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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Ramsgate

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Ramsgate. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Ramsgate

    Ramsgate is a seaside town located in England, in the district of Thanet in east Kent. It is home to an estimated 40,000 people.

    It is often praised for its beaches and idyllic location. However, Ramsgate is also home to a percentage of people struggling with alcohol and/or drug dependency.

    According to the latest statistics, Kent is home to 5,647 opiate and crack cocaine users (OCUs) and 14, 587 people with alcohol dependency.

    Other substances, such as heroin, cocaine, and cannabis are also prevalent. (1)

    For more information about drug and alcohol statistics in Kent/Ramsgate, please see here.

    For people in Ramsgate suffering from substance dependency and looking to seek help, this article will serve as a useful guide.

    It will discuss what treatment is available and what to expect from drug and alcohol rehab in Ramsgate.

    Start your long-term recovery journey at a rehab in Ramsgate by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    What is Alcohol Addiction?


    Alcohol addiction – or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) – refers to a person’s drinking habits.

    Such terms are commonly used to describe someone that can not control their alcohol consumption, regardless of negative health or social consequences. (2)

    Addiction usually means that the person has a strong urge to use a substance, such as alcohol. When a person is addicted, not using the substance can lead to withdrawal.

    For alcohol, withdrawal symptoms can range from shakes and nausea to anxiety and depression. This will be covered in more detail below.

    A common question that people might ask, is: how do I know that I am addicted to alcohol?

    There are several signs to look out for – these include:

    • Intense cravings
    • The inability to manage alcohol consumption
    • The inability to cut down
    • Drinking more to garner the desired effect
    • Daily tasks and social activities being negatively impacted by the need to drink
    • Alcohol taking precedence over important things – this might include hygiene or work

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    Get the help you need from an alcohol rehab in Ramsgate by calling us on0800 088 66 86

    What is Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Ramsgate Like?


    Rehab, in essence, is a process of recovery – whether for health, overcoming an injury, or addiction. (3)

    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – so the focus of rehab is always on returning agency to the patient.

    Rehab is designed to help people overcome their ailments by providing an environment that specialises in treatment.

    For addiction, this might mean attending a facility for a period. Whilst there, people will undergo detox, be provided with medical assistance, and take part in a range of therapies and addiction counselling sessions.

    However, many different types of rehab deal with addiction. These include:

    • Inpatient/residential rehabthis requires people to stay at a facility (hospital or private facility, for example) for the duration of their treatment.
    • Outpatient rehab this does not require an overnight stay and people will undergo treatment through weekly appointments at a clinic or doctor’s surgery.
    • Recovery house rehabspecialised housing that offers treatment as part of its residence.

    Experts have agreed that abstinence is far more effective than harm reduction or moderation management – as a result, that’s what rehabs focus on.

    To experience treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Ramsgate for yourself, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Holding an Addiction Intervention in Ramsgate


    An intervention is a gathering of family and friends to confront a loved one about their addiction. It is usually the last resort to convince the person that they need to seek professional help.

    Commonly, friends and family will take turns to explain how the person’s addiction is negatively impacting them and their loved ones.

    Interventions can be tricky to get right and have the potential to become confrontational. To avoid this, there are some useful tips for running a successful intervention suggested by professionals.

    The first tip, and one of the most important, is to take time to prepare. This includes:

    • Research about interventions and addiction. This will help family and friends sympathise and understand what their loved one is going through.
    • Spend time reflecting on why the person might not want to seek help – it might be due to fear of social stigma, for example.
    • Practice positive communication – it is often recommended that people write down what they want to say.
    • Find out what treatment options are available and how family and friends can support a loved one through treatment.

    It is important to remember that an intervention is aimed at encouraging a person to seek help, not to shame them or guilt them into it.

    It is worth considering employing the help of an intervention specialist – an interventionist, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or a social worker, for example.

    Such specialists will be able to help organise the intervention, provide useful tips and information, and act as a mediator if needed.

    There are also useful, professionally developed methods aimed at helping families organise an intervention. A popular example of this is the Community Reinforcement And Family Training (CRAFT) method.

