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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stockport

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Stockport. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stockport

    People who are looking for help with drug or alcohol recovery in Stockport should look no further than one of the many alcohol detox centres in the area. Alcohol help Stockport can be sought out without too many problems.

    The toughest obstacle to overcome for the patient is themselves. Their body will resist them every step of the way. Alcohol rehab can be approached in a variety of different ways, and it’s important to understand how this works.

    While many people see addiction as something that befalls others, substance use disorder can affect anyone. In the Stockport community, alcohol dependence and illicit drug use have devastating consequences for both individuals and their loved ones.

    The Stockport JNSA noted that in 2017, 25% of adults in their study were problematic drinkers, with this remaining stable ever since.

    Moreover, PHE data found the rates of alcohol-related deaths in Stockport to be higher than the national average,  with the rate of alcohol-specific hospital admissions 50% higher in the Manchester area.

     Regrettably, similar trends are reflected in the drug-use data for Stockport and greater Manchester. Recent reports show that 31% of residents perceive a very big problem with people dealing drugs in the Stockport area.

    This has led to those who are in desperate need of help falling through the net. Tragically, the area has seen a 74% rise in drug deaths over the past ten years, with countless lives devastated by these statistics.

    Fortunately, those suffering both directly and indirectly from substance addiction have been receiving help in the form of drug & alcohol rehabs in Stockport.

    The town has higher rehab completion rates than both the national and manchester average, with many drawn to its selection of leading clinics.

    Start your recovery journey today at an alcohol and drug rehab in Stockport by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Addiction is a Disease, Not a Moral Defect


    Despite the circulation of information regarding addiction, misconceptions are still present.

    Harmful narratives claim that substance use disorder is a moral flaw or lifestyle choice, leading many to reject the help they desperately need.

    Addiction is not a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – so the focus of rehab is always on returning agency to the patient.

    Thankfully, the accessibility of scientific studies and guidelines has led to stigmas being challenged. Addiction is now understood to be a disease thanks to the findings of the brain disease model of addiction (BDMA).  

    The (BDMA) argues that addiction is a disease of chronic relapsing, which occurs due to changes in neurological circuitry. Therefore, someone can who is biologically susceptible to changes in the brain is more likely to develop an addiction.

    When an individual becomes dependent on drugs or alcohol, their reward pathways drastically change.

    This means that over time, they will feel unable to function or abstain from their addictive substance, and exhibit drug or alcohol withdrawal syndromes if they miss a dose.

    Due to these physiological factors, substance use disorder can affect anyone in the community and is a disease that doesn’t discriminate. While someone with a troubled home environment might be more susceptible, addiction can befall anyone of any age, race, or gender.

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    Overcome the disease of addiction with the help of a rehab centre in Stockport by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    How Do I Know I’m Addicted?


    Such a complex disease comes with a variety of symptoms, and with each case being different, it can be hard to identify addiction in yourself or another. Moreover, some may underestimate or downplay the severity of their symptoms, while others will overcomplicate them.

    Whatever the situation may be, it’s imperative to seek professional advice from a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport. They can give clarity regarding a diagnosis, addiction severity, and which addiction treatment steps to take next.

    Another option is to use a certified self-assessment tool before seeking the advice of medical professionals. This can give yourself and your loved ones a preliminary indication of how serious the addiction may be.

    For those concerned about their alcohol consumption, a useful tool is the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). Prioritising a simple self-assessment framework, all subjects have to do is answer a series of questions.

    These will concern consumption, dependence, and any consequences they are already facing.

    With only ten questions, subjects won’t have to wait too long to receive a score indicating the severity of their alcohol dependence. Receiving a total of eight indicates an addiction of medium severity, and any score above thirteen suggests an intense, diagnosable addiction.

    If someone is struggling with drug use, however, a commonly used clinical framework is the Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

    Created by hundreds of mental health experts, The DSM-5 is a criterion that can be used in both the home and clinical settings.

    It asks subjects to assess how many of the following four symptoms they relate to;

    • A lack of control (Being unable to remain sober despite having the desire to)
    • Physical withdrawal (experiencing symptoms such as muscle aches, nausea, lethargy etc )
    • A continuing pattern of risky consumption (using in hazardous quantities or in dangerous situations)
    • A problematic social life (problems in their relationships, issues in the workplace etc)

    Much like AUDIT, subjects can identify their severity according to their score, or how many signs of addiction they recognise in themselves.

