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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Kirkcaldy

Read this Rehab Recovery location page for more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy. Contact us today.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Kirkcaldy

    Alcohol and drug use affects people from all walks of life. It’s an illness that doesn’t discriminate.

    One of the most frustrating things, though, is that because it’s a condition that affects some, rather than all people who try substances, there are those who think that people who suffer “should” have the control to stop using.

    That’s not what addiction is. It’s something that, for the addicted, changes brain and behaviour patterns. Physically and literally.

    Kirkcaldy, being a town in Fife, is affected by substance issues. On average there are 62 alcohol-related deaths in Fife each year. [1] There are even more drug-related deaths with 81 people dying in 2019. [2]

    If you’re affected and want to quit a substance, you need professional treatment. Going to a drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy will provide you with the knowledge and skills to become and remain abstinent into the future.

    Read on to get all the information you need on your local treatment options.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    What Alcohol Addiction Means for You & Treatment Options

    Man drinking

    When you develop an alcohol use disorder it has really serious mental, physical, and emotional effects. This is because of how it affects brain chemistry, hormones, and bodily systems.

    It’s an illness that, when it reaches a moderate to severe level, takes professional input and treatment to recover.

    At an alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, you get the treatment you need to wean off alcohol safely. This is especially important if you’ve developed alcohol dependency in which case you need to be under the care of a doctor to wean.

    This prevents the distressing and dangerous side effects of delirium tremens.

    Private Rehab in Kirkcaldy

    You can access private treatment for addiction at a rehab. These are professional establishments that support people to achieve sobriety.

    On entering you’re assessed staff ask questions about your personality, your alcohol and drug use, how you feel about recovery, and what your home life is like.

    From this, an individualised treatment plan is developed. It includes a wide range of therapies and activities that will structure your daily routine during your stay.

    There are breaks and meal times where you’ll get to enjoy the nutrient-dense food; important during recovery to support the mind and body to heal.

    Staff are around 24 hours a day so whether you’re having a difficult craving at 2 pm or 2 am, there’s someone you can talk to about it. That’s what they’re there for; to support you to manage cravings and triggers effectively so you can do it in the future.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Addiction Treatment Options in Kirkcaldy

    There are a couple of places you can go for professional treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. Firstly, there’s the private drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, or you can opt for NHS drug and alcohol services.

    A private clinic offers a personalised treatment plan, specialist staff with years of experience, and a range of treatments from psychological, holistic, and social approaches as well as individual and group formats.

    All residents at rehab are there to get sober and they become so. Staff equip you with the tools needed to manage your illness successfully going forward.

    NHS drug and alcohol services in Kirkcaldy are available to anybody who has an addiction that self-refers. They work with people who are ready and trying to quit as well as those who aren’t ready to.

    This means they offer support such as harm reduction, needle exchanges, preparation to change groups, and 12 Step style groups. There are some one-to-one sessions but these are limited due to how stretched services are.

    Do You Need Inpatient or Outpatient Services for Alcohol & Drug Addiction Treatment?


    Inpatient services are where you stay overnight to receive treatment. This is what private residential rehab clinics are.

    As inpatient treatment is more intensive, you’re given full attention and you spend each day participating in treatment to support you to become and remain sober.

    Outpatient clinics are what the NHS provides where you live at home but go to the centre for appointments and group sessions. This is a more casual approach which is suitable for people who aren’t ready to quit or who have mild substance misuse issues.

    Severe addiction is best off treated at a private clinic.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Other Services that Support People with Addictions

    There are a couple of other services you can access at Kirkcaldy in relation to addiction treatment or support linked to it.

    • Home detox is governed by a doctor meaning that every day they’ll be in contact with you to see how you are and to prescribe the next lot of medication. This is a service that weans you off a substance that causes physical dependency such as alcohol, heroin, or benzodiazepines. Before you can access this, you’ll need to be assessed as being able to manage a detox at home.
    • Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are 12 Step groups available locally at in-person groups and online. This is a useful way to develop a community with people in recovery. It’s helpful especially if the majority of people in your life are still using substances, or the people around you don’t understand what you’re going through, and you need to connect to others in the same head space.

