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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Galloway

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Galloway. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Galloway

    Dumfries is a town in the Dumfries & Galloway borough of Scotland in the UK.

    Rehab Recovery are an organisation within the healthcare sector, specialising in offering a wide range of treatment options for addiction.

    We have numerous treatment centres across England, Wales and Scotland, as well as overseas and are known for our professional alcohol and drug support.

    We are providers of various services and mental health interventions and pride ourselves on our ability to give advice on addiction, as well as offering a personalised plan of care tailored to you.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Galloway on 0800 088 66 86

    What kind of addictions do we treat in Galloway?

    A man reading in bed

    At drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway, we offer programmes for alcohol addiction issues, as well as treatment for drug use.

    If you or a loved one are struggling with any of the following addictions, you can contact us today to find out more about the range of services we offer:

    The first thing that often springs to mind when people talk about addiction is problematic drug use – and usually, illicit or illegal substances.

    However, it is possible to get addicted to things that are entirely legal. [1]

    In fact, it is quite common for individuals to get an addiction to prescription medications, or readily available substances such as alcohol, caffeine, and even sugar. [2] [3]

    As well as the substance abuse side of things, we also offer service access to people struggling with behavioural addictions. [4]

    Whilst behavioural addictions aren’t physically addictive, they can dramatically impact our lives and can cause a range of mental health issues, as well as potentially create tension in our relationships, meaning they can have effects just as serious as those experienced by clients with substance abuse issues. [5]

    The signs and symptoms of addiction

    Two people holding hands

    We all react to things in different ways – we all have different ways of thinking and feeling things, and processing information and life events as individuals.

    Because of this, it can be tricky to know what an addiction will look like.

    You may find that in some people you know, you think you can see some of the signs of addiction quite clearly.

    However, you may know some people who are struggling with dependency who may mask how they are doing quite well.

    For this reason, it’s important not to rely on stereotypes of what addiction looks like, and instead, learn a little bit about what kinds of signs and symptoms clinical professionals look for. [6]

    Some of the signs health professionals may look for include:

    • unexplained issues with physical health
    • unexplained issues with mental health, or a significant decline in general wellbeing
    • what may look like a ‘change in personality’ to an outsider, being more withdrawn or absent from usual social circles
    • difficulties continuing with work commitments
    • difficulties continuing with education commitments
    • difficulties managing finances, increased money worries
    • difficulties with running the home
    • decline in attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness
    • difficulties with sleep
    • increased use of prescription and /or over the counter medications [7]

    Addiction in the Galloway Area

    Men chatting

    Dumfries is a town in the Dumfries & Galloway borough of Scotland in the UK.

    Alcohol Use in Galloway

    Public Health Scotland estimates that alcohol consumption in 2021 equates to around 18.1 units per adult every week. [8]

    The guideline for low-risk drinking suggests an upper limit of 14 units a week.

    It’s estimated that almost a quarter of adults in Scotland drink above this recommended 14 units regularly.

    In 2020, there were 1,190 alcohol-related deaths in Scotland. [9]

    Drug Use in Galloway

    In 2020, 1,339 drug-related deaths were recorded in Scotland.

    This number has been increasing yearly since 1996. [10]

    This report from The National Records of Scotland breaks down this statistic to look at the drugs that were involved in each death.

    It found that:

    • 1,192 deaths were associated with opiates
    • 974 deaths were associated with benzodiazepines
    • 502 deaths were associated with gabapentin and/or pregabalin
    • 459 deaths were associated with cocaine [11]

    In Dumfries and Galloway, the drug-related death rate is 19.3.

    This means that around 19 people out of every 1,000,000 died for drug-related reasons in Galloway in 2020. [12]

    In Scotland as a whole, there were more than 3.5 times that amount of drug-related deaths than in the UK put together.

    This puts Scotland’s drug morbidity rate at the highest of any European country. [13]

    This suggests there is a very high need for drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway and the surrounding areas.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Galloway on 0800 088 66 86

    Admission and Assessment

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    Admission is what happens when you officially start a drug or alcohol intervention.

