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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Darlington

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Darlington. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Darlington

    Those people who are dealing with addiction problems in Darlington will find that there is help available. These recovery options are no replacement for motivation, but if the individual feels ready to quit then these resources will help them make this a reality.

    One of the best options for people in Darlington dealing with a substance abuse problem will be drug and alcohol rehab.

    This recovery option, when combined with their own motivation, provides the most effective means to break away from addiction.

    Drug-related deaths in England reached the highest number ever recorded in 2020.

    The highest rates were seen in the North East with rates of 104.6 deaths per million, three times higher than London, which reported the lowest rates. In total, there were 389 drug-poisoning deaths in the North East in 2020, 57 more than the year before, and over 200 more than in 2010.

    The rate of drug-related deaths in 2020 amounts to a 17% increase from 2019, and an astonishing 127% total increase in the last decade. Worryingly, the North East has had the highest rates of drug misuse for the past 8 years in a row.

    Data reported by the office for national statistics show that there were 88 drug-related deaths in County Durham and Darlington in 2020, an increase of 26 deaths from 2019 [1].

    There were 16 deaths in Darlington specifically, a rise from 14 the year before. To put this into perspective, there were a mere 4 drug-related deaths in Darlington in 2010, just 12 years ago.

    Make sure that you get the help you need to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington by giving our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    What is Addiction?


    There has always been a lot of stigma and shame attached to addiction that has unfortunately distorted public perception of addicted people. The prevailing view has been that people with addictions are weak, and that addiction comes about as a consequence of moral failure or a flaw in their character.

    Many people believe that people addicted to substances are merely interested in “getting high” at the expense of society. However, none of these are the case.

    Addiction is a chronic brain disease that seriously impairs the functioning of the brain in important ways that most people are unfortunately unaware of.

    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – rehab is always about treating the disease of addiction.

    Specifically, changes in the functioning of the prefrontal cortex initiated by addiction cause deficits in a person’s ability to refrain from using addictive substances [2].

    The prefrontal cortex is involved in a range of psychological skills, including memory, flexible thinking, and impulse control. The prefrontal cortex also plays a very important role in the ability to stave off instant gratification and reward, as well as monitor one’s emotions and behaviours in response to environmental stimuli and social situations.


    Furthermore, addiction-induced dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex radically alters the way in which people with substance use disorders react to stressors, particularly when they are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. People will respond in an especially negative way characterised by severe distress and even a sense of hopelessness.

    In this vulnerable state, social settings and specific environmental cues, such as the smell of alcohol, can be incredibly triggering and intensify cravings.

    In addition, people with drug or alcohol addiction have an impaired ability to secrete adequate concentrations of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are vital to one’s capacity to find pleasure in everyday, ordinary things.

    Because of this, addicted people become dependent on their drug of choice to feel good, and any thoughts or behaviours that are associated with drug use are continually, and relentlessly reinforced.

    Understanding alcohol or drug addiction in this way may go a long way to reducing the stigma and shame associated with what is in fact a neurological disorder. The brain disease model of addiction and an understanding of the specific neurological dysfunction involved may help to identify more efficacious addiction treatment services.

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    Learn more about how alcohol and drug addiction works and what you can do to beat it by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Understanding Dual Diagnosis


    Dual diagnosis is a term used to describe the presence of two co-occurring yet separate mental health disorders. In psychiatry, dual diagnosis is used to describe the presence of a mental health disorder and a substance-use disorder.

    According to the NESARC data, 28.6% of people with a current alcohol use disorder diagnosis had at least one personality disorder like bipolar disorder.

    There are two prevailing hypotheses that aim to explain why and how cases of dual diagnosis occur. One hypothesis posits that addiction arises as a consequence of people self-medicating mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.

    It is clear to see how self-medicating with drugs of abuse can lead to the development of a substance use disorder.

    The other prevalent hypothesis is that substance abuse is responsible for the development of a mental health disorder. For example, many drugs of abuse, including alcohol and cocaine, have been associated with depression, whereas chronic use of methamphetamine and cannabis have been linked to psychosis [3].


    However, it is possible too, that people’s genetic makeup predisposes them to mental health complications. For instance, it is estimated that over 50% of people with a substance use disorder may be genetically more vulnerable.

    Mental health disorders also have a substantial genetic component [4].