    Can You Afford to Go to Rehab in Kirkcaldy?


    Private treatment at an alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy obviously costs money. This is to cover staff time, resources, food, accommodation, and any medications you require.

    Rehab clinics range from affordable to luxury. You might opt for more expensive options such as choosing a single-occupancy room (rather than sharing with another resident).

    Depending on where you go, what you need, and what options you go for, a rehab stay can cost anywhere from £1,000 a week to £10,000 a week.

    A chat with the Rehab Recovery team can help you navigate your options according to your budget and requirements.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Local council funding for a private rehab placement

    In some cases, people enter rehab through a funded place. This is accessible to those who are from a low-income background.

    It’s a valuable placement and competition is high because there are obviously a lot of people wanting to access rehab. The local Kirkcaldy Council receives the applications and decides who is to be awarded the private rehab place.

    To be eligible for this, you must be actively involved with the drug and alcohol rehab services that the NHS offers.

    One of the staff members will be able to support you with the application. They’ll also be the person who will provide evidence of your committed approach towards recovery.

    How Long is a Rehab Residential?

    As you’ll know the withdrawal stage of quitting alcohol and drugs is very difficult. It’s often why people keep using substances.

    It’s a time where you physically feel awful as you experience physical and physiological changes, and the mental and emotional toll can be extremely distressing.

    On average, it takes around a week to get through the worst of withdrawal. At rehab, you’ll be supported by staff through this.

    After this, it then takes time to learn, practise, and firmly implant new behaviours and coping strategies into your daily life. This is important in managing the addiction when you leave.

    The majority of residents stay at rehab for about a month. If circumstances are more complex, then they might stay a week or two longer.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Alcohol Detox & Rehab in Kirkcaldy

    If you have an alcohol addiction you’ll experience some of the most dangerous withdrawal symptoms of all the substances. These symptoms include:

    • Through your body tremors that are most visible in your fingers
    • Extreme sweating
    • Confusion and paranoia
    • Hallucinations
    • Sickness
    • Diarrhoea
    • Severe anxiety
    • Low mood
    • Insomnia
    • Seizures

    You’ll begin rehab by going through an alcohol detox. Under the care of a doctor, you’ll have a prescription for Librium that will wean you off alcohol over a number of days until you’re off the Librium too. It usually takes around seven to ten days.

    After this, your treatment at the alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy will turn to psychological therapies that support you to understand how your brain has altered due to alcohol use.

    A therapist will teach you how to change your thoughts and behaviours so that you can maintain recovery successfully.

    Rehab for Cocaine in Kirkcaldy


    For people with cocaine addictions, drug rehab offers the best place to go for understanding, support, and treatment.

    With the rise in cocaine and crack use throughout the UK, there are many residents with the same issues as you. It’s healthy to discuss in groups what’s going on with your use, life, and coping tools.

    The side effects of long-term cocaine and crack use include:

    • Negative effects on emotional regulation
    • Negative effects on mental health
    • Suicidal ideation
    • Anxiety and paranoia
    • Skin sores and eroded nose cartilage
    • Increased risk of heart complications and cancer

    Rehab treatments will provide you with techniques you can use when you’re craving or if something has triggered you. It takes a while to get used to using these strategies but at rehab you get the space, time, and encouragement to really practise these.

    As well as this, you’ll develop an understanding of the substance and its effects. In relation to your future, you’ll begin making plans to carve out a sober lifestyle that serves you and improves relationships with those you care about.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Rehab for Heroin in Kirkcaldy

    If you have a heroin addiction, you’ll need to access both a physical Subutex-based detox and a therapeutic approach at a drug rehab to get off the substance.

    Many people associated heroin use with the homeless population, but actually, it’s a substance used in all walks of society. It’s a substance where those who use it are unfairly judged.

    Addiction is addiction whatever the substance or behaviour. In relation to heroin use, there’s a high likelihood that you may be masking emotional pain.

    It’s an analgesic, and pain reliever, and this is why people who have been through traumatic experiences often find heroin a reliable coping mechanism when they had no healthy ways of coping.