    For this to happen though, you will need to have an assessment first.

    An assessment may sound intense. Really, an assessment is a conversation with a clinician.

    They will ask you questions about your current consumption levels to establish your situation to establish what kind of treatment may be best for you at this stage.

    This also acts as a kind of risk assessment to determine your safety at present.

    One way to assess what kind of care will work best for you is using the CAGE method.

    The CAGE is a questionnaire and is a frequently used assessment tool in addiction services.

    The questions on the CAGE questionnaire are:

    1. do you feel that you should restrict the amount of alcohol you drink and/or the number of drugs you use?
    2. do you feel annoyed when people comment on the amount of alcohol you drink and/or the number of drugs you use?
    3. do you feel guilty or embarrassed about the amount of alcohol you drink and/or the number of drugs you use?
    4. have you ever had a drink or taken drugs soon after waking up to help you manage the day? [14]

    Rehab Recovery use confidential assessments.

    This means that we will not share the information you give us during assessment unless it suggests there is a risk to yourself or others.

    After the assessment, your clinician will begin to get a sense of what support may work best for you – if you may benefit from engaging with our range of community-based support, or if you would be better suited to residential support with 24-hour care.

    The Detoxification Process

    A woman reading sitting on the floor

    Below, we outline what you should expect during the drug and alcohol detox process in Galloway:

    Will I need to have a detox?

    Usually, the addiction that you are seeking help for will decide if you need to have a detox incorporated into your treatment.

    This is because not all drugs are physically addictive.

    We can get addicted to some drugs due to the psychological effects.

    Some examples of psychologically addictive drugs include:

    Psychologically addictive drugs do not require a detox stage, as it is safe for you to stop using these drugs without experiencing intense or dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

    What happens during a detox?

    During a detox, you will be expected to refrain from using the substance you are in treatment for.

    During this time, you will be monitored by clinical staff who will make sure that the process of ‘coming off’ the drug is safe and that you are able to access medical treatment if you need to.

    You may need to have a medically assisted detox. This will mean you may be prescribed medication to help your body adjust and keep you functioning as expected. [16]

    How long does detox last?

    The duration of a detox will depend on the substance that you’re in treatment for.

    Typically, a detox will last until you are no longer experiencing withdrawal symptoms and you are not experiencing cravings for the substance.

    This means that the detox phase of treatment can end anywhere between 3 and 10 days, but that the process of ‘detoxing’ as a whole may not be fully completed until you do not get cravings for the drug anymore.

    What are withdrawal symptoms?

    Withdrawal symptoms are sensations or side effects that you may get while your body is adjusting to the substance leaving your body.

    The severity of withdrawal symptoms will depend on many things, including how long you used the drug and in what quantities, your own physical health, and the type of drug you are detoxing from.

    Some of the drugs it can be most difficult to withdraw from are:

    Can I detox from home?

    This will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

    Some drugs are safer to withdraw from than others, meaning that detox carries a decreased risk, and therefore it is less of an issue for you to detox from home.

    A home detox will still be overseen by medical professionals, however, this will not be constant supervision. Instead, you will be visited by a nurse or other clinician throughout your detox to ensure you are safe.

    Some drugs carry a higher risk of physical complications, meaning that it is not advisable to detox at home, and you would benefit from detoxing in a clinical setting at a drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway. [22]

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Galloway on 0800 088 66 86

    Addiction Therapy Treatment

    Once you are safely detoxed are managing any withdrawal symptoms well, you can begin to start the core of rehab treatment – psychological intervention.

    Therapy comes in many different shapes and sizes – there is a style of therapeutic support for everybody.

    Some of the therapies we offer at drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway include:

    Therapeutic communities or self-help groups

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A doctor typing with a stethoscope beside the laptop

    To help you get a sense of the kind of service we offer at drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway, we have put together a series of answers to some frequently asked questions about our service to give you a sense of what you can expect during your time with us.

