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Cannabis and Blood Pressure

Posted on November 17, 2023

Cannabis and Blood Pressure

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, derives from the dried leaves of the sativa plant.

Whilst some countries and states in America have now approved the legal use of marijuana, marijuana is still illegal in many countries across the world.

People tend to smoke cannabis in hand-rolled cigarettes, also referred to as joints [1].

People then inhale this smoke, which then has both long and short term effects on the body and on the brain.

Alternatively, some people smoke cannabis through the use of a bong. Typically, users mix the drug with tobacco and place it inside a pipe before inhaling the smoke through the water of a large tube.

People have also started to smoke cannabis through the use of e-cigarettes, which has started to gain popularity in recent years, particularly when it comes to children aged 16 and under.

Individuals who smoke cannabis can expect to experience a state of feeling ‘high.’ This is because cannabis is a psychoactive drug. Some of the sensations you experience from smoking cannabis are pleasurable, which is why some people become addicted to the substance in the first place.

Cannabis contains something called THC. THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol which is the major psychoactive component within the cannabis plant.

When consumed, the THC within the cannabis plant interferes with the functioning of your nervous system.

This has the ability to make you feel very relaxed, but can also make you feel confused and can play with your perception of time, colour, people and space. This is often the sensation people describe as feeling ‘high.’

Cannabis is now legally available in some countries as an oil, pill, nasal spray or leaves, for medical purposes.

In fact, medicated and prescribed cannabis can help with a number of medical issues, including a lack of appetite, weight loss, epilepsy, chronic pain and muscle issues.

However, excessive cannabis consumption can have a huge, negative impact on your physical and mental health.

There are a number of influential factors that will influence whether cannabis has a positive or negative impact on your health, including the level of dose you consume, the strain of cannabis, the type of cannabinoid, how you consume the drug and your tolerance to the addictive substance.

To learn more about cannabis and how it can impact your health, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

Known Negative Effects and Risks of Cannabis Use

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There are a number of known negative effects and risks of abusing cannabis on a regular basis. In fact, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) [2] found that there are a number of very serious health risks associated with abusing cannabis.

For example, cannabis has a huge impact on your brain health. In fact, a study carried out by SAMHSA found that smoking cannabis on a regular basis can cause permanent IQ loss, especially if people start to abuse the drug at a young age.

Unfortunately, once this damage is done it cannot be undone, as an individual’s IQ is not likely to improve after they stop abusing the substance.

In addition to this, cannabis has also been linked to a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, paranoia and psychotic episodes. Excessive cannabis use has also been linked to issues when it comes to movement and coordination, as well as respiratory issues.

Another study [3] found that excessive cannabis use also has a huge impact when it comes to lifetime achievement.

The study found that those who abused cannabis on a regular basis were more likely to drop out of school and receive worse grades or exam results whilst at school.

As you can see, there is a long list of adverse side effects when it comes to abusing cannabis, which can have both long and short-term effects on your mental health, your body and your performance and achievement throughout life.

If you’ve started noticing the effects of cannabis use in yourself or a loved one, get help from a drug and alcohol rehab by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

What Is Blood Pressure?


Blood pressure is the pressure of blood that runs through your arteries. This pressure is what pushes your blood through your body and is responsible for carrying oxygen to your cells throughout your body.

So, as you can see, your blood pressure levels are incredibly important.

If this pressure is too low, then your body and cells won’t get enough oxygen to function

Likewise, if your body is too high, then you run the risk of damaging your arteries and blocking your blood flow within the body.

Your blood pressure changes constantly within the body throughout the day. Your blood pressure is measured by looking at two different values.

The first value to measure blood pressure is your systolic blood pressure, which is measured when your heart is contracting.

When your heart contracts, your blood pressure will be at its highest, so healthcare professionals are able to gather your maximum blood pressure.

The second value doctors and healthcare professionals assess when examining your blood pressure is your diastolic blood pressure, which is measured when the heart is resting so that they can assess how low your blood pressure goes.

Blood pressure is essentially the pressure of blood against the walls of your arteries, which is how they are able to measure how high or how low your blood pressure is.

When doctors and other healthcare professionals measure your blood pressure, they are looking for hypertension. There are two main types of hypertension, which are both described below.

Primary hypertension is the most frequent and common type of hypertension found in individuals who are struggling with their blood pressure.

Usually, there is no root cause of this type of hypertension, although some professionals believe that it is usually down to an individual’s genetics or certain environmental factors, such as a sudden increase or decrease in weight.

Likewise, secondary hypertension is also a cause for concern. This is the more severe issue and can come on very quickly.

It is usually a sign that you are suffering from an underlying issue, such as heart disease, kidney disease or thyroid problems.

Secondary hypertension is also a sign that an individual has been abusing alcohol or other drugs and is just one of the many health issues caused by drug and alcohol abuse.