    Important to mention too is the relationship between environment and mental health disorders. For example, it has been established that significant stress can increase the chances of developing anxiety and depression, and subsequent self-medication.

    Evidence of the relationship between environment and mental health has been especially clear throughout the covid-19 pandemic which has seen considerable increases in stress, frustration, isolation, and grief [5].

    Neither the mental health disorder nor the addiction can be cured or successfully treated unless both disorders are treated simultaneously. Evidence suggests that integrated treatment programmes that aim to address both disorders as distinct conditions improve the likelihood of successful recovery.

    Find out how a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Darlington will work to support your mental health by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    What is Abstinence and Why is it Important?


    Many experts have agreed that abstinence is always the safer and more effective route to addiction recovery.

    Recovering from drug addiction is hard work — It is emotionally, psychologically, and physically taxing. Abstinence-based recovery is certainly challenging, but it has repeatedly proven to have higher success rates for people trying to recover from addiction than alternative treatment approaches.

    Not only is abstinence-based recovery the most effective approach to addiction treatment, it is also the safest and most commonly used approach in the US. (SAMHSA)

    Abstinence-based recovery is characterised by the complete cessation of the use of drugs and alcohol. Abstinence aims to remove all temptations from a person’s life in order to prevent cravings and relapse. Addiction experts in support of abstinence believe that the only effective way of healing substance addiction is to avoid using drugs and alcohol altogether.

    Many experts believe that people with substance abuse issues cannot successfully moderate their use unless they stop using completely. This is because how drugs of abuse impair people’s ability to inhibit addictive behaviour.

    Lower inhibition leads to decision making that is not conducive to a drug or alcohol-free life, and effectively predetermines people to relapse.

    Another advantage of abstinence-based recovery is the way in which it prevents the possibility of developing an addiction to other substances of abuse.

    Not having access to addictive substances or substances that may increase the chances of relapse gives people the most optimal chance of making a full recovery.

    Reach abstinence with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington by giving our expert team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    Benefits of Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Darlington


    The level of care provided and drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington is more intense and focused than other addiction treatment services. There is a high-quality and smooth transition from medically-assisted detoxification, should it be necessary, and a range of therapy treatment options.

    There is a range of additional benefits that cater to patients psychological, emotional and physical health making for a holistic, comprehensive treatment that effectively addresses all contributory issues.

    Those who opt for a residential drug and alcohol rehab centre in Darlington over outpatient treatment are welcomed into an environment that makes it easier for true healing to occur. In line with the philosophy of the abstinence-based approach to recovery as described above, distraction and temptations are kept to the absolute minimum.

    Professional medical support is available 24/7 for the duration of the patient’s treatment programme.

    How long rehab lasts typically depends on the severity of the person’s addiction, how long they have been addicted, the drug to which they are addicted, and whether or not they are addicted to multiple substances or just one. The length of a patient’s stay at residential rehab centre can range from 7 days to 90 days.


    People who are addicted to more than one substance and people who have been addicted for a significant length of time may require additional time so they can receive effective treatment. Unsurprisingly, not spending the required or advised amount of time at residential rehab hampers an individual’s chances of experiencing enduring improvements [6].

    Physical dependence can bring about incredibly challenging drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms at a time when the patient is in a particularly vulnerable state.

    Residential rehab in Darlington provides a medically safe, medically monitored environment for physical detox. Expert medical assistance in this safe container that residential rehab provides gives people the help they need to manage distressing, uncomfortable drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

    In patients of severe physical withdrawal to alcohol (if they are regularly drinking more than what is classed as heavy drinking by the NHS as more than 14 units per week), for example, patients may have serious medical complications such as strokes, seizures, or delirium tremens, the harmful effects of which medical supervision can mitigate.

    For an alcohol medical detox, Librium is usually used to manage the effects of alcohol.

    Another medication used to stop drinking is Acamprosate (Campral®), which helps rebalance the chemicals in the brain that have been damaged by alcohol.

    Undertaking medically-assisted detox in a safe drug treatment facility in this way is considerably safer than attempting to detox at home or quitting cold turkey. It also increases the chances that individuals will enjoy a successful long-term recovery.

    Alcoholism can also cause anxiety and depression, which means you might be able to get prescribed medications such as an antidepressant like nefazodone, desipramine, or imipramine. 

