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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Pembrokeshire

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Pembrokeshire. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Pembrokeshire

    Addiction, also known as a substance use disorder, is a disorder which can affect all walks of life, from all demographics.

    When an individual is addicted, they will continuously seek the substance they are addicted to, often needing it in order to go about their everyday lives or function during their day-to-day activities.

    Most substances that individuals become addicted to have strong effects on the brain, altering the way that it may be wired so that they continue to seek the substance to maintain a normal level of specific chemicals or hormones.

    Some research suggests that this may be due to the genetics of the individual, but this is still very new research.

    With alcohol, serotonin is one of the main chemicals which the body becomes dependent on alcohol producing.

    Without alcohol, the body will struggle to produce this chemical naturally, and the individual will suffer withdrawal effects. These can be extreme in the case of long-term alcohol addiction.

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    Through drug and alcohol rehab in Pembrokeshire, Rehab Recovery aims to help all who are struggling with addiction, whether it is to alcohol or any other drug.

    Start your long-term recovery journey today at a rehab in Pembrokeshire by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    What is rehabilitation?


    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addictio.n

    Rehabilitation, in a general sense, is the process of recovering from addiction, going through various stages of treatment and/or therapy to manage addiction in the long-term.

    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – so the focus of rehab is always on returning agency to the patient.

    There are three stages which make up the process of rehabilitation: detoxification, rehabilitation (treatments/therapies), and aftercare.

    When choosing rehabilitation options outside of Rehab Recovery in Pembrokeshire, it is important to ensure that these stages are followed in order to have the most effective and efficient treatment possible.

    Through Rehab Recovery, all suggestions made will follow these stages.

    Whilst undergoing rehabilitative treatments, individuals will be taught and equipped with the tools needed to manage their addiction alone – though this will never truly be the case.

    Support will be provided at every stage of the process, either from the chosen addiction treatment programme provider or through Rehab Recovery – available at every stage of the process.

    Holding an intervention in Pembrokeshire


    Before entering rehabilitative treatments such as therapy or other holistic treatments, it may be useful to conduct some pre-rehab steps such as an intervention.

    Often conducted in the presence of a counsellor or interventionist, this type of pre-rehab care is designed to improve relations between those struggling with addiction and those closest to them.

    Alcohol and drug addiction does not just affect the individual but can also have extreme effects – both physical and mental – on those closest to the individual.

    Because of this, interventions such as the CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) approach include the building of understanding between the two parties in order to make the best suggestions and choices in each individual case.

    When used correctly, CRAFT interventions can have a success rate of around 75% in terms of encouraging the individual to seek further rehabilitative care (1).

    Start your long-term recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    How much does rehab cost in Pembrokeshire?


    Although there is no set cost to rehab, due to the differences in addiction experienced by each individual case, there are some factors that have more of an influence on overall cost than others.

    For example, most individuals may believe that factors such as the duration of their addiction and its severity may have the most effect on overall cost, but this is often not the case.

    In fact, one of the biggest contributing factors to the cost of rehab in Pembrokeshire is the type of accommodation that individuals choose to reside in whilst staying in a residential centre.

    Single occupancy rooms, for example, have a higher overall cost due to their upkeep. For the recommended 28-day stay, individuals may be paying around £10,000 or around £4,500 for a 10-day detox session.

    On the other hand, multi-occupancy rooms have a lesser cost due to the division of the total upkeep cost. Though the number of people in the same room may vary from centre to centre, the cost is reduced from single-occupancy rooms.

    For example, the 28-day stay may cost an average of around £6,000 or around £3,000 for a 10-day detox session.

    Other factors such as insurance will also have an effect on the overall cost.

    Is drug and alcohol rehabilitation available through the NHS?


    In some cases, it is possible to access rehabilitative care through the NHS. Though it is one of the most common places that individuals may think to seek rehabilitative care, accessing appropriate care in a timely manner can be difficult.

    It is common to gain access to treatments such as counselling services, but even these can have waiting lists – something that is a risk when seeking treatment for addiction (more in later paragraphs).

    However, in the cases where alternative treatments are available, these may require funding from external sources before being administered to the individual struggling with alcohol or drug addiction in Pembrokeshire.

    Sometimes, individuals may need to present their case to an external funding body such as Pembrokeshire local councils or set up external crowdfunding appeals to pay for their treatment.

    For help using the NHS to access alcohol and drug addiction treatment services in Pembrokeshire, call our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86

    How long does rehab in Pembrokeshire last?


    Similar to the cost of rehab, there is no set timeframe for rehab in Pembrokeshire.

    Although the severity and history of the individual’s alcohol or drug addiction may come into play, there are many other factors to consider.

