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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Longbenton

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Longbenton. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Longbenton

    From 2016 to 2017, addiction studies estimate there to be 129,524 adults aged 15 to 64 in North Tyneside using opiates and/or crack.

    The same report suggests that there were 164,625 alcohol-dependent adults in need of treatment in Long Benton and the wider North Tyneside area from 2018 to 2019. [1]

    Despite this figure, from 2019 to 2020 only 24% of those in need of specialist alcohol dependence treatment were thought to be accessing it. [2]

    Out of 171 drug poisoning-related deaths in Tyne and Wear during 2021, 41 of these occurred in Longbenton and the North Tyneside area. This increased from just 9 in 2020. [3]

    Between 2015 and 2018, data suggests that 25.2% of adults in North Tyneside drank more than the Chief Medical Officer’s recommended limit of 14 units per week. This is higher than the national average of 22.8%.

    Furthermore, alcohol-related hospital admissions in Longbenton and North Tyneside are higher than those in the North East and England as a whole, and according to research, this gap is increasing. [4]

    Addiction treatment is therefore essential in Longbenton to slow down these increasing rates and reduce drug and alcohol-related harm in the area.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Longbenton on 0800 088 66 86

    What is Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

    A person in a jumper, arms resting on a balcony overlooking a winter scene

    When an individual is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, it means that they have a compulsive desire to repeatedly and frequently use a substance or a number of substances.

    The stigmas surrounding addiction mean it is often thought to be a lifestyle choice. However, this desire cannot be controlled, as addiction is a chronic disease of the brain.

    This means that the longer an individual continues to abuse various substances, the worse their addiction will become, and the harder they will find it to stop using drugs or alcohol.

    As their mind and body become reliant on drugs or alcohol for survival, this becomes their primary focus, with harmful consequences for themselves and those around them.

    Addiction should therefore be viewed in a similar way to any other disease that would require quick and immediate medical attention.

    What Is Rehab?

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table

    Rehab, or rehabilitation, is the process that an individual suffering from drug or alcohol addiction undergoes to kickstart their long-term recovery journey.

    This process is abstinence-based and gives individuals the opportunity to break their physical and psychological dependency on drugs or alcohol.

    Rehab also refers to the treatment service that individuals attend to undergo this process.

    Here, they will receive evidence-based treatments from a dedicated team of medical professionals and addiction specialists, whose aim is to help their patients regain control, independence, and good quality of life.

    Individuals will benefit from a range of interventions which allow them to become and remain sober, from group and individual therapy to relapse prevention planning.

    Why Is Seeking Rehab Treatment in Longbenton So Important?

    A woman with her eyes closed

    Seeking treatment from a rehab clinic in Longbenton as soon as possible is essential if you or your loved one wish to make a successful recovery.

    This is because the longer you delay treatment, the worse your addiction will become as you require more and more of the same substance to experience the same pleasurable and rewarding sensations.

    The more drugs or alcohol that you consume, the more at risk you are of developing harmful health complications and conditions that will have an impact on your quality of life.

    This includes:

    • Cancer
    • Heart or liver disease
    • Digestive problems
    • High blood pressure
    • Stroke
    • Dementia
    • Anxiety and depression

    Along with the impact on mental and physical health, addiction will take a toll on other parts of your life too.

    For instance, addiction can make it difficult for individuals to maintain relationships with their loved ones as they attempt to cover up their issues with substance abuse.

    Addiction can also cause individuals to become irritable, difficult to live with, and sometimes violent, which is another common cause of relationship breakdown.

    For example, in North Tyneside, there were 254 reported domestic abuse incidents that involved alcohol, representing almost 20% of all domestic abuse incidents in the period. [5]

    Those struggling with addiction may also find it difficult to maintain their career and often lose their jobs. This has a negative impact on their finances and can cause extreme stress, meaning that individuals are more likely to turn to substances.

    Addiction can therefore easily spiral out of control. So, even if you feel that you or a loved one are on the verge of addiction, you should reach out for help straight away.

    This will give you a better chance of making a full recovery in the long term, as well as reducing the harm to family life and those around you.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Longbenton on 0800 088 66 86

    What Are the Common Signs of Addiction to Look Out For?

    A woman taking a pill

    As previously mentioned, addiction is a progressive disease, meaning that it can deepen the longer that it is left untreated.

    However, this doesn’t mean that an individual has to wait until the stage of desperation to get help.

    If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, there are some signs that you can look out for which indicate that an individual may be struggling with addiction.

    These signs are not always obvious, as those individuals with high-functioning drug or alcohol addiction often go about their daily lives whilst maintaining their substance dependency.

    Therefore, some of the signs to look out for include:

    • Insomnia and fatigue
    • Mood swings
    • Being secretive
    • Worsening work performance or attendance
    • Becoming withdrawn and struggling to maintain a social life
    • Recklessness
    • Paranoia
    • Worsening hygiene and self-care
    • Anxiety and depression
    • Lack of concentration
    • Impaired cognitive (brain) function
    • Withdrawal symptoms when not consuming alcohol or drugs
    • Tolerance to drugs or alcohol increasing

    Outpatient vs Inpatient Rehab in Longbenton

    A bedroom with artwork above the bed

    When deciding on where to get addiction treatment in Longbenton, you or your loved one will be able to choose between outpatient and inpatient alcohol and drug rehab services.

