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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Epsom

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Epsom. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Epsom

    Addiction is classed by medical professionals as a disorder.

    This means that is technically a health condition, and that there are treatment options available to help you manage it.

    At Rehab Recovery, we know that addiction feels like a complicated beast.

    Research shows that individualised care is the best way to maintain long-term recovery. [1]

    For that reason, rather than offering a blanket ‘one size fits all’ support package, our approach to substance misuse at drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom can be tailored to your specific needs.

    Contact our drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom today:

    • through our online chat function
    • by calling our UK landline (0800 088 66 66)
    • by calling our international line (+44 330 333 6197)
    • via email (
    • via post (Rehab Recovery, 148 Southgate Road, London, N1 3HX)

    Do I Have a Problem with Substances?

    A person in a jumper, arms resting on a balcony overlooking a winter scene

    With addiction, the first step is often the hardest.

    This is usually because substance use can be accompanied by a lot of mixed emotions that make it difficult for us to fully comprehend our situation.

    Accepting that you have an addiction can be tricky and can involve a lot of self-reflection.

    But, once you are in the headspace where you are able to tell that you may need to access some help, you can begin taking the steps to regain control of your life.

    Identifying Addiction

    We are all aware of addiction as a concept – but what does addiction actually look like?

    Some of the signs of addiction you can look for include:

    • unexplained difficulties with your physical health (feeling tired, more frequent headaches, generally feeling more unwell, etc)
    • unexplained difficulties with your mental health (mood swings, depression, agitation, feeling quick to anger)
    • changes to schedules (difficulty sleeping, not eating at regular times)
    • difficulty engaging with work (more days off work, struggling to meet deadlines or usual commitments, tension or conflict with management or peers)
    • difficulty engaging with education (more days off school, college or university, struggling to meet deadlines or usual commitments, lowered performance in tests, tension or conflict with staff members or peers)
    • difficulty in social situations (tension or conflict with friends and family)
    • difficulty with home management (keeping your space clean and organised)
    • reduced engagement in hobbies or leisure activities.
    • financial issues (struggling to make bill payments, regularly borrowing money from friends, family or loan providers)
    • lowered self-care (changed sleep schedule,  reduced hygiene, difficulty leaving the house) [2]

    If you feel that you or a loved one are experiencing any of these things due to their alcohol consumption or use of drugs, you may fit the criteria for an addiction diagnosis and may benefit from accessing drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom.

    Types of Addiction

    There are many different types of addiction.

    It is possible to develop a substance addiction (which is an addiction or dependency on a particular drug) or a behavioural addiction (which is an addiction to a particular activity).

    At drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom, we offer addiction treatment options for a range of addictions:

    The treatment you receive will vary depending on the type of addiction you may have.

    This is because different forms of support can work better in some situations than in others.

    For example, a medical detox is not useful in the context of gambling addiction, as gambling is not physically addictive, but it may be a pivotal part of treating opiate addiction.

    How Common is Addiction?

    Addiction may still have some stigma attached to it.

    At Rehab Recovery, we believe this stigma is misplaced and unwarranted.

    Addiction is much more common than you might expect.

    Addiction in the UK

    A government report shows that between 2020 and 2021, 275,896 adults were in contact with an addiction treatment provider of some sort. [3]

    Within this group:

    Addiction in Epsom

    Epsom is in the wider Borough of Epsom and Ewell, in Surrey.

    The 2019 Surrey Substance Misuse Strategy for Drug Use found that:

    • around 2,966 adults regularly use opiates and/or crack cocaine in Surrey
    • there were 2,003 individuals in formal addiction treatment in 2017-8, with 921 of these being new to the service
    • the use of ecstasy in Surrey is higher than the national average
    • the use of ketamine in Surrey is higher than the national average [5]

    The 2019 Surrey Substance Misuse Strategy for Alcohol Use found that:

    • over a quarter (an estimated 28%) of adults in the Surrey area drink at high-risk levels
    • between 2017 and 2018, there were around 1670 in treatment for alcohol dependence
    • around 53% of adults in treatment for addiction had childcare responsibilities
    • alcohol-related admissions to hospitals in the Surrey area have doubled since 2002 [6]

    This suggests that there is a high need for drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom and the surrounding area.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Epsom on 0800 088 66 86

    What Happens During Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Epsom?

