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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Denton

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Denton. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Denton

    Addiction is a disease of the brain which gets progressively worse the longer an individual continues to consume drugs or alcohol.

    This means that individuals with the disease cannot control their consumption of these substances, despite this being harmful to themselves, their loved ones, and wider society.

    Although whilst taking substances individuals may feel a sense of euphoria, in reality, they are fuelling a behaviour that may be too difficult to change.

    This is because the brain and body become dependent on alcohol or drugs for survival, and when an individual is not consuming them, they will begin to experience anxiety and paranoia.

    Addiction can lead to the breakdown of relationships, worsening finances, and severe long-term health complications.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Denton on 0800 088 66 86

    Signs That You or a Loved One Needs Addiction Treatment

    Two men, one with his hand on the other's shoulder

    Although addiction is a disease suffered by millions across the world, the symptoms may manifest themselves in various ways from person to person.

    Some individuals may not even show symptoms, particularly if they have a functioning addiction whereby they are able to continue their normal life despite their alcohol and drug abuse issues.

    If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be suffering from addiction, getting help as soon as possible is crucial to prevent the addiction from spiralling out of control.

    Therefore, some of the most common signs to look out for are:

    • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms
    • Increasing tolerance to a substance means that you need more of it to experience the same effects
    • Drinking or taking drugs more frequently
    • Continuing with alcohol or drug abuse despite negative or harmful consequences
    • Being irritable or experiencing extreme mood swings
    • Avoiding social situations where drugs or alcohol are not available
    • Being secretive

    Although these are some of the most common symptoms of drug and alcohol dependency, there are many more which may indicate that you or your loved one would benefit from professional and high-quality treatment for addiction.

    We understand that admitting you have a problem and accepting help can be a daunting process.

    In fact, less than 5% of dependent drinkers in Denton and the Tameside Borough are accessing addiction treatment and support, which is significantly less than the national average. [1]

    However, this is the first and most important step towards recovery and helps to ensure that you or your loved one can turn your life around before it is too late.

    Why is Drug and Alcohol Rehab Needed in Denton?

    Men chatting

    Drug and alcohol addiction can have a severe and harmful impact on the mental and physical health of those suffering from the disease.

    For instance, long-term alcohol and drug abuse can cause health complications such as:

    This is the case for those situated in Denton and across the UK.

    In 2021, there were 40 deaths related to illicit drug poisoning in Denton and the wider Tameside area. This increased by 25% from the previous year.

    There were also 30 drug misuse-related deaths in Tameside during the same period. [2]

    It is estimated that 14,200 adults in Tameside are dependent on alcohol, with 11,500 being classified as high-risk drinkers. [3]

    Alcohol-related hospital admissions constitute a significant burden on the NHS, health and social care, and the economy within Denton and across the UK.

    Rates of hospital admissions for alcohol harm are significantly higher in Tameside than the England national average.

    There were 5,963 reported alcohol-related hospital admissions from 2018 to 2019, which ranks Tameside 6th across Greater Manchester’s 10 local authority areas.

    Between 2017 and 2018, there were also 50 admissions for alcohol-specific conditions in young people under 18 years. [4]

    Overall, alcohol-related harm in Denton and Tameside as a whole is estimated to cost £100,000 per year or £448 for every person that resides in the area.

    Drug and alcohol addiction is harmful not only to the individual but also to those around them.

    For instance, between 25% and 50% of domestic abuse perpetrators are found to have been drinking at the time of the assault. This can sometimes be as high as 73%. [5]

    Also, out of the 812 new presentations to drug and alcohol treatment from April 2019 to March 2020, 23% were parents or adults living with children. [6]

    Over 50% of child protection cases and 25% of known cases of child abuse within the UK involve alcohol abuse. [7]

    However, it is important to remember that behind every statistic, there is an individual facing the realities of addiction.

    By choosing to recover at a rehab clinic in Denton, you or your loved one will receive support and treatment based on your individual needs and preferences, to help kickstart your journey to recovery.

    Addiction Treatment Options in Denton

    Bumpy road

    When it comes to choosing a rehab treatment programme in Denton, there are two main options, which are inpatient residential rehab and outpatient clinics.

    Outpatient rehab is a free public service that can be accessed through a referral from a GP or charity.

    This is usually the preferred option for those on a budget or those who cannot take time away from their regular lives.

    However, intensive outpatient programs are unable to offer the same comprehensive level of evidence-based care as inpatient rehab.

    This is because government funding is limited and the waiting lists for treatment are long.

    With so many people trying to access outpatient drug and alcohol services, the treatment that you or your loved one receives is unlikely to be personalised to your unique needs.

    Individuals are also expected to complete the detox process at home. This can be unpleasant and dangerous without medical supervision and therefore often leads to relapse.

    Being surrounded by the same triggers and temptations that were present before you embarked on the road to recovery also increases the risk of relapse.

    Residential Rehab in Denton

    Residential rehab is often the most beneficial form of treatment for those in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction.

    This is because individuals will be able to begin their recovery in a safe and supportive environment away from the triggers that they may face at home.

    They will therefore have the space to focus on their recovery without encountering any distractions.