    The main difference between the two types of rehab is the setting in which you will undergo recovery.

    If you choose outpatient rehab, you will visit a clinic during the day and return home at night, where you’ll stay for the whole length of treatment.

    This is ideal for those who require flexibility due to children or work commitments, or for those who may be restricted by time or money.

    However, outpatient drug and alcohol recovery services are not considered to be appropriate for those with moderate to severe substance dependency, or for individuals with a mental health condition alongside their addiction.

    In cases such as those mentioned above, a more intensive quality of care that has round-the-clock supervision is more effective in aiding recovery.

    In contrast, after choosing inpatient rehab you will move into a residential centre for the duration of your treatment, where you will benefit from constant care and support from a multidisciplinary team of addiction specialists.

    The average length of a stay in an inpatient rehab facility is 28 days, though some individuals may remain in the facility for longer depending on their treatment needs.

    During this stay, individuals will benefit from a medically-assisted detox to break their substance dependency, intensive therapy to address the issues underlying their addiction, and support from like-minded individuals going through recovery at the same time.

    Furthermore, recovery through outpatient services typically takes several months, as service users will not receive the same intensive, Care Quality Commission (CQC)- approved level of care as those at a residential rehab clinic.

    Inpatient rehab is usually a quicker process which offers patients a more structured and focused way to overcome their addiction and build healthy, sustainable habits for the future.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Longbenton on 0800 088 66 86

    What Type of Treatment Will I Need When Entering Rehab in Longbenton?

    A group of people sitting in armchairs

    The care that you will receive when entering rehab in Longbenton will vary depending on the facilities at the clinic of your choice, as well as your treatment needs.

    This is because every patient will be given a personalised treatment plan that is based on their individual needs.

    The plan will take into consideration factors such as:

    • The substances that they are dependent on
    • How severe the addiction is
    • How frequently substances are consumed
    • Medical history
    • Mental health history
    • Personal circumstances, such as home and work life

    Medical professionals, addiction specialists, and therapists will then come up with a programme that considers all of these factors. This may involve a detox, mental health treatment, and specific types of therapy.

    Drug and Alcohol Detox

    Individuals undergo detox to remove harmful substances from the body. In doing so, the process helps to break an individual’s physical dependency on drugs or alcohol.

    Although this is a necessary part of the rehabilitation process, it can be extremely challenging for an individual to go through.

    This is because they will begin to experience unpleasant withdrawal effects as the substances leave their body, which may include:

    However, one of the biggest advantages of choosing residential rehab treatment is that you or your loved one will benefit from a medically assisted detox.

    This means that individuals will be given medication to help minimise the effects of these withdrawal symptoms, which can be dangerous if not properly controlled.

    They will also be monitored by medical professionals and round-the-clock nursing care, who will always be on hand to adjust medication levels as and when needed.

    Dual Diagnosis Treatment

    Another type of treatment that you or your loved one may receive when entering rehab in Longbenton is dual diagnosis treatment.

    Dual diagnosis occurs when an individual has a co-occurring addiction and mental health problem.

    In some cases, frequent and long-lasting substance abuse can lead to the development of a mental health condition, such as:

    However, in other cases, individuals may use drugs or alcohol to mask the symptoms of their mental health condition, which leads to the condition worsening.

    For example, hospital admissions in North Tyneside for alcohol-related mental and behavioural disorders were higher than the rate for the North East and the whole of England from 2019 to 2020. [6]

    Dual diagnosis is therefore an essential part of rehab treatment, to ensure that individuals are able to make a full and long-lasting recovery.

    Therapy Treatment Options

    Once detox has been completed, patients will then move on to the therapy programme that has been assigned to them.

    This range of psychosocial interventions will enable them to discover and address the root causes of their addiction. Therapy will also provide individuals with strategies to overcome triggers and cravings which may previously have led to substance abuse.

    Instead, they will be encouraged to use healthier coping mechanisms and begin building a lifestyle that will enable them to maintain their sobriety after completing their treatment recovery plan.

    The therapies offered at rehab in Longbenton will vary from clinic to clinic depending on every therapist’s area of expertise.

    However, some of the most commonly used therapy treatment options include:

    As well as one-to-one therapy sessions, individuals will also benefit from group sessions. These group sessions may use some of the techniques listed above, whilst also allowing individuals to learn from their peers and offer support to one another.

    Group sessions may also feature some alternative holistic therapies, that are designed to show individuals how they can enjoy activities that do not include drugs or alcohol.

    This holistic recovery approach gives them the chance to relax, unwind, and have fun with their peers, and may include activities such as:

    Family therapy may be another option, which is beneficial for those whose relationship with their loved ones has been harmed by their addiction.

    This provides a safe space for all close significant others (CSOs) of a patient to get together and communicate honestly, with a positive outcome for all.