    For example, motivation is one of the key factors in determining the overall success and efficiency of treatment and is therefore vital. Without full motivation and determination to recover, an individual may find themselves in a loop of treatment.

    This can affect the duration of treatment massively.

    However, Rehab Recovery will generally recommend a 28-day stay. This amount of time is recommended in order to give the individual the best opportunity to take advantage of the services available in residential centres and continue their recovery in the long term.

    Additionally, this length of time allows for the standard duration of the drug detox process – usually around 10 days depending on the individual case.

    To find out how long your stay at a rehab in Pembrokeshire is likely to last, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    Comparing NHS treatments to private rehab in Pembrokeshire


    Though the two different providers of rehabilitative care are extremely different, it is still important to consider the differences between them, especially when relating to the level of care and options available across drug and alcohol rehab in Pembrokeshire.

    Consider the differences outlined below:

    • NHS or council-funded treatmentsoften the first port of call for those seeking rehabilitation, this type of addiction treatment provider is often local, convenient, and free of charge. However, this can result in lengthy waiting lists, extending the period of time before an individual may gain access to the help they need. Additionally, individuals may not have constant access to the same treatment or therapist, meaning that their rehab can be infrequent and inconsistent.
    • Private residential rehab perhaps the more stereotypical type of addiction treatment provider, it is also the most effective. Due to the environment away from triggers and the expert staff on hand 24/7, this is the most recommended option for individuals struggling with addiction. For some, the only drawback may be the cost. This has been outlined in the previous paragraphs and can be supported by multiple sources.

    For help choosing between public and private rehab clinics in Pembrokeshire, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    The differences between inpatient and outpatient care


    As a further breakdown of the types of care available, it may be useful to categorise rehabilitation into two forms of care – inpatient and outpatient care.

    This is one of the first decisions that individuals will make about their rehabilitation journey, as it is one of the first things that they must consider.

    Inpatient care refers to rehabilitative care partaken within a dedicated rehab centre, either in Pembrokeshire or in another region.

    Individuals will take part in treatments and therapies as part of their everyday routine, being supervised and monitored throughout the process to provide flexible and tailored treatments for their addiction.

    In general, this type of care is most often suggested for those with a long history of addiction or for those who have more severe effects, though it is generally suitable for all individuals struggling with addiction.

    Outpatient care refers to treatments and therapies undertaken whilst remaining at home or in the local area within Pembrokeshire.

    Although many of the actual treatments themselves may be similar to those undertaken within a centre, this is on a far more part-time basis and is suitable for those for whom a residential centre may not be appropriate.

    Alcohol detox and rehabilitation in Pembrokeshire


    Alcohol is a physically addictive drug, meaning that withdrawal and detoxification can be extremely dangerous if not properly managed or supervised.

    When going through alcohol withdrawal, individuals can experience a range of effects from headaches and insomnia to delirium tremens and alcoholic seizures.

    Because of these alcohol withdrawal symptoms, it may be appropriate to introduce a pharmacological intervention in severe cases.

    Prescription drugs such as Librium are known to reduce the harmful negative effects, therefore allowing the individual to focus on the future of their rehabs such as following treatments and therapies.

    From pharmacological interventions, individuals are always encouraged to follow this up with further rehabilitative therapies in order to treat the other effects of a long-term alcohol addiction.

    Beat your alcohol addiction with the help of a first-class rehab clinic in Pembrokeshire – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cocaine rehab in Pembrokeshire


    Cocaine is known to be a powerfully stimulating drug, often causing serious and long-term mental health issues and/or psychological effects.

    Cocaine can lead to behavioural changes, something which may be picked up on by friends and family, but something that should be focussed on immediately.

    If not properly managed, a cocaine addiction could lead to a psychological crash – something that may take a long period of time to overcome and recover from.

    Due to the method of consumption, cocaine and crack cocaine can cause severe damage to nose tissues and the lungs, amongst many other long-term physical effects.

    Additionally, cocaine is known to have serious effects on an individual’s mental health – either by worsening a pre-existing condition or by sparking the development of an issue such as anxiety, depression, and paranoia.

    During treatment for cocaine addiction, it is always recommended to undergo a course of psychological treatment such as addiction counselling or other therapies. 

    Cocaine detox is not necessary, as cocaine is not physically addictive.

    This is to treat the mental health effects and allows the individual to work towards a cocaine-free future and long-term abstinence.

    Overcome your cocaine addiction at a drug rehab in Pembrokeshire by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Heroin rehab in Pembrokeshire


    Heroin is another extremely addictive drug but is known to be physically addictive. This means that, like alcohol, the withdrawal effects can be life-threatening and should always be carefully monitored.

    Long-term effects include cognitive deterioration and severe health risks such as liver disease, heart complications, and seizures.