    If they’re suffering from three symptoms or less, they could be suffering from a mild to moderate addiction, but relating to three or over requires immediate support via a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport.

    Still not sure if you  need the help of a rehab clinic in Stockport? Talk it over with our expert team by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stockport Cost?


    Understandably, many of the questions we receive here at Rehab Recovery relate to the cost of rehab services. The finances surrounding addiction treatment services can be reduced into two categories: inpatient and outpatient programmes.

    If a patient is returning home after attending treatment services, they are usually enrolled in outpatient programme. These services are often free of charge as they are funded by the NHS, and make for an accessible, budget-friendly option.

    Inpatient or residential rehab treatment describes the situation of staying at a rehab centre full-time, and as such is usually based at a private drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport. As each patient receives accommodation, medical facilities, and an array of therapy as part of their programme, costs are usually high.  

    On average, a typically chosen 28-day stay will vary from between £7,000 and £15,000.

    Clients opting for a single-occupancy roomwill pay more, while multi-occupancy rooms are available for those on a tighter budget.

    The price will fluctuate depending on a vast array of factors, including reputability, the location of a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport, and how luxurious the facilities are.

    To ease any concerns surrounding the budget, many inpatient centres provide payment plans on a sliding scale basis.

    For an estimation of how much your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport is likely to cost, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The Admissions Process for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stockport


    At Rehab Recovery, we’re dedicated to providing a bespoke, non-judgemental rehab admissions process for each client. At the heart of this process is our sympathetic and experienced admissions team, who can be reached via phone or online.

    After taking your details, a member of the team will arrange your free consultation: essentially an informal chat to determine your rehab requirements.

    In this confidential space, you’ll have the opportunity to express your preferences for selecting a suitable drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport.

    Once we’ve collected your preferences, we’ll walk you through the process of beginning recovery. This includes recommending treatment options to align with your specific needs- whether these be inpatient or outpatient in nature.

    Begin the admissions process today at an alcohol and drug rehab in Stockport by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    What is a Medicated Detox and Will I Need One in Stockport?


    A medicated detox is an essential part of any addiction recovery plan. It is the first stage when the patient arrives at the drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport, and it is essential in overcoming addiction.

    Typically, patients recovering from alcoholism will spend around 7 days undergoing a medicated drug or alcohol detox. Patients recovering from drug addiction may spend around 10 to 14 days undergoing the medicated detox stage, depending on the severity of their addiction.

    Here, they will allow the addictive substance to withdraw from their body, but this will be done in a safe and regulated environment. Withdrawal symptoms may arise, however patients will be given prescription drugs to ensure that their alcohol or drug detox is completed comfortably.

    Pharmacological intervention is incredibly important in this stage, and prescription drugs such as  Benzodiazepines, Naltrexone, Subutex, and more are used to decrease the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

    Librium is another commonly used prescription drug, particularly effective in preventing delirium tremens and other alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

    Because of the difference in effects between physically and psychologically dependent substances, the length of time that subjects spend at a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport will vary.

    For example, if a subject is suffering from alcoholism or heroin addiction, both of which are physically addictive, they may need to spend longer than 28 days at their selected rehab. This is because they will need to undergo a medicated detox to ease drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

    To learn more about detoxing at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Stockport, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    The Benefits of Private Rehab in Stockport


    Experts have agreed that abstinence is far more effective than harm reduction or moderation management – as a result, that’s what most rehabs focus on.

    While many people are quick to reject the more expensive option of private rehab, the benefits of such clinics are numerous.

    Crucially, patients have the chance to undergo an individualised treatment programme- including detox, therapy, and constant medical supervision.

    Each phase of alcohol or drug addiction treatment is conducted on-site at a medically supported drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport. This means that patients avoid any temptations and triggers present in their home environment.

    These bespoke programmes are designed carefully so that each variable of someone’s addiction is treated. This means catering to any unresolved trauma or co-occurring disorder, substance-use history, or cognitive distortion.

    As each addiction is underpinned by a different cause or set of causes, personalised treatment is vital in facilitating long-term recovery.Therapy models can be altered and different approaches combined and used to cater to the needs of an individual.

