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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wales

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Wales. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wales

    Up and down Wales, thousands of people are currently struggling with a substance use disorder.

    In fact, alcohol-related deaths are higher than they have ever been when it comes to the most deprived parts of Wales.

    In fact, a recent study shows that in 2018, for every 100,000 people, approximately 389 were addicted to alcohol in Ceredigion alone.

    When it comes to Carmarthenshire, every 243 people per 100,000 were currently addicted to alcohol. When it comes to the average for the whole of Wales, this figure sat at 245 per 100,000.

    Unfortunately, of those who are addicted to alcohol in Wales, 14% of these individuals had been exposed to some form of alcohol abuse as a child.

    As we well know, this is a huge contributing factor to alcohol abuse. By not exposing your child to any adverse or traumatic experiences, you are reducing their chances of becoming addicted to alcohol by 35%.

    Alcohol misuse and crime are intrinsically linked. In Wales, alcohol is responsible for a large percentage of crime and violence. In fact, in just one year, Gwent police made 16,000 arrests.

    Of these arrests, 5% were arrested for people who were intoxicated with alcohol at the time of the arrest. Unfortunately, 700 of these arrests were also for people who were drunk driving.

    When it comes to drugs and arrests, the majority of people arrested for drug use in Wales were people who were intoxicated with cannabis, closely followed by heroin and then cocaine.

    Drug addiction and misuse are becoming increasingly worrying issues in Wales. Unfortunately, in 2021 a total of 4,859 people died due to a drug-related issue in just one year in England and Wales alone.

    If you are worried about someone you know and suspect that they might be addicted to drugs or alcohol in Wales, then speak to a member of our team at Rehab Recovery on 0800 088 66 86 for help and advice on how to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Wales

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wales – The Admissions Process

    At home support

    Speaking to someone about attending drug and alcohol rehab in Wales for the very first time can be incredibly overwhelming and scary. This is why at Rehab Recovery, we make the process as easy and simple as possible.

    The first thing that you need to do is call someone on the Rehab Recovery team. You will be put through to one of our specialists, who will ask you a number of questions about your addiction.

    It is important to be as open and honest about your addiction at this stage, and it is also important to remember that we will only ask you questions in order to determine how severe your addiction is and what type of treatment you might require.

    Once we have gathered all of the necessary information on you and your addiction, we will be able to recommend the necessary treatment options and point you in the right direction to the best rehab centres in your area.

    We will bear in mind a number of things when recommending treatment options and rehab centres, including how long you would have to stay there and how much this might cost.

    If you decide that you want to go ahead, then we will also help you with the admissions process. Within a short space of time, you will arrive at the recommended rehab centre to start your treatment.

    Once you arrive at the rehab centre, you will then be assessed on the same day by doctors and specialists.

    They will want to assess you for a dual diagnosis, and will also ensure that you are on the right treatment plan.

    The specific nature of your psychiatric assessment will vary, but often consists of pre-set assessment frameworks like the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria and Dimensions, the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test), the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5), or the CAGE Questionnaire.

    These assessments allow your psychiatrist and rehab specialists to create a person-centred care plan that is specialised to address your specific needs.

    Depending on the severity of your addiction and what type of drug you are addicted to, you will then undergo a medically-assisted detox or start your therapy straight away.

    This is only applicable for substances that cause physical dependence, such as alcohol, heroin, ketamine and benzodiazepine.

    If you are suffering from cannabis use disorder, cocaine dependence, crack cocaine addiciton or another non-physical addiction, you will not need to undergo detox.

    For heroin addiction and recovery from other opioid use disorders, substances like methadone and buprenorphine are widely used to make heroin withdrawal a much safer process.

    If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol in Wales but are worried about the admissions process, then speak to someone in the Rehab Recovery team on 0800 088 66 86

    Alcohol Detox in Wales

    A man reading in bed

    Alcohol addiction can be one of the most difficult addictions to spot due to the widespread nature of alcohol in modern society.

    Social drinking can quickly become binge drinking, which can easily turn into alcohol dependency.

