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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Bexleyheath

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Bexleyheath. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Bexleyheath

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath can not only change your life, but it can also give you back years of your time.

    There were a potential 1,203 years of life lost in Bexleyheath to alcohol during 2020, an increase of almost 100 in just one year. [1]

    Additionally, five people died in Bexleyheath due to drug-related issues in 2019, showing just how crucial these rehab and addiction services are. [2]

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath on 0800 088 66 86

    What happens at drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath?

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table


    Recovering from a physical addiction involves a supervised detox, where you gradually lower your substance use over 7-10 days.

    You may experience withdrawal symptoms which should peak within 72 hours, and staff will closely monitor you during this time.


    Addiction counselling is a chance to break the cycle, understand your behaviours and make sense of your experiences.

    It lasts for a minimum of three weeks and may involve both individual and group work to help you express your emotions and get to know yourself better.

    Relapse prevention

    To help you stay sober after rehab, your counsellor will assist you in creating a relapse prevention plan.

    This is filled with ways to lower your chances of relapse, such as useful techniques and documents to keep your recovery at the forefront of your mind.

    Which addictions can drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath treat?

    A woman taking a pill

    You can heal and recover from many different types of addiction at drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath.

    It is best to choose a rehab that specialises in treating your type of addiction, as this will ensure staff are properly trained and have the necessary tools to support you.

    Some of the addictions that can be treated at drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath include:

    Many rehabs in Bexleyheath can also treat behavioural addictions such as gambling addiction, sex and love addiction, shopping addiction and internet addiction.

    How long does drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath last?

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    You need to put in the time to effectively recover from a drug or alcohol addiction, so rehab is not a quick-fix solution.

    The most common treatment programme lengths at drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath include:

    • A 30-day rehab treatment programme
    • A 60-day rehab treatment programme
    • A 90-day rehab treatment programme
    • A 7-10 day supervised home detox programme

    Your decision will usually come down to several factors including the severity of your addiction, your budget and personal circumstances and the opinion of your medical team.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath on 0800 088 66 86

    How much does drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath cost?


    Budgeting for rehab can be stressful, so we want to give you an idea of how much your addiction treatment will cost.

    On average, you can expect to pay the following costs when accessing drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath:

    • £15,000 for a 30-day rehab treatment programme
    • £30,000 for a 60-day rehab treatment programme
    • £45,000 for a 90-day rehab treatment programme
    • Between £1,500 and £2,500 for a 7-10 day supervised home detox programme

    It is recommended to do your research and shop around, as some clinics will charge more or less depending on the specific facilities they can offer.

    How can I pay for drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath?

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    With the cost of living crisis hitting the UK at the moment, rehab can seem further out of reach than ever.

    Sometimes it takes a little thinking outside the box, but there are many ways that you can get the money together.

    Some ways you can pay for drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath include:

    • Using your own personal savings
    • Asking for help from family and friends
    • Claiming on your health or employee insurance
    • Raising the funds online through crowdfunding websites
    • Applying for NHS-funded rehab if you are eligible
    • Setting up a payment plan with your chosen rehab

    Investing in your health is a very worthwhile way to spend your money, and accessing drug and alcohol rehab can quite literally change your life.

    Do I have to stay completely sober after drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath?

    A man in pain, rubbing his eyes

    One of the most common questions that we are asked is, ‘Do I have to stay sober forever?’

    Allowing yourself to drink alcohol or use drugs in moderation can be a slippery slope to relapse, as there are no clear guidelines for you to follow.

    Additionally, as addiction can cause physical changes in the body and brain you may always remain vulnerable to developing an addiction.

    For this reason, most rehab clinics will recommend staying sober for the rest of your life.

    This may seem daunting, so our advice is to take it one day at a time. Can you stay sober for the next second, the next minute, the next hour, the next day?

    Although it is hard work, it will eventually become second nature.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath on 0800 088 66 86

    Why is binge drinking so dangerous?

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    Binge drinking is defined as consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short space of time.

    Many people who binge drink do so primarily to get drunk, but this behaviour can be extremely dangerous. It can put you at risk of addiction as well as alcohol poisoning and other life-threatening effects.

    It takes a lot of work for your body to process alcohol, and most people can only process around one unit per hour.

    Binge drinking usually involves drinking 8 or more units in one session for men, and 6 or more units in one session for women.

    It is recommended to drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week for both men and women and to spread out these units over at least three days. [3]

    You should also aim for at least two alcohol-free days per week.

    Drinking too much alcohol in one sitting can increase your chances of experiencing an alcohol-related accident or injury, as well as the risk of contracting a sexually-transmitted infection.

    You may also be putting yourself at risk of developing heart disease, cancer and alcohol addiction.

    What is a sober living house and how can it help me?

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    It can be relatively easy to stay sober at drug and alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath, simply because you will not have access to any addictive substances.

    You will also be surrounded by 24/7 help and support to help you stay on track and focus on your recovery.

    But once you have completed your treatment programme and leave rehab, you may be highly vulnerable to relapse.

    A sober living house gives you somewhere to stay as you bridge the gap between rehab and daily life. They provide a structured and healthy environment where you can learn essential life skills, access support and work on relapse prevention. [4]

    They are staffed by trained counsellors and medical teams who can help with your care and support you in becoming more independent.

    If you believe you will need extra support once you leave rehab, speak to your counsellor and medical team who will be able to take the necessary steps to help you access a sober living house.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the stages of relapse?

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    A relapse does not just occur suddenly – there are usually three stages to a relapse, and each stage is an opportunity to reach out for help and get back on track. [5]

    Emotional relapse

    During this stage, while you may not be planning a relapse or even thinking about substance use, your behaviours and emotions may be contributing to a potential future relapse.

    These may include:

    • Skipping support meetings or choosing not to share your thoughts
    • Poor self-care, such as not eating well or not getting enough sleep
    • Being defensive about your recovery and behaviours
    • Not asking for help when you need it

    Knowing the signs of an emotional relapse can help you to take quick action.

    Make sure to check in with yourself regularly and ensure that you are continuing to prioritise your sobriety, even during difficult times.

    Mental relapse

    The next stage is a mental relapse, which can occur if you do not take steps to treat an emotional relapse.

    This can be described as a conscious urge to use drugs or alcohol, and potentially take steps to do so.

    Signs of a mental relapse can include:

    • Reminiscing about past substance use
    • Getting in touch with people that you used to use substances with
    • Fantasising about using drugs or alcohol
    • Thinking of and/or planning situations where you could use substances

    This stage is very dangerous, as it could lead to a physical relapse.

    Try to take it one day at a time, and do your best to wait for 30 minutes when you have a craving as this can often be enough time for the urge to diminish.

    Physical relapse

    The last stage of relapse is physical relapse, which means you are actively using drugs or alcohol again.

    It’s never too late to break the cycle – reach out for help if you find yourself in this situation and get back on track with your recovery.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bexleyheath on 0800 088 66 86









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