    Subjects can participate in alternative therapy such as holistic workshops, alongside communicative addiction counselling, group support sessions, and more.

    Another crucial element of private treatment is relapse prevention planning. In relapse prevention workshops, the focus is placed on learning to deal with triggers and developing healthy coping mechanisms.

    Patients are taught ways to self-monitor, how to avoid situations where triggers might be present, and how to manage cravings in a range of environments.

    While much emphasis is placed on overcoming addiction in a private rehab, the main objective is to stay in recovery. At a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport, a combination of bespoke care, structured treatment, and relapse prevention planning creates an ideal environment for long-term recovery.

    Gain all the benefits of a private rehab in Stockport by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How to Choose a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stockport


    When it comes to seeking treatment, making an informed decision by comparing rehab facilities is incredibly important. While it can seem easier to choose the first rehab clinic you come into contact with, there are a wealth of options that can be explored. 

    To enhance the effectiveness of your search, there are several things you can do. As any clinics have different specialities and cater for different goals, it’s important to establish your own needs.

    To this end, patients often begin by asking themselves some simple questions. Is there a particular substance or behaviour you wish to recover from? Are there any co-occuring disorders to treat simultaneously?

    Once you’ve identified your needs, or liaised with a professional who can help you do this, the next step is to investigate possible rehab options. Factors to consider range from how affordable, reputable, and experienced these clinics are. 

    A top-rated drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport will make it easy to view their treatment prices. A look at their website should yield plenty of information, including advice on payment plans and ways to easily contact their team.

    Moreover, said rehab should have a clear record of experience in the industry of addiction treatment. Websites should present a multitude of verifiable positive reviews, alongside high success rates and at least 20 years of experience.

    If a clinic seems reluctant to share a positive track record or is new and without an established reputation, it may not be the right place to begin your treatment. By reaching out to Rehab Recovery, we can put you in contact with previously vetted, leading centres in the Stockport area.

    Make sure that you end up at the right drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport for your needs by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab For Those Suffering From Co-Occurring Disorders


    Addiction has a complex set of causes and, oftentimes, patients entering rehab will do so with co-occuring disorders. In addition to substance use disorder, these individuals will be suffering from another condition- either physical or mental.

    These underlying disorders will often make addiction worse, or vice versa, and are experienced by many seeking professional assistance. On entering drug and alcohol treatment in greater Manchester, 22% of patients were found to have a pre-existing mental health need.

    These underlying psychiatric conditions vary from anxiety, depression, bipolar, and more. In these cases, the victim may self-medicate using a temporary high of drugs or alcohol- leading to an addiction.

    As part of your assessment for entering a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport, a psychiatrist will determine whether you meet the criteria for a dual diagnosis. Any overlapping conditions will then be treated in parallel using a bespoke therapy programme.

    To find out how a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport will work to support your mental health, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cannabis Rehab in Stockport


    As marijuana is widely used for both recreational and medical benefits, its addictive potential is often underestimated. However, cannabis use disorders are prevalent in societies across the world and are characterised by psychological symptoms.

    Those who undergo treatment for cannabis cannot stop using the drug despite it causing problems in their daily lives. These patients may have attempted abstinence with limited success, and noticed withdrawal symptoms if they stop using.

    If this situation sounds familiar to you or a loved one, it might be time to consider help in the form of a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport. Our partner centres offer a range of on-site or outpatient programmes for cannabis rehabilitation.

    As cannabis is purely a psychologically addictive substance, cannabis detox is not necessary.

    Uncovering the emotional root of a patient’s cannabis addiction is the second step, and is completed on-site.

    To treat the cause, addiction psychiatrists will suggest an intensive series of psychotherapy sessions that can be completed as an inpatient if the addiction is serious.

    Patients with moderate to severe cannabis use disorder often start recovery with a fusion of behavioural intervention and motivational enhancement. predominantly CBT and motivational enhancement.

    CBT gives patients the ability to recognise unhelpful patterns of thinking and discern how these lead to substance use. Simultaneously, motivational enhancement workshops improve a patient’s drive to change such negative behaviours.