    If you are addicted to alcohol, then you will need to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Wales in order to recover. When you first attend drug and alcohol rehab in Wales, you will need to undergo a medical detox before anything else.

    If you suffer from a severe addiction to alcohol, then you will experience very severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms during your detox.

    These withdrawal symptoms range from mild to moderate and severe and often include:

    • Feeling or being sick
    • Feeling paranoid
    • Feeling anxious
    • Feeling restless
    • Diarrhoea
    • Chills and sweats
    • Headaches
    • Increased heart rate and heart palpitations
    • Excessive shaking
    • Insomnia
    • Nightmares
    • Flu-like symptoms
    • Delirium tremens
    • Wernicke’s Encephalopathy

    Many other physical issues are also often present alongside alcohol addiction – and therefore must be considered during detox – including:

    If these withdrawal symptoms are too severe to handle, you might be prescribed some medication to help you to get through your withdrawal.

    This will involve the use of drugs such as Librium, also known as Chlordiazepoxide, which is extremely effective at reducing the effects of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

    This detox could last anywhere between 7 – 10 days if you suffer from a mild to moderate addiction to alcohol.

    However, if your addiction is more severe then your withdrawal symptoms could last a number of weeks.

    If your addiction to alcohol is less severe then you might qualify for a home detox. Home detox is when you withdraw from alcohol in the comfort of your own home, instead of having to attend inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Wales.

    With a home detox, you will stay at home the entire time. You will be supported by family and loved ones and will have daily phone calls with doctors and therapists to make sure that you are okay and healthy.

    To learn more about the detox process at an alcohol or drug rehab in Wales, give our experts a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Dual Diagnosis at Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wales

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table

    If you do enter a centre for drug and alcohol rehab in Wales, then you might hear the term ‘dual diagnosis’ floating around.

    A dual diagnosis is when someone suffers from a mental health issue, such as depression or anxiety, alongside a substance use disorder. A dual diagnosis is very common when it comes to substance use disorders.

    This is because lots of people who suffer from mental health conditions go on to abuse substances as a coping mechanism for their mental health symptoms.

    This is can also be true of process and behavioural addictions, such as gambling addiction, shopping addiction, sex addiction, all of which can be used to distract from intense mental health symptoms.

    Mental health disorders that are commonly linked to addiction include:

    Likewise, people who abuse drugs and alcohol are also a lot more likely to go on to experience a mental health condition.

    Therefore, mental health conditions and substance use disorders are intrinsically linked, and in order to recover from a dual diagnosis, individuals will need a combination of treatments.

    If you are to enter drug and alcohol rehab in Wales with a dual diagnosis, then you will need to undergo a medical detox before receiving any other form of treatment. Once you have completed your dual diagnosis treatment, you will then move on to receive therapy, which will aim to focus on your mental health condition.

    If you suspect that you or someone you know is suffering from a dual diagnosis, then you should speak to someone at Rehab Recovery for help on how to get admitted to drug and alcohol rehab in Wales at 0800 088 66 86

    Signs & Symptoms of a Dual Diagnosis

    There are a number of signs and symptoms when it comes to a dual diagnosis. Some of these signs and symptoms are listed below for you.

    • Wanting to spend more time alone
    • Struggling to focus
    • Experiencing severe anxiety and depression
    • Feeling increasingly irritated
    • A loss of appetite
    • Struggling to hold down a job
    • Struggling to maintain healthy relationships
    • Increased tolerance to drugs and/or alcohol
    • Struggling to sleep or sleeping too much
    • Mood swings
    • Frequently hallucinating

    If you or someone that you know is suffering from any of the above symptoms, then they might be suffering from a dual diagnosis. If this is the case, then they might need to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Wales in order to recover fully.


    In person therapy session

    Below, we provide some frequently asked questions and their answers about the drug and alcohol rehab process in Wales:

    1. What about Alcoholics Anonymous and other support groups?

    There are many different support groups across the UK and Wales. One of the most long-lasting and popular support groups across the UK is Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship, created for people with alcohol addiction by people with alcohol addiction.