    Because of this, individuals withdrawing from heroin are often transitioned slowly from heroin to a heroin substitute prescription drug such as buprenorphine or methadone (though these carry their own individual risks). This is a key part of any heroin detox.

    Following therapies are also highly recommended due to the negative psychological impact that a long-term heroin addiction may have.

    Often, group therapies are suggested for these individuals to learn from and share experiences as well as provide and gain support from those around them within Pembrokeshire.

    Overcome your heroin addiction at a drug rehab in Pembrokeshire by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Cannabis rehab in Pembrokeshire


    Though not as strictly prohibited as other substances such as cocaine and heroin, cannabis still poses a huge risk to Pembrokeshire, being the most used substance across the UK from 2019 to 2020 (2).

    When consumed, cannabis can have a variety of effects, most noticeably an increased appetite, enhanced introspection, and increased paranoia, depending on each individual case.

    Though there is no official cannabis detox procedure, slowly reducing usage or stopping entirely is an essential stage before individuals enter further treatment.

    Again, popular treatments for a cannabis addiction are based on the psychological effects of this type of addiction and should be engaged with fully to gain the full benefits of each course of treatment.

    Overcome your cannabis addiction at a drug rehab in Pembrokeshire by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Types of therapy available at rehab centres in Pembrokeshire


    Not every individual will undergo the same rehabilitative programme or addiction treatments due to their individual needs and requirements.

    However, there are some types of treatment that are more common across drug and alcohol rehab in Pembrokeshire, mainly due to their high effectiveness in treating addiction.

    The most common are listed below:

    Experience any and all of these superb treatments at rehab in Pembrokeshire by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    Dual diagnosis – what is it and how is it used in rehab?


    Dual diagnosis refers to the diagnosis of multiple issues – in this situation co-occurring alongside addiction.

    Often, addiction is considered to be a by-product of underlying mental health issues such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and schizophrenia.

    Using evidence-based treatments, the best rehab treatment providers will acknowledge this approach, using it to focus on both the physical and mental effects of addiction, as well as focusing on the treatment of both disorders diagnosed.

    Through Rehab Recovery in Pembrokeshire, all suggestions made follow this approach as it has been shown to be the most effective form of treatment, aiming to incorporate therapies and additional treatments to equip the individual with all the tools they will need to manage their issues once outside of rehab.

    Without this approach, progress in rehab is shown to be slower and less effective, leaving the individual with multiple issues for which they are not equipped to deal.

    To discover how a rehab in Pembrokeshire will work to support your mental health, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehabilitation and relapse prevention in Pembrokeshire


    As another way to prepare individuals for life after rehab, most rehabilitation service providers in Pembrokeshire will train individuals in relapse prevention.

    Experts have agreed that abstinence is far more effective than harm reduction or moderation management.

    Though relapse is not a guaranteed factor in recovery, rehab service providers aim to train all individuals in dealing with relapse should it become a possibility.

    For others, creating a plan may be simply a case of peace of mind in a situation where it may be a possibility.

    In all cases, a good plan should include the following:

    • Triggers
    • Cravings
    • Contact number for addiction recovery supervisor
    • Contact numbers for those in the individual’s addiction support network

    Generally, it is recommended to write this plan down or have it somewhere where it is easily accessible should it be needed.

    Make sure that you beat addiction once and for all with the help of a rehab centre in Pembrokeshire – call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Aftercare and support available after rehab in Pembrokeshire


    As mentioned briefly previously, individuals will never be left completely alone to deal with their addiction. In fact, this can be when individuals may find more support than they expected.

    Most rehab centres offer a year’s complimentary aftercare, often including contact with an addiction recovery supervisor or the promise of a return to the centre should the individual require it.

    With outpatient treatment, individuals may receive aftercare in the form of enrolment in or connections with an addiction support network such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

    In any case, Rehab Recovery has a dedicated addiction support line 24/7  which can be used throughout any stage of the individual’s rehabilitation journey.

    Additionally, please do not hesitate to use this number should you have any further questions on anything read on this webpage or about addiction in general.

    Rehab Recovery is happy to help any individual struggling with addiction – whether this is something you personally struggle with or something you have seen in someone else.

    Our friendly, confidential, and non-judgmental staff are happy to answer any addiction or rehab query.

    We offer admission to a wide range of addiction treatment services, both throughout Pembrokeshire and nearby in Swansea, Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff, across Wales and the rest of the UK.

    Start your long-term recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86


    [1] Meyers, R.J., Miller, W.R., Hill, D.E. and Tonigan, J.S., 1998. Community reinforcement and family training (CRAFT): Engaging unmotivated drug users in treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse10(3), pp.291-308.

    [2] Office for National Statistics: Drug misuse in England and Wales: year ending March 2020:

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