    Overcome your cannabis addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport – call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Heroin Rehab in Stockport


    Known for their intense euphoric effects, opioids like heroin cause severe addictions that require comprehensive treatment. While someone in the midst of their heroin addiction may view sobriety as impossible, many recover through attending a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport.

    As the rehabilitation process for heroin is intensive, a full-time residency of at least 60 days is optimal. This allows time for the four main stages of rehab for heroin: assessment, heroin detox, therapy implementation, and aftercare.

    In the initial assessment, an addiction consultant will craft a treatment programme that encompasses each unique detail. Care plans are shaped by co-occuring disorders, any unique challenges faced by the individual, and their heroin-use history.

    This is followed by a gradual heroin detox to eliminate the body’s dependence on heroin. Due to the high chance of both physical and mental withdrawal, subjects are closely monitored and assigned prescription drugs when appropriate.

    To uncover and address the underlying cause of a patient’s heroin addiction, it’s important to begin therapy directly after detox.

    Alongside CBT, Contingency Management Therapy is a widely used modality that tangibly rewards patients for periods of sobriety.

    While recovery is a lifelong process, the last official phase of rehab for heroin is aftercare. This phase helps to ease the patient’s transition back to ordinary life and assists them in accessing fellowship groups and other modes of ongoing support.

    Overcome your heroin addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport – call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cocaine Rehab in Stockport


    The use of crack cocaine or powdered cocaine is on a worrying rise in the UK, with more people than ever succumbing to addiction. To escape the grasp of a stimulant use disorder, subjects should undergo treatment at a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport, rather than attempting sobriety alone.

    As cocaine addictions can instil long-term damage, and can even be fatal, it’s recommended to recover as an inpatient. Most individualised programmes are at least 30-days in length: allowing ample time to break the cycle of addiction via therapy.

    Cocaine is not physically addictive, so cocaine detox is not necessary. Some mental and physical withdrawal symptoms can be expected, but these are usually not dangerous and can be alleviated with the help of prescription drugs.

    Behavioural intervention methods have an impressive track record for treating cocaine misuse, and as such, often follow detox. The CBT approach teaches subjects to recognise ad avoid high-risk situations while treating co-occurring disorders such as anxiety.

    Akin to heroin addiction treatment, incentivised systems like contingency management are useful for those abstaining from cocaine. Participants who provide a clean urine test earn points or vouchers that can be exchanged for gym memberships, gift cards, and more.  

    Overcome your cocaine addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport – call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Types of Therapy Available at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stockport


    Ensuring each patient responds well to therapy is of paramount importance to rehab centres. As such, there is a huge range of evidence-based therapy available for patients, and styles can be combined to suit an individual’s needs.

    Many of these treatments ar available in the form of both group therapy and individual therapy.

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been a cornerstone of rehab treatment since the 1970s and is a popular communicative method among clinicians and patients.

    Sessions involve a CBT counsellor helping their patient to recognise their negative behaviour and cognitive distortions. These distortions refer to the irrational thoughts that influence destructive behavioural patterns.

    Once these have been recognised, patients learn problem-solving and coping strategies to overcome this behaviour. In the process, they come to understand the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    Learning more about your addiction and yourself in the process is crucial to recovery, and so CBT will likely feature in your treatment programme at a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport.

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is often used in tandem with CBT, as its mindfulness-centred approach teaches patients to cope with stress and root themselves in the present.

    While CBT focuses entirely on cognitive patterns, DBT focuses on emotional healing through acceptance.

    The focus of DBT sessions is to help patients transition from feeling out of control to being in control. It does so by boosting emotional engagement, which can lead to healthier relationships, enhanced problem-solving, and a life free from addiction.

    Motivational Interviewing

    This directive, communicative form of therapy aims to enhance someone’s motivation to change via regular one-to-one sessions with a counsellor. Motivational Interviewing sessions implement a goal-oriented format to help patients form objectives for recovery and keep morale high. 

    While Motivational Interviewing can be used as a standalone therapy, it’s often used in tandem with CBT or DBT to increase treatment retention and active participation.

    By learning how to self-motivate and speak openly about their goals, patients are more likely to stick with more specified therapies.

    Family Therapy

    Family Therapy is a commonplace treatment in rehab centres, as it benefits both the patient and their loved ones by encouraging collective healing.

