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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Eccles

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Eccles. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Eccles

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles is not one single treatment. Instead, it comprises three stages of treatment which progress individuals away from their addiction and towards sobriety.

    Each stage of the programme addresses a certain dimension of substance abuse, and transitions individuals into a gradual and logical process of healing and recovery.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Eccles on 0800 088 66 86

    Beginning with physical dependence

    Woman with her hand over her eyes, looking sad

    Not all addictions result in the body becoming reliant on a substance in order to function, but common substances like alcohol do have this effect. Physical dependency is the first obstacle recovering individuals will face, and they cannot proceed without facing it.

    Stopping substance use outright results in withdrawal symptoms, the body’s violent response to being thrown into imbalance. To establish sobriety, rehab employs detox – a treatment involving a gradual weaning process.

    Under the watchful eyes of medical professionals, individuals slowly reduce their consumption over the course of 7 to 10 days. This allows their body to become accustomed to sobriety without putting their health and well-being at risk.

    Confronting psychological dependence

    Two people holding hands

    Regardless of their impact on the body, every addictive substