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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Chiswick

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Chiswick

    Long-term recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is almost always achieved thanks to years of hard work and specialist therapy.

    You will not find many people who have recovered from addiction and managed to stay sober consistently without the help of therapy.

    This is true for many reasons, and we will outline the main ones today.

    Firstly, you cannot go to therapy every day and remain detached from your emotions.

    Therapists are incredibly gifted at encouraging patients to open up, and even if this takes time, it is generally achieved soon after patients enter drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick.

    The reason it is so important to be attached to your emotions is that recovery will be a rollercoaster, and if you can identify when you are struggling, you will be able to find healthy remedies before you spiral back into addiction.

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    For example, you may notice you are suddenly very depressed, and decide to open up about this to your therapist, work on your health, and reach out to your family rather than giving into the temptation to relapse.

    Secondly, self-hatred is unfortunately common in people with a substance use disorder. One way to reduce this is to get patients to learn their strong and weak points in therapy.

    Identifying the strong points will build their self-esteem and give them motivation to recover, and noticing the weak points will prevent them from relapsing as they will be able to work on these flaws.

    Group therapy is particularly effective at building self-esteem, as it pushes patients to open up about their hardest times in a safe space.

    They may fear judgement, but the more they open up and see how understanding other people can be, the more confident they will feel in themselves.

    Finally, some people with addiction do not have anyone in their life that they can open up to until they go to therapy.

    This means that when they feel an urge to use substances, they cannot confide in someone about this, and they end up feeling isolated.

    Unfortunately, this isolation is often the final straw, and relapse occurs.

    However, when people go to drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick, they suddenly have constant opportunities to talk about their addiction, and to admit to wanting to relapse.

    This can be life-changing, as it takes away the stigma of relapse by showing the patient that they are allowed to experience desires to use drugs.

    To start your journey towards sobriety at a drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Why is Detoxing Important at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chiswick?

    A doctor typing with a stethoscope beside the laptop

    Where therapy is a long-term treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, detoxing is a short-term solution. This does not mean that it is less effective however, in fact it is often an essential step.

    If patients jumped into therapy without withdrawing from substances, they would risk their life as quitting cold turkey can lead to severe illness or even death.

    This is true whether the patient has been binge drinking, excessive drinking, or misusing other addictive substances.

    Higher consumptions of substances are usually linked to more dangerous detoxes.

    Detoxing is used to help the patient to ease into their recovery, which reduces the risk posed to their physical and mental health.

    Though some patients wish they could quit suddenly, when they have the motivation to, this is too risky. It has been proven that detoxing lowers the relapse risk, as patients can get sober slowly and safely.

    Doctor with clipboard

    In other words, detoxing prevents serious illness. It is much less likely that patients will experience delusions, strokes, heart attacks, and seizures when they have a medically-assisted drug or alcohol detox.

    These side effects can sometimes occur as a result of dangerous withdrawal symptoms,

    However, these are less common and better handled as detoxes in rehab are preceded by medications, such as antipsychotics and anti-seizure drugs.

    We all know that strong cravings can make even the most motivated person want to give up on their recovery. When a patient detoxes, their cravings are likely to reduce over time.

    However, if they start to recover immediately without withdrawing, they may have intense cravings that severely interrupt their treatment.

    Most treatments at drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick are designed to improve the mental health of patients, whereas the detox process targets both the mental health and physical health, addressing all aspects of addiction.

    We should not ignore the importance of treating physical health, as it is the foundation of recovery.

    When patients are physically well, they are going to be more motivated and more energised, and therefore more prepared to tackle the psychological treatments at drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick.

    Make sure that your detox is safe and effective at a drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can I Get Prepared for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chiswick?

    Serious conversation

    There are two aspects to preparing yourself for drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick: getting physically prepared and getting mentally prepared.

    First, we would encourage you to focus on mental preparation.

    If you start treatment with an unhealthy mindset, it could mean that you are not able to successfully recover from your addiction, so it is not worth skipping this step and going straight to inpatient care.

