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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Kirkby

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Kirkby. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Kirkby

    Drug addiction and alcohol abuse have a huge impact on the Kirkby and wider community.

    In fact, a recent study carried out by Knowsley’s Public Health Collaborative found that 70% of all people currently living in Merseyside and Kirkby said that they now actively avoid going on a night out because of drink-related behaviour [1].

    Alcohol and domestic abuse has always had a strong link. In fact, studies have shown that almost 50% of all domestic abuse incidents involve at least one person consuming alcohol at the time of the assault [1].

    Likewise, alcohol and crime also have a strong link. In fact, between 2020 and 2021, there were 1,309 reported crimes where alcohol was involved [1].

    Unfortunately, this subsequently means that approximately 10% of all reported crimes in the Knowsley and Kirkby area involve alcohol consumption. This number is only increasing over the years [1].

    These statistics are in line with the rest of the North West. Unfortunately, the North West of England has the highest number of binge drinkers throughout the whole of the UK [1].

    In fact, 33% of all people living in the North West of England are thought to binge drink at least once a week, which is higher than the national average [1].

    Knowsley and Kirkby suffer from the fifth highest levels of alcohol-related death across the UK [2].

    Moreso, the number of alcohol-related hospital admissions are also on the rise in Knowsley and Kirkby, with more women being admitted into hospital with alcohol-related issues than before [2].

    Studies have also now shown that young adults in Kirkby are also now three times more likely to use a psychoactive substance than adults living in Kirkby. Males are also more likely to abuse illicit drugs in Kirkby than women are [3].

    Whilst the number of drug users in Kirkby is high, the number of abstinence when it comes to cannabis in Knowsley and Kirkby is also high, meaning that more people are recovering from cannabis in the area than before [3].

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Kirkby on 0800 088 66 86

    What happens during alcohol and drug rehab in Kirkby?

    Two people drinking coffee and facing each other at a table

    If you suffer from a drug and alcohol addiction in Kirkby and know that you need to attend rehab, you might feel anxious about what actually happens inside a rehab centre. Whilst rehab centres feature in the media and on TV a lot, these depictions are often glamorised.

    That is why our team at Rehab Recovery is dedicated to providing you with an accurate idea of what rehab is like, so that you can be put at ease. Drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby is a place people go to recover from an illness, and is not scary or intimidating.

    When you are first admitted into drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby, you will be assessed by doctors and professionals. They will determine what type of treatment you are best suited for, and how long you will need to stay in rehab .

    You will also be assessed to see whether or not you will need a physical detox in order to recover. If you do, then you will need to receive your detox first before doing anything else.

    This detox lasts at least 10 days, and will mean that you will no longer be dependent on the addictive substance.

    Once you have undergone your detox, you will then stay within the rehab facility to undergo therapy. This therapy will then last a couple of weeks, and will most likely involve a range of different therapy techniques.

    There are two main types of drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby, which are inpatient and outpatient rehab treatment. Inpatient rehab treatment is when you stay at the rehab centre for a number of weeks, where you will eat and sleep within the rehab unit.

    This is the best option for anyone who would struggle to recover at home, due to triggering behaviours or the people you live with.

    You will stay in inpatient rehab treatment for as long as is necessary for you to successfully recover. Most people stay in inpatient rehab treatment for at least 10 days, as it takes a minimum of 10 days to complete a detox.

    If you are able to remain living at home for the duration of your rehab and addiction treatment, then you might be considered for outpatient rehab treatment. Outpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment allow you to remain living in the comfort of your own home for the duration of your treatment.

    This is the best option for anyone who has a lot of support at home, and who would not struggle to recover staying at home, surrounded by loved ones. The best thing about outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby is that you can still work and look after your children whilst getting the help that you need for your treatment.

    Medical alcohol and drug detox

    If you suffer from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, then you will have experienced withdrawal symptoms at some point. The likelihood is that you would have also heard about detoxing before.

    A detox is when you actively withdraw from an addictive substance. The aim of any detox is to rid your body of the addictive substances and chemicals that are keeping you addicted to them.

    Once this has been completed, your body won’t need the substances anymore and you should not experience any cravings.

    Unfortunately, the detox stage of the process is the hardest and most challenging. Lots of people have to detox slowly, which means detoxing over a number of days or even sometimes months.

    This means that you will have to experience withdrawal symptoms, which can be incredibly unpleasant.

    These withdrawal symptoms can last a few days or even a few weeks. The general rule of thumb is that the more severe your addiction is, the more severe your withdrawal symptoms will be.

    Some of the most commonly experienced withdrawal symptoms are listed for you below:

    • Struggling to sleep
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Excessive sweating
    • Excessive shaking
    • Feeling excessively tired
    • Feeling and being physically sick
    • Hallucinating
    • Tummy issues and diarrhoea
    • Cravings for food and/or the addictive substance
    • Achy muscles and pains
    • Mood swings

    These withdrawal symptoms can be severe, moderate or mild. These will last a minimum of a few days, and can be incredibly uncomfortable for some.