    With the assistance of a counsellor, a patient’s family can learn more about their loved one’s addiction, and begin to heal their relationships.

    By facing issues that have created misunderstanding or resentment, family units become stronger in the face of a substance use disorder.

    After many sessions, loved ones often come together to support the affected individual, and can create a vital support network moving forward.

    Holistic Therapy

    Many different holistic and alternative therapies at available in rehab clinics across and near to Stockport.

    These use both physical and psychological activities to improve general wellness in the patient. Art therapy, music therapy, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, acupuncture and nutritional counselling are just some of the many techniques employed.

    Experience any and all of these excellent therapies at a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Alternatives to Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Stockport


    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, but it isn’t for everyone.

    Recovering from a substance use disorder is a personal journey, meaning one style of treatment will be optimal for some but an ill fit for others. While inpatient rehab is an effective option, many people look into other treatment avenues for a variety of personal reasons.

    A commonly opted-for alternative is outpatienttreatment. This is a viable option for many patients as, by avoiding a rehab residency, they can continue taking care of responsibilities and resuming as much of their ordinary life as possible.

    Undergoing a home detox is a staple of outpatient treatment for addiction. Instead of undertaking a detox on-site at a drug & alcohol rehab in Stockport, patients will withdraw from a substance in the comfort of their home environment.

    However, this doesn’t mean they are left to their own devices. A medical professional can travel to their home to ensure that the process is going well, and prescribe any medication if necessary. 

    While a home detox can facilitate recovery for less serious addictions, many individuals shouldn’t consider it. If someone has a history of failing to recover, for example, they should seek the 24/7 medical support of an inpatient clinic. 

    For those who have already made the transition to outpatient care, or simply seek a supportive community, another option is to join a fellowship group. 12 step groups such as  Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous are widely accessible options, while SMART Recovery provides a different format.

    What each fellowship group has in common is that they are non-profit organizations- meaning that they remain free of charge for their members. Moreover, each group is apolitical and accessible to anyone who needs their support, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or age. 

    NA and AA both utilise 12-step programmes to optimize each member’s chances of recovery. The 12 steps are essentially a guide for living a healthy, mindful lifestyle and focus on forming positive habits to prevent relapse.

    Self-Management And Recovery Training, or SMART, helps subjects overcome their addiction and stay in recovery through both online and in-person resources. This global community consists of those in recovery and trained therapists- who liaise to encourage self-empowerment and the will to break free from addiction.  

    Whatever help you need to beat addiction -whether from a conventional drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport or from one of these excellent alternatives- allow our team to help today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Are Your Options For Addiction Treatment Services In Stockport?


    The first option for dealing with addiction comes in the form of group addiction counselling. These sessions allow patients to meet other people who are suffering from the same problems they are. If they have trouble coping with drug or alcohol detox centres, this is the main coping method.

    Patients usually feel much more inclined to focus on the task at hand if they know people care if they succeed or not.

    Alcohol help in Stockport is primarily centred on individual addiction counselling sessions.

    People have to be able to open up about their problems if they are to succeed in the realm of drug and alcohol recovery.

    These sessions will be the toughest times for patients as they attempt to delve deep into their traumatic issues, which could have been buried for years.

    Addiction support will also come in the form of helping people to prepare for the future. Help with finding jobs, basic timekeeping skills, and just keeping busy in the form of a number of creative outlets can do the world of good. Boredom is one of the risk factors associated with alcohol addiction.

    To learn more about your options for addiction treatment in Stockport, give our expert team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    How to Enter Rehab In Stockport


    There are three ways that a person can become involved in a rehabilitation program in Stockport:

    • They reach what is called rock bottom. This usually happens when a person feels that they have lost everything that was once dear to them, or when they find themselves doing something that they once would never have imagined in order to obtain their substance of choice. This could be something illegal, immoral or both.
    • They could be sent to rehab by way of the court order or as a result of hospitalisation due to an overdose.
    • An intervention could have been staged by people who care about them in order to take stock of their lives and realise that they need professional help.

    Two of the three ways require the person to give up any denial that they might have about the seriousness of their problem and open their mind to dealing with it. Being made to go to rehab may lead to a slightly slower start for the addict who could well believe that they do not have a problem still.

    Overdoses can be seen as silly mistakes and court orders can be seen as a misjudgement on everyone else’s part.