    There are many different ways to mentally prepare for drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick. Some suggestions we have are:

    The more you invest time into getting into a good headspace for drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick, the easier it will be for you to settle in when you get there.

    Though your imagination is not equivalent to the real thing, simply allowing yourself to unpack your anxiety can ensure you do not repress your concerns and thus end up becoming overwhelmed with emotion when you begin treatment.

    As for physical preparation, one of the most important steps is to arrange transport. Some private rehabs have their own transport services, so you can pay extra for the journey to and from rehab.

    However, this may not be necessary if someone can drop you off, or if the journey on public transport is not too far.

    We also advise you to consider what you need to take with you to drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick.

    You will need to ask the admissions staff about their policies, as different treatment centres allow different items.

    For example, you need to ask whether you will be allowed to take your phone with you. It goes without saying that you cannot enter rehab while possessing any drugs, alcohol, or weapons.

    Two people having a conversation

    Finally, talk to your loved ones about how family life will look when you are at drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick, and who needs to take on your responsibilities.

    For example, if you do the cooking for the family, and you pick the kids up from school, your partner will have to take charge of this while you are away.

    It is important to have a conversation with your family about the fact that the recovery journey is not linear, so you will not come out of inpatient rehab with zero addiction issues.

    It would be unwise to jump back into your old life, with all of your stress and responsibilities. We would recommend planning to rest and recuperate for a short while after rehab, as you may be mentally drained.

    To ensure that you’re ready for drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick in every way, talk to our experts on 0800 088 66 86

    Programs of Recovery

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table

    Further specifics about what programs are available will be specified and tailored for your individual addiction needs.

    However, some of the most common treatment plans that are available are included below.

    Therapy is an impactful tool that is used widely throughout the addiction recovery world/

    This term applies to a wide range of different approaches to therapy, including:

    You will also be encouraged to make use of self-help groups after you leave rehab, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous and SMART Recovery.

    These groups can form a key part of aftercare plans that will help to keep you sober and healthy.

    You can learn so much through listening to other people and this can provide essential support in your journey to recovery.

    To learn more about how a drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick can help you, call our experts on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can I Prepare to Leave Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chiswick?

    A male patient talking to a female therapist

    We have given you lots of ideas for getting ready to start treatment, but how can you get ready to leave?

    This process is slightly easier, as you will have the support of the rehab facility. Perhaps the strongest form of support you will have is the aftercare plan.

    This will help you to transition back into your normal life by providing you with coping mechanisms.

    For example, you may be encouraged to attend a mutual support group, and you could even do this with people you met at drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick.

    This can include groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous and SMART Recovery.


    Most people are ready to leave treatment after 28 days, but if you know that you need more time at residential rehab, it is vital that you consider staying for longer.

    You can usually pay an additional fee to extend your personalised treatment program, and you can arrange this by speaking to the admissions staff.

    This will ensure you only leave rehab when you are ready.

    We encourage you to stay connected to your loved ones throughout your time at rehab – if they are willing to support you in getting sober, that is.

    This includes inviting them during visiting hours and asking them to attend family therapy with you.

    If you have followed this advice while in treatment, you can prepare to leave by continuing to stay in touch with your family, and discussing how they can help you when you leave.

    For example, you could ask your family to spend time with you in sober activities, such as going out to eat, playing sports, and going shopping.

    If your family are informed that you are remaining abstinent and your sobriety needs to be encouraged, they will be able to honour your requests and identify when you are struggling to keep up with sobriety.

    Beat addiction once and for all at a drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick – give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    What Happens If Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Chiswick Doesn’t Work?


    Drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick is almost always effective in treating substance abuse disorders. We would be very surprised to hear that a patient had completed an inpatient programme and found that none of it was useful.

    When you are at rehab, the staff are constantly checking in with you to see how you are responding to treatment.

    This makes it very unlikely that you will not see growth in your recovery at rehab, as changes can always be made to ensure you are getting closer to long-term sobriety.

    For example, you can switch the main type of one-to-one therapy you are focusing on (e.g., behavioural therapy, art therapy, motivational therapy, or drama therapy).