It is important to understand that hypertension is a silent condition, meaning that there aren’t any obvious symptoms associated with hypertension.

However, there are some symptoms associated with secondary hypertension, although these might only appear if your situation and condition become severe.

If you are suffering from secondary hypertension, then look out for the following symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Hot flushes
  • Blurred vision
  • Nosebleeds
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Chest pains
  • Noticing blood in your urine

If you notice a number of these symptoms, then you might be suffering from hypertension and blood pressure issues.

If this is you, then talk to your local GP about your symptoms and concerns.

Talk to our expert recovery team on 0800 088 66 86

Why Should You Be Concerned about High Blood Pressure?

Doctor with phone

You should be concerned about having high blood pressure because this can cause serious harm to your arteries and kidneys, as well as increase your chance of experiencing a heart attack or stroke throughout your life.

Likewise, having high blood pressure can also result in other health issues, such as problems with vision and developing issues such as dementia in later life.

Likewise, having high blood pressure can result in conditions such as sleep apnea, which is a condition where you suddenly stop breathing during your sleep before starting to breathe again.

There are numerous machines on the market which are able to help with this condition, but it will have life-altering consequences.

If you are concerned about your blood pressure, then talk to your local GP about your worries and concerns.

Concerned about your blood pressure and its relation to addiction? Talk to us on 0800 088 66 86

Does Cannabis Raise or Lower Blood Pressure?


There is a lot of conflicting and contradictory information online about what kind of effect consuming cannabis has on your blood pressure.

Whilst some experts have argued that consuming cannabis raises blood pressure, [4] others argue that it actually lowers blood pressure. [5]

Numerous studies have found that people who consume cannabis experience an immediate increase in their systolic blood pressure, straight after abusing the substance.

However, other studies have found that those who consume cannabis on a regular basis might find that their blood pressure decreases over a period of time.

However, the same studies have found that those who abuse cannabis on a regular basis are more likely to experience a higher risk of death, due to added complications associated with their high blood pressure, compared to those who have never consumed cannabis.

As discussed above, numerous studies have shown that higher blood pressure can lead to other, serious health conditions such as kidney disease and heart failure.

However, there is no denying the evidence [6] that has found that consuming cannabis makes your heart beat faster and therefore raises your blood pressure.

This means that you are much more likely to experience cardiovascular disease or heart failure at some point during your life [7].

To discover more about the impact of cannabis on your blood pressure, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

Cannabis Prescribed for Blood Pressure

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Whilst consuming cannabis might increase your blood pressure at the moment, as discussed above, there are also numerous studies which have found that cannabis can be prescribed to lower blood pressure over a prolonged period of time.

However, most countries across the world are still learning the benefits of prescribing cannabis for this use, with many countries remaining hesitant.

In Florida in America, cannabis is only prescribed to individuals if they suffer from any of the following conditions:

  • Cancer
  • PTSD
  • Epilepsy
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Glaucoma
  • HIV
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Chronic pain

As you can see, cannabis is only prescribed to individuals if they are suffering from very specific chronic conditions. In most cases, CBD will be prescribed.

CBD is a component of the cannabis plant, but does not produce the ‘high’ you experience when you consume cannabis.

If you want to learn more about the supposed medical applications of cannabis, talk to our team on 0800 088 66 86

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol and is considered by some to be an effective medication for seizures and other illnesses.

CBD is a component and compound of the cannabis plant, which contains no THC. This means that consuming CBD will not make you ‘high.’ Instead, there are a number of health benefits that are laterally associated with consuming CBD.

This includes things such as improved sleep, help with anxiety, depression and even helping with addictions to certain drugs or substances.

There are three main types of CBD, including full spectrum CBD, broad spectrum CBD and isolated CBD.

Full-spectrum CBD and broad-spectrum CBD are both very similar to cannabis in that they have a lot of the same compounds as each other.

It is also important to note that full-spectrum CBD also contains a small amount of THC. Whilst broad spectrum CBD does contain THC, it’s only as little as 0.3%, so won’t produce the ‘high’ you experience with smoking cannabis.

Isolated CBD is pure CBD, which is what is usually found and sold in oils and edibles.

You might also be prescribed or sold CBD in capsule form, in vapes, in topical creams or other forms.

It is important to note that whilst CBD can supposedly help with many chronic illnesses and issues you might be suffering from, using CBD also comes with lots of risks.

Generally, most people are able to tolerate CBD well, although it can have a number of adverse effects such as dry mouth, feeling increasingly tired, an upset stomach and a reduced appetite for food.

Learn everything you might need to know about CBD by giving us a call on 0800 088 66 86

Other Side Effects of Cannabis


Consuming and abusing cannabis has a whole host of side effects, including affecting your blood pressure.