    Alcohol addiction is unfortunately common, with a study by Robin Room, Thomas Babor and Jürgen Rehm revealing that ‘4% of the global burden of disease is attributable to alcohol’, accounting for almost as much death and disability as tobacco and high blood pressure (hypertension) globally.

    In the aftermath of successful detoxification, patients receive specialised, evidence-based psychotherapy and/or counselling that has been proven to amend flawed thinking patterns that make people susceptible to substance abuse.

    Importantly, residential rehab offers integrated treatment plans that are specifically tailored to meet the needs and requirements of each individual. The integrated treatment effectively addresses all contributory and underlying issues that either cause or exacerbate a person’s addiction.

    Treatment of this type that aims to address all symptoms and underlying root causes is surprisingly difficult to come by, despite the array of evidence supporting it. Integrated treatment is significantly more efficacious than other addiction treatment services that treat addiction as an isolated disorder unrelated to co-occurring disorders and issues [7].

    The psychological and emotional benefits of residential rehab in Darlington include:

    • A variety of different therapeutic modalities are offered on-site, including cognitive behavioural therapy and motivational interviewing.
    • Psychological therapies address current and past abuse of substances.
    • Psychological therapies used in conjunction with drug addiction treatment to address co-occurring mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.
    • Patients are trained how to manage psychological cravings.
    • Patients develop their ability to control impulses.
    • Decision making on matters related to addictive behaviours and drug use is greatly enhanced.
    • Patients in an environment that fosters the cultivation of a peaceful mind.
    • Patients are treated in a holistic way that brings about true emotional healing.

    Gain the many benefits of a residential rehab clinic in Darlington by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Admission To Drug And Alcohol Rehab in Darlington


    The admissions process for drug and alcohol residential rehab in Darlington is very straightforward. You can get in touch with staff today for a medical assessment and evaluation to gain some clarity on the most beneficial course of action to take.

    The ASAM Criteria is the most widely employed and all-encompassing set of guiding principles for rehab placement, prolonged stay, transfer, and discharge of patients with addictions of all severity levels, from chronic substance use disorders to a mild addiction to cases of dual diagnosis [8].

    The ASAM Criteria was devised in the 1980s to develop a national set of guidelines in the US for providing drug addiction treatment that focused on positive outcomes. The ASAM Criteria have since been employed in many countries.

    The ASAM Criteria aim to improve the way patients with addiction problems are treated. Treatment plans for teenagers and adults are carefully formulated through a multimodal, multidimensional treatment assessment across 6 dimensions that deal with the degree of medical care offered, structure, the level of safety and security provided at the facility, and the intensity of treatment provided.

    The 6 dimensions of the ASAM Criteria are as follows:

    1. Acute Intoxication and/or Withdrawal Potential

    Dimension 1 of the ASAM Criteria seeks to gain a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s experiences with addiction and withdrawal both in the past and in the present day. Effective withdrawal treatment necessitates a variety of services designed to address a person’s biological, psychological, and social needs.

    2. Biomedical Conditions and Complications

    Dimension 2 takes a deep exploratory dive into the patients’ health history and their current physical health. The aim of dimension 2 is to figure out whether the patient requires additional treatment for physical health problems.

    3. Emotional, Behavioural or Cognitive Conditions and Complications

    Dimension 3 attempts to understand the patient’s thoughts, emotions and psychological difficulties. This may include cognitive impairments, behavioural issues, and psychiatric conditions.

    The third dimension focuses on the psychological withdrawal symptoms that the patient presents with, and whether or not they can be effectively treated through traditional methods of addiction treatment. Often, psychological symptoms may be symptomatic of a co-occurring mental health disorder that requires specialised psychological therapy.

    Dimension 3 recognises five subcategories called risk domains that help to inform treatment.

    The 5 subcategories include:

    • Lethality
    • Interference with addiction recovery efforts
    • Social functioning
    • Ability for self-care
    • Course of illness

    4. Readiness to Change

    Dimension 4 seeks to determine how ready and interested a person is to make meaningful change in their life. Dimension 4 draws on the transtheoretical model of behaviour change (TTM) to guide medical professionals in their development of personalised care plans grounded on each patient’s willingness to change.

    The goal is to heighten a patient’s motivation to be an active participant in their own behaviour change. Patients will often avail of motivational interviewing and other forms of motivational enhancement therapy to help them with the process of change.

