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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Fulham

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Fulham. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Fulham

    If you are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, then you are not alone. Over 280,000 people in the UK sought treatment for their substance use in 2022. [1]

    Drug and alcohol addiction is known as substance use disorders, and have a huge impact on the lives of those who struggle with the disorder. [2]

    From finances to family relationships, addiction can affect every aspect of life. However, with addiction rehab, you can take back your life and live free from the cycle of addiction.

    Getting help for your substance use can be a daunting process, however, it does not need to be.

    The Rehab Recovery team have compiled a list of the most common questions asked about addiction treatment and recovery in Fulham so you can find the right treatment for you and kick-start your recovery journey.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Fulham on 0800 088 66 86

    Getting Help for Alcohol and Drug Addiction in Fulham

    A man in therapy, hands clasped

    If you, or a loved one, are struggling with alcohol and/or drug addiction, then there are plenty of options for drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham.

    Addiction treatment comes in two main forms, inpatient and outpatient.

    Which treatment you enter will depend on your own circumstances and what would help you the most.

    Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Fulham

    If you have a moderate to severe addiction, are addicted to a highly dangerous substance or have an unstable home life then inpatient rehab might be for you.

    Inpatient rehab is available for patients who want or need to stay inside a rehab centre throughout their treatment. This means that overnight they will stay in a private or shared room in the rehab clinic.

    This is the most intense form of treatment and helps patients to avoid their addictive substances as well as access round-the-clock medical care.

    Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Fulham

    Outpatient addiction treatment is suitable for mild to moderate addictions and for people who have a stable home environment where they can recover from their addiction safely.

    Patients undergoing outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham will stay at home and only attend the rehab centre during their treatment sessions.

    There are different types of outpatient treatment from the more intensive to the less intensive.

    For example, part-hospitalisation is where a patient will go through an inpatient detox before going through addiction therapies on an outpatient basis. Whereas less intensive outpatient programmes might see a patient attend just 1-2 sessions per week.

    What Happens in Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

    Two people drinking coffee and facing each other at a table

    During drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham, you will go through a personalised plan of treatment which will consist of detox and addiction therapies.

    What type of detox you have and what addiction therapies you attend will depend on your personalised treatment plan, which will be constructed with you during your initial assessment for treatment.

    What Is a Detox?

    A woman taking a pill

    A drug detox or alcohol detox is the period of time within which a person first stops taking the addictive substance and the body and mind begin to cope without it.

    This is the first stage in addiction treatment, and usually lasts between 7-10 days depending on the type of addiction and usually comes with withdrawal symptoms.

    You can either have an at-home detox or inpatient detox, and it may be managed by medication. Medical detox is often used for example in cases of alcohol addiction, where medication such as Librium is used to reduce the impact of withdrawal symptoms.

    During your detox, you will need to be kept safe, and your withdrawal symptoms will be managed to help you overcome this often difficult stage.

    What Addiction Therapies Are Available?

    Two people holding hands

    Following your 7-10 day detox, you will then undergo a course of addiction treatment or addiction therapies.

    These therapies are done on an individual, group or family group basis, and will help you overcome the psychological aspects of your addiction.

    Therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy and family addiction counselling are often successfully used to treat addiction. These therapies can also be used alongside medication to manage withdrawal symptoms and/or co-occurring disorders.

    However, there is a wide range of addiction therapies including individual therapy, motivational interviewing, medically assisted training and holistic therapies.

    The addiction therapies you attend will depend on many factors, and the options available to you will be discussed during your initial assessment.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Fulham on 0800 088 66 86

    How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Fulham Cost?


    Drug and alcohol rehab costs vary depending on where you go, what treatment you have and where your funding is coming from.

    London charities such as Change, Grow, Live (CGL) in Hammersmith and Fulham and Turning Point Hammersmith and Fulham offer free outpatient drug and alcohol treatment and advice. [3] [4]

    You can also access NHS drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham, which is available free to all UK residents.

    If you want to enter into private addiction treatment, then the cost of a full 28-day inpatient stay costs an average of £14,000.

    However, prices for private rehab stays can go from £4,000  to £40,000 for a 28-day stay depending on the rehab centre.

    You can also potentially cover the cost of private addiction treatment through your health insurance. Simply contact your insurance provider and read over your policy to see if you are covered.

    Should I Have Private or NHS Addiction Treatment?

    Woman watching the sun

    If you are considering whether to choose NHS or private rehab, then alongside the cost of treatment there are several other differences to consider.

    Benefits and Drawbacks of NHS Rehab

    • All NHS addiction treatment is free
    • Waiting times for NHS treatment can be between 3 weeks to 1 year
    • Inpatient spaces are limited so most treatment is outpatient
    • Less variety of addiction therapies available on the NHS
    • Inpatient treatment doesn’t come with access to facilities

    Benefits and Drawbacks of Private Rehab

    • Private treatment costs between £4,000 and £40,000 for a 28 day stay
    • Most patients admitted within 24-48 hours
    • Many more inpatient spaces available as well as outpatient treatment
    • Wider variety of addiction therapies available including holistic therapies
    • Use of facilities such as swimming pools, gyms and spas often available

    Private and NHS addiction treatment are both great options for anyone who is struggling with addiction. Whichever treatment option you choose, you will have trained medical staff to look after you and professional addiction specialists to support you in your addiction recovery.

    How Long Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Last?


    The length of time you spend in treatment will vary, however, a full course of inpatient treatment should last at least 28 days.

    This inpatient stay will encompass a 7-10 day detox as well as 3 weeks of addiction therapies.

    However, there are cases where a patient will remain in inpatient care for up to 90 days, or be placed in a halfway house or sober living community for up to 1 year.

    Outpatient treatment can last anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months, depending on the type of treatment and how often the patient attends sessions.

    As outpatient treatment also covers drop-in sessions and charity services, some outpatient services can be used for as long as needed.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Fulham on 0800 088 66 86

    After Rehab: What Is Addiction Aftercare?

    Aftercare refers to the support in place to help you once you complete your addiction treatment.

    After you finish your course of inpatient or outpatient treatment, you will have a relapse prevention plan complete with aftercare services so you get the support you need long-term.

    Relapse prevention plans are documents which help reduce the risk of relapse through personalised techniques, tools and advice. This includes tools to help you recognise the stages of relapse as well as cope with cravings.

    Within this document, there will also be aftercare contact details, for services such as local support groups, drop-in sessions and crisis hotlines available to you at any time.

    Some of the most commonly used aftercare services in Fulham include 12-step programmes such as AA and NA, SMART Recovery and charity outpatient services.

    There are also services in place for family members of people struggling with addiction, known as Al-Anon and Nar Anon.

    Through the help of drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham, you can take your life back and enjoy a life free from addiction.

    Whether you are keen to attend inpatient or outpatient treatment, you can give the Rehab Recovery team a call today and discuss your options for addiction rehab in Fulham.


    [1] Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (2023) ‘Adult substance misuse treatment statistics 2021 to 2022: report’, GOV.UK

    [2] Azmi R. Jahan and Doug M. Burgess (2022) ‘Substance Use Disorder’, National Library of Medicine,

    [3] Change, Grow, Live (CGL) Hammersmith and Fulham, The Alcohol Service,

    [4] Turning Point Hammersmith and Fulham,


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