    It also allows for loved ones to have an element of involvement in recovery, meaning that the individual will have a solid support network around them.

    This positive family involvement can be especially beneficial when they return home after their treatment programme ends in Longbenton.

    Aftercare at Rehab in Longbenton

    Treatment does not end when an individual leaves residential rehab in Longbenton.

    This is because it is crucial that individuals have support as they make the transition back into their home environment, where they may have previously encountered triggers leading to substance misuse.

    All good rehab clinics in Longbenton, therefore, provide their patients with free aftercare services for at least 1-year post-rehab.

    These services provide round-the-clock support for individuals who may be worried about leaving rehab.

    For instance, they will frequently return to the clinic to take part in group and individual therapy sessions to help monitor their progress.

    They will also be provided with a relapse prevention plan, which puts strategies into place that individuals can use if they feel they are at risk of relapse.

    For example, they may be given a phone number of a trusted member of staff at the clinic, who they can contact at any time for help and support.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Longbenton on 0800 088 66 86


    A middle aged woman smiling

    How Do I Refer Myself or a Loved One to Rehab in Longbenton?

    Once you or your loved one has admitted that you need help, you have already overcome the most difficult step.

    Gaining admission to private residential rehab in Longbenton is as simple as contacting the clinic of your choice, either by phone or email.

    You will then undergo an assessment with admissions staff, who will ask a series of questions that allows medical professionals and therapists to design a bespoke treatment programme that suits your needs.

    If you are concerned about a loved one, yet they are refusing to get treatment, then you can encourage a referral during an intervention.

    Harm reduction interventions are facilitated by trained professionals and provide a safe space for loved ones of individuals to confront them and explain how their addiction is impacting those around them.

    The aim of the intervention is to encourage the individual that they need to accept help and enter a rehab facility.

    However, interventions should be conducted with effective delivery, consisting of positive communication, honesty, and a non-aggressive manner.

    Approaching intervention in this way means that the individual who is struggling with addiction is less likely to be dismissive and is therefore more likely to begin treatment for the sake of themselves and their loved ones.

    How Much Does Rehab Cost in Longbenton?

    Private residential rehab offers the highest quality of comprehensive care for individuals looking to recover from drug or alcohol addiction.

    However, this means that the cost of treatment can be expensive, although it will vary from clinic to clinic.

    If you are concerned about the cost of rehab, the first thing to consider is the cost of maintaining your addiction, which is likely to be much higher. You should also think about the cost to your health, relationships, and happiness.

    Rehab may be expensive, but it is a long-term investment in all of these elements and can improve your quality of life in the long run.

    Secondly, many rehab clinics are able to work to a wide range of budgets, so we would recommend contacting your chosen facility and building a payment plan that works for you and your financial situation.

    Will I Have My Own Room in a Residential Rehab Centre?

    One of the most common concerns for individuals entering residential rehab in Longbenton is personal space.

    This concern is taken into account by many facilities, which are able to offer patients their own rooms where they can focus on their recovery journey.

    You will be able to decorate your room to your own tastes so that it feels like a home away from home, including photographs of your loved ones.

    Having your own privacy is also beneficial for those who may be struggling with dual-diagnosis conditions such as social anxiety. This allows them to create a safe space whilst they begin to build trust with those around them.

    Will I Recover If I Choose to Attend a Local Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Longbenton?

    Choosing to recover at a local residential treatment centre in Longbenton has several benefits for those suffering from alcohol or drug addiction.

    Firstly, although individuals will be away from the distractions of their home environment and will therefore be able to fully focus on recovery, staying local means that loved ones will be close if support is required.

    The individual will also have access to treatment faster, as they will not need to make travel arrangements which can be costly.

    One of the reasons that many individuals choose to attend rehab further from home is because they are worried about friends, family members, or colleagues finding out about their addiction.

    However, it is important to know that your rehab treatment will remain completely confidential, like any other medical treatment that you may receive.

    Will I Remain Sober After Attending Rehab in Longbenton?

    Rehab gives individuals the opportunity to break free of their drug or alcohol addiction. It also provides the tools to help individuals create a new, healthier lifestyle with friends, family, and hobbies that do not involve substances.

    As previously mentioned, individuals benefit from comprehensive relapse prevention planning so that they are able to maintain their sobriety in the long run.

    However, it is up to the individual to continue implementing these factors into their everyday lives if they hope to remain sober.

    This should be done by continuing to be honest with those around you, reaching out for support when needed, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Long-term recovery, therefore, requires ongoing care from those around you, continued effort, and commitment to a sober lifestyle.


    [1] National Statistics: Substance Misuse Treatment for Adults: Statistics 2020 to 2021, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, November 2021

    [2] North Tyneside Health & Wellbeing Board Report, North Tyneside Council, January 2022

    [3] Deaths Related to Drug Poisoning by Local Authority, England and Wales, Office for National Statistics, August 2022

    [4] North Tyneside Health and Wellbeing Board Report

    [5] North Tyneside Health and Wellbeing Board Report

    [6] North Tyneside Health and Wellbeing Board Report

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