    Some patients may display higher levels of readiness to change. Also, patients may show signs of improvement in one aspect of their lives while remaining seemingly unaware of co-existing harmful behaviour, or at least do not perceive them to be problematic.

    5. Relapse, Continued Use or Continued Problem Potential

    The goal of Dimension 5 is to better understand a patient’s relationship with relapse and the continuation of substance abuse and related problems.

    6. Recovery/Living Environment

    Dimension 6 is centred around assessing the patient’s recovery or living situation, which includes the people with whom they spend the most time, and the places in which they spend their time. Medical professionals examine whether a person’s family members, friends, colleagues or living situations may potentially impede their chances of making a successful recovery.

    Begin the admissions process at  drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    How Much Does Residential Rehab in Darlington Cost?


    Enquiries about the cost of rehab in Darlington can be made during telephone consultations.

    The total costs of drug and alcohol rehab ultimately depend on the duration of treatment and whether patients choose to stay in a single or multiple occupancy room.

    There is also a range of options to help decide what would be most appropriate for each person.

    A 10-day detox in a single occupancy room may cost anywhere between £3,000 and £6,000.

    Alternatively, 10-day detox when staying in a multi-occupancy room may cost between £2,000 and £4,000.

    A 28-day stay in a single occupancy room at residential rehab in Darlington can cost up to £12,000, but maybe as low as £8,000. For a multi-occupancy room, 28-day rehab will cost approximately £6,000.

    If patients opt to undergo home detox, they can expect to pay approximately £1,500.

    Find out how much a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington will cost you by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Resistance to Rehab in Darlington


    Despite the fact that a rehab clinic in Darlington is usually the best option for people who are trying to break away from addiction, there can still be a great deal of resistance to this type of treatment.

    The most common reasons for such resistance will include:

    • It can be difficult for people to admit to themselves that their addiction has now become so serious that they need this type of help. The individual may find that it hurts their pride to admit that this is the case. The reality is that admitting the reality of their situation can be the most empowering thing that the individual can do.
    • Most people who are caught up in substance abuse suffer from terminal uniqueness. They may be able to see how other people who behave as they do should go to rehab, but they believe themselves to be a special case. The reality is that hardly anyone ever feels that they are a serious enough case to need rehab; in most situations, though, the person will be just fooling themselves. It is not the case, though, that the individual will need to fall so low into addiction for them to benefit from this type of facility.
    • Some substance abusers will be concerned with the stigma associated with attending rehab. This is mostly just a lame excuse. The stigma associated with abusing alcohol or drugs is far worse than any stigma associated with attending rehab – in fact, most people will admire the individual for getting their life in order. Even if the individual is doing a good job of hiding their addiction now, they will not be able to keep this up indefinitely. The individual is caught up in a downward spiral and eventually, the individual will have to deal with the stigma of substance abuse. It is also important to keep in mind that the individual can attend rehab anonymously.
    • Some people may feel that rehab is an unnecessary expense. The reality is that going into this type of treatment program is an investment in the future. If the person manages to break away from addiction, they will soon recoup the money that they spent on alcohol and drugs. By getting sober, the person will be increasing the likelihood of financial success in the future.
    • The person may feel that they just cannot afford to take the time off from their life in order to attend rehab. The truth is that unless the individual takes this step they risk losing everything of value in their life.

    You must not blame your loved one as anyone who has an addiction is psychologically and physically dependent on the substance, as proved by studies such as the study by Terry E Robinson and Kent C Berridge that looked into the ‘Incentive-Sensitization Theory’ and why people crave drugs.

    If a loved one is showing resistance to the idea of attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington, talk it over with our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab Options in Darlington and Beyond


    There are some treatment options in Darlington, but the individual does not need to limit himself or herself to what is available in this area. It is relatively easy to travel to a facility elsewhere in the UK, or even consider some international options.

    The fact that the person will have so many different rehabs to choose from means that they are almost certain to find something suitable, and they will not have to worry about any type of waiting list.

