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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Wisbech

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Wisbech

    If you are thinking about attending drug and alcohol rehab in Wisbech, Rehab Recovery can help you get started.

    Wisbech has been recorded as the worst medium-sized town in Cambridgeshire for drug-related offences [1] as well as experiencing various alcohol-related problems, so an increase in rehab admissions can only be a good thing for Wisbech residents.

    What is drug and alcohol rehab?

    A male patient talking to a female therapist

    It is very difficult to recover from a drug or alcohol addiction by yourself, using willpower alone.

    Some substances as heroin and alcohol are powerfully addictive, and it can be dangerous or even deadly to attempt to stop using them without medical support.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Wisbech is a safe and comfortable environment where you can heal and recover from addiction without being judged.

    Your safety is our top priority and we will do everything we can to make the process easier and more manageable for you.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Wisbech, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    How does the admissions process work at drug and alcohol rehab in Wisbech?

    In person therapy session

    The admissions process is one of the most important parts of drug and alcohol rehab in Wisbech, as this is where you will be assessed and receive your personalised treatment plan.

    It’s likely that you will be nervous when you first arrive at rehab, but our friendly staff will make you feel calmer and at ease.

    They first will check your belongings to ensure that you are not bringing any prohibited items into the clinic. This is to prioritise the safety of both yourself and the other patients.

    You will then undergo several physical and psychological assessments so that our medical team can understand more about your condition.

    They will determine whether you have a co-occurring physical or mental health disorder, the severity of your addiction and any other factors that could impede your recovery.

    Once this process is complete, you will receive your treatment plan which is carefully tailored to your needs and be shown to your room where you can unpack.

    What happens during rehab?

    Two men in 1-1 therapy


    If you’ve never experienced a drug or alcohol detox before, it can be a difficult and unpleasant process.

    You are working to flush all substances out of your system by gradually cutting down on your use of them over 7-10 days.

    Many people will experience withdrawal symptoms which can be managed effectively by your medical team. [2]


    Addiction counselling is arguably even more difficult than a detox, as you will be exploring your emotions, experiences and behaviours with a counsellor over the course of at least three weeks.

    It can be an emotionally painful process, but a necessary one to get to the root of the addiction and address the thoughts and behaviours that are contributing. [3]

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Wisbech, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Relapse prevention

    two women talking on a sofa together

    During counselling you will create a relapse prevention plan, something you can always refer back to once you leave rehab.

    It will help you to stay on track with your recovery and remain sober even through the difficult times.


    Addiction treatment continues even after you leave rehab, as recovery is a lifelong process.

    You will be informed about the different types of aftercare and support services available in Wisbech, from support group meetings to SMART Recovery programmes and ongoing counselling.

    It is recommended that you access at least one of these services to give you the best chance of a full recovery.

    What types of rehab are available in Wisbech?

    A group of people at a table with notebooks

    One of the many benefits of attending drug and alcohol rehab is the opportunity to choose between a wide range of different rehab options.


    An inpatient is someone who stays at the rehab clinic while receiving treatment. They will sleep, eat and recover under the same roof as other patients.

    This allows them to escape from a potentially unhealthy living environment and removes triggers and temptations that are present in the outside world, so they can focus solely on recovery.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Wisbech, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.


    Woman in a treatment centre

    An outpatient is someone who lives at home while receiving treatment. They can continue to work and look after children while accessing rehab on a part-time basis.

    Usually a more affordable option than inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab can make addiction treatment more accessible for a wider range of people.


    Private rehab patients pay for their own treatment, usually through savings, family and friends, insurance, payment plans or crowdfunding.

    This allows them to skip the long waiting lists and access drug and alcohol rehab inn Wisbech quickly. They can also customise their treatment programmes and extend them if needed.


    NHS-funded rehab patients get free addiction treatment paid for by the government. This is only available to a small number of people every year.

    There are no dedicated NHS rehabs in Wisbech, so patients will benefit from the same high-quality care and treatment as private patients although waiting lists are usually much longer.

    How long does drug and alcohol rehab last in Wisbech?

    Phone calendar

    Knowing how much time you will need to put aside will help you to plan your stay at rehab, including taking time off work and organising childcare.

    Most rehabs in Wisbech have set programme lengths, which have been carefully designed to include time for detox and counselling as well as effective relapse prevention.

    You will not usually be able to pop in and out at will – instead, you will need to commit to one of the below programme lengths.

    • A 30-day treatment programme (this is usually the most popular)
    • A 60-day treatment programme (this is great for those who require extra care)
    • A 90-day treatment programme (this is beneficial for those with severe and long-lasting addictions)

    If you are unable to commit to any of the above treatment lengths, consider a 7-10 day supervised home detox programme or an outpatient programme.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    How much does drug and alcohol rehab cost in Wisbech?

    A phone calculator held above some documents

    You don’t have to go into debt to afford drug and alcohol rehab in Wisbech – in fact, it’s not recommended to.

    Getting into debt for addiction treatment can increase feelings of stress and pressure, making it more likely that you will relapse once you leave rehab.

    Instead, take the time to shop around for a rehab clinic that meets your needs and works with your budget.

    You can expect to pay an average of £495 per day for rehab, which works out to around £15,000 for a 30-day programme.

    Some rehabs offer payment plans, so you can pay off the balance over months or even years.

    Others are cheaper, offering treatment programmes for as little as £1,000 a week in return for less luxurious accommodations and limited facilities.

    If you’re struggling to pay the fees, try asking your friends and family for help or seeing if you can claim through your private health or employee insurance.

    How can I stay sober after drug and alcohol rehab in Wisbech?

    Two women looking at an ipad, smiling

    Staying sober after rehab isn’t always easy – it’s a lifelong process that you will need to change and adapt over time.

    Below are some effective strategies to increase your chances of staying sober after drug and alcohol rehab in Wisbech:

    • Organise regular therapy sessions, ideally at least once a week. This allows you to check in with yourself and ensure that you are still on track.
    • Set goals that you want to achieve. Find a reason to get up in the morning and stay sober.
    • Attend local support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. This is a great way to connect with other people with similar experiences, and a place that you can give and receive support.
    • Create a regular schedule to help fill the time and reduce opportunities for you to feel bored and crave substances.
    • Attend all of your appointments. This helps to create a sense of accountability and responsibility, and also ensures that you are receiving all the help you need.
    • Take care of yourself – eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, exercise regularly and drink lots of water.
    • Rid your home of any alcohol and drug paraphernalia, and avoid associating with anyone who uses these substances.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    What is the HALT technique?

    Woman in therapy session

    Some of the most common triggers for a relapse are also some of the most common human sensations: hunger, anger, loneliness and tiredness.

    It’s easy to forget about your basic needs, particularly if you are still learning how to care for yourself effectively after rehab.

    But if you don’t stop every now and then to see how you’re feeling and whether your needs are being met, you are at higher risk of relapsing.

    HALT is a technique that you can use to prevent relapse and manage triggers. [4]

    During the day or when you feel a compulsion to use substances, make sure to check in with yourself regularly and think HALT – am I hungry, angry, lonely or tired?

    This can help you to identify the areas in your life that you need to work on, and can also show you that something as simple as calling a friend or eating a healthy snack can reduce your cravings and compulsions.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Wisbech, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    An elderly man wearing a hat, smiling







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