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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Lichfield

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Lichfield

    Located in Staffordshire and famous for its unique three-spired cathedral, Lichfield has its fair share of alcohol problems with an average of 640 alcohol-related hospital admissions each year.

    Drug deaths have also spiked across Lichfield, with figures doubling in just six years.

    Certain areas of Lichfield have a higher alcohol-related crime rate than the national average, suggesting that this substance is taking a toll on public services such as the police and ambulance crew.

    If you live in Lichfield and are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, there’s never been a better time to seek help.

    What Is Alcohol Addiction?


    If you have found yourself dependent on alcohol – whether physically, psychologically or both – you may have an alcohol addiction.

    This may include strong and frequent cravings for alcohol, an inability to stop drinking alcohol or feeling as though you need alcohol in order to function.

    Anyone can be affected by alcohol addiction no matter which age, gender, race or socioeconomic status you fall under.

    Some of the signs of alcohol addiction include:

    • Developing a tolerance to alcohol, needing larger amounts to get the same effect.
    • Becoming isolated from friends and family.
    • Experiencing serious repercussions due to alcohol such as legal and financial issues.
    • Being unable to cut back on your drinking without experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
    • Drinking alcohol at inappropriate times, such as at work or while driving.
    • Attempting to hide your alcohol use from others around you.
    • Being unable to imagine life without alcohol.

    As alcohol addiction can cause physical changes in the brain and body it is therefore not a matter of willpower – it is a disease that requires professional treatment.

    What Is Drug And Alcohol Rehab?


    An alcohol and drug rehab clinic in Lichfield can provide the care and treatment required to treat patients struggling with alcohol or drug addiction.

    If you are unable to recover from a drug or alcohol addiction through community-based treatment, you will likely need to attend rehab.

    Our drug and alcohol rehabs in Lichfield run treatment programmes that primarily consist of three key stagesdetoxification, counselling and aftercare.

    These involve flushing all traces of substances from your body under the care of a medical professional, accessing various therapy treatments to tackle the psychological aspects of the addiction, and providing the tools and techniques required to help you maintain your recovery after you leave rehab.

    Most rehab clinics in Lichfield are abstinence-based, so you will be free from temptation and safe from the risks of relapse.

    Inpatient rehab is considered to be the safest and most effective way to recover from a drug or alcohol addiction.

    Holding An Intervention


    An intervention is a meeting involving someone who has an addiction and a small group of people who care about them.

    In most cases, the affected person is not informed about the meeting in advance.

    During the intervention, the group members will attempt to persuade the individual to seek professional help for their addiction.

    It is common for people struggling with a substance use disorder to refuse to acknowledge the extent of the problem, or genuinely not recognise that they have an addiction.

    It is recommended that a professional counsellor or interventionist should be employed to run the intervention, as they are experienced and knowledgeable about the various techniques that should be utilised.

    Remember to hold the intervention in a neutral location and during a time when the affected person is not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as this may prevent them from understanding or reacting appropriately to the information they are given.



    If you do not feel comfortable with the idea of an intervention or believe that your loved one will not react well to this event, consider the CRAFT method of intervention in Lichfield.

    This is a gentle approach to intervention that is based around close family and friends.

    The CRAFT method will teach you how to avoid enabling your loved one and instead use positive reinforcement to guide them towards treatment.

    How Long Does Drug And Alcohol Rehab In Lichfield Last?


    Checking into an inpatient rehab clinic in Lichfield is a commitment to your health and wellbeing, but it is also a commitment to your time.

    Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction will not happen overnight – instead, you will need to set aside a chunk of time to dedicate to your treatment.

    If your addiction is mild to moderate, a 30-day stay may be sufficient for you.

    If your addiction is severe or you have a co-occurring mental or physical health disorder, you may be advised to opt for a 60 or 90-day treatment programme.


    For those that would prefer a shorter commitment, a home detox programme or outpatient programme in Lichfield may be suitable.

    A home detox usually lasts between 7 and 10 days, while outpatient programmes are fairly flexible depending on the severity of your addiction.

    You may be concerned that you will not be able to leave rehab once you have begun a treatment programme.

    In most cases, this will not be an issue and you will be permitted to leave whenever you want.

    However, it is recommended that you complete your treatment programme to benefit from all aspects of rehab including detox, counselling, relapse prevention and aftercare.

    How Much Does Drug And Alcohol Rehab In Lichfield Cost?


    In the majority of cases, most people pay privately for drug and alcohol rehab.

    If you do not have any type of insurance and have no way to access rehab through the NHS, you may be concerned about the high costs associated with this form of treatment.

    In Lichfield, a 30-day treatment programme will usually start at around £14,000 which works out to £495 per day.

    If you require a longer stay, the price will increase relative to the length of your programme.

    If you’re feeling confused about the costs of drug and alcohol rehab in Lichfield, it can be helpful to take a look at where your money will be going.

