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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Mendip

Read this Rehab Recovery location page for more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Mendip. Contact us today.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Mendip

    Whether you have already confided in a loved one, or are reading this page for guidance, you have already taken the most difficult but important first step in your recovery, which is recognising that you need help.

    However, do not worry if you have not yet reached this stage, as help with drug and alcohol addiction recovery is available in Mendip when you are ready.

    Here at Rehab Recovery, we understand that the prospect of recovery from addiction can be daunting.

    However, if you or a loved one choose to start your recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab in Mendip, you will learn how to regain control and live a happy, rewarding, substance-free life.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Mendip, contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Relevant Stats About Drug & Alcohol Addiction in Mendip


    When compared to the rest of England, Somerset County has seen a significant increase in alcohol-related hospital admissions in those aged under 40 over the past few years. [1]

    From 2018 to 2019, there were 5,202 people in Somerset with alcohol dependence. It was estimated that 87% of these were not accessing any form of treatment. [2]

    North Somerset had a total of 482 new presentations to drug and alcohol treatment between April 2019 and March 2020. [3]

    Alcohol-related mortality in Somerset was estimated to be 47.4 per 100,000 residents in 2018. This is higher than the national average figure of 46.5.

    There were estimated to be 2,393 opiate and/or crack users in Somerset. This is a rate of 7.26 per 1000 people, which is slightly lower than the national average of 8.885 per 1000.

    55% of these users were estimated to not be accessing treatment in this period. [4]

    Why Visiting a Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Mendip Should Take Priority

    Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding drug and alcohol addiction can often prevent those struggling from reaching out for the help that they need.

    However, if you or a loved one feel that addiction is beginning to have a harmful impact on your relationships, finances, and everyday life, it is important that you enter a rehab treatment programme in Mendip as soon as possible.

    This is because rehab not only helps individuals to break their physical dependence on drugs or alcohol but also allows them to address the psychological issues that may be underlying their behavioural addictions.

    Although recovery at home using community outpatient services can be effective for some individuals, completing a home detox can lead to withdrawal symptoms which may cause dangerous health complications.

    Individuals will also be subject to distractions and triggers from those around them in their home environment, which could cause their harmful behaviours to worsen when returning to community life.

    Entering a residential rehab centre in Mendip allows individuals to embark on a structured treatment programme that has been personalised to fit their own needs.

    With the support of medical professionals, addiction specialists, and wellness experts, they will begin their recovery journey. This will happen in a safe environment that focuses on improving their holistic health and allowing them to build healthy habits for the future.

    Therefore, for those who are hoping to recover and maintain their sobriety in the long run, drug and alcohol rehab in Mendip should take priority.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Mendip, contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Is Drug & Alcohol Rehab Right for Me?


    If you are concerned about your or a loved one’s substance abuse, it is likely that you will benefit from rehab treatment in Mendip.

    However, we understand how difficult it can be to judge when the right time is to seek help.

    There are some signs that you can look out for which indicate that treatment at a residential rehab centre would be beneficial for you or a loved one.

    For example:

    • Consuming 30 units or more of alcohol per day
    • Drugs or alcohol frequently consuming your thoughts when you first wake up in the morning or before you fall asleep at night
    • Hiding substances from loved ones
    • Drinking or using drugs to get through the day
    • Using drugs or alcohol to cope with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues
    • Having an increasing tolerance to substances, meaning that you need to consume more to experience the same pleasurable effects

    Individuals may also find themselves experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they stop consuming substances for an extended period, which may include:

    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Fevers or chills
    • Diarrhoea
    • Dehydration
    • Mood swings and irritability
    • Anxiety and paranoia

    If you are still unsure, there are several screening tools that can be used to assess the severity of an individual’s addiction. One such example is the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).

    This is a questionnaire developed by the World Health Organisation which helps to identify an individual’s risk of substance dependency.

    The questions also take into account their withdrawal symptoms and, once answered, can be added up to assign individuals a final score.

    These scores indicate:

    • 1 to 7 – Low risk of substance dependency
    • 8 or more – Moderate substance dependency
    • Over 13 – Severe dependence on drugs or alcohol

    For those with a score of more than 13, it is recommended that they enter rehab in Mendip immediately.

    Between April 2015 and September 2019, 11% of those in the Somerset area who completed an NHS Health Check where an AUDIT score was captured were drinking at a level classified as increasing risk or greater. [5]

    Types of Rehab Treatment Programmes in Mendip

    There are several different ways that an individual may choose to complete rehab in Mendip. One such way is through outpatient drug and alcohol recovery services.

    Based in the local community, outpatient rehab allows individuals to remain at home for the duration of the treatment, which is beneficial for those wishing to continue with their usual daily routine.

    They will be expected to attend a rehab centre during the day but return home at night and will take part in a range of therapies such as individual and group counselling.

    Individuals will be guided through the detoxification process with medication.

    However, they will be expected to complete detox at home, which can be difficult for those with severe drug or alcohol dependency due to the withdrawal symptoms that they are likely to experience.

    The Benefits of Choosing Residential Rehab in Mendip

    When it comes to choosing a treatment programme, we would recommend residential rehab in Mendip as the most effective method.

