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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Chorley & Near Chorley

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab Chorley & Near Chorley

    You’ve finally made the decision to get clean. You don’t want to rely on drugs or alcohol any longer to get through the day. But, you’re not sure where to begin.

    You are afraid your family and friends are going to judge you if they learn about the addiction. This is where a drug & alcohol rehab Chorley facility can help!

    It’s important for you to first realise you are not alone, and those in your life who love you, are not going to judge you. You have taken the first, most important, and most difficult step, which is to admit you need help.

    Now is the time to find the right drug & alcohol rehab in Chorley or near Chorley that can provide you with the help and guidance you require, to get clean and stay clean.

    What are the Steps of Drug and Alcohol Rehab Chorley?

    Drugs before alcohol rehab Chorley

    Between 2014 and 2016, Chorley recorded a rate of 2.7 heroin and morphine-related deaths per 100,000. This was significantly higher than the England average of 1.9 [1].

    The recovery journey usually requires individuals to undergo addiction rehab, and this is a very structured process. Rather than being a mysterious, frightening process, drug and alcohol rehab in Chorley is simply comprised of three stages of treatment.

    Stage 1: Detox

    The primary problem in most substance use disorders is a physical dependency on a drug. Individuals will have consumed it so regularly and in such high doses that their bodies will have formed an intense reliance on it, meaning it cannot function properly when sober.

    This aspect of addiction needs to be tackled first because it is the largest obstacle to beating addiction. When individuals attempt to get sober, the withdrawal symptoms which arise from their body’s demand for a substance will pressure them into succumbing to cravings.

    Detox, therefore, is a gradual weaning process which aims to ease this physical demand for a drug. Individuals reduce their consumption over a period of 7 to 10 days, all while under the supervision and guidance of experts. Medications can also be prescribed for withdrawal.

    Stage 2: Therapy

    Once physical dependence has been relieved, individuals remain convinced that they require a substance to function. The reason for this is that they will have psychological and emotional attachments to their consumption habits.

    Before a physical dependency can develop, an individual must be encouraged to use a drug by something. These triggers, as they are referred to, can be thoughts, feelings, and relationships; and they must be addressed so that an individual does not crave a substance.

    Therapy does this by addressing an individual’s triggers. Regardless of the structure of the treatment – which can vary across different forms of therapy – the goal is to help an individual understand where their triggers exist and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

    Stage 3: Relapse Prevention

    Once an individual no longer feels overwhelming cravings for a substance, the focus of drug and alcohol rehab in Chorley shifts to preserving and protecting the progress they have made.

    Leaving rehab is a massive achievement, but it carries a lot of risks. Transitioning from treatment into everyday life can be demanding for newly recovered individuals, and they can feel the draw of their old habits threatening to reverse their progress.

    Relapse prevention, therefore, prepares them for this problem and attempts to equip them with skills and techniques for resisting temptation and maintaining their physical and psychological health.

    For more information on Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chorley or near Chorley, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Alcohol Detox: Why is it Particularly Dangerous?

    Person sleeping near Chorley

    Detox is a very important stage of drug and alcohol rehab in Chorley and near Chorley, and the individual recovering from alcoholism must be particularly aware of just how important it is to receive support while trying to become sober.

    Alcohol affects the body more than most substances, meaning that the physical dependency that individuals develop is intense and dangerous. Attempting to break away from it results in alcohol withdrawal, and the symptoms of this are particularly dangerous.

    Trying to quit alcohol alone leaves individuals vulnerable to loss of life and long-lasting health problems, so it is imperative that those with alcoholism detox with the appropriate support.

    How to Know if You Need Detox

    Man drinking near Chorley

    Not everyone needs a medical detox. There are many substances which do not take a physical toll on the body, and therefore do not require detox to achieve sobriety. How, then, are you to know whether a detox is necessary?

    Quite simply, the biggest indicator that an individual needs detox is if they experience withdrawal symptoms when they are sober. Withdrawal is much more than a craving or desire for a substance, but involves a physical reaction to being without it.

    Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms to look out for include:

    • Shaking
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Insomnia
    • Aches and pains
    • Profuse sweating
    • Diarrhoea

    For more information on Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chorley and near Chorley, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Addiction Therapy – A Shapeless Treatment

    Therapy near Chorley

    Detox is quite a linear, single-approach treatment, but therapy is much different. Depending on the needs of an individual, it can shift its shape to properly address triggers progressively.

    Some of the wide range of therapy options individuals can access include:

    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – Identifying how harmful thought processes consistently prompt unhealthy behaviours and working out how to stop this.
    • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) – Talking through and learning to manage emotions which an individual uses substance abuse to cope with.
    • Motivational interviewing – Helping an individual identify their goals and dreams, and framing their addiction recovery as a means of getting closer to achieving them.
    • Holistic therapy – Approaching the individual as a whole being, sessions look to boost overall well-being and promote sobriety using a variety of beneficial activities.
    • Family therapy – Facilitating positive conversations between family members to identify and treat the root of an individual’s desire to abuse a substance.

    What Kind of Techniques will Help Relapse Prevention in or near Chorley?

    At home support

    Relapse prevention is an equally important stage of drug and alcohol rehab in Chorley. It plays the pivotal role of turning temporary sobriety into long-term recovery, but how does it do this? Here are some of the most popular techniques and strategies it employs:

    1. HALT near Chorley

    Cravings are bound to arise after rehab has been completed, but individuals can often mistake natural, even healthy urges for a desire to resume substance use. To support individuals in resisting needless relapse, there is HALT.

    HALT simply asks individuals to query whether they are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired when they think they are experiencing cravings. When they do this, they allow themselves to satisfy a normal bodily urge, rather than slip back into addiction.

