehabilitation Program of Substance Abuse and Its Efficacious Implementation

    [15] Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Programs: Assessing the Evidence

    [16] Family Involvement in Treatment and Recovery for Substance Use Disorders among Transition-Age Youth: Research Bedrocks and Opportunities

    [17] Working on addiction in the workplace

    [18] 2001-2002 Survey Finds that Many Recover from Alcoholism: Researchers Identify Factors Associated with Abstinent and Non-Abstinent Recovery

    [19] Ibid.

    [20] Alcoholics Anonymous most effective path to alcohol abstinence

    [21] Pharmacological strategies for detoxification


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