    If you find that your question is not on this list, you can contact us directly to find out any further information that you may need.

    What is the difference between private and NHS treatment?

    Private treatment refers to any kind of care that you access through a specialist addiction provider, and not through one of the 14 NHS boards in Scotland.

    What is the difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab?

    Inpatient rehab is a residential kind of treatment.

    This means you will be temporarily residing in the treatment facility for the duration of your time in drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway, and will usually have a daily timetable of treatment and appointments designed around supporting you.

    Outpatient rehab does not require you to change your usual living arrangements.

    During outpatient rehab, you will access your support through organised appointments.

    These may be at your local health care centre, in community spaces, or you may need to travel to the drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway for sessions from time to time.

    How long does rehab last?

    Typically, people stay in rehab treatment for about 28 days or 4 weeks. [23]

    This isn’t the case for all, though.

    Some people stay in rehab for much longer, for several months, and some people for much less, staying only for a few days.

    The length of your treatment will be discussed with you by your clinical team. 

    Whilst it isn’t possible to perfectly predict how long treatment will last, you will be able to have a sense of approximately how long you may be in treatment for at drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway.

    Your progress during treatment will be assessed continually, meaning that you will be kept in the loop of where you are in your treatment journey throughout.

    How much does rehab cost, and how do I pay for it?

    The Cost

    Inpatient support can cost anywhere between £1000 and £10,000 for a week in rehab.

    Average prices for a week at drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway are usually around £14,000 for 28 days or 4 weeks of treatment, meaning that you can expect to pay around £500 for a day of residential support.

    How Do I Pay?

    You can fund your support in several ways.

    You can do this by:

    • accessing support through an NHS board
    • setting up a direct debit scheme
    • assistance through a health insurance provider
    • assistance through your employer’s health insurance provider
    • assistance from family and friends
    • fundraising or support through charities and other organisations

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Galloway on 0800 088 66 86

    What if I have a mental health condition?

    At drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway, we understand that addiction and mental health are very closely connected.

    We know, for example, that many people who access support for addiction have a dual diagnosis.

    A dual diagnosis is when someone has more than one condition.

    It is quite common for adults dealing with substance misuse to also have a diagnosis of a mental health condition.

    Some of the most common dual diagnoses include:

    It is also possible that you may be dealing with difficulties related to grief or insomnia, which can also be connected to substance use. [24]

    At drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway, we are able to advise you on what kinds of treatment may help you to tackle your addiction whilst also helping you to manage any symptoms you may be experiencing due to a dual diagnosis.

    The goal here is to help you to tackle your addiction and also to develop skills in how to help yourself manage the difficult thoughts and feelings that can occur in different mental health conditions in a way that helps you to avoid returning to drugs or alcohol in the future.

    Starting Your Treatment Journey

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    If you are ready to take the first step towards recovery, Drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway may be the place for you.

    If you are worried about your alcohol intake, or feel that you may know someone struggling with drug abuse, you can contact Rehab Recovery at 0800 088 66 86 or use the online form to request a call back from a member of our specialist team about accessing professional treatment at a local rehab centre in the Galloway area.

    We are happy to speak to you about the range of treatment options we have available, including our intensive outpatient support, structured inpatient rehab, and the many kinds of therapeutic services we can offer to our clients.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Galloway on 0800 088 66 86

    How to get in touch

    If you are ready to access support for addiction or believe that a loved one would benefit from being in contact with us, we are more than happy to speak with you and learn more about your current situation.

    You can contact our team at drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway in a range of different ways to seek advice, including:

    • through our online chat function
    • by requesting a callback
    • by calling our UK landline (0800 088 66 66)
    • by calling our international line (+44 330 333 6197)
    • via our email address  (
    • via our postal address (Rehab Recovery, 148 Southgate Road, London, N1 3HX)

    Put your best foot forward today by starting your journey with our specialist drug and alcohol rehab in Galloway.


























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