    2. Trigger management

    A large part of the rehab experience is learning what triggers are fuelling unhealthy behaviour. Once this has been achieved and individuals become aware of where their negative influences exist, relapse prevention can use this information to its advantage.

    Before rehab ends, an individual can work with a therapist to establish how the triggers of their day-to-day life can be handled. This can involve practising coping strategies to reduce their influence, or figuring out how triggers can be avoided or eradicated.

    3. Support networks near Chorley

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Chorley is so effective because it surrounds individuals with a team of people who want to help them. Doctors, therapists, and fellow recovering patients – an atmosphere of mutual care and support is created.

    When rehab ends, it is therefore beneficial to try and sustain the level of support an individual receives. To do this, family and friends can be reached. By explaining what is required, these people can become pillars an individual relies on for love and support.

    4. Emergency preparations

    Relapse is never an ideal situation, and many people will want to put it to the back of their minds. But planning for the worst-case scenario can often be the difference between relapsing and maintaining progress.

    Emergency plans can often pertain to what an individual can do when relapse is all but inevitable. They might see them going to a friend’s house to receive immediate, even physical help, or arranging with a rehab facility to re-enter care.

    For more information on Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chorley, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    How Much will Drug and Alcohol Rehab Chorley Set Me Back?

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    In the UK, the price of drug and alcohol addiction support depends on the kind of programme an individual wants to enrol on. As a result, the cost of drug and alcohol rehab in Chorley can vary.

    The national average for a month of rehab treatment is £14,000, or around £495 per day. Weekly prices can vary from £1,000 to £10,000 for those who are seeking a cheaper option, or those who want luxury can expect to pay up to and beyond £70,000 for such treatments.

    How Much Time Will I need to Spend in Rehab in or near Chorley?

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    Entering drug and alcohol rehab in Chorley requires much more planning than many think. Time will need to be arranged away from work and family, so knowing how long the process can be expected to take is incredibly important.

    In most cases, rehab takes 28 days. Detox usually lasts for 7 to 10 days, and then therapy requires a further 2 weeks to make significant progress. Proceedings can take longer, but this usually depends on the severity of an individual’s condition.

    For more information on Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chorley, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Recognising the Problem – The Signs of Addiction

    A man turning away

    Understanding the components of the addiction recovery programme is all well and good, but it is all useless if an individual does not know whether they are actually in need of treatment.

    It’s tricky knowing the difference between healthy, recreational substance use and unsustainable, addictive behaviours. Addictions can manifest in many different ways, but some of the most common warning signs to look out for include:

    • Consistent substance use, possibly even daily
    • Using increasingly larger doses of a substance over time
    • Obsessing about a substance
    • Borrowing or stealing money to pay for a substance
    • Prioritising a substance over hobbies or friends
    • Showing no care in maintaining personal hygiene or appearance
    • Being secretive or dishonest regarding substance use

    Do I Need to Undergo Rehab Immediately?

    Woman with her hand over her eyes, looking sad

    You know that you have an addiction, and you know that rehab is the best way to beat it, but do you need to begin right away? You might have work commitments, family events, and a lack of motivation – is it really necessary to prioritise getting treatment?

    The short answer is yes! When a drug or alcohol addiction is identified, leaving it will only lead to the problem becoming worse. Even if there are few negative effects at present, tolerance will continue to build up, leading to gradually increasing consumption.

    The problems that result from this increased usage will mean the treatment will not only become inevitable but also that the processes of detox and therapy will take longer. As a result, it is pivotal to tackle a substance use disorder as soon as possible.

    For more information on Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chorley, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Getting Started on the Journey: A Few Key Tips

    Bumpy road

    It is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed when it comes to starting the search for a suitable rehab programme. With so many options existing up and down the country, you might feel like getting help is an impossible task to even begin contemplating.

    But fear not! Below are some tips for helping you get started:

    • Consider your budget – Due to the wide range of prices associated with rehab, establish how much you can spend and narrow your search down from there.
    • What do you need? – Different programmes will offer different treatments and activities. Consider what help you need – or speak to an expert who can help you with this – and learn what support each potential programme can provide.
    • Seek the help of experts – As noted above, you can reach out to someone to get advice as to where you ought to be looking for support. Your local GP is always a good option, as is our dedicated team here at Rehab Recovery.

    Dual Diagnosis – The Connection Between Mental Health and Addiction

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    The mind plays an immensely important role in the development and sustainability of addictions. Often, the urge to abuse a substance is motivated by a psychological or emotional problem that individuals have no better method of coping with.

    Anxiety, depression, trauma – when mental health conditions are intrinsically linked with substance abuse in this way, it is known as dual diagnosis.

    Identifying dual diagnosis is pivotal for long-term recovery. It means that therapy can identify what is fuelling unhealthy behaviour, and better equips it to offer treatments and coping strategies for putting such consumption habits to an end.

    For more information on Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chorley, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Recovering in the Long-Term – What Support Exists Beyond Rehab?

    Men chatting

    Once drug and alcohol rehab in Chorley has concluded, individuals are often rightfully interested in what support is available to them going forward. Rehab is the first step to a long recovery from addiction, and thankfully there are abundant aftercare services.

    Aftercare exists to carry on where rehab leaves off. It grants individuals the opportunities to continue engaging with their mental and physical health and carry on examining how addiction seeks to retake control of their lives.

    Additionally, aftercare offers support which speaks to their addiction and challenges. Those recovering from alcoholism, for example, can access Alcoholics Anonymous sessions which specifically engage with alcohol-related problems.

    For more information on Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chorley, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Getting Help Today

    Two people holding hands

    If you would like to control your emotions and hence your addiction in Chorley, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Alternatively, contact us through this website for a free and no pressure assessment.

    Many of our team have defeated their own personal addiction and so you call for help will be met with utter understanding and compassion.



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