    Individuals in inpatient rehab also benefit from a round-the-clock, high-quality level of care from addiction specialists, medical professionals, and mental health therapists.

    This comprehensive team are specially trained to provide personalised treatment for every patient.

    Residential rehabs are able to offer a spectrum of addiction treatment options, including dual-diagnosis treatment for those suffering from co-occurring disorders.

    This means that they are experiencing a mental illness alongside their addiction.

    One of the biggest advantages of inpatient treatment is that individuals are able to undergo a medically supervised detox, meaning that the process will be assisted by medication.

    If you are struggling with cravings and unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, doctors will be on hand at any time for medication management and to ensure that the process as comfortable as possible for you or your loved one.

    What To Expect from Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Denton

    Two people drinking coffee

    Although the thought of recovery can seem daunting, the process of entering residential rehab in Denton will be made as smooth as possible for you or your loved one.

    Firstly, you will go through an initial assessment with the clinic’s admissions team.

    This is likely to be conducted over the telephone, where you will discuss:

    • Your medical history
    • Details of your substance dependency
    • Any mental health disorders you may have
    • History of physical and mental health treatment
    • The treatment that you require
    • Your personal preferences for rehab, e.g. location

    From this assessment, a bespoke treatment programme can be created, which will be personalised to your needs.

    Medical Drug and Alcohol Detox

    Before any addiction treatment can begin, individuals will need to go through the medical detox process.

    This entails removing any substances that may be present in the body and aim to break an individual’s physical dependency on illicit drugs or alcohol.

    For those attending outpatient services, detox will take place at home.

    Although this is a cheaper option, individuals are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms which can make the process difficult to complete, such as:

    • Heart Palpitations
    • Headaches
    • High Temperature or Chills
    • Tremors
    • Nausea and Vomiting
    • Paranoia and Hallucinations
    • Extreme mood swings
    • Seizures
    • Delirium Tremens
    • Anxiety and Depression
    • Loss of appetite
    • Dehydration

    They are therefore at a higher risk of relapse.

    In contrast, when completing rehab at inpatient treatment centres individuals may be given medication to ease these symptoms, particularly if they are likely to experience dangerous health complications without assistance.

    They will also receive support from licensed professionals throughout this process, which lasts for approximately 7 to 10 days depending on the severity of an individual’s dependency.

    Once this process is complete, withdrawal symptoms should begin to ease, and individuals can begin their residential programme at rehab in Denton.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Denton on 0800 088 66 86

    Therapy for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

    Following detox, you or your loved one will begin a personalised treatment programme which has been designed to help you understand the causes and mental aspects of addiction.

    Using a wide range of therapeutic models, specialist addiction therapists will help you to learn some strategies to help cope with cravings and triggers.

    You will also be taught the importance of exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep, as maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a huge part of long-term recovery.

    The therapies that make up individual treatment plans will vary based on each patient’s unique needs.

    However, some of the most common are talking therapies, which include:

    Alongside this, there is likely to be a range of holistic therapies available, which are designed to complement the more person-centred types of therapy.

    These complementary therapies offer an alternative approach to healing and provide individuals with a way to relax which does not involve drugs or alcohol.

    It also allows them to find hobbies, whilst discovering pleasure in healthy and sociable activities.

    Some common types of holistic therapy include:

    What Happens After Rehab?

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    Once an individual’s treatment programme has concluded at rehab in Denton, the aftercare phase will begin.

    Aftercare treatment services are usually offered for free for 12 to 18 months after an individual leaves rehab and help make the transition back into society much easier.

    For instance, individuals will be able to visit the clinic to take part in both group and individual therapy sessions.

    Many rehab clinics will also offer a 24-hour helpline that former patients can call at any time if they feel that they are at risk of relapsing.

    After rehab, individuals will be encouraged to put their relapse prevention plan into action.

    Relapse prevention planning is typically conducted before individual leaves rehab in Denton and put strategies into place that they can use to maintain their sobriety.

    For instance, if an individual is about to give in to cravings for alcohol or drugs, they may instead be able to call a loved one or attend a support meeting.

    Support Groups

    Many rehab clinics work closely with mutual support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in and around Denton and the Greater Manchester area.

    These groups help individuals to stay on track with their recovery through a 12-step programme, which encourages them to reach out to a higher power for help.

    The benefit of attending one of these groups post-rehab is that individuals will receive support from others who are on a similar journey. Some of these may be fellow patients, or simply those undergoing recovery at home.

    They will have the opportunity to share their goals, struggles, and achievements, which helps to keep them focused on recovery.

    There are also mutual support groups available for loved ones of individuals suffering from addiction to attend, such as Al-Anon.

    Alongside Family Therapy, this allows those indirectly impacted by addiction to connect with other like-minded individuals and discover ways to help their loved ones through recovery.


    A man reading in bed

    How Do I Choose the Best Rehab Clinic in Denton for Me?

    When deciding on the best rehab clinic in Denton to begin your recovery, you should choose the rehab that best suits your needs.