    CRAFT is particularly useful for families that have a loved one that is refusing to seek help. It focuses on giving family members the necessary tools to help combat this. (4)

    Families will work alongside a professional for several months, focusing on such things as:

    • How addiction occurs
    • How to communicate in an effective and positive manner
    • How to encourage positive behaviour
    • How to implement empathetic listening
    • How to prevent enabling behaviour
    • How to conduct an intervention

    To ensure that your loved one gets the addiction treatment they need in Ramsgate, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Treatment Options in Ramsgate: What is Available and How much Does it Cost?


    There are many great, free drug and alcohol services in Ramsgate and the surrounding areas.

    An example of this is Thanet Hub. Thanet Hub is accessible via self-referral, or referral through a medical professional, and offers many services that are tailored to individual needs. (5)

    This includes:

    • One-to-one and group support
    • Help with drug and alcohol detox
    • Prescription drugs and needle exchange
    • Peer support
    • Help to access other treatment options

    For more information about Thanet Hub and the services that they offer, please follow this link.

    Other free services in Ramsgate include the East Kent Services and One You Kent, which specialises in alcohol addiction.

    Commonly, people will ask if there is free treatment through the NHS. Unfortunately, the NHS does not run residential rehab. Instead, what is available through the NHS is funding for residential rehab.

    This is, however, very difficult to secure. In part, this is due to funding cuts but it is also due to there being a very strict criterion that people must meet to access funding.

    Examples of criteria might include:

    • Having already utilised all local services
    • Having tried an outpatient program
    • Attending therapy and pre-rehab courses
    • Being sober prior to entering a residential program

    To access funding through the NHS, people must first speak with their GP. If this is an option worth exploring, the GP will help organise the funding and referral process.

    The final option for alcohol and drug treatment in Ramsgate is to seek out a private facility. However, this can be expensive.

    The cost of private rehab in the UK averages between £300 to £400 per day.

    However, luxury rehabs can cost a lot more, starting at several thousand pounds per day.

    For help accessing and paying for addiction treatment in Ramsgate, call our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Long Does Rehab Last in Ramsgate?


    The duration of rehab will vary from person to person and the type of treatment that they receive.

    Some factors that determine how long rehab will last includes:

    • How long the person has been using a substance
    • The type of substance that is being treated
    • The person’s medical history
    • The person’s age

    If a person has been using a substance for a long time, they might need longer to detox. In addition, they might need extra medical assistance.

    Certain substances are also likely to need more time to overcome. Alcohol and heroin, for example, have a very difficult detox process and can be life-threatening.

    People detoxing from these substances might need longer than someone detoxing from cannabis, for example.

    Most medical professionals recommend a minimum of 28 days of rehab – this covers detox and therapy.

    However, most rehabs will assess on an individual basis. Common programs range from 7-day treatment to 90-day treatment.

    For help accessing and paying for addiction treatment in Ramsgate, call our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Inpatient vs Outpatient Addiction Treatment in Ramsgate


    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction.

    Another key factor that will contribute to both duration and cost is whether the treatment is inpatient or outpatient.

    Inpatient treatment (also known as residential rehab) requires the person to stay at a facility for the duration of their treatment.

    Usually, as it is intense, inpatient treatment lasts for 28 days. Inpatient treatment, as mentioned, can be expensive. However, people will receive 24/7 medical supervision.

    Outpatient treatment, on the other hand, does not require the person to stay overnight at a facility.

    Instead, people will undergo their treatment via weekly appointments at a doctor’s surgery, clinic, or local service – usually between 12 to 14 hours per week.

    The benefit of this is that outpatient treatment can often be accessed for free through local services and can be fitted around a person’s other engagements.

    However, outpatient treatment can last a lot longer than inpatient treatment – between 6 months to a year, on average. (6)

    It is worth mentioning that both inpatient and outpatient treatment offer similar programs.

    People will be assisted with their detox, receive therapy, and be offered an aftercare program.

    For help choosing between inpatient and outpatient rehab clinics in Ramsgate, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Alcohol Rehab in Ramsgate


    The initial stage of rehab involves a medical assessment. This will involve a medical professional checking for any mental and/or physical health issues.