    No matter how it is that a person enters rehab, one thing remains; they must be extremely dedicated in order for any program to have the slightest chance of working.

    Start your recovery journey at an alcohol and drug rehab in Stockport by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Why Don’t People Want Help?


    Rock bottom is different for everybody. Sometimes it seems that people are living a lifestyle that is ludicrous for an infinite amount of time. Some people can cope with extremely primitive lives without ever seeking help because, for them, they have not reached rock bottom.

    For friends and family of such people, waiting for the addict to realise what they are doing to themselves is often excruciating. One way to overcome this is to “raise rock bottom”.

    Put simply, people should do everything that they can to stop enabling the person’s substance abuse. This could mean not giving money out when asked to or offering a place to stay when needed.

    Such treatment might seem unnecessarily harsh and can be extremely difficult for people to do, especially those who are closest to the substance abuser. However, as long as an addict is being supported in their destructive behaviour, the longer they are likely to continue with it.

    By bringing about desperation sooner, there is a chance that rock bottom will be reached sooner and the person can finally realise where their addiction is taking them. All false beliefs that everything will be ok if they stay on this path must be removed if rehab is to be seen as an answer.

    The other reason that many addicts don’t want help is that they are scared. In a strange sense, they know who they are when they are drinking or using drugs. They see the world in a very specific way with very specific problems centred on getting their substances.

    Giving that life up means that they are no longer certain of each day. They have to deal with life as it comes and for some people, this is more threatening than any problem caused by drugs and alcohol because they do not believe that they can cope without the substances.

    Rehab teaches people coping mechanisms and skillsets that help them integrate themselves into society again.

    Don’t wait until it’s too late to get help – call our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Handling Withdrawal Symptoms


    Withdrawal symptoms are incredibly dangerous, and long-term substance abusers particularly need to watch out for their health when quitting their addictions because they are much more severe.

    Here are the reasons why drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be so dangerous:

    • They can cause death. Heroin users are known for dying as their bodies have become so dependent on the drug it can’t run without their daily intake of this hazardous material. Only through careful medication could this be coped with.
    • Alcohol detox centres protect patients from the problems of alcohol, which are known to cause the cravings to flare up significantly. Violent shaking and a dry mouth can cause patients to have trouble resisting the lull of alcohol.
    • Seek alcohol help in Stockport for help with withdrawal symptoms as even minor symptoms can lead to the patient becoming quite violent. If friends or family members are acting as guardians, they could feel the force of the addict’s fury if they refuse to give them any alcohol. It can strain relationships and bring down severe ramifications upon their own heads.

    As is clear, finding help through genuine drug and alcohol rehab facilities is absolutely imperative for solving the problems presented by an addiction.

    Through seeking the right help from a local GP, addictions can be controlled and steadily removed in a safe environment under the care of trained healthcare professionals.

    Get the addiction treatment in Stockport that you need by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Contacting Rehab Recovery

    For more information on detox and rehab options in Stockport, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.

    When you contact us, we shall outline a variety of treatment options that are available to you in Stockport. This includes both private and statutory addiction treatments.

    We also offer our drug and alcohol rehab services in a variety of locations across the UK, including BristolDevonCornwallSomersetDorsetBathCheltenhamGloucester and more!


    [1] Stockport JNSA Adult Lifestyle Statistics 2017 2015-19-JSNA-Adult-Lifestyles.pdf (

    [2] The Disease Model of Addiction

    [3] Abuse Recovery: Moderation vs Abstinence

    [4] Adult Substance Addiction Treatment Stats From 2019 to 2020

    [5] Alcoholics Anonymous

    [6] Narcotics Anonymous

    [7] SMART Recovery

    [8] ASAM Criteria

    [9] DSM-5 Criteria for SUD

    [10] Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)

    [11] 12 Step Facilitation Therapy

    [12] The Cenaps Model of Relapse

    [13] Cognitive Behavioural & Relapse Prevention Strategies Cognitive Behavioural & Relapse Prevention Strategies (

    [14] Greater Manchester Drug and Alcohol Strategy

    [15] Greater Manchester Alcohol Death Rate a Huge Cause for Concern Greater Manchester Alcohol Death Rate a Huge Cause for Concern – Acquiesce

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