    For example, you may be interested in taking part in a specific type of therapy. If this is the case, you should check the areas of clinical expertise of therapists to see whether this type of therapy can be provided.

    Other considerations that you should make when choosing the rehab clinic for you are:

    • Whether you require dual diagnosis treatment
    • The facilities available
    • Accommodation provided
    • Location of the rehab clinic
    • Your budget

    What If I Have a Mental Health Condition?

    It is common for those entering rehab in Denton to have mental health conditions alongside their substance use disorders.

    This is because substance misuse can worsen existing mental health issues or even cause them to develop.

    Many individuals also use drugs or alcohol as a way to self-medicate symptoms of a mental health condition.

    It is therefore essential for rehab programmes to address mental health problems alongside addiction issues, as they are likely to exist alongside each other.

    This is known as dual diagnosis treatment and can be used to help individuals suffering from drug or alcohol addiction and conditions such as:

    How Much Does Private Residential Rehab in Denton Cost?

    The price of a residential treatment programme in Denton will vary from clinic to clinic.

    This is because every clinic has different facilities, some offering basic amenities and others with more luxurious facilities. For example, they may have a spa for patients to relax and unwind or private en-suite rooms for every patient.

    It will also depend on your unique treatment programme. Most individuals require detox, which often makes up a large portion of the cost of rehab.

    Also, some individuals will stay at an inpatient rehab facility in Denton for longer than others, depending on their recovery needs. This means that they will pay more than those who require a shorter stay.

    It is therefore difficult to put an exact figure on the cost of rehab, although you should be able to discuss your budget with the clinic’s admissions team.

    If you are concerned about funding private rehab treatment but feel that this would be the best form of care for you or your loved one, then your private insurance may be able to cover the cost.

    Many insurance providers cover addiction treatment so be sure to check with them and the clinic of your choice before making a decision.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Denton on 0800 088 66 86

    How Long Does Recovery from Drug and Alcohol Addiction Take?

    The time that it takes for individuals to overcome an alcohol or drug addiction depends on a number of factors, including:

    • Age
    • Health levels
    • Personal circumstances
    • The substances to which you are addicted
    • How frequently you consume drugs or alcohol
    • Your consumption levels
    • The severity of your addiction

    However, individuals who show a greater commitment to treatment are likely to recover more quickly.

    The typical length of an inpatient rehab programme in Denton is 28 days, with detox taking 7 to 10 days of this time.

    Despite this, some individuals may choose to stay in rehab for longer, particularly if their home environment is triggering or they have more complicated underlying issues that need to be tackled first.

    This means that they may choose a treatment programme that lasts for 6 months or more.

    Will I Remain Sober in the Long Term After Attending Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Denton?

    When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction recovery, it is difficult to guarantee that you will maintain your sobriety in the long run.

    This is because addiction is a chronic disease that alters neural pathways in the brain. It, therefore, takes hard work and determination to reverse these chemical changes and work towards long-term sobriety.

    After leaving rehab in Denton, it is likely that you or your loved one will encounter a number of triggers and cravings for substances.

    In these situations, it is up to you to put into practice all of the life skills and strategies that you will have learned in rehab to overcome triggers and remain sober.

    From therapy and medical support to aftercare and relapse prevention planning, all good Care Quality Commission (CQC) approved rehab centres will have developed an evidence-based approach to treatment.

    This means that you or your loved one will have received everything that you need to remain sober outside of rehab.

    All that you need to do is stay resilient and remember why you chose to recover in the first place, and you will be able to keep making good choices in the long term.

    What Should I Bring to Rehab?

    Each residential rehab clinic in Denton should have a packing list that individuals can refer to when deciding what to bring.

    However, here is a general idea of what you are likely to need for your stay:

    • Comfortable clothes and shoes, including items for outdoor and sports activities
    • Nightwear
    • Toiletries
    • Photographs of loved ones
    • Books
    • A journal or diary
    • Prescription medication that has been cleared by the clinic before entry

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Denton on 0800 088 66 86

    Can I Take My Mobile Phone to Residential Rehab?

    Generally, it is advised that you avoid bringing valuable items into rehab.

    Depending on the rules of the clinic, you may be able to bring your mobile phone into rehab to stay in contact with friends and family.

    However, some rehabs in Denton may not permit electronic devices such as smartphones and computers.

    This is because many rehabs will limit your access to the internet and social media to ensure that you are able to focus on your recovery without distraction from the outside world.

    You will also not be allowed to take calls in communal areas or during therapy sessions, to ensure that the confidentiality of all patients can be maintained.


    [1] Rethinking Drinking: A Strategy for Tameside, Public Health, Tameside Government

    [2] Deaths Related to Drug Poisoning by Local Authority, England and Wales, Office for National Statistics, August 2022

    [3] Rethinking Drinking: A Strategy for Tameside

    [4] Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Tameside and Glossop 2020/2021: Summary of Health and Wellbeing, Public Health, Tameside Government

    [5] Rethinking Drinking: A Strategy for Tameside

    [6] Parents with Problem Alcohol and Drug Use: Data for England and Tameside, 2019 to 2020, Public Health England

    [7] Rethinking Drinking: A Strategy for Tameside

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