    Things to Consider When Choosing a Rehab in Darlington


    Here are a few things worth considering when choosing a rehab in Darlington:

    • It is vital that the individual has realistic expectations for rehab. This means that they accept there is no magical solution that will be more effective than their own motivation. If a person is highly motivated but they attend a mediocre alcohol and drug rehab there will still be a good chance that they will succeed. On the other hand, if the person attends the best rehab in the world but they have low motivation, they will be unlikely to succeed.
    • One of the most important things when choosing rehab is to make sure that they offer a good aftercare program. This is vital because it will help to ensure that the gains made in the treatment program can be later built upon. The transition from rehab back to the community can be tricky so the individual will need continued support in the months that follow.
    • Different rehabs will offer different philosophies for recovery, and this will greatly influence the treatment program that they offer. For example, many facilities favour a 12-step approach. It is recommended that the individual consider the philosophy behind the rehab to see if it will fit in with their ideas about recovery.
    • The standard of accommodation can be of great importance for people who are trying to break away from addiction. If the person feels uncomfortable in their surroundings, they may struggle to get the most out of the program. It is therefore recommended that the individual consider the accommodation on offer when they make their choice. Any private rehab will provide the individual with a private room, but this is not always the case when the individual is going through the detox stage.
    • Some rehabs have programs that offer different stages, and some of these programs can last up to two years. These longer rehab options can be the best choice for people who are likely to struggle in early recovery. It will mean that they will have plenty of time to get used to sober living and develop the coping strategies that they are going to need for this.
    • Individuals need to be willing to make the most out of their time in rehab. If they enter this program with anything less than 100% motivation the chances of them being successful will be low.

    Make sure that you pick the right drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Heroin Rehab In Darlington


    Heroin is an extremely dangerous drug created from morphine.

    It can be injected, smoked, or sniffed, and is known for the rush of pleasure it provides users.

    It can be easy to fall prey to the short term euphoric feelings heroin offers as the drug is powerfully addictive – this is what also makes it even more challenging to break free from.

    For help and guidance as you withdraw from heroin, get in touch with us here at Rehab Recovery today.

    There will be a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington suitable for you to be placed in for the duration of your treatment.

    A rehab procedure will typically offer medication which binds the receptors that heroin impacts, reducing the side effects of withdrawal and the intensity of cravings during heroin detox.

    There are also many counselling methods that have been proven to help with heroin addiction, such as CBT and DBT.

    Beat your heroin addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cocaine Rehab In Darlington


    Cocaine is a powerful stimulant known mostly as ‘coke’ or – in its free base form – crack cocaine.

    It is a highly addictive drug and can lead to many unwanted and long-term side effects, including:

    • Paranoia
    • An irregular heartbeat
    • Tremors
    • Muscle pain
    • An increased body temperature

    If you wish to receive treatment for your cocaine addiction, look no further.

    Here at Rehab Recovery, we can link you with facilities that offer multiple forms of behavioural therapy and other treatments which can aid in your recovery from this powerful substance.

    Because there is no physical element to cocaine addiction, cocaine detox is not necessary.

    We are also able to provide detailed aftercare services and relapse prevention planning which can keep you from using again.

    Beat your cocaine addiction with the help of an alcohol or drug rehab in Darlington by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cannabis Rehab In Darlington


    Cannabis – often referred to as ‘weed’ amongst users – is one of the most commonly used drugs in the United Kingdom.

    It is known for its ability to calm the user, increase appetite, and elicit feelings of joy and happiness.

    However, not all side effects of cannabis are so timid.

    A study by Wayne Hall and Louisa Degenhardt identified the adverse side effects of regular use of cannabis during adolescence and into adulthood can include ‘a dependence syndrome, increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, impaired respiratory function, cardiovascular disease, and adverse effects of regular use on adolescent psychosocial development and mental health’.

    The drug can also cause:

    • Extreme paranoia
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Drowsiness
    • Headaches

    The use of cannabis can cause lasting consequences too.

    It can drain your finances, lead to poor performance at school or work, develop into an addiction, or interfere with your personal relationships with friends and family.

    Luckily, there is support available from a cannabis rehab.

    Cannabis detox is not necessary, but many types of psychotherapies help to address the reasons behind cannabis addiction.

    Beat your cannabis addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Treatments Available At Rehab In Darlington


    Throughout your time in a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington, you will inevitably take part in multiple methods of therapy and addiction counselling.

    Each form of therapy works on a different aspect of recovery from addiction, so participating in many differing forms ensures you receive well-rounded treatment that covers every base possible.

    Some examples of therapies to expect include:

    Experience any and all of these powerful addiction therapies at a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Preventing A Relapse After Rehabilitation


    Though it can seem scary at first, leaving rehabilitation and re-entering the ‘real world’ is a huge part of your journey to recovery, and is one step that you are sure to take soon enough.