    Alcoholics Anonymous allows people to join meetings for free, where they will be given the chance to meet a range of different people who all suffer from an addiction to alcohol. You get to share stories, tips and tricks on how to stay sober and will get the chance to learn from one another, as well as being encouraged to lean on a higher power when your addiction seems overwhelming.

    There are age or educational requirements when it comes to Alcoholics Anonymous – the only prerequisite is that you suffer from an addiction to alcohol and want to seek help.

    Alcoholics Anonymous have its very own recovery and relapse prevention programme, called the 12 Steps. These steps have been created to help you to maintain your soberiety and on track with your recovery.

    Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous are two popular offshoots of AA that apply the same principles to other addiciton issues.

    2. What is the cost of private drug and alcohol rehab in Wales?

    A phone calculator held above some documents

    How much drug and alcohol rehab in Wales costs is one of our most commonly asked questions. This is because a lot of people who struggle with a substance use disorder put off attending drug and alcohol rehab in Wales because they have heard rumours of just how expensive it is.

    Unfortunately, the cost of private drug and alcohol rehab does mean that a lot of sufferers are put off attending rehab due to the cost. For this reason, private drug and alcohol rehab is deemed inaccessible.

    However, the cost of private drug and alcohol rehab in Wales does depend on a number of different factors.

    Whether you opt for inpatient or outpatient rehab will have a huge impact on the cost of your stint in rehab. Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Wales is a lot more expensive than outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Wales.

    This is because, during inpatient rehab, you will temporarily move into the drug and alcohol rehab facility. This means that your food will be paid for, as well as your medication and treatment.

    How long you end up staying in rehab will also heavily affect how much your drug and alcohol rehab in Wales will cost. Whether you require a medical detox or not will heavily impact how long you have to stay in rehab and how much this will substantially cost.

    In addition to this, individuals are able to choose between a private or shared room. Naturally, choosing a private room will cost you a lot more money than opting for a shared room.

    Most people with a mild addiction end up staying in drug and alcohol rehab in Wales for approximately 10 days, which would set you back anywhere between £3,000 and £6,000 for a private room. A shared room is a bit cheaper, at around £2,000 to £4,000.

    However, most people end up staying in rehab for approximately 28 days. This will set you back approximately £12,000 for a private room to yourself, and £6,000 for a shared room with other people.

    As you can see, the longer you stay in drug and alcohol rehab in Wales the more expensive your stay in rehab will be. If you cannot afford these costs, then speak to your local GP about potentially applying for NHS-funded drug and alcohol rehab in Wales.

    3. How Long Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Wales Last?

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    Another frequently asked question is ‘how long does drug and alcohol rehab last?’

    Most people who suffer from addiction find the idea of leaving their loved ones and withdrawing from the addictive substance incredibly daunting. However, it is important to remember that if you want to recover, then withdrawing and attending treatment is usually the only way forward.

    Most people with a mild addiction, who might only require a medical detox will only have to stay in rehab for approximately 10 days. However, this is usually the least amount of time anyone would have to spend in a rehab facility.

    Most people with mild to moderate substance addiction end up staying in rehab for approximately 28 days, where they will spend the first week detoxing and the rest of their time undergoing therapy treatment for any mental health conditions.

    However, if you suffer from a more severe addiction, then you will need to stay in rehab for up to 90 days in order to recover.

    This is usually for anyone with a severe addiction who requires a lot of help and support. This might also include anyone with a dual diagnosis.

    It is understandable to feel anxious about how long you might have to stay in rehab, but it is also important to remember that you will not be kept in drug and alcohol rehab in Wales for a second longer than you need to.

    Your addiction is not going to go away by itself, and attending drug and alcohol rehab in Wales is sometimes the only way forward.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Wales is not an overnight cure for your addiction; it will require a lot of motivation and determination to recover and better your life.

    4. Abstinence Over Moderation Management At Drug & Alcohol Rehab In Wales


    For many people, the word ‘abstinence’ can seem extremely daunting, especially if you’re still very much struggling with your addiction day today.

