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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Rowley Regis

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Rowley Regis. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Rowley Regis

    Addiction, also referred to as substance addiction or substance use disorder (to avoid confusion with behavioural addiction), is a brain disease of chronic relapsing.

    Despite many of the stigmatising misconceptions which surround drug and alcohol addiction, it is in fact classified as a brain disease.

    When someone is suffering from a substance addiction, it is because their brains are stimulated and respond differently to addictive substances than other people. An addicted person’s brain is susceptible to drastic changes in their neural pathways.

    When an addicted person consumes drugs or alcohol, their reward pathways are changed in a way which makes them crave this substance even more, making them both psychologically and physically dependent on this intoxicating substance to experience euphoria.

    Being addicted to drugs and alcohol not only makes them yearn for this addictive substance, but it also makes them suffer when they abstain from it.

    During periods of withdrawal, the addicted person will experience a range of discomforting symptoms which can not only harm them but may even have the potential to kill them, depending on how severe their addiction is.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis on 0800 088 66 86

    Drug and Alcohol Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms

    A man turning away

    The withdrawal symptoms associated with drug and alcohol addiction come in many different forms, and their level of severity will depend on several factors, such as the addicted person’s physical and mental health, any existing health problems, how much of the substance they are consuming, and so on.

    These withdrawal symptoms can be divided into two categories, physical and psychological. Physical withdrawal symptoms tend to require more medical care and assistance since they can not only lead to lasting damage but they can lead to seizures and even death.

    Psychological symptoms, although detrimental to one’s health and ability to lead to long-term mental health issues, are not as dangerous as physical withdrawal symptoms in the short term.

    Examples of physical withdrawal symptoms include headaches, diarrhoea, trembling, vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle cramps, and even seizures.

    They can even lead to fatality. Psychological withdrawal symptoms can manifest in forms such as anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, erratic behaviour, and much more.

    Long-Term Symptoms of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    Not only does the addicted person need to be concerned about the short-term withdrawal symptoms, but they should be concerned about the long-term health ramifications associated with drug and alcohol addiction.

    Many of these symptoms are not limited to those who are addicted. Even moderate drinkers and drug consumers are susceptible to developing a range of cancers, diseases, and health disorders due to the consumption of toxic substances.

    A significant number of those who consume drugs and alcohol in excessive amounts develop mental health conditions such as anxiety disorder, clinical depression, bipolar disorder, or even schizophrenia.

    Should the addicted person keep engaging in these substances without seeking professional medical help, the damage may be irreversible.

    Additionally, alcohol leads to a range of physical issues as well as psychological. It particularly affects the liver, which is the largest organ inside the body.

    Liver disease is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the UK, and around 90% are attributed to alcohol consumption (and are thus referred to as Alcoholic Liver Disease).

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis on 0800 088 66 86

    Entering a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Rowley Regis

    Two people with an alcohol bottle looking at the night city skyline

    From 2021 to 2022, the United Kingdom saw over 289,000 adults [1] coming into contact with a drug and alcohol rehabilitation service in order to combat their addiction. Unfortunately, while this statistic is incredibly high, less than half of this figure went on to receive treatment at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre.

    In Rowley Regis and the rest of the West Midlands, the problems related to drug and alcohol addiction are enormous.

    Statistics show that there were 215 drug related deaths in the West Midlands [2] (including Rowley Regis) in the year ending March 2020.

    Furthermore, half of the serious crimes reported (such as assault, burglary, and theft) are committed by people who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    While the West Midlands certainly struggles from the impacts of drug and alcohol addiction, in Rowley Regis and the rest of the borough of Sandwell, there is a rate of 2.3 drug related deaths per 100,000 population [3], which is significantly lower than the national average of 5.1 deaths per 100,000.

    This is because Sandwell have invested a large sum into drug and alcohol services in order to combat addiction.

    If you are suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction, you can contact Rehab Recovery. At Rehab Recovery, your health will be at the forefront of our priority.

    We will ensure that you find the most optimal treatment programme and drug and alcohol rehab facility in Rowley Regis to accommodate your unique needs.

    You can contact us by dialling the number 0800 088 66 86. When you contact us, you will be greeted by a friendly team member at Rehab Recovery.

    You will be free to ask any questions or concerns that you may have about your health, treatment options, the rehabilitation centre, and so on.

    When you are ready, and only with your consent, we will help you conduct a health assessment, which requires you to answer a series of questions regarding your health status, addiction history, medical history, and so on. Once completed, our admissions team and addiction specialists will evaluate your information (with complete confidence) in order to identify the most optimal rehab centre and treatment plan for you.

    Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Rowley Regis

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table

    Patients are able to undergo various levels of care at their drug and alcohol rehab. These levels of care come with different benefits, and the higher the level, the more intense the level of care and support is.

    Levels of care at a drug and alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis:

    Typically, patients who are suffering from milder forms of addiction will benefit from levels 1 and 2.

    Patients who are suffering from more severe withdrawal symptoms, high levels of consumption, or co-occurring disorders such as mental health issues will benefit from level 3 and 4.

    Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Rowley Regis

    An outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis grants patients both flexibility and a cost-effective form of treatment. At an outpatient rehab [4], patients will be able to undergo therapy, counselling, and support sessions while having the freedom to return home each night.

    Patients will typically attend 3 to 6 hours of therapy and counselling per week, whereas those undergoing the intensive outpatient programme will undergo up to 30 hours of treatment per week.

    The outpatient treatment programme is optimal for patients who require treatment but are not suffering as severely as others.