    As you adjust to life back home you will still need to remain vigilant and on the lookout for the signs and symptoms of your addiction reappearing.

    A relapse will definitely not mean the end of your recovery journey, but it is a setback you probably do not wish to experience.

    To help you out during this vulnerable time, relapse prevention planning will take place in your chosen drug and alcohol rehab clinics in Darlington before you leave.

    This planning takes into consideration many factors of you, your character, your living environment, and the state of your health at the moment.

    With this information, personal plans can be created which will guide you throughout this difficult period of adjustment and aftercare.

    One of these plans will help you as you navigate life at home after rehabilitation.

    It will contain tips and tricks on how to avoid a relapse, and also information about your own triggers that you will also need to avoid to help prevent a setback.

    The second of the two plans will be more of an action plan.

    This will be what you will turn to if you do experience a relapse and will contain information on what to do, where to go and who to contact if you do begin using again.

    It might take between 6 months to 5 years or more to reach abstinence and overcome your addiction completely, but it is worth it for a lifetime in recovery.

    It should not be seen as a sign of weakness if you relapse as recovery takes time. Relapsing is common and occurs between 40% to 60% of adults trying to recover.

    Beat your addiction once and for all at a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The Alternatives To Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centres In Darlington


    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, but it isn’t for everyone.

    As rehab is not always suitable for everyone, you may now be wondering what alternative options are available.

    Luckily, there are many other possible recovery routes you can try to see what works best for you:

    1. SMART Recovery

    SMART, or Self-Management And Recovery Training, is an online charity that specialises in guiding people to successful recoveries.

    The worldwide organisation offers a multitude of teaching materials and online manuals that you can use at home to recover from your drug or alcohol addiction, as well as mutual support meetings that you can attend free of charge.

    SMART also boasts hundreds of online training programmes that can give you the confidence and knowledge you need in order to reach your goals of a substance-free life.

    This is a great option for those that can motivate themselves and work from home, and also for those who wish to have complete control over their own treatment.

    2. Home Detox

    Though not everyone will be viable for this option, home alcohol or drug detox is a great route for those that wish to regain some independence and control.

    A psychiatrist will perform a few assessments of you and your addiction to see if you are someone who can detox at home.

    If you pass these tests an appropriate prescription drug (usually Librium for alcohol detox) will be posted out to you, along with directions and guidance on how to perform your detox at home.

    Someone will be in contact with you daily to see how you are getting along, but the majority of the process is entirely up to you.

    This option is more cost-effective and gives clients a sense of freedom and purpose that other options cannot always provide.

    This option is not to be confused with a self-detox, which is a detox that is performed at home without any medical supervision or the support of prescription drugs. We do not recommend this route as it can be extremely dangerous.


    3. Fellowship Groups

    If online meetings don’t work for you, why not try the real thing?

    Fellowship groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can be incredibly helpful and beneficial for your recovery journey.

    These groups often follow the famous 12 steps, which have been referred to by some who have followed them as a ‘way of life’ and not just a simple set of rules.

    You are also likely to have a sponsor assigned to you upon joining a mutual support group, which can help greatly when it comes to avoiding temptations and cravings.

    AA and NA also give you the opportunity to meet people who are struggling just like you, which can provide a sense of camaraderie and solidarity that can aid in your recovery.

    To find a group in your local area you can contact us or do some of your own research to find one suitable for your drug or alcohol addiction.

    Whatever support you need – whether from a drug and alcohol rehab in Darlington 0r one of these effective alternatives – let our team help you by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Let Us Help You Find the Most Appropriate Rehab

    Man with phone

    There are many different addiction treatment programs in Darlington to choose from, and this is such an important choice that you will not want to rush into anything blindly.

    When you contact us here, we will be able to provide the information that you need in order to make an informed choice – this will greatly increase the chance that you will choose something that is appropriate.

    We will be able to provide information about the most effective addiction treatment programs in and around Darlington, and once you have come to a decision we will then be able to arrange everything for you.

    When you become ready to break away from drug or alcohol addiction, it is vital that you take action fast, so do not waste any time and contact us here today.

    We also offer our rehab services across a variety of locations within the UK, including BirminghamDerbyLincolnshireLincolnNottinghamStoke-on-TrentStaffordshire, and more!










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