Whilst more and more people are consuming cannabis, it is important to remember that consuming cannabis has a whole host of effects, both long and short-term.

These side effects include things such as memory issues, memory loss, psychosis, paranoia, cognitive issues such as learning and development problems as well as being sick, feeling ill more frequently and issues with your breathing.

You might also start to struggle to sleep throughout the night.

Whilst you might not notice these side effects after the first few times you consume cannabis, they can slowly creep up and affect you after a period of time.

Additionally, some of these side effects will only occur if you consume larger concentrations and amounts of cannabis.

Think you might be suffering from some of the side effects of cannabis? Talk to our team today on 0800 088 66 86

What are Some Alternative Treatments for High Blood Pressure?


If you suffer from high blood pressure, then you might have read online that taking CBD or prescribed cannabis could help in the long term.

However, at Rehab Recovery we are keen to point out that cannabis has a whole host of long-term, negative and adverse side effects that could negatively impact your life and should be avoided.

Due to these other adverse effects, we recommend other alternative treatments when it comes to treating blood pressure.

If you are suffering from high or low blood pressure, then it is important that you speak to your local GP to see what medication they recommend.

There are also some really effective home remedies when it comes to high blood pressure, and some preventive measures that you should be putting in place if you think that you are suffering from high blood pressure or might do so in the future.

1. Eating healthy

These home remedies include things such as eating healthy and eating a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, nuts and lean meats as well as a lot of protein. It would help if you also tried to avoid any foods with a lot of salt or sodium in them.

2. Manage stress levels

As part of managing your high blood pressure, you should also try to manage your stress levels and avoid getting worked up when you can. You should try to keep your exercise levels up, by doing low-stress activities such as yoga, Pilates and walking.

3. Avoid smoking

Smoking can also impact your blood pressure. [8] Whilst some studies argue that smoking tobacco can lower blood pressure in the moment, other studies should show that smoking tobacco can raise your blood pressure to unhealthy and dangerous levels over a long period of time.

Therefore, smoking tobacco should be avoided if you are worried about your blood pressure or want to try to lower your blood pressure.

4. Avoid consuming drugs and alcohol

If you want to lower your blood pressure, then avoid consuming alcohol and drugs on a regular basis.

In fact, numerous studies have found [9] that drinking and abusing alcohol on a regular basis can lead to more than 200 health issues, of which hypertension and high blood pressure is one of them.

Drinking alcohol can cause both long and short-term effects on your blood pressure, with some long-term effects becoming chronic.

To gain access to various treatments for high blood pressure, give us a call on 0800 088 66 86

Treatment for a Cannabis Addiction

A male patient talking to a female therapist

If you think that you are addicted to cannabis, then there are a whole range of treatment options available. Most people who are addicted to cannabis tend to attend therapy or inpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment.

During this time, they will receive a wide range of therapy techniques, including cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing, holistic therapy, one-to-one therapy, group therapy and even family therapy.

Cannabis can become a highly addictive drug, but it is important to remember that cannabis is not physically addictive, meaning that you won’t have to undergo a detox in order to recover from cannabis.

Instead, your therapy sessions will focus on the root cause of your addiction and any triggers or traumas that you might need to overcome.

If you are suffering from a mild addiction to cannabis, then you might only need to attend outpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment, where you will get to remain living at home for the duration of your treatment and will simply visit outpatient therapy centres for access to your treatment.

Outpatient rehab treatment is ideal for anyone who needs to continue going to work, or look after children or dependents whilst they recover from their addiction.

However, outpatient rehab treatment is only effective for those addicted to cannabis if they have a supportive family or home environment, away from triggers or trauma at home.

Unfortunately, a lot of people suffering from an addiction to cannabis suffer from trauma and triggers at home, whether that’s from family or friends.

This is why some people who suffer from a severe addiction to cannabis or triggers at home which might be contributing to their addiction are better suited to inpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment.

Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment involves moving into a rehab treatment facility for a period of time, where you will eat, sleep and receive all of your therapy.

You might stay in inpatient rehab treatment for a few weeks to a few months, depending on the severity of your addiction to cannabis.

To learn more about cannabis addiction treatment and get help from  drug and alcohol rehab today, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

When to Talk with a Qualified Healthcare Professional

Doctor with clipboard

If you think that you are suffering from high blood pressure, talk to your local GP about your concerns before trying to self-medicate or use CBD as a form of treatment.

If you do suffer from high blood pressure, then you should be checking and measuring your blood pressure on a regular basis to make sure that it is not too high.

This is because there are usually no symptoms associated with having high blood pressure, unless your blood pressure becomes too high and chronic.{

If you start to feel symptoms, then your blood pressure might be dangerously high and your condition severe, meaning that you need to get your blood pressure checked as soon as possible.

Make sure that you get the help you need to beat cannabis addiction by calling us on 0800 088 66 86












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