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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Leatherhead

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Leatherhead. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Leatherhead

    If you’re struggling with addiction, have you considered drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead?

    Read on for everything you need to know about addiction, recovery and the rehab experience.

    What are the signs and symptoms of a drug or alcohol addiction?

    A woman with her eyes closed

    It’s possible to be addicted to drugs or alcohol and have absolutely no idea that you have a problem.

    This is because we normalise our behaviour to such an extent that we don’t notice when we begin to act in a self-destructive manner.

    But knowing the symptoms of an addiction can help you to start receiving treatment fast and potentially save your life.

    Signs that you may have developed an addiction to drugs or alcohol include:

    • Having withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop using drugs or alcohol
    • Feeling as though you need to use substances just to get through the day
    • Experiencing cravings for drugs or alcohol when you are not using them
    • Finding life ‘less fun’ when you are not using substances
    • Using substances as soon as you wake up in the morning
    • Trying to stop using drugs or alcohol but being unable to
    • Experiencing negative repercussions due to substance use but continuing to repeat the behaviour
    • Isolating yourself from friends and family
    • Paying less attention to your personal hygiene and grooming standards
    • Using substances frequently
    • Losing your job or receiving warnings due to your substance use
    • Developing a tolerance to drugs or alcohol and needing to use more to get the same effects
    • Only spending time with people who also use drugs or alcohol
    • Having arguments with friends or family members due to your substance use
    • Getting into legal trouble due to drugs or alcohol

    Addiction can start out slowly and gradually become worse, and you may not even realise that it’s happening. [1]

    Early intervention will give you the best possible chance at long-term recovery, so knowing which signs to look out for both in yourself and other people can help you to spot the problem quickly.

     Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Leatherhead on 0800 088 66 86

    How can I find a drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead?

    A group of people sitting in armchairs

    Accessing rehab has never been easier thanks to increased awareness and understanding of the importance of addiction treatment.

    Below are some of the ways you can find a drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead:

    • Book an appointment with your doctor and explain your concerns to them. They will be able to provide a professional diagnosis and refer you to a rehab clinic.
    • Research rehab clinics online to find the best fit for you. We recommend visiting or at least calling the clinic before you make a commitment to ensure that you will receive the help and support that you need.
    • Call our team at Rehab Recovery on 0800 088 66 86. We can offer a free telephone assessment and refer you to some of the top rehab clinics in Leatherhead.

    Can I recover from addiction without professional help?

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    While it is possible to recover from a drug or alcohol addiction without professional help, we do not advise you to do so.

    The process of detoxing and healing from addiction is extremely difficult and in many cases, potentially dangerous.

    This is because many people experience mild, moderate or severe withdrawal symptoms once they stop using substances, and this can occur even if you cut down gradually. [2]

    At drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead you will be constantly monitored and prescribed medication to help combat these withdrawal symptoms, but if you attempt to detox without professional help then you could be putting yourself in danger.

    Mild withdrawal symptoms can range from vomiting to sweating while severe withdrawal symptoms may include seizures, psychosis, suicidal urges and unconsciousness.

    You are also more at risk of relapse and overdose, as your tolerance to drugs and alcohol drugs sharply once you stop using them.

    At rehab you will not have access to these substances, while at home you are more susceptible to succumbing to your cravings.

    If you are ready to recover from a drug and alcohol addiction, make your health and safety a priority and seek help from a professional rehab clinic.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Leatherhead on0800 088 66 86

    How long does drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead last?


    Putting aside the time for addiction treatment can be a challenge these days, particularly for those raising a family and/or juggling a career.

    However, the time you spend in recovery now will be given back to you in the future as you will no longer be trapped in the spiral of addiction.

    Most people spend around 30 days in rehab, and this is the most common programme offered at drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead.

    30 days is thought to be sufficient time to safely detox from all substances, attend counselling for a few weeks and create a relapse prevention plan.

    Many clinics also offer a 60-day treatment programme and a 90-day treatment programme, which provide a much more in-depth counselling course and more preparation for life after rehab.

    If you are tempted to leave rehab early, we recommend completing your entire treatment programme. This will give you the greatest chance of success with long-term addiction recovery.

    How much does drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead cost?


    One of the biggest barriers to seeking treatment for addiction is the cost of drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead.

    While it can be expensive, there are ways that you can lower the costs.

    Below are the average costs of the most common treatment programmes in Leatherhead:

    • The average cost of a 30-day treatment programme is just under £15,000.
    • The average cost of a 60-day treatment programme is just under £30,000.
    • The average cost of a 90-day treatment programme is just under £45,000.

