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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Bridgwater

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Bridgwater. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Bridgwater

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater is a treatment composed of three primary stages. Each of these works in tandem to alleviate an individual of their dependency on a substance, and equips them with the skills and knowledge for remaining sober.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bridgwater on 0800 088 66 86

    Stages of Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Bridgwater

    Support group

    Stage 1: medical detox

    To begin, drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater focuses on what is often the primary barrier standing between an addicted individual and sobriety. With alcohol and many other substances, consistent use forces the body to become unable to function without them.

    Physical dependence like this cannot be overcome by simply quitting consumption. Withdrawal symptoms pose too much of a threat, and so rehab employs detox to help individuals gradually wean themselves from their usage of drugs or alcohol.

    Medical detox is a careful and structured treatment. Doctors oversee the gradual reduction of consumption and provide benzodiazepines to help individuals stay on track when they face withdrawal.

    Over the course of 10 days, this process allows for safe sobriety.

    Stage 2: addiction therapy

    With physical sobriety achieved, drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater shifts its attention to the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction. While many addictions provoke physical dependency to develop, all will prompt a mental reliance upon substance use.

    Approaching this dimension of substance use requires therapy, a treatment which looks to tackle the triggers which encouraged substance misuse to begin with and continue to fuel consistent and unbreakable addictive habits.

    Sessions support individuals in identifying their personal triggersand then work to equip them with healthier coping mechanisms for handling them without needing to rely on drugs or alcohol.

    Stage 3: relapse prevention

    When an individual has worked hard to alleviate their physical and mental dependency on a drug or alcohol, they are almost ready to return to their everyday life. Before they can do this, however, they must go through the last stage of treatment: relapse prevention.

    This final step is important because many who leave drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater are at high risk of relapsing in the weeks following their treatment. There is no shame in this, but many programmes try to reduce this risk.

    Relapse prevention’s objective is to give individuals the skills, techniques, and information to identify when their triggers are having an influence on them and understand how they can combat this.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bridgwater on 0800 088 66 86

    Addiction therapy: its many faces and objectives


    The range of therapy options available in drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater is truly impressive. Because individuals can experience such a diversity of triggers, it is essential that therapy is able to adapt and be able to offer everyone the help and support they need.

    Addictive triggers all function in the same way: they encourage individuals to repeat their addictive behaviours.

    They differ, however, in how they do this, and so therapy must be able to shift its format to combat the different ways in which triggers exert influence.

    Some of the most popular addiction therapies out there include:

    • One-to-one therapy The most common format; individuals work with a therapist to identify and work through their triggers, building a rapport in the process which they rely on for emotional support and companionship.
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)With the support of a therapist, individuals learn to identify the thought processes which consistently push them towards substance misuse, as well as techniques for resisting and interrupting them.
    • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)Through extensive conversation, individuals become familiar with the emotions at the heart of their condition (often regret, shame, and anger) and learn skills for managing and understanding them better.
    • Group therapyJoining a group of others also recovering from addiction, individuals are able to speak with and learn from their peers, contributing to a supportive and welcoming sense of camaraderie in the process.
    • Holistic therapy Breaking away from the conventional focus on triggers alone, individuals can also learn how to improve their overall well-being and healthy via music, art, exercise, and mindfulness.
    • Family therapyWhen tensions within the family are the root of addiction, individuals are supported in speaking with them about how their unhealthy behaviours are reinforced and what can be done to stop this negative pattern.

    What will my addiction treatment cost me?


    A common concern when thinking about drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater pertains to how much the treatment will cost. Not many people have savings to pull from or relatives they can ask for help, but the finance of rehab is still an important thing to think about.

    The reality is that prices for addiction treatment can vary a lot. The average for a week’s worth of support in the UK is around £14,000, but there are a variety of options available which can be found, charging between £1,000 and £10,000.

    When it comes to luxury private rehab centres, the prices can of course reach higher amounts than these. Some programmes can charge up to and beyond £70,000, but these options usually incorporate a range of additional features and activities.

    For those who experience fear when thinking about paying for rehab, it might be worth looking into what support you can access from local councils. Funds are often accessible for those who need rehab but cannot afford it, so definitely look into whether you are eligible.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bridgwater on 0800 088 66 86

    How long am I going to spend in drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater?

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    Just as money is a finite commodity, time is equally limited. Individuals will need to allocate work and family time towards their recovery, so how long can they expect the process of drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater to take?

    On average, individuals can expect their treatment to last 28 days. This is split into 1 week for detox (usually 7 to 10 days) and another 3 for therapy and relapse prevention. This amount of time is usually required for sufficient progress to be made.

    Those who require longer than 28 days in rehab may do so for a few reasons. Some of the most common are that they have a very severe/well-developed condition, they have a pre-existing health condition, or they are initially unwilling to engage with treatment.