    If you suffer from a severe addiction, then it is recommended that you withdraw in a safe environment. By detoxing and withdrawing in the safety of a rehab facility, doctors and professionals will monitor you 24/7.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Kirkby on 0800 088 66 86

    What is an intervention?

    A group of people sitting in armchairs

    An intervention is a tool used by the loved ones of those who suffer from addiction issues. An intervention is simply a planned meeting between loved ones and someone who is suffering from an addiction issue.

    An intervention is when someone sits down with their loved one to explain why they are concerned about their drug and alcohol use, and lays out how and where they can get treatment.

    Whilst interventions might seem like a very direct way of getting your loved one help, they do not need to be used as a way of attacking your loved one or forcing them into getting treatment for their addiction issue.

    In fact, interventions are often the complete opposite of this.

    You shouldn’t come across like you are judging your loved one. Instead, you should try to make it clear that you simply want to help them. For this reason, you should try to keep a positive tone and lay out why you are concerned in a calm manner.

    You should also do some research beforehand to establish what treatment options are available to your loved one, and find out where the nearest local rehab centres are.

    You should also approach your loved one with examples of their behaviour, and explain calmly why you are so concerned about their behaviour and actions.

    It is important that you hold the intervention in a quiet location, such as their home or the local community centre. You should also only invite people who love the individual and would not judge them in any way.

    Interventions are an incredibly successful way of getting your loved one help for their addiction.

    If someone you know and love is suffering badly from an addiction issue, then you should speak to someone in the team at Rehab Recovery for help and support on how to hold a successful intervention.

    Types of therapy for alcohol and drug Addiction

    A woman reading sitting on the floor

    When you attend drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby, you will be offered a range of different therapy and recovery techniques.

    This includes a range of tried and tested therapy techniques, including things such as cognitive behavioural therapy, family therapy, one to one therapy, group therapy, holistic therapy and motivational interviewing therapy.

    It is important to remember that in order to get the most out of your recovery and treatment, you will need to keep an open mind when it comes to therapy.

    Whilst the idea of sitting down with a therapist might seem daunting at first, lots of people who recover from addiction issues cite therapy as the biggest contributing factor.

    If you want to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby but are worried about the thought of attending therapy, then you should speak to our team at Rehab Recovery for support, advice and insight into what therapy would be like for you.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Kirkby on 0800 088 66 86

    What is the cost of drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby?


    Unfortunately, most people who attend drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby put off attending rehab because they know just how expensive it can be.

    Attending private drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby can be incredibly expensive, costing some individuals thousands of pounds.

    Some people end up paying up to £12,000 for their treatment, whilst others only pay a few thousand pounds. How much you end up paying for your drug and alcohol rehab treatment in Kirkby depends on a few different factors.

    These factors are listed below:

    • How severe your addiction is
    • Where you are located in the country
    • Whether you suffer from an addiction to just one substance or a number of substances
    • Whether you need a detox or not
    • Whether you choose to stay in a private or shared room
    • How long you need to stay in drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby for

    Outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby are naturally cheaper than attending inpatient rehab. Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby can be incredibly expensive, with a short stay costing you around £2,000 to £6,000.

    Staying longer will naturally cost you more money, and most people end up staying in rehab for around 28 days. This could cost you anything between £12,000 and £6,000.

    Opting for a home detox is cheaper than inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby. In fact, a home detox could cost you as little as £1,500.

    This includes things such as your medication and daily phone calls from doctors and rehab specialists. Whilst home detoxes are incredibly helpful and cheaper than inpatient rehab treatment, they are only viable for those individuals who suffer from mild addiction issues.

    How long is drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby?


    How long individuals have to stay in drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby depends on a few different things, including how severe their addiction is.

    If you suffer from a mild addiction, you might only have to stay in rehab to complete your detox, which could be as little as 10 days. If your addiction is more severe than this, then you will need to stay in rehab for around 28 days.

    Most people with severe addictions stay in rehab for even longer than this. In fact, some people who suffer from severe addictions have to stay in drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby for up to 90 days.

    It is important to remember that you will only have to stay in residential rehab if your addiction is severe, and you will not be kept in residential rehab for longer than you need to be there.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Kirkby on 0800 088 66 86

    Speak to Rehab Recovery

    Are you or someone you know suffering from an addiction issue? Are you living in Kirkby and are considering attending drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby? If so, then you should speak to a member of the team at Rehab Recovery.

    Our team is on hand to provide you or your loved one with all of the information you need to decide whether drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkby is right for you and how you could get admitted into a rehab centre in the area.

    Speak to our team today by calling us on 0800 088 66 86 or by visiting our website.






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