    The price of rehab covers a wide range of expenses, including:

    • Staff salaries and training
    • Room and board for 7-90 days
    • Insurance
    • Healthy, balanced meals
    • Grounds maintenance
    • Facility rent and bills
    • Medication and clinical equipment

    Some rehab facilities in Lichfield are more luxurious than others, offering a spa-like atmosphere and other deluxe amenities which will naturally increase the price of treatment.

    If you choose to attend rehab in the heart of Lichfield, you may find that you are paying more due to the higher demand for space in more crowded areas.

    Can I Get Drug And Alcohol Rehab On The NHS?


    Due to the high costs of treatment, many people are unable to access the potentially lifesaving benefits of drug and alcohol rehab in Lichfield.

    If this is the case for you, there may be another way forward.

    Accessing drug and alcohol rehab on the NHS is possible, however the process is long and difficult with many applicants being denied due to a lack of funding.

    There are limited NHS rehab spaces available every year in Lichfield, and with the large number of people applying it is not possible to allocate a space to each person.


    If this is your only option, it is always recommended that you pursue this avenue.

    You will need to get in touch with your doctor who will refer you to a local drug and alcohol team.

    This team will work with the council on your behalf to process your application and will be your main point of contact.

    You will need to prove that you are serious about recovering, which may involve completing a home detox programme and other community-based treatments.

    If you are successful, you will be able to access drug and alcohol rehab for free and have the best chance possible at long-term recovery.

    NHS Rehab VS Private Rehab In Lichfield


    In the UK, we are fortunate to have the choice between NHS rehab and private rehab when entering addiction treatment.

    The type of clinic that you select will be influenced by a number of factors including your budget, flexibility and personal preferences.

    What does NHS rehab in Lichfield involve?

    • Access to free drug and alcohol treatment.
    • High-quality treatment programmes.
    • Longer waiting lists.
    • Less flexibility in treatment programmes.


    What does private rehab in Lichfield involve?

    • Immediate admission.
    • Flexible and adaptable treatment programmes.
    • Higher cost of treatment.
    • Wide range of treatment programs.

    Both options provide access to high-quality and effective treatment, with experienced staff who genuinely care about your health and wellbeing.

    Inpatient Rehab VS Outpatient Rehab In Lichfield


    While inpatient rehab involves living at the clinic in Lichfield during your treatment, outpatient rehab allows you to attend treatment on a part-time basis.

    Both have their positives and negativesoutpatient rehab allows you to continue with your life and responsibilities while inpatient rehab removes triggers and temptations, so it’s important to carefully consider your needs.

    What does inpatient rehab in Lichfield involve?

    What does outpatient rehab in Lichfield involve?

    • Accessing treatment on a part-time basis while remaining at home.
    • Continuing with your work and family responsibilities.
    • Undergoing a supervised detox, either in person or over video call.
    • Attending counselling sessions part-time.
    • Lower cost of treatment.
    • Higher risk of relapse and triggers.
    • Suited to those with mild addictions.

    Your doctor will be able to help you make a decision about the type of treatment you receive, and you can also call our team on 0800 088 66 86 for confidential advice.

    Alcohol Detox And Rehab In Lichfield


    Alcohol detox and rehab at a clinic in Lichfield involves a carefully managed tapering-off process in which you will slowly consume less alcohol over a period of 7-10 days.

    By the final day, you will no longer be consuming alcohol.

    As your brain and body will have become dependent on this substance, removing it can cause withdrawal symptoms as your system attempts to rebalance.

    These can be dangerous if not properly monitored by professionals.

    Alcohol withdrawal symptoms may include:

    If you are prone to seizures, are suffering from a co-occurring mental health disorder or have been struggling with a severe addiction, you may be prescribed a 10-day course of Librium to help prevent potentially fatal withdrawal-related seizures.

    Alcohol rehab also involves three to four weeks of counselling, professional relapse prevention and various aftercare services to give you the best chance of recovery and decrease the risk of relapse after treatment.

    Cocaine Detox And Rehab In Lichfield


    As many people binge on cocaine, using this substance frequently and in larger amounts, an addiction can develop relatively quickly.

    This dependency is rarely physical, as cocaine is psychologically addictive.

    It can change the chemical balance of the brain and render it unable to produce the required amounts of serotonin without the help of cocaine.

    This can lead to crippling depression and feelings of anxiety when not using this substance, leading the affected person to use more and more.

    Cocaine rehab involves a combination of medications, counselling and detox to help regulate the brain chemistry and allow your brain to produce serotonin again.

    This can take weeks or even months in some cases, so it’s important to persist and continue to keep your recovery at the forefront of your mind.

    Heroin Detox And Rehab In Lichfield


    Many people spend their lives attempting to recreate the high that they experienced when they first tried heroin, eventually spiralling into a devastating addiction that could potentially be fatal.