    If a patient is suffering from mild withdrawal symptoms, and does not have any other physical or mental health issues which affect their recovery, outpatient treatment is a viable option for them.

    Inpatient and Residential Rehab in Rowley Regis

    An inpatient, on the other hand, will undergo treatment at a residential rehab facility [5]. This is also known as a private rehab. Here, patients will undergo a more concise, intensive, and comprehensive form of the treatment programme.

    Outpatient treatment is typically criticised for its lack of personalisation and intensiveness when compared to inpatient treatment.

    While inpatient treatment is certainly beneficial for those suffering from mild forms of addiction, it is particularly beneficial for those who are suffering from moderate and severe forms of addiction.

    If a patient is suffering from co-occurring disorders (e.g. mental health issues and addiction), severe withdrawal symptoms, a high likelihood of relapsing, and so on, they would benefit from undergoing residential rehab recovery as an inpatient.

    Patients who are suffering from physical withdrawal symptoms will also be able to undergo a medicated detox at their residential drug and alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis.

    This is much safer and more effective than a home detox, because patients will receive 24/7 care and support from a team of medical professionals while undergoing medication prescribed by an addiction physician.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis on 0800 088 66 86

    Medical Detox at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Rowley Regis

    Pills spilling out of a bottle

    Patients who are suffering from intense or severe withdrawal symptoms, especially those who are physical withdrawal symptoms, will need to undergo a medical detox at their drug and alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis.

    Not only can withdrawal symptoms impact someone’s responsiveness to recovery methods, but they can also have the ability to kill patients. Those who are suffering from severe physical dependencies to substances such as heroin, for example, may suffer from seizures which can lead to death.

    A medical detox at a residential drug and alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis will provide patients with a comfortable environment in a medically supported facility to overcome their symptoms. Here, they will have access to 24/7 care and support from medical staff, and they will also be prescribed medication by addiction physicians.

    These medications will vary in their purposes, although the goal will always be to minimise withdrawal symptoms.

    Some forms of medication will be utilised to treat anxiety or insomnia, whereas another form of medication will be used to prevent seizures, reduce vomiting, fatigue, and so on.

    Therapy at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Rowley Regis

    A woman reading sitting on the floor

    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) [6]: CBT is potentially the most well-known form of therapy on this list. This is because it is not only a form of one-to-one counselling which targets addiction, it treats a wide range of co-occurring disorders. 
    • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) [7]: DBT is another popular form of therapy and it is particularly effective in assisting patients in overcoming their heightened emotions. Being emotional can have a detrimental impact on someone’s mental health and also their recovery process, resulting in them relapsing and engaging in drugs and alcohol more excessively. DBT will help patients become more rational and proactive as they learn about the intricacies of mindfulness and stress management.
    • Alternative & Holistic Therapy [8]: Holism is the idea of considering and treating the patient as a whole. Instead of targeting specific symptoms, improving the physical, mental, and spiritual health of patients. This can be done by incorporating a wide range of holistic and beneficial activities such as yoga, massages, meditation, equine therapy, adventure therapy, and much more. The idea is that a healthier patient will have a better response to treatment methods.
    • Family Therapy [9]: Family therapy will improve communication between family members, offer emotional support and counselling, and also improve the family’s awareness and knowledge about addiction. Not only does it benefit the family member’s mental health, it can reinforce the effectiveness of the patient’s immediate support network.
    • Group Therapy: Group therapy is an effective way to combat social isolation and to facilitate emotional purgation. By allowing peer discussion, patients can openly communicate to one another about their addiction and recovery experience. Since they are each striving for the same purpose, which is long term recovery, the level of positive and social reinforcement will be greater, which will promote recovery and healthy lifestyle habits.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis on 0800 088 66 86

    Benefits of Aftercare Services

    When the patient successfully completes their addiction treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Rowley Regis, they will have the option to undergo an aftercare programme as an outpatient.

    Statistically, patients are up to six times more likely to remain in recovery and sobriety when they are undergoing an aftercare programme. This is because in order to establish long-term recovery, patients and former patients will need to keep practising methods of abstinence, and an aftercare programme can facilitate this.

    An aftercare programme may offer support sessions to former patients, as well as career guidance and financial guidance following their time at rehab.

    It may also grant them access to support networks such as Alcoholics Anonymous [10], Narcotics Anonymous [11], and SMART Recovery [12], which are effective in helping patients maintain their recovery.

    Attending a local fellowship group such as Alcoholics Anonymous will benefit the patient in many ways.

    Not only will they be introduced to a new form of support network with new members, but they will also be able to undergo the 12-Step Facilitation Programme which is highly reputable and known for its effectiveness when it comes to sustaining sobriety.

    The 12-Step Facilitation Programme, utilised by many rehab centres and support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, is an active engagement strategy which provides a lifestyle structure for those who want to sustain their sobriety.


    [1] Adult Substance Misuse Treatment Statistics 2021 to 2022: Report

    [2] PCC Response to ONS Drug Related Deaths Statistics

    [3] Drug Misuse Deaths Less Than Half the National Average

    [4] Outpatient Addiction Treatment – Rehab Recovery

    [5] Residential Addiction Treatment – Rehab Recovery

    [6] Alcoholics Anonymous – Rehab Recovery

    [7] DBT for Addiction Treatment – Rehab Recovery

    [8] Alternative & Holistic Therapy for Addiction – Rehab Recovery

    [9] Family Addiction Counselling – Rehab Recovery

    [10] Alcoholics Anonymous – Rehab Recovery

    [11] What is Narcotics Anonymous? – Rehab Recovery

    [12] SMART Recovery: What Is It and How It Can Help?

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