    Also known as inpatient rehabilitation, this type of treatment programme offers individuals the chance to take a break away from a home environment which may be triggering their addiction.

    For instance, 20% of those suffering from alcohol dependency who entered treatment in the Somerset area had some form of housing problem. [6]

    Instead, they will receive round-the-clock support from a dedicated team of addiction specialists who will facilitate their recovery in a safe and comfortable setting. This gives individuals the chance to focus on their recovery away from the distractions of everyday life.

    As well as having access to a range of therapies, individuals will be guided through the detox period with the help of medical professionals.

    They will be on call to adjust medication levels depending on the severity of an individual’s withdrawal symptoms.

    Why Should I Choose Private Residential Rehab in Mendip?

    Although private rehab care requires a significant financial investment, it is important to think of it as an investment in your long-term health and future.

    When you make the decision to enter a private residential rehab centre in Mendip, you or your loved one can expect to be admitted within 24 hours if you so wish.

    This is unlike NHS-funded rehab, where waiting lists are long, and your treatment may therefore be delayed. Here, you will receive the highest-quality care from rehab clinic staff who have your best interests at heart.

    You will be given a treatment plan that is personalised to your individual needs, rather than appointments with various NHS counsellors who may not be experienced in treating addiction.

    This ensures that you have the best start possible to your recovery journey and a good chance at maintaining your sobriety in the long term.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Mendip, contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    What Happens During Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Mendip?

    At home support

    For those just starting on their recovery journey, the prospect of entering rehab in Mendip can be daunting.

    However, it is important to understand that rehab is not a cold, clinical place as so wrongly assumed. In fact, residential rehab centres are quite the opposite, as they offer patients a warm, friendly, and relaxing environment for them to begin rebuilding their lives.


    Before being admitted to rehab in Mendip, individuals will undergo an assessment.

    This may occur over the phone, via video call, or in person, depending on where the individual is based.

    As well as giving rehab staff the chance to establish a bespoke treatment programme, it also allows individuals to ask any questions about the centre’s facilities, the therapies available, and what to expect from rehab.


    For those who are consuming substances which are physically addictive, the first phase of an abstinence-based rehab programme is detoxification.

    This applies to those who are dependent on substances such as alcohol, opiates, and benzodiazepines, whereas those consuming psychologically addictive drugs such as cocaine and cannabis will skip this stage.

    The detox phase is supported by medication, which is prescribed to help control the unpleasant drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms which occur as a result of sudden abstinence from physically addictive substances.

    For instance, if an individual suddenly stops consuming drugs or alcohol without using medication, they may experience dangerous withdrawal symptoms such as:

    At the end of the detox phase, individuals should no longer be physically addicted to alcohol or drugs, so can move on to addressing their psychological dependency.

    Dual Diagnosis Treatment

    For individuals who have one or more mental health issues, they will require dual diagnosis treatment as well as addiction treatment.

    Dual diagnosis is the co-occurrence of two or more addictions and mental health conditions, which is common for those entering drug and alcohol rehab in Mendip as individuals often use drugs or alcohol to mask the symptoms of mental illness.

    Addictions can also be caused by psychological triggers, which create new neural pathways in the brain that lead to an individual’s destructive behaviours.

    Dual diagnosis treatment through therapy and medication may therefore be required to rewire these neural pathways, control the symptoms of mental health difficulties, and allow individuals to lead happy and fulfilling lives.

    Therapy for Drug & Alcohol Addiction


    Rehab centres in Mendip provide a broad range of therapies which individuals may complete as part of their treatment programme.

    Individuals will begin therapy once detox is complete, with the aim to address any issues, traumas, or triggers which may form the underlying psychological cause of their addiction.

    Therapy hence helps individuals to understand why they may have become reliant on substances, gives them strategies to cope with triggers, and enables them to learn that they can find happiness outside of drugs and alcohol.

    There are several types of individual and group therapies that individuals entering rehab in Mendip may take part in, which include:

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    One of the most common types of talking therapy used to treat drug and alcohol addiction is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

    CBT focuses on rewiring the neural pathways in the brain that cause addictive behaviour. The principle behind this type of therapy is therefore that if a behaviour can be learned, it can also be unlearned.

    Addiction counsellors and therapists using this technique will help individuals to assess their beliefs, addiction history, and behaviours, before replacing them with new thought patterns which will allow the individual to use more positive behaviours.

    Individuals will also be provided with strategies for dealing with cravings and triggers when they return to their home environment. A similar form of talking therapy is Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT).

    Although this is based on the same principles as CBT, DBT encourages individuals to accept themselves and their mistakes at the same time as trying to rectify their behaviours.

    DBT therefore helps individuals to process any intense emotions that they are experiencing, move on, and build a happy and healthy lifestyle.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Mendip, contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.


    Support group

    One of the benefits of attending private residential rehab in Mendip is that patients will receive a one-year free aftercare support package once their treatment is complete.

    Depending on the needs of the individual, these packages may offer in-person or virtual support and ensure that they are able to adapt to life outside of rehab and integrate smoothly back into community life.