    Heroin rehab removes you from your current living environment and places you in a safe clinic, with 24/7 medical supervision to prevent you from accessing this substance during cravings and withdrawal.

    You may choose to switch to methadone, a less addictive substitute for heroin, which can alleviate withdrawal symptoms and help you transition into sobriety in a more comfortable way.

    Counselling is a key part of any heroin rehab, helping you to tackle the psychological aspects of the addiction and safeguard you against future relapse.

    Cannabis Detox And Rehab In Lichfield


    If you smoke, vape or consume cannabis in any form, you may be aware of the addictive properties of this substance.

    Cannabis rehab can help you to take back control of your life with a combination of counselling, aftercare and medication if needed.

    You will learn healthy ways of coping with stress that do not involve using cannabis, such as breathing exercises and mindfulness.

    Cannabis rehab can also help you to find the motivation to continue your recovery and allow you to break free from your addiction in a safe and comfortable environment.

    What Types Of Therapy Are Available At Drug And Alcohol Rehab In Lichfield?


    Accessing the right therapy for you is key to successfully recovering from a drug and alcohol addiction, and this will look different for each person.

    Some people may respond well to financial and material motivations through contingency management, while others may find success in changing their mindset and self-beliefs through cognitive behavioural therapy.

    Depending on the type of rehab clinic you choose, you will have access to a range of therapy treatments during your treatment programme.

    Types of therapy available at drug and alcohol rehab in Lichfield include:

    You may find that a combination of multiple therapy treatments is effective for you, and most rehab clinics in Lichfield will allow you to try out a few different types in order to find the most effective solution.

    Why Is Dual Diagnosis Important?


    If you have a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder simultaneously, you may receive a dual diagnosis when you arrive at drug and alcohol rehab in Lichfield.

    This means that both conditions have been diagnosed, and you will need to treat both at the same time for the best chance of recovery.

    If only the addiction is treated, the symptoms of your mental health disorder may re-aggravate it and you may find that you relapse soon after treatment.

    Someone with a dual diagnosis will need a different form of treatment than someone who simply has a substance use disorder, and most rehab staff are trained in scientifically-backed methods to help you recover.

    These may include a combination of detox, therapy, relapse prevention, medication and aftercare services which will be determined during the assessment process.

    If you are living with an addiction and a mental health disorder, being given a dual diagnosis is extremely important as it will allow you to receive the care and support that you require.

    How Do Drug And Alcohol Rehabs In Lichfield Help With Relapse Prevention?


    Once you have successfully completed an addiction treatment programme and returned to normal life, you may believe that your recovery work is done.

    In reality, it is just beginning.

    The rates of relapse after rehab are high, with between 40% and 60% of patients relapsing at some point after treatment.

    You will need to continue to prioritise your recovery for months and even years after leaving rehab, and your drug and alcohol rehab in Lichfield will work to prepare you for this.


    Common techniques used by drug and alcohol rehabs to help with relapse prevention include:

    • Compiling documents and worksheets to refer back to after treatment.
    • Roleplaying potential scenarios that may cause you to relapse, so you know how to respond effectively.
    • Examining your home life and living environment, making any necessary changes to minimise triggers and cravings.
    • Developing techniques such as HALT (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) to help you continue to live a balanced lifestyle.
    • Connecting you with outreach programmes and local support groups.

    It’s important to remember that you are not alone after you leave drug and alcohol rehab in Lichfield.

    Your counsellor and medical team want you to succeed, and you will always have your relapse prevention plan to refer back to as well as a range of aftercare services to help continue your recovery.

    How Can I Access Aftercare And Support Services In Lichfield?


    As mentioned above, Lichfield is home to a wide range of aftercare and support services to help keep you on track with your recovery after leaving drug and alcohol rehab.

    Local support groups and 12-Step programmes such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can be extremely beneficial to those wanting to build a support system and social ties after treatment.

    You may also wish to attend ongoing counselling, either privately or through the NHS, to continue the progress that you made during therapy at rehab.

    If you are struggling to remain sober after addiction treatment, it may be beneficial to continue your treatment through an outpatient programme.

    This will allow you to live at home while attending rehab part-time, which can be beneficial for your recovery.


    A home detox programme may also be an option if you have relapsed following a stay at drug and alcohol rehab in Lichfield.

    You will be monitored throughout the process over telephone or video call and will be able to safely detox again from alcohol or drugs in your own home.

    Finally, you may wish to consider completing a SMART Recovery programme, which is a community-based treatment based on the principles of CBT.

    The above services are available throughout Lichfield and will help you to continue on your path towards long-term recovery and sobriety.

    Getting The Help You Need Today


    If you are worried about the substance use of yourself or someone you love, it is better to get help sooner rather than later.

    Call a member of our team today on 0800 088 66 86 to get help and advice on the next steps you can take to beat addiction for good.

    When you make the choice to reach out and get help for your addiction, you’re choosing to pursue a happier, healthier and longer life.

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