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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Clapham

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Clapham. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Clapham

    Rehab is a word that people may use interchangeably with recovery. However, rehab refers to a very specific sequence of treatments, and works to help individuals progress away from addiction and towards both physical and mental sobriety.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Clapham on 0800 088 66 86

    Beginning with the body

    A person in a jumper, arms resting on a balcony overlooking a winter scene

    In many cases of addiction, the body develops an intense dependence on a substance. When this happens, the chemical and hormonal systems of the body become skewed, moulding around a substance’s presence and becoming reliant on it.

    This places individuals in a very vulnerable situation, and they become unable to go without a substance without experiencing withdrawal. This poses a large barrier to recovery, so rehab begins with detox.

    Detox sees individuals gradually reducing their consumption over a period of 7 to 10 days. This allows the body to become used to being sober without being thrown into a sudden imbalance.

    Moving onto the mind

    A man reading in bed

    Once detox has been successful – or if a physical dependency had never occurred – rehab’s priority then becomes the mind and its unhealthy dependency on a substance. Individuals always begin abusing for a reason, and these reasons exist as addictive triggers.

    Whether it is emotions, thoughts, relationships, or health, triggers are confronted within addiction therapy. This treatment helps individuals identify why they have become addicted to a substance and learn methods of coping with their difficulties in a healthier way.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Clapham on 0800 088 66 86

    Looking towards the future

    Two women looking at an ipad, smiling

    Once sobriety has been achieved with both the body and mind, the final task of drug and alcohol rehab in Clapham is to prepare individuals for life after treatment. It is all well and good to become sober, but work must be done to ensure such positive progress is protected.

    Leaving rehab places individuals back into the environment which triggered their initial substance abuse. As a result, they must be prepped for ensuring their hard work wasn’t in vain and avoid the stages of relapse [1].

    Primarily, relapse prevention will focus on managing the triggers which have been identified in therapy. A practical approach is adopted, with work focusing on where triggers can be avoided, reduced, or managed within the specific context of their life.

    Detox: the medical foundation of recovery

    Two people drinking coffee

    Detox is not simply the process of slowly consuming less and less of a substance. It is the most dangerous stage of drug and alcohol rehab in Clapham, and it requires a great deal of medical expertise to pull off.

    Doctors supervise the process and ensure that individuals proceed at a pace that their bodies can cope with. This relies on their expert knowledge and judgement. They can also provide medications when necessary.

    Benzodiazepines are the preferred medication to combat withdrawal and keep individuals on track during detox. They ease discomfort and painand protect physical and mental health in moments where symptoms would otherwise cause harm.

    The medical approach to detox is invaluable because it ensures that individuals become sober without compromising their health to do so. It also means they enter the next stage of rehab in the best frame of mind possible, aiding their engagement with triggers.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Clapham on 0800 088 66 86

    What addiction therapy options are available?

    A group of people sitting in armchairs

    Detox is quite a rigid system, following a certain structure in order to be effective. Therapy, on the other hand, can adjust its shape and structure to accommodate how an individual might best engage with and overcome their triggers.

    This stage of treatment can also shift in accordance with the actual nature of an individual’s triggers. Below are some of the most common kinds of therapy used in drug and alcohol rehab in Clapham.

    1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    With CBT, individuals work to identify how their patterns of thinking have become a consistent pathway to substance abuse. A therapist aids them in understanding how their thoughts influence behaviour, as well as how they can interrupt and change them.

    2. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

    Intense emotions can incentivise the use of drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. Whether it is sadness, anger, or shame, substance abuse can arise due to a desire to calm or ease bad feelings. DBT talks through these feelings in order to find healthier solutions.

    3. Family therapy

    Disagreements and long-standing feuds between relatives can act as catalysts for substance misuse. Family therapy facilitates conversations between relatives in order to identify how addiction has evolved and find a way to ease the issues at hand.

    4. Group therapy

    Working with others who are also recovering from addiction can work wonders for an individual. Not only can they feel heard and understood by those to who they can relate, but they can also see first-hand the benefits of engaging with treatment.

    5. Holistic therapy

    Specific triggers are the focus of many therapy styles, but the individual as a whole being can also be treated. By using exercise, music, art, and mindfulness, holistic treatments can draw individuals away from addiction by improving their health and sense of purpose.

    6. Motivational interviewing

    Therapy can perform multiple functions. Motivational interviewing helps individuals identify what they want in life, and position these dreams as motivation for sticking with treatment. Sessions help boost engagement with other forms of treatment and maintain enthusiasm.

    How much will drug and alcohol rehab in Clapham cost me?


    Money is an important factor to consider when thinking about starting drug and alcohol rehab in Clapham. Individuals should only look into programmes which they can afford without falling into financial hardship, but what prices are out there?

    £14,000 is the average price for a week of addiction treatment in the UK. Prices can be found, however, within the range of £1,000 and £10,000. Private, luxury centres often charge more than this, with some rising up to and above £70,000.

    Of course, these prices can spark fear in many people. For those who can’t afford to pay for rehab themselves, local councils often set aside funds to help those in need to access addiction treatment. While hard to acquire, these funds can make all the difference.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Clapham on 0800 088 66 86

    Will I be in rehab for months?