    Heroin withdrawal symptoms include:

    • Shaking and sweating
    • Severe anxiety and low mood swings
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Diarrhoea
    • Cold and flu-like symptoms
    • Deep aching and pain in the bones and body

    Rehab treatment will include therapy that will support you to develop self-awareness and come to a place where you grow in self-belief to heal. You’ll learn new coping mechanisms so that when something difficult happens, you use these instead of heroin.

    As well as this, you’ll work in groups to develop practical skills that will help you manage daily life. There’s also time put into the social connection as this is important to recovery for all.

    Rehab for Cannabis in Kirkcaldy


    Like any other psychoactive substance, cannabis can lead to severe drug addiction for some users. Many people start it in an experimental way with friends.

    However, for some, especially those who struggle to maintain their mood and emotions, use can swiftly become problematic.

    Cannabis has become increasingly strong in recent years. Though people might think this is great, actually it raises the risks of negative repercussions.

    Regular cannabis use can lead to:

    • Anxiety, panic, and paranoia
    • Low mood and motivation
    • Aggression during cravings
    • Impaired memory
    • Impaired metabolism
    • Fluctuating appetite and weight
    • Increased risk of psychosis and schizophrenia

    At rehab in Kirkcaldy, you’ll be supported to self-reflect on what led you to addiction. With others, you’ll come to understand the importance of social interaction as a means of coping, as well as the development of grounding skills and therapeutic tools.

    Therapy will give you the insight needed to stay sober after you leave rehab. You’ll develop goals to follow so that you have a new focus for your life.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Psychological & Holistic Therapies at Rehab in Kirkcaldy


    Addiction treatment at an alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy comes with many treatment sessions. You can expect to take part in some or all of the following:

    • Counselling is a big part of alcohol and drug addiction treatment. Here you learn through conversation and various therapeutic activities how you feel and experience the world. You’ll start to find a space to understand how you can change and heal.
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is an evidence-based therapy meaning it’s been shown to effectively treat people with addictions throughout the world. It picks apart brain functioning and behaviour and teaches you what to do during a craving and how to control thoughts.
    • Motivational interviewing is where a therapist supports you to explore your concerns and worries about quitting substances as well as what you think you might miss. It’s important to air this side of addiction. Facing this directly helps you focus.
    • There are daily group sessions including SMART and 12-Step style sessions. These are where you’ll learn through peer discussion how to manage your addiction and how to deal with it in the wider world around others.
    • Holistic therapies include yoga, tai chi, mindfulness, meditation, art and music therapies, ear acupuncture, and equine therapy.

    Mental Health Treatment at a Private Clinic

    You might hear the staff at rehab mention a dual diagnosis. This is where people have both an addiction as well as a mental health condition. It’s nothing to worry about.

    Staff understand that people use substances when they’re struggling to manage thoughts and emotions and this can lead to addiction. They also understand that addictions lead to mental health illnesses.

    Rehab treatment programmes are easily adapted to support people with mental health conditions as well.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, please contact us today at 0800 088 66 86.

    How are You Supported to Avoid Relapse?

    It’s natural to be concerned about relapse. Most who have used alcohol and drugs in unhealthy ways have re-used the substance and regretted it. At a drug and alcohol rehab in Kirkcaldy, you’ll have sessions that tackle this.

    You’ll develop a relapse prevention plan. This will be important when you leave rehab as a reference and guidance tool. It will include the following:

    • What to do if you relapse so that you get back to recovery quickly.
    • Who to contact when you’re struggling.
    • Positive activities to start and maintain to provide new focus.
    • Goals to follow that support you to live a healthy life.
    • Coping mechanisms to use when you’re craving.

    Get Rehab Help in Kirkcaldy Now

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    If you’re from Kirkcaldy and are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, contact Rehab Recovery. We’re here to explain what treatment options you have and how to find the most suitable rehab for your needs and budget.

    A conversation is absolutely no-obligation. We support people to make that first step when they’re ready. Call us now for more information at 0800 088 66 86.




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