    The difficulty of breaking addiction and why it must be treated immediately

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    Is drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater really necessary for recovery? It’s a fair question, and individuals will naturally be curious about whether the financial costs and time investment demanded for rehab are required in order to get better.

    Unfortunately, the answer to this question is simple. Rehab is by far the safest and most effective means of treating addiction, and the reason for this lies in the difficulty associated with breaking addictive habits.

    When an individual develops a reliance for a substance, their body begins to change its chemical and hormonal functioning in order to accommodate for the presence of drugs or alcohol. This process makes individuals vulnerable to sudden changes in their consumption.

    Without rehab, this poses the risk of individuals suffering withdrawal symptoms that could result in serious physical or emotional harm.

    Beating dependency requires intense commitment and medical supervision, but the sooner an individual seeks to help the easier their treatment will be. The body builds up a tolerance for substance use over time, meaning higher doses will be consumed if addiction continues.

    This means that those who do not seek help immediately will be consuming much higher quantities of a drug or alcohol, and therefore will have a much deeper dependence on them. Those who get help right away limit the extent that their body can become hooked.

    Those who delay their treatment are likely living in denial of their condition [1], and it is essential that those who suspect an addiction are honest with themselves.

    Dual diagnosis: the anchor of effective support


    Addiction has a deeply rooted connection with mental health. In almost every case, poor mental health is either the initial trigger of addictive behaviour or a negative result of substance abuse. The co-existence of these conditions is known as dual diagnosis.

    Dual diagnosis plays a pivotal role in the process of addiction recovery. Only by identifying the presence of a mental health condition like anxiety or depression, as well as how it is connected to an individual’s substance use, can recovery be truly achieved.

    If a mental health condition is an individual’s primary motivation for abusing drugs or alcohol, therapy can focus on its symptoms and provide individuals with healthier ways of coping with them.

    On the other hand, if anxious thoughts or bouts of depression are a result of addictive behaviour, treatment can get individuals the support they need so that they can attain the psychological and emotional stability they had before the addiction started.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bridgwater on 0800 088 66 86

    What support exists beyond addiction rehab?


    When drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater comes to an end, individuals will be allowed to leave and resume their everyday life. This is a momentous moment in recovery, but individuals will be relieved to know that they are not expected to go on without support.

    Aftercare services exist to support recovering individuals in the weeks and months following rehab’s end. While rehab is pivotal in providing them with the skills for living soberly, many can struggle at first to put them into practice, and so ongoing support is greatly valued.

    In this respect, aftercare works to achieve two things. For one, it gives individuals an outlet and continues to play the supervisory and supportive role that their therapist would have played during rehab. This acts to guard them against the stages of relapse [2].

    Secondly, it grants the opportunity for support to become more tailored. Those with particular addictions, for example, can access support groups and therapy sessions which specifically address the challenges associated with their experiences.

    Tips for getting the right addiction help

    Two people having a conversation

    Starting the road to recovery can be immensely daunting, and individuals can be overwhelmed by how many options are available. However, there are a few things that one can consider to simplify their search for support.

    Treatments and support

    Every individual’s addiction will be different. Conditions will vary in terms of their severity and which substance they centre around, and so there will be equal variation in what treatments and support will be required for a full recovery to be achieved.

    Before looking into rehab centres and programmes, speak with a doctor or GP and get a sense of what support you might need. Alternatively, you can speak with an addiction support charity, or get in touch with us here at Rehab Recovery.

    Once you have a better sense of what you need to get better, look at what treatment centres offer the appropriate treatments.

    Costs and financial support

    You can only access the support which is affordable to you, so it is important to consider your budget and then refine your options down to those which you can pay for.

    Of course, not everyone has savings which they can rely on in the event of requiring drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater.

    Alternatively, look into what council funding you might be able to access and compare with what treatment options are available.

    Reviews and atmosphere

    Patient experience is essential for a seamless recovery process. In order to get a sense of whether a treatment centre is a right fit for you, it can help to look into what those who have gone there previously have to say about it.

    Online reviews can be an incredible way to see whether the programme you are considering will be a good fit for you. What do previous patients have to say about the staff, the accommodation, and the catering? It can all help you in making a decision.

    As for the atmosphere of a facility, nothing beats a visit. Go and see what a treatment centre looks like and what the staff are like. It can help calm nerves as well, easing your transition into treatment when it does arrive.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Bridgwater on 0800 088 66 86

    Getting the help you need from Rehab Recovery

    The road to recovery can be challenging and scary, but there is no reason why you should do it alone. If you are looking to face your addiction, get in touch with us at Rehab Recovery and let our friendly team help you.

    Whether you need more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Bridgwater, or simply someone to open up to about your experiences, we are here to offer support and get you one step closer to a full recovery.

    Don’t wait, and give us a call on 0800 088 66 86!





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