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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Morecambe

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Morecambe. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Morecambe

    Substance abuse refers to the regular and heavy consumption of alcohol and other drugs. When left untreated or unnoticed, this can quickly lead to an addiction.

    Reaching this stage means that the body is now dependent on these substances to feel good, produce specific chemicals and/or hormones, and function normally across everyday life.

    Some substances, such as alcohol, are also known as physically addictive substances. This is because of the way that they enter the body’s system, take over essential chemical production, and therefore make a full withdrawal a far more risky process.

    Addiction can affect individuals from all different walks of life, cultures, and backgrounds, but it is important to understand that it can never be cured. Instead, regular and efficient therapy and rehabilitation will help the individual to learn to live with this disease, maintaining this in the long term.

    This is what drug and alcohol rehab in Morecambe strives towards, and our doors are open to all who may need assistance during this challenging process.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Morecambe on 0800 088 66 86

    Are you ready to beat a drug and alcohol addiction?

    A man reading in bed

    Denial is something that is commonly found in those who struggle with addiction. This is because they may be unaware of the dangers of their condition, consider their substance abuse as a ‘normal’ behaviour, or they may be embarrassed about their inability to quit or slowly stop using the substances they are addicted to.

    Research suggests that denial is a huge influencing factor when it comes to seeking rehabilitative care; not only is addiction an issue of mental health and stability, but it is also due to the ways in which the individual views their addiction i.e., continuously seeking the substance despite the known negative consequences (1).

    Before an individual begins to take advantage of the services offered through drug and alcohol rehab in Morecambe, they must overcome this denial, be prepared to make a conscious effort during the specific rehabilitative techniques that they are recommended and be fully committed to recovery in the long term.

    Making the Most of Your Rehab Experience

    Two women hugging

    As mentioned above, to take full advantage of the services and experiences offered through drug and alcohol rehab in Morecambe, individuals must be fully motivated and committed to the prospect of a full recovery, as well as the idea of maintaining this in the long term.

    Some studies suggest that motivation plays a greater role in recovery than other techniques such as the involvement in rehabilitation schemes alone, especially when in a prison setting (2).

    Therefore, having the right attitude to recovery could be the difference between a relatively short time in rehab compared to a long process – one that may be inefficient and take far longer than the average amount of time individuals may spend in rehab.

    How Does Rehab Work

    A group therapy session. People are holding notebooks on their laps

    In general, there is a set process in which individuals may progress through rehab. This is categorised into three stages.

    These are detoxification, rehabilitation, and finally, aftercare.

    By progressing through each of these stages in order (and with full motivation and commitment – as mentioned previously), an individual will have a far greater chance of making an effective recovery.

    These stages often go hand in hand with the abstinence approach – one that works towards a substance-free lifestyle and the removal of substances from the individual’s everyday life.

    This is the most effective approach to rehabilitation, especially when compared to approaches which work to reduce the negative effects of addiction such as harm reduction and moderation management.

    If seeking help outside of Rehab Recovery, please ensure that the drug and addiction rehab in Morecambe that you choose follows the abstinence approach.

    1. Medical Alcohol and Drug Detox

    During the early stages of rehabilitation, it is likely that individuals will be recommended to undergo some form of detoxification.

    Depending on the substance, this detoxification process can massively vary. This variation can include the length of time that an individual spends in rehab, the support they may need during a detox, and the additional medical interventions that may be required.

    The idea of a detox is to remove the harmful toxins and chemicals that have accumulated in the body throughout the duration of the individual’s addiction.

    With some drugs such as heroin and alcohol, however, this withdrawal process can be far more dangerous, often requiring the assistance of medical professionals or complex medical interventions in order to ensure the safety of individuals going through withdrawal in drug and alcohol rehab in Morecambe.

    2. Addiction Therapy & Treatment Options in Morecambe

    After a successful detox, individuals are then encouraged to move on to further treatments. There is little progress to be made by individuals purely seeking a detox, as this does not treat the long-lasting mental health effects and the root cause of the addiction.