    Don’t worry if these numbers appear too large for you to afford, as there are many rehab clinics in Leatherhead that charge much lower prices.

    If you are prepared to attend a rehab clinic with fewer amenities and potentially share a room with another patient, you may be able to find treatment programmes for around £1,000 per week.

    You can also opt for a supervised home detox programme which costs between £1,500 and £2,000, and then attend counselling sessions either privately or through the NHS.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Leatherhead on0800 088 66 86

    How can I pay for drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead?

    Person researching on laptop

    Reading through the estimated costs of rehab may have stirred up some concerns about how you will afford to pay for your treatment.

    There are several different ways to pay for drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead depending on your personal circumstances, with the most common listed below:


    Using your own savings is the simplest way to afford your treatment, but we understand that many people simply do not have enough money saved up.

    If you do, however, then this money will be well spent on your health and well-being, and you can think of it as an investment in yourself.

    Friends and family

    Your friends and family members may be able to pool their money to afford your treatment, so it’s always worth reaching out to them.

    You may be surprised at how much your loved ones want to help, and they will likely have a vested interest in helping you to recover from addiction.


    If you have private health or employee insurance then your addiction treatment may be completely or partially covered by your policy.

    Make sure to read through the terms and conditions in order to understand what you are entitled to and what you will need to do to make a claim.


    There are many crowdfunding sites available online, allowing people to donate to worthy causes of their choosing.

    If you have a large online following or believe that your story stands out, you may have success with fundraising the money for your treatment.

    NHS funding

    The government funds a certain number of rehab spaces each year in Leatherhead, allowing people with no way of affording treatment to receive help for free.

    Speak to your doctor about the possibility of applying for NHS-funded rehab, and they will be able to point you in the right direction.

    What happens at drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead?

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    Before your treatment can begin, the medical team will need to understand your condition.

    They will conduct various physical and psychological tests to determine the type and severity of your addiction as well as to identify any co-occurring physical or mental health disorders.

    The results of these tests will allow them to create a treatment plan for you.


    To effectively recover from an addiction you will need to flush all traces of substances from your system with a detox.

    This takes between 7-10 days and you will be supervised throughout the process.

    You are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms such as vomiting, shaking and sweating, but your medical team may be able to prescribe medication to help with these effects.


    The psychological aspect of rehab lasts for a minimum of three weeks and involves attending counselling and therapy sessions.

    There are many different types of addiction counselling including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), group therapy and trauma-focused therapy.

    At first it may feel as though therapy isn’t working, or you may feel worse than before, but stick with it and eventually you will begin to reap the benefits.

    Relapse prevention

    Of course, you can’t stay in the safe confines of rehab forever. Once your treatment programme ends you will return to daily life, so it’s important to be prepared.

    Your counsellor will help you to create a relapse prevention plan which includes techniques to help you identify and manage your triggers while dealing with stress and negative emotions in a healthy way.

    Patients who have created a relapse prevention plan in advance are less likely to relapse when they leave rehab and begin to navigate the outside world. [3]

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Leatherhead on0800 088 66 86

    Is there an age limit on rehab?

    PTSD 7

    Anyone can attend drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead, no matter how young or old.

    It’s easy to forget that older people and young teenagers are both susceptible to addiction, and they need help and support just as much as the rest of the population.

    Many elderly people struggle with prescription painkiller addiction, as they are often prescribed various medications and are also more vulnerable to accidents and long-term pain. [4]

    While older people are welcome at regular rehab clinics, there are rehab clinics in Leatherhead that specialise in treating the elderly where they can recover alongside their peers.

    Teenagers and young adults, on the other hand, are often pressured by their peers to experiment with drugs and alcohol and are more likely to struggle with low self-esteem.

    They may benefit from a rehab clinic specialising in teenage and young person addiction, with treatment programmes tailored to their age and the experiences that they are going through.

    Remember, you are never too young or too old to seek help for addiction.

    Are there LGBTQ+ rehabs in Leatherhead?

    LGBTQ 8

    Here at Rehab Recovery, we understand the unique issues commonly faced by the LGTBQ+ community.

    Although our society has become more progressive and accepting of different sexualities and genders in recent years, members of the LGTBQ+ community still regularly face stigma and discrimination in many aspects of their lives.

    This judgement and harassment can contribute to many issues including mental health disorders and drug and alcohol addiction.

    There is a need for safe spaces for this community, and Leatherhead is home to several rehab clinics that specialise in treating LGTBQ+ members.

    Here you will benefit from an environment that accepts you as you are, free from judgement and discrimination.

    Counsellors and staff members understand your unique viewpoint and experiences that have been shaped by your sexuality and/or gender and will be able to provide care and treatment based on this.