    The purpose of this is to help the medical staff determine the best treatment.

    Following this, people will enter the detox/withdrawal stage. This varies from person to person, and substance to substance.

    Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe, with the latter being life-threatening.

    The first symptoms usually occur 6 hours after a person stops drinking and can last for several days.

    Alcohol withdrawal symptoms that are mild/moderate, include nausea, sweats, shakes, vomiting, headaches, and restlessness.

    Severe symptoms include seizures, breathing issues, increased heart rates, delirium tremens and insomnia.

    People that are detoxing from alcohol are likely to be prescribed a sedative to help with AWS symptoms.

    A common and popularly used sedative is Librium. Librium helps reduces anxiety, prevent restlessness, and improve a person’s appetite.

    Librium is less addictive than other sedatives, which is why it is popular for treating those that already have a substance dependency.

    Like most sedatives, however, Librium has some negative side effects, such as drowsiness and stomach issues. (7)

    Beat alcohol addiction with the help of an expert rehab clinic in Ramsgate – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cannabis Rehab, Cocaine Rehab and Heroin Rehab in Ramsgate


    The initial steps for cannabis, cocaine and heroin rehab are the same as rehab for alcohol.

    People will first undergo a medical assessment and then enter the withdrawal stage.

    The drug detox process for these substances will vary.

    Cannabis is considered to be the mildest form of withdrawal, and cannabis detox is not necessary.

    Withdrawal symptoms from cannabis addiction usually begin to emerge several hours to several days after the person stops using.

    These include:

    Although cannabis can stay in a person’s system for several months, withdrawal symptoms usually subside within several days.

    Cocaine withdrawal can occur much faster – sometimes as quickly as an hour after the person stops using.

    Cocaine withdrawal symptoms tend to be more psychological than other substances. Again, although unpleasant, do not tend to be severe and cocaine detox is not necessary.

    However, some severe symptoms include seizures and breathing issues – these are extreme cases, though.

    Symptoms that are most likely to occur include paranoia, anxiety, irritation, sleeplessness, and intense cravings.

    These usually subside within 5 to 7 days.


    Heroin detox can be very difficult due to how addictive it is. Even the mildest withdrawal symptoms are very unpleasant – flu-like symptoms, headaches, anxiety, vomiting, and intense cravings.

    More severe symptoms can be life-threatening.

    These include:

    • Hypertension
    • Insomnia
    • Breathing issues
    • Dehydration

    Because of this, people will likely detox from heroin with the assistance of a prescription drug such as buprenorphine, or a controlled opioid such as methadone.

    Withdrawal symptoms of heroin usually begin to subside after several days to a week.

    Whether you’re suffering from cannabis addiction, cocaine addiction, heroin addiction or any other form of sustance abuse, allow our expert team to help you by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Dual Diagnosis at a Rehab Centre in Ramsgate


    Dual diagnosis is also an important consideration, particularly concerning necessary treatment whilst in rehab.

    Dual diagnosis is a term used to describe the interaction between mental health and addiction.

    It is not uncommon for one to lead to the other. For example, studies have found that people with addiction are more likely to develop mental health problems than those without.

    Alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and cannabis, for example, have all been found to lead to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.

    On the other hand, studies have also found that people with mental health issues will often use substances as a means of coping/dealing with such issues.

    If a person uses a substance for a prolonged period, they are at risk of developing a dependency.  (8)

    To discover how a drug and alcohol rehab in Ramsgate will work to support your mental health, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Therapy Will I Receive During Rehab in Ramsgate?


    Whilst undergoing treatment – whether inpatient or outpatient – people will receive a variety of counselling/therapy.

    Probably the most universally used therapy is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT seeks to better understand the interaction between cognition (thoughts) and behaviours.

    Certain thought processes are likely behind the use of a substance – for example, negative thoughts led to negative behaviours, such as using a substance.

    Therefore, changing negative thoughts to positive ones should help people develop positive behaviours.

    Dialectical Behavioural therapy (DBT) is very similar but focuses on powerful emotions rather than thoughts.

    Another common therapy is Motivational Interviewing (MI). MI, as the name suggests, looks at a person’s motivation – this could be their motivation for using a substance.