    However, abstinence is a process and can be achieved by following a treatment programme.

    Experts have agreed that abstinence is always the safer and more effective route to addiction recovery.

    Whilst at rehab, your time will be spent focusing on achieving complete abstinence as opposed to moderation management.

    Moderation management is a form of ‘controlled’ consumption of an addictive substance. Essentially, it’s a way of reducing the harm caused by these addictive substances.

    However, studies have shown that aiming for moderation management results in more relapsing than aiming for complete abstinence does.

    Whilst at rehab, professionals will work with you to ensure that you’re aiming for complete abstinence by focusing on the physical and psychological effects of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as developing relapse prevention and aftercare services, focusing on your home environment.

    Tackling any triggers at home that might contribute to a potential relapse in the future is a huge step, and will help ensure that you’re not tempted when you leave rehab in Wales.

    This is why it is extremely important to achieve total and complete abstinence so that you are not tempted at all when you return back home.

    To begin your journey towards abstinence through addiction therapy in Wales, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Therapy Techniques for Alcohol & Drug Addiction


    There is a wide range of therapy techniques for people who suffer from substance use disorders. One of the best and most beneficial parts of attending drug and alcohol rehab in Wales is that you get the chance to try different therapy techniques.

    Below is a list of just some of the most common talking therapies and psychiatric treatments used across rehab centres in Wales and the rest of the UK.

    Whilst most people haven’t ever tried therapy before attending drug and alcohol rehab in Wales, it is important that you keep an open mind when it comes to trying different therapy techniques for the very first time.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Wales, please contact Rehab Recovery today at 0800 088 66 86

    Alternative Services to Rehab in Wales

    A group of people at a table with notebooks

    1. Recovery Cymru

    Address: 218 Cowbridge Rd E, Cardiff CF5 1GX

    Telephone: 02920227019


    2. Kaleidoscope Project – Drug and Alcohol Charity

    Address: Resolven House, Saint Mellons Business Park, Fortran Rd, St. Mellons, Cardiff CF3 0EY

    Telephone: 01633811950


    3. Welsh Centre for Action on Dependency & Addiction

    Address: 41 St James Crescent, Uplands, Swansea SA1 6DR

    Telephone: 01792 472519


    The NHS (National Health Service) provides free, reliable information for drug and alcohol addictions and dependencies, as well as limited support through various NHS Foundation Trusts.

    Smart Recovery can help you to control any relapse triggers you may face, and gain a better understanding of your emotions.

    Al-Anon is another essential valuable service that supports the loved ones of those suffering from addiction, whilst Alateen provides support specifically to adolescents.

    You can also reach out to a number of remote services, including Mind UKYoungMindsRethink Mental IllnessSamaritans, Papyrus, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Change Grow Live, Turning Point, We Are With You and the National Association for Children of Alcoholics.

    If you are suffering from too many temptations and triggers in your home life, you may also be able to gain temporary residence in a sober living house.

    Whatever help you need to overcome addiction – whether from a drug and alcohol rehab in Wales or one of these alternative services – allow our experts to help by contacting us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Advice & Referrals from Rehab Recovery

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    The rehabs we can refer you to are available in Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Bangor, Saint Asaph, Pembroke, Caerleon, Wrexham, Aberystwyth, Brecon, Carmarthen, Denbigh, Barry, Merthyr Tydfil, Tenby, Ebbw Vale, Milford Haven, Welshpool, Caernarfon, Llantwit Major, Maesteg, Flint, Chepstow, St Davids, Haverfordwest, Aberdare, Laugharne, St Davids, Rhondda, Risca, Caerphilly, Rhyl, Hay-on-Wye, Conwy, Machynlleth, Bridgend, Newtown, Monmouth, Lampeter, Neath, Tonyrefail, Blaenavon, Gelligaer, Betws-y-Coed, Kidwelly, Buckley, Bethesda, Prestatyn, Pontypool, Aberaeron and many more towns in and around Wales.

    All of the rehabs we recommend are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (England and Wales) or the Care Inspectorate (Scotland).

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Wales, reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86

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