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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Aldridge

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Aldridge. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Aldridge

    Addiction rehab is the most effective means of facing and working through a drug or alcohol addiction. Upon learning this, it is normal to wonder how the treatment is able to break addictive habits so effectively.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge is essential because of its three-tiered approach to unravelling addiction.

    It functions on the physical and psychological levels of the condition, as well as dedicating time towards the life an individual will lead post-treatment.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Aldridge on 0800 088 66 86

    Cleansing the body


    With many drug addictions, the body changes as a result of excessive and consistent substance use. Its chemical and hormonal structures adjust themselves to accommodate for the constant presence of drugs or alcohol, and this creates a reliance on them to function.

    Such a physical need to use a substance puts individuals immediately at odds with any desire they may have of breaking their unhealthy habits. Withdrawal will deter them from becoming sober, so rehab must address physical dependence if progress is to be made.

    Rehab’s first treatment, therefore, is detox. Individuals are supervised by doctors as they gradually reduce their substance use.

    This steady reduction allows their body to get used to sobriety without reacting violently.

    Rewiring the mind

    A person in a jumper, arms resting on a balcony overlooking a winter scene

    Once the body has been relieved of its immediate demand for a substance, it comes time to focus on where the desire for a substance first began. This work requires a focus on triggers, the motivations an individual has for substance use outside of physical cravings.

    For many, these triggers are thoughts or feelings which they struggled to cope with before they started abusing drugs or alcohol. However, triggers can take on a wide range of other forms, and to appropriately identify and work through them, rehab uses therapy.

    In sessions, a therapist works with an individual to recognise the triggers responsible for their behaviour. This process can look very different depending on the nature of the triggers, but the objective is always to equip them with effective coping mechanisms.

    Protecting progress

    A man reading in bed

    Once an individual has been successful in establishing physical and mental sobriety, drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge moves to its final stage. It is all well and good having recovered from an addiction, but how can this positive progress be sustained?

    In the weeks and months following rehab, an individual is highly vulnerable to relapse. Regardless of their resolve or motivation, the desire to slip back into addictive patterns of behaviour is something many will face, but relapse prevention aims to minimise this risk.

    In this final treatment, individuals are equipped with skills and techniques designed to help them when they re-encounter the triggers identified during therapy. Many of these involve devising ways to handle or minimise the presence of such triggers.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Aldridge on 0800 088 66 86

    Medical detox: the key to success

    Detox is such an important stage of drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge because it handles a very dangerous phase of addiction treatment. The body can have such an unhealthy relationship with substance abuse that severing this connection requires great expertise.

    Unlike therapy and relapse prevention, detox requires doctors and medical professionals to oversee an individual’s progress. The reason for this is that the process of stopping substance use can seriously affect the body’s functioning, as well as trigger withdrawal.

    In order to ensure that this process can be carried out as safely as possible, these doctors pace the weaning process so that it complies with the body’s ability to cope. This massively reduces the risk to the body, and keeps individuals comfortable as well.

    Not only this, but these professionals can also provide medications to facilitate the process. Benzodiazepines are the preferred medication for treating withdrawal symptoms, and they can be prescribed to dampen symptoms and protect the progress made so far.

    Detox is especially pivotal in effective recovery from alcohol use disorders, which can spark considerably life-threatening withdrawal.

    Therapy options available at drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge

    Two people holding hands

    An addictive trigger can be anything. A consistent but dangerous pattern of thinking, an abusive relationship, an unmanageable feeling of guilt, regret, or sadness – regardless of its nature, a trigger can be helped via therapy offered by drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge.

    The reason why therapy is able to accommodate such a wide range of different triggers is that it can alter its own shape. It can adjust its structure and approach in order to tackle different triggers in a suitable and effective way. This ensures everyone can be helped.

    For this reason, therapy can look different for every single person who enters drug and alcohol treatment.

    Some of the most common forms of therapy, however, include the following:

    1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    An individual’s thoughts can become skewed and inconsistent with reality. When thinking takes this negative tangent and begins leading to consistent substance abuse, therapy is required which can identify them, how they come about, and how they affect behaviour.

    In CBT, a therapist helps individuals interrupt and change the cyclical thoughts which fuel their substance abuse. Sessions prioritise developing a new worldview and finding ways to promote and strengthen healthier ways of thinking.

    2. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

    Feelings are a great motivator for human behaviour. When unpleasant feelings like regret or anger become too intense or frequent for an individual to handle, they can begin using drugs or alcohol as a means of numbing or overcoming their emotions.

    In DBT, these unmanageable emotions are identified and coping mechanisms are practised. Individuals are aided via in-depth conversations in understanding where such feelings come from and how their prevalence or strength can be reduced.

    3. Holistic therapy

    A lot of therapy options work by targeting a very particular aspect of an individual’s life. However, an alternative approach can be taken which focuses on improving an individual’s whole well-being, boosting physical, mental, and spiritual health all at once.

    Using music, mindfulness, art, sport, as well as other treatments, holistic therapy aims to provide individuals with a new sense of wellbeing, a healthier worldview, and a greater quality of independence – all of which draw them away from addiction.

    4. Group therapy

    Working with therapists is really beneficial to recovering individuals, but there is something to be said about the advantages of speaking to and hearing from others undergoing treatment.