    Through a series of sessions (interviews), people will work alongside a medical professional to reframe their motivations and develop new ones – sobriety, healthy living, and career goals, for example.

    People are also likely to experience a range of holistic therapies whilst in rehab. This is less analytical than the aforementioned therapies and focuses more on well-being.

    Examples of holistic therapy include art therapy, music therapy, meditation, mindfulness, nutritional counselling and yoga.

    Finally, people will also participate in peer therapy. This will involve meeting with other people undergoing treatment to discuss experiences, issues, and struggles.

    These sessions are usually run by a trained professional and are effective in encouraging people to maintain sobriety and overcome feelings of isolation. (9)

    Most of these treatments are available as either group therapy or individual therapy, depending on your needs and preferences.

    To experience any and all of these effective treatments, call our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Relapse Prevention and Aftercare in Ramsgate


    The final stages of drug and alcohol rehab in Ramsgate are relapse prevention and aftercare.

    Although rehab is often successful in helping people overcome their addiction, upon leaving rehab there is a possibility that they might start using again.

    To help prevent this, people will work with a medical professional to develop a relapse prevention plan.

    This will involve writing down and discussing potential triggers and things that might cause a relapse – family, friends, environments, financial issues, for example.

    Developing a relapse prevention plan will also mean developing the necessary tools to deal with potential triggers.

    People will learn to cognitively reappraise – reframe thoughts – emotional management and communicate issues more effectively.

    As part of relapse prevention, upon leaving rehab, people will be provided with aftercare. In essence, this means continued supportcounselling, therapy, check-ups, and encouragement to engage with local services.

    Local services might include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or SMART recovery.

    These services offer a range of support and therapy, such as one-to-one therapy and group therapy.

    For more information about AA and NA in Ramsgate, please follow this link. For more information about SMART recovery, see here.

    Make sure that your time at a drug and alcohol rehab in Ramsgate is matched by an equally effective aftercare plan by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How We Will Help You Find the Best Rehab in Ramsgate

    Choosing a rehab blindly may mean entering a program that is not ideal for your requirements. The problem is that most people will not be aware of their options for alcohol or drug addiction treatment services, and this means that they will struggle to find the most appropriate one – this is not the type of decision you want to leave to luck.

    Our team is expert in regards to what rehabs have to offer – we will be able to offer you advice on your best options right around the UK.

    These days many people are deciding to go beyond Ramsgate for addiction help, and this may be something that you want to consider as well.

    If you contact us now we will help you find something appropriate, and once you have reached your decision we can then make the arrangements for you.

    We offer entry to a wide selection of rehab centres throughout and near Ramsgate, including in Canterbury, Margate, Dover, and many other areas throughout Kent and the South East.

    Get the help you need to beat addiction in Ramsgate by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86




    (3) Khammarnia, M., and M. Peyvand. “The reasons of return to drug addiction and suggested solutions among the people referring to rehabilitation centres: A Qualitative Study.” Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences 17, no. 6 (2018): 523-538.

    (4) Meyers, Robert J., William R. Miller, Dina E. Hill, and J. Scott Tonigan. “Community reinforcement and family training (CRAFT): Engaging unmotivated drug users in treatment.” Journal of Substance Abuse 10, no. 3 (1998): 291-308.


    (6) Cole, Steven G., Wayne E. Lehman, Elizabeth A. Cole, and Alvin Jones. “Inpatient vs outpatient treatment of alcohol and drug abusers.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 8, no. 3 (1981): 329-345.

    (7) Bayard, Max, Jonah Mcintyre, Keith Hill, and Jack Woodside. “Alcohol withdrawal syndrome.” American family physician 69, no. 6 (2004): 1443-1450.

    (8) Mueser, Kim T., Robert E. Drake, and Michael A. Wallach. “Dual diagnosis: a review of etiological theories.” Addictive behaviors 23, no. 6 (1998): 717-734.

    (9) Rothbaum, Barbara Olasov, Elizabeth A. Meadows, Patricia Resick, and David W. Foy. “Cognitive-behavioral therapy.” (2000).

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