    Support group

    The recovery process, for most people, begins with support at a clinic, such as at drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom.

    People can be overwhelmed by the unknown, so at Rehab Recovery, we make it our mission to be as clear on treatment as possible.

    Treatment at a rehabilitation centre usually takes place in two stages: a medical detox and intensive therapy.

    Detoxing From Drugs or Alcohol


    A detox is a process of ridding your body of a substance.

    In the context of addiction, this means allowing your body to wean itself off of a substance.

    Withdrawing is a process that should be overseen by medical professionals.

    You will not necessarily need to have a detox – some people can begin their treatment with the therapy stage, as not all drugs are physically addictive, which means that the body will not need to be monitored during drug or alcohol withdrawal.

    This is because when our bodies get used to substances, they can struggle to get used to them not being there anymore.

    You may find you get the shakes if you miss your usual morning coffee. This is an example of a mild withdrawal symptom.

    Withdrawal symptoms will vary in type – and severity – depending on the substance that you are withdrawing from. [7]

    Some examples of general withdrawal symptoms include:

    • sweating
    • shaking
    • going hot or cold
    • in serious cases, seizures
    • reduced appetite
    • reduced sleeping
    • headaches
    • changeable mood or ‘mood swings’ [8]

    The duration and experience of withdrawal will depend on the substance that you are withdrawing from.

    Your clinical team will discuss the detox phase with you, and give you a more accurate indication of what you can expect in your specific circumstance.

    Taking Care of Your Mental Health

    Woman sitting outside

    For some people, addiction can occur after regularly using drugs or alcohol to self-medicate, as a way of trying to control difficult thoughts and feelings that can happen when we have difficult periods or experience mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. 

    In these cases, a mental health condition may be thought of as an ‘underlying issue’ that can lead to increased drug or alcohol consumption.

    For others, addiction can bring about complicated feelings.

    Regardless of what came first, frequently, addiction and the stresses of life go hand in hand.

    If you have a mental health condition and are also seeking treatment for addiction, this is known as a dual diagnosis. It may also be called a co-occurring disorder.

    We offer dual diagnosis treatment at drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom.

    This means that we have a range of treatments that can be designed to target both your engagement with substances and any thoughts, feelings and behaviours that can be associated with various mental health issues.

    Frequent dual diagnoses experienced by individuals dealing with addiction include:

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Epsom on 0800 088 66 86

    Types of Therapy


    Therapy is not one size fits all.

    Some people will respond better to some types of treatment than others.

    This means that it is important to offer a range of support services to enable everyone to access a therapeutic intervention that is right for them.

    During drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom, you may be able to access the following kinds of therapy:

    Financing Rehab


    We know that for many people, deciding to access rehab is as much of a financial decision as it is about well-being.

    All recovery programmes will be at different price points.

    For outpatient support, these can range from between £1,000 and £10,000 for a week of care.

    The average cost of residential rehab works at around £500 per day in a specialised inpatient program. [11]

    Outpatient treatment is a little harder to estimate, as usually, community support will be charged per appointment, and the number of appointments you may have will depend on both the type of therapy you access and how long you access it for.

    How Does the Average Person Pay for Rehab?

    At Rehab Recovery, we believe that access to quality treatment shouldn’t be limited by finances.

    Because of this, we offer treatment plans at varying price points, as well as different methods of payment.

    Most people pay for rehab by one of the following:

    • setting up a direct debit scheme and paying in organised payments at a price point already discussed and decided
    • paying through support from health insurance providers
    • using health insurance support accessed through work or employment schemes
    • using savings
    • support from a charity
    • support from loved ones

    The price of rehab will always be discussed with you before you enter treatment at drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom.