    Two women laughing on a sofa.

    A large reason why individuals may reject the idea of going to rehab is because of how long they expect the process will take. With family and work obligations to think about, how can you be expected to disappear for months in order to combat addiction?

    In reality, the duration of drug and alcohol rehab in Clapham tends to be 28 days. The first 7 are spent working through detox, and the remaining 21 are dedicated to therapy and relapse prevention.

    If an individual were to spend longer in rehab, it would not be random.

    Some of the potential reasons for treatment taking longer than 28 days include:

    • An addiction being very severe
    • A pre-existing physical or mental health condition complicating detox or therapy
    • An individual refusing to cooperate with treatment or medical staff

    What is aftercare and why is it important?

    Couple on beach

    The end of rehab does not mark the end of an individual’s recovery. Although completing detox and rehab, and being able to return home is a massive achievement, beating addiction is a long-term battle, requiring continuous engagement with triggers.

    To do this, individuals can access aftercare services. These are treatment opportunities which aid the ongoing work of managing triggers, maintaining physical health, and protecting the progress made during rehab.

    Aftercare can also take steps which rehab is unable to. For example, it can provide support dedicated to a certain kind of addiction. Those recovering from alcoholism can access Alcoholics Anonymous sessions, working with others who share similar experiences.

    Dual diagnosis: what is it?

    Mental health

    When an individual experiences addiction and another mental health condition at the same time, it is known as a dual diagnosis [2]. The recognition of these co-existing conditions is very important for successful rehab, and the reason for this is very simple.

    If an individual’s addiction has arisen as a result of their inability to cope with anxiety, depression, or another psychological problem, dual diagnosis is necessary for effective therapy. By knowing the trigger, sessions can be infinitely more efficient.

    The same goes for poor mental health has developed as a result of addiction. Dual diagnosis allows rehab to provide individuals with the support they need to achieve the mental health they once had, and start fresh along with becoming sober.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Clapham on 0800 088 66 86

    Why can’t I get better at home?

    A woman with her eyes closed

    After learning about the different stages of drug and alcohol rehab in Clapham, individuals may wonder whether they can beat their addiction in the comfort of their own homes. If they quit their substance abuse and attend therapy sessions, is recovery not possible?

    The unfortunate reality is that very few individuals are able to beat their addiction without attending rehab. This is not to say that only a select few are capable of maintaining their motivation and resolve, but that most addictions are much too serious.

    In terms of detox, individuals are very unlikely to be able to slowly decrease their consumption. The temptation will prove too strong, and the alternative approach of going ‘cold turkey’ will only spark withdrawal and put them in incredible danger.

    As for therapy, the progress that can be made is incredibly limited by not being within a treatment environment. An individual will have no support outside of sessions, and the inability to get sober will act as a huge barrier to properly engaging with triggers.

    Within drug and alcohol rehab in Clapham, these problems are negated. Not only can doctors oversee and facilitate a safe detox, but being within a supportive environment around the clock can aid the progress of therapeutic treatments.

    Finding the right support: key things to remember

    A person writing a checklist in a jotter

    Individuals may feel overwhelmed by the options that are out there fore addiction support. How are you supposed to organise and prioritise what’s available? To make the process easier, it can help to bear some of the following things in mind.

    1. Treatments and approach

    Detox is only required when a physical dependency has developed, and individuals will benefit more from different styles of therapy depending on their triggers. In order to ensure rehab will be effective, you need to know what approach to recovery you need.

    Speak with a doctor or GP and let them help you in determining what kind of support you might need. You can also speak with an addiction support charity that can provide expertise on which therapy options can help with which triggers.

    With this information, you can then refine your search and look for rehab facilities which offer exactly the kind of care you need.

    2. Experience and atmosphere

    It’s important to know what you need, but it can also help to know what you want. Do you want to enjoy the rehab experience, taking your time to maximise comfort and relaxation? Or do you want to go as fast as possible, and return home with the least delay?

    Different treatment programmes will offer alternative ways of navigating addiction rehab.

    If you know what kind of atmosphere you will thrive in, whether it is slow and steady or efficient and minimal, it can help you narrow your options down.

    3. Affordability

    A much more practical consideration, it is essential that you consult your budget. The amount of money you are able to spend on treatment will have a great effect on what programmes you can access.

    As referenced earlier, you should also look into what financial support you can gain.

    If you cannot afford treatment, see if your local council can provide you with funding and then assess which treatment programmes fall within that budget.

    4. Reputation

    Every facility will have a long list of previous patients. In many cases, some of these patients will have left a review online about their experience, and a lot can be gleaned about the reputation of a programme by looking at these.

    A facility will clearly communicate what it has to offer, but what might a patient have to say?

    Often, these reviews lend an insight into the accommodation, the catering, the friendliness of staff, and the general vibe of the place. If this stuff matters, look into it!

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Clapham on 0800 088 66 86

    How Rehab Recovery can help

    If you are wanting to recover from substance abuse and don’t know where to start, Rehab Recovery is here to help.

    Whether you need more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Clapham or want to speak to someone about your experiences, our helpful team are ready to offer you the guidance you need and help you make that all-important step towards recovery.

    If you need us, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Give us a call on 0800 088 66 86!




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