    For instance, they will have access to the rehab’s therapy team, who will provide them with free individual therapy sessions to support their ongoing recovery.

    This will involve putting together a relapse prevention plan, which will put coping strategies into place for when the individual begins to experience cravings or becomes triggered.

    They may also be encouraged to attend group counselling sessions, where like-minded individuals can share their recovery achievements and struggles on a regular basis.

    For those who choose outpatient rehab, aftercare may involve attending a mutual support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

    These groups meet regularly within the community and use the principles of 12-Step Facilitation to structure recovery for attendees.


    Below, we provide some answers to commonly asked questions about the addiction rehab process:

    When is the Right Time to Visit a Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

    If you are reading this page, the likelihood is that you are ready to enter a drug and alcohol rehab treatment programme.

    This is because you may be beginning to accept your addiction and reach out for the help that you need.

    However, one of the most common reasons that individuals delay seeking help is timing, as it is often wrongly assumed that an individual must hit rock bottom in order to benefit from addiction treatment.

    Whether you have a mild or severe substance dependency, it is better to seek help sooner rather than later, as you will have a better chance of fully recovering without the prospect of relapsing later on.

    Also, no matter the severity of your addiction, rehab clinics in Mendip provide a form of addiction treatment suitable for every individual. For instance, there is a wide range of treatment programmes which vary in length, structure, and location.

    So, if you are ready to acknowledge your addiction, accept help, and take control of your life, then we would recommend contacting a rehab clinic in Mendip as soon as possible.

    How Long Does Rehab Take in Mendip?

    How long inpatient rehab takes to complete in Mendip depends on the recovery journey of the individual.

    For those who complete detox, this takes 7 to 10 days, although it is recommended for individuals to stay for longer to undergo therapy.

    Therefore, the average rehab stay lasts approximately 60 to 90 days, although some individuals choose to complete their treatment over a period of 12 months or longer.

    How Long Does It Take to Overcome Addiction?

    Addiction recovery often lasts for much longer than the 7 to 10 days that it takes for an individual to complete detox and break their physical substance dependency.

    This is because drugs and alcohol alter the functioning of the brain when substance abuse occurs regularly. For instance, addiction can hijack the neural pathways within the brain that are responsible for reward and pleasure.

    The brain then becomes dependent on these substances for survival, meaning that an individual will continue consuming them indefinitely.

    The time that it takes to undo these chemical changes within the brain varies based on the extent to which a person’s brain is dependent on drugs or alcohol. It is therefore difficult to put an exact figure on the length of time it takes to overcome addiction.

    However, choosing to enter rehab in Mendip will certainly speed up this process and provides individuals with all of the tools and life skills that they need for their ongoing recovery.

    What is the Cost of Rehab in Mendip?

    It is difficult to put an exact figure on the price of a stay in a residential rehab centre. This is because the cost of each treatment plan will vary depending on the needs of the individual and their recovery.

    In general, rehab in Mendip costs from £1,500 to £3,000 per week.

    However, this also varies from clinic to clinic, based on the quality of the accommodation, facilities, and treatments that they provide.

    What Can I Do If I Am Worried About the Cost of Rehab?

    Private rehab isn’t the only option, particularly if you are worried about the cost of rehab, and there are a variety of NHS-run services that are free to access.

    An example is the Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service, which is run by Turning Point.

    The benefit of free NHS services is that they are confidential and accessible to all individuals, no matter their budget for rehab.

    They are also situated in the local community, so patients don’t have to travel far and can remain living at home with the comfort of family, friends, and routine.

    They provide a range of services that help individuals on the road to recovery, such as:

    However, there are often long waiting lists for these services, meaning that individuals will be forced to delay their recovery.

    Treatment is less personalised as individuals may not be able to access the same therapist each time.

    Staying at home whilst in recovery can have its drawbacks, as individuals may encounter triggers in their home environment which could have an impact on their recovery.

    If you would prefer to enter a private residential rehab clinic in Mendip, many insurance companies will cover the cost, so be sure to check your health insurance policy before admission.

    Does Rehab Treatment Really Work for Addiction?

    There is evidence to suggest that those who stay in treatment for longer are more likely to have a successful recovery.

    A study found that those who took part in long-term addiction treatment programmes had a success rate of 84%. [7]

    This suggests that longer stays at residential rehab centres are the most effective form of treatment.

    The reason for this is that rehab not only helps individuals to overcome their need to consume substances but also provides them with the tools to remain sober in the long term.

    However, for individuals who fully commit to recovery from alcohol or drug addiction and are determined to build a better life for themselves, any rehab programme in Mendip that they choose will be successful.

    Get Help Today

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    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Mendip, please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.


    [1] Somerset Alcohol Needs Assessment 2021, Somerset Intelligence

    [2] Substance Misuse, Somerset Intelligence,

    [3] Parents with Problem Alcohol and Drug Use: Data for England and North Somerset, 2019 to 2010, Public Health England,

    [4] Substance Misuse

    [5] Somerset Alcohol Needs Assessment

    [6] Somerset Alcohol Needs Assessment

    [7] Pathways to Long-Term Recovery: A Preliminary Investigation, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs,

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