    The team at Rehab Recovery will always be transparent with you about any fees to help you make an informed decision on the type of care plan you wish to access. 

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Epsom on 0800 088 66 86

    How Long Will I Be in Rehab?

    Woman smoking

    Rehab can involve a bit of planning – if you decide to go the outpatient route, you may need to schedule appointments.

    Or, if you decide to stay in a residential setting, you may need to make arrangements for childcare, pets, or other responsibilities you may have.

    For these reasons, it is handy to get a sense of how long you may be in treatment.

    You can get a clearer sense of this by talking with our admissions team.

    The typical duration of a residential program is 28 days, however, that doesn’t necessarily mean that this is the ideal length of time for you. [12]

    You may find that you do not need to stay 28 days, or that you may need slightly longer. 

    But, just as you will be able to discuss the cost of rehab with the Rehab Recovery team, you will also be able to get some indication of the duration of your stay at drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom before beginning your support package.

    How Do I Go to Rehab if I Have A Job?

    Woman sitting at a table

    1. Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace

    UK employment law states that an employer can not discriminate against an employee for accessing support related to addiction.

    However, if employers do know about the use of substances at work, they may need to inform an outside body.

    Under government regulations, your employer’s priority should be the health and safety of you and your colleagues.

    There are procedures in place to establish this, such as the use of randomised drug testing in the workplace.

    This is often used in industries that require the use of heavy machinery that could be dangerous if used whilst under the influence. [13]

    2. Accessing Treatment Whilst Working

    If you are currently in paid work, you may need to take this into account when discussing your treatment options.

    If you are struggling to continue to work, there are potential ways to take a break whilst you access support for addiction.

    You may be able to discuss your situation with your employer and request some time off as compassionate leave whilst you are in treatment.

    Otherwise, you may be able to speak with your GP or another clinician to be signed off work – or, to have amended duties – whilst you are in drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom.

    You may find that your treatment does not impact your work life at all.

    The decision to continue to work or not is a personal one, and the team at Rehab Recovery acknowledge that this can feel like a difficult decision to make, so are happy to advise you on approaches you may make about dealing with addiction in the workplace.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Epsom on 0800 088 66 86

    What if I Have Additional Needs?


    Additional needs can come in many different forms.

    If you have a dual diagnosis, then you may have an additional treatment need.

    You may also have an additional treatment need if you have a chronic illness or health complications that may need to be managed during your time at drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom.

    You may be neurodivergent – in that context, it may feel difficult to access rehab. Rehab Recovery are are able to give you advice on the measures that can be put in place to help you feel comfortable attending rehab as a neurodivergent adult. [14]

    We can also advise on accessing rehab as a teenager or young adult, accessing rehab as a woman, as a veteran, or as an older adult.

    Care Beyond Rehab

    Three friends in a rural area smiling

    Your time at drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom will also encompass aftercare planning.

    This means putting into place a package of support for you to access once ‘formal’ rehab ends, to help ease the transition back to your usual everyday life.

    Clinical research into addiction treatment has found that individuals who engage with aftercare services have a reduced chance of relapsing (returning to substances) than those who do not access an aftercare programme. [15]

    This suggests that post-rehab care is pivotal in long-term recovery and therefore, in relapse prevention. 

    You may access your aftercare at an outpatient clinic, at a health centre, or in the community.

    Aftercare can take many forms, including:

    Take the First Step to Recovery

    If you are ready to take the first step towards recovery, Drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom may be the place for you. Rehab Recovery is run by a specialist dedicated clinical team from a range of medical, psychological, and other fields.

    If you are worried about your alcohol intake, or feel that you may know someone struggling with drug abuse, you can contact Rehab Recovery or use the online form to request a call back from a member of our specialist team about accessing professional treatment at a local rehab centre in the Epsom area.

    Contact Us Today

    If you are uncomfortable with speaking over the phone, you can use our free chat service at any time to speak with a professional virtually to learn about our professional and specialist approach to substance abuse issues.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Epsom on 0800 088 66 86

















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