    This is where addiction therapy programmes and differing addiction treatment courses can take place.

    There are countless different forms of therapy and treatments that individuals can engage in whilst in drug and alcohol rehab in Morecambe, and this will make up the majority of the individual’s time in rehab, as well as form a strong basis for the continuation of their rehabilitative care during aftercare.

    The most common forms of therapy and treatment include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), family drug support, co-dependency treatment, holistic therapies, and dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT).

    3. Staying Sober After Rehab

    As well as having received some form of relapse risk prevention training during their time in rehab, individuals are encouraged to stay sober by the continuation of learning – independent at this point – as well as regular meetings with aftercare support staff if necessary.

    After leaving drug and alcohol rehab in Morecambe and beginning aftercare, individuals may take part in SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training).

    This is a combination of CBT and motivational interviewing – both independent learning techniques but have shown to be more effective when combined with other aftercare treatments that are suited towards each individual case (3).

    Aftercare can also include regular meetings with an addiction support officer in order to answer any questions, track progress, and help set goals for the future of the individual’s recovery.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Morecambe on 0800 088 66 86

    Our Rehab Facilities

    Three friends in a rural area smiling

    Through drug and alcohol rehab in Morecambe, individuals will have access to a range of different options for the detoxification process, addiction treatment programmes, therapy, and aftercare.

    By calling Rehab Recovery directly, we can help advise individuals on the best centres or treatment programmes for them based on their needs.

    This may include finding alternatives to residential rehab for individuals who may not be suitable for inpatient care due to location, financial reasons, or individual differences.

    This can also include suggesting the most suitable residential rehab centre for individuals who are seeking this form of care; every centre is different and therefore each individual’s needs and requirements will need to be considered separately.

    There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to rehab, so get in touch today to find your best suit.

    Cost of Alcohol and Drug Rehab

    A doctor typing with a stethoscope beside the laptop

    The cost of drug and alcohol rehab in Morecambe will vary massively depending on the individual’s needs while undergoing rehabilitation.

    The overall cost can be affected by the resources and support that an individual needs during detoxification, for example, and can vary depending on the length of time that an individual may spend in the detox process.

    The types of addiction treatment programmes and therapy courses can also affect the overall cost, as well as the type of accommodation that an individual opts for while staying in residential rehab.

    Contact Rehab Recovery to find out more about the financial side of rehabilitation, as well as access support in cases where it may be needed.

    How Long is Rehab?

    Couple on beach

    As with the cost of drug and alcohol rehab in Morecambe, estimating how long an individual may spend in residential care is extremely difficult.

    This is because it is difficult to know how someone may react to residential care as well as how long it will take them to progress with the different stages of care.

    A detox, for example, can take anywhere from 7 to 14 days or more depending on the substance that the individual is addicted to and how long they have been consuming it.

    In addition to this, it is impossible to predict how long an individual may spend in specific therapy sessions, especially with very patient-based types of therapy such as CBT or DBT.

    To talk to someone about how long rehab may take for you, get in contact with a member of our friendly team at Rehab Recovery today.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Morecambe on 0800 088 66 86

    Start your journey to recovery today

    To learn more about addiction, rehabilitation, and how you can get access to the help and support that you may need, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Rehab Recovery today.

    There is a wealth of rehab information on our website, but you can also always call our addiction support line on 0800 088 66 86 today.

    A member of our friendly and professional team will be able to direct you to any assistance you may need, as well as assess your suitability for residential care.

    No matter how long you may have been struggling with addiction, there is no better time than now to give us a call and start your rehabilitation journey. You will be supported by Rehab Recovery every step of the way.


    [1] Pickard, H., 2016. Denial in addiction. Mind & Language, 31(3), pp.277-299.

    [2] Gideon, L., 2010. Drug offenders’ perceptions of motivation: The role of motivation in rehabilitation and reintegration. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 54(4), pp.597-610.

    [3] O’Sullivan, D., Blum, J.B., Watts, J. and Bates, J.K., 2015. SMART Recovery: Continuing care considerings for rehabilitation counselors. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 58(4), pp.203-216.

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