    What’s more, there is an assessment process before people are admitted to drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick, which rules out anyone who would not be suitable for this type of treatment.

    This helps to ensure that patients benefit from the most appropriate detox and therapy methods and, if there were any serious risks involved, they would have been investigated at the very beginning.

    That all said, there is a possibility that you will relapse upon leaving rehab. No matter how much addiction treatment you get, and how effective the various treatments are, addiction is a powerful disease that can pull you back into previous behaviours at any point.


    We do not say this to scare you, but to urge you to be mindful of the risk of relapse. The more aware you are of this, the more you can do to prevent it.

    Even if you relapse after drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick, you will still have learned from your stay and will likely be able to get back to sobriety much more quickly.

    Other treatment methods have much higher statistics of relapse, such as harm reduction, so it is still a sensible idea to go to private rehab. After your first relapse, you may be able to stay sober by relying on your aftercare plan and actively fighting against future relapse.

    Find the support you need to overcome addiction at a first-rate drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can I Ensure My Loved One Gets Help for Their Addiction?

    Two people holding hands

    You cannot ensure your loved one gets help for their drug or alcohol misuse. Only the person with the addiction has the power to make this change.

    Regardless, you can still make a good attempt to encourage them to pursue treatment, and here’s now.

    Firstly, make sure you are clued up on the different treatment options in Chiswick. We will always promote drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick the most, as it has the best success rates, but we know there are other valid options for people with addiction.

    There are several charity and NHS-run recovery services operating in and near Cheswick, including:

    1. Northumbria CAMHS

    Address: Albion Road Clinic, Albion Road, North Shields, NE29 0HG

    Telephone: 0191 219 6685


    2. North Northumberland Adult Community Treatment Team

    Address: Anderson Court, Hide Hill, Berwick, TD15 1EQ

    Telephone: 01289 301 301


    3. Northumberland Recovery Partnership

    Address: 2 Sextant House, Freehold Street, Blyth, NE24 2BA

    Telephone: 01670 798 200


    You can also get free mental health support from organisations like Mind UK, Young Minds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus.

    If you are educated on these options, you will be able to explain them to your loved one in an encouraging manner.


    Next, before you approach your loved one, have a plan in place.

    We recommend contacting a drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick for a referral, and explaining that you are waiting to see whether your friend or family member is ready for treatment.

    If your loved one accepts, they will be able to enter treatment very quickly and begin their recovery journey.

    It would be wise to lean on the support of others, so get other family members involved before speaking to your loved one.

    This will help you to handle the emotions of the moment, as well as show your loved one that they have many people who are concerned about them.

    You could choose to make this more formal by staging an intervention, but remember that even after an intervention, your loved one may reject treatment.

    Finally, sit your loved one down at an appropriate time, preferably with other family members, and explain that you are worried about them. It could be helpful to lean on the disease model of addiction and clarify that you are not blaming your loved one.

    Focus on the help that is available in your area, so that your loved one is aware that they would have plenty of support if they decided they were ready for drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick.

    To give your loved one the best chance of recovery at aa drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Getting Help Today

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    Finding the right drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick for your unique needs can be a significant and imposing challenge.

    Fortunately, you do not have to complete this process alone.

    We can find you a place at drug and alcohol rehab in Chiswick in no time, as there are no waiting lists when it comes to private rehab.

    To get a free initial assessment, contact us on 0800 088 66 86.

    Our friendly team can help people with any addiction, including behavioural addictions, alcohol addictions and drug addictions.

    If you would like to discuss a family member who is battling addiction, we can give you advice on how to handle this situation. We can look into theor treatment options while you prepare to have a conversation with them about recovering from their substance abuse problem.

    Every rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission.

    Get help for addiction across Northumberland, including in Berwick-upon-Tweed, Tweedmouth, Blyth, Cramlington, Ashington, Bedlington, Morpeth, Hexham, Prudhoe, Ponteland, Alnwick, Newbiggin and many more.

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