    Group therapy brings patients together to share experiences and advice with one another. Under supervision, such conversations can motivate individuals, provide real-life examples of the benefits of treatment, and create an atmosphere of mutual respect and camaraderie.

    5. Family therapy

    Familial relationships can be a pivotal source of support for those living with a substance use disorder, but they can sometimes also be the trigger of their condition. When relatives or partners disagree, fight, or split apart, the emotional damage can be hard to deal with.

    In family therapy sessions, work is done to help these relatives or partners speak about the problem. Such conversations aim to soothe tensions and equip everyone with the knowledge and skills to prevent addiction being triggered again in future.

    6. Motivational interviewing

    Therapy is multifunctional, and it does not need to only support individuals when it comes to their addictive triggers. It can also help them in their other treatments.

    Motivational interviewing works to help individuals identify and focus on the goals and dreams they have in life. Due to how taxing rehab can be on the mind and body, this treatment can provide fuel which keep them engaged and dedicated to recovery.

    What is the duration of drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge?

    A man turning away

    Arranging to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge requires a lot of planning, and few things are as important as time in this respect. Work and family responsibilities will need to be considered, so how long can the treatment process be expected to take?

    On average, an individual will spend around 28 days in rehab. Detox makes up the first week, and therapy and relapse prevention require a further 3 to maximise effectiveness.

    Those who need longer in treatment will do so for specific reasons. Requiring longer than 28 days in rehab is usually the result of a severe addiction, a pre-existing medical condition which complicates detox or therapy, or a lack of motivation on the individual’s part.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Aldridge on 0800 088 66 86

    Will I be able to afford drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge?


    Unfortunately, drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge is not free. While the NHS does provide support in the form of drop-in sessions, residential rehab programmes require a fee, and this can be a source of great anxiety.

    However, it is important to know your options.

    The UK average price for a week’s worth of addiction treatment is £14,000, though individuals can find prices within the range of £1,000 and £10,000. On the other end of the spectrum, luxury options can charge up into the bracket of £70,000 and over.

    Not everyone has the disposable funds to pay for rehab out of their own pocket, and that is why individuals need to know what support options are out there. Many local councils set aside funding to help those who can’t afford rehab to access it.

    Be sure to look into the funding options available to you and assess how much you are able to attain. Council funding is known to be difficult to access due to competition, but it can be an invaluable leg up if you have no other means of affording help.

    Who does drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge help?

    A group of people sitting in armchairs

    It is important to learn about what drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge can do for those who need it, but how are you supposed to judge whether you fall into that group of people? Who is rehab designed to help, and how can you deduce whether you are in need?

    There is a fine, and often difficult-to-spot, line between recreational substance use and unhealthy dependency. Being able to recognise which line of this line you are on is incredibly important, and you should consider some of the following things to help you.

    Do you experience withdrawal?

    One of the greatest indicators that you are in need of addiction rehab is the presence of withdrawal symptoms.

    When you stop your substance use, do you experience:

    Withdrawal symptoms indicate that the body has developed a reliance on a substance. Physical dependence cannot be treated by simply quitting substances, as individuals will put themselves at risk of physical harm. In this instance, detox will be required.

    Is there any particular trigger which prompts your substance use?

    If you use drugs or alcohol on a regular basis, you may be inclined to think that you are in control of your habit and that you are merely consuming them as a way to have fun or relax. But is there any consistency to your substance use?

    Perhaps you use drugs or alcohol when you are angry? Or maybe you do it when a physical or mental health condition causes you discomfort or pain? How about an emotion which makes you feel bad about yourself, such as regret or shame?

    When substance use is fuelled by a particular thought, emotion, or experience, it suggests that an individual has a trigger. This means that consumption is not merely casual, but a coping mechanism, and fact that lures individuals into dependency.

    If there is a consistent trigger for your substance use, you will need therapy in order to identify and work through it in order to prevent your behaviour from becoming a threat to your health and well-being.

    Do you exhibit the tell-tale signs of addiction?

    It can be difficult to objectively assess your own behaviour. Recognising withdrawal and triggers for what they are can be impossible, especially if an individual exhibits denial – a common trait of those who developed unhealthy consumption habits [2].

    As a result of this, it can help to think about the smaller warning signs of drug or alcohol use disorders.

    While not conclusive individually, the objective presence of several of them can indicate that consumption habits are unhealthy, as well as draw attention to withdrawal and triggers.

    Some of the most common signs of drug addiction include:

    • Using drugs or alcohol on a daily basis
    • Using drugs or alcohol without social or celebratory cause
    • Using drugs or alcohol at unusual times, such as in the morning
    • Using drugs or alcohol at work or in public
    • Being deceptive or secretive about drug or alcohol use
    • Abandoning hobbies
    • Becoming distant from loved ones
    • Becoming indifferent to personal hygiene and appearance


    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Aldridge on 0800 088 66 86

    Getting help from Rehab Recovery

    Starting your addiction recovery journey can be daunting. Finding a treatment programme that’s right for you can feel like an impossible task, but you need not begin your search alone.

    At Rehab Recovery, we have all the information you need to get yourself into the best drug and alcohol rehab in Aldridge for you. We can also be an ear for your worries and doubts, and our helpful team are equipped with all the guidance and advice you could need.

    So don’t wait, get in touch with us at 0800 088 66 86 and kickstart your road to recovery!




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