    Of course, you will be safe and accepted at a regular drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead, but we understand that many members of the LGTBQ+ community feel much more at ease when surrounded by their peers.

    Can I smoke or vape at drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead?


    As smoking and vaping are classed as addictions in their own right, you may assume that you will not be able to partake in these behaviours while at drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead.

    While some clinics do forbid the use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes, others allow them to be used on the grounds as long as you are outside or in a specific smoking area.

    This can be beneficial to those that smoke or vape, as the idea of quitting nicotine while also attempting to recover from another drug or alcohol addiction can be intimidating and may even put them off of the idea of professional treatment entirely.

    As rehab can be stressful, the general consensus is that smoking and vaping should be allowed as a way to avoid adding additional stress at this time.

    We recommend speaking to your chosen rehab clinic ahead of time to ensure that you will be able to smoke or vape on the premises, and choose a clinic that allows these behaviours if they are important to you.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Leatherhead on 0800 088 66 86

    Can I use my phone or laptop at drug and alcohol rehab in Leatherhead?

    Man on the phone

    Most of us can’t imagine going one day without our phones, let alone a minimum of 30 days.

    So it’s no surprise that a common question we receive is, ‘Can I take my phone and laptop to rehab?’

    In most cases, the answer is yes. The majority of drug and alcohol rehabs in Leatherhead allow electronic devices to be used on the premises, however, it is likely that you will only be permitted to use them during free time.

    To ensure patient confidentiality, it is likely that you will be asked to refrain from taking photos and videos while at rehab.

    You may also find that you are unable to access certain sites due to prohibited and sensitive content, and this is to prevent you from being triggered.

    It can be tempting to work on your phone or laptop during your free time, but we recommend switching off from these responsibilities while at rehab.

    Not every rehab will allow you to bring electronics, so always make sure to check with your clinic to ensure you don’t bring any prohibited items with you.

    How is addiction diagnosed?

    Group smoking

    If you suspect that you may have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, the first step you should take is to visit a doctor and seek a diagnosis.

    You should never self-diagnose an addiction. Only a doctor can officially diagnose you with a substance use disorder.

    They will likely perform one or more tests in order to understand your behaviour, and the most common of these are listed below.


    The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is a short questionnaire that is often used by doctors to diagnose addiction and understand its severity. [5]

    You will receive a certain number of points depending on the way you answer the below questions:

    • How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
    • How many units of alcohol do you drink on a typical day when you are drinking?
    • How often have you had 6 or more units if female or 8 or more if male, on a single occasion in the last year?
    • How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?
    • How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of your drinking?
    • How often during the last year have you needed an alcoholic drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?
    • How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
    • How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
    • Have you or somebody else been injured as a result of your drinking?
    • Has a relative or friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested that you cut it down?

    If you score 8 or more points, your doctor will direct you to resources that can help you to change your behaviour around alcohol.

    If you score 20 or more points, you will likely be referred to alcohol addiction treatment.

    CAGE questionnaire

    The CAGE questionnaire is a simple test that can even be performed at home and aims to identify problematic behaviours around drugs and alcohol. [6]

    CAGE stands for Cut, Annoy, Guilty and Eye, the main components of the following four questions:

    • Have you ever felt that you should cut down on your substance use?
    • Have you ever felt annoyed with other people when they bring up concerns about your substance use?
    • Have you ever felt guilty about your substance use?
    • Have you ever used substances as soon as you opened your eyes in the morning?

    Each ‘yes’ answer will give you one point, and a score of two or more points can potentially indicate a substance use disorder.

    DSM-5 11 criteria for substance use disorders

    Another common way that a doctor can diagnose you with a drug or alcohol addiction is with the DSM-5 11 criteria for substance use disorders.

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is used to officially diagnose a large number of mental health disorders including addiction.

    It lists 11 specific criteria that should be met before addiction can be diagnosed. [7]

    You can click here to read through the list of the DSM-5 11 criteria of substance use disorders for yourself.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Leatherhead on 0800 088 66 86

    How can Rehab Recovery help me?

    If you’ve never heard of Rehab Recovery before, you may be wondering what we can do for you.

    We can help by providing non-judgemental and confidential advice over the phone or via an online chat.

    This can be less intimidating than meeting with someone in person or speaking directly to staff at a rehab clinic.

    We can also offer you a free telephone assessment to understand more about your addiction, how it affects your life and what type of treatment you will need.

    Finding the right rehab clinic can be difficult, but here at Rehab Recovery, we can refer you to some of the top-rated rehab clinics in Leatherhead.

    We like to think of ourselves as the first stop on your journey to recovery, and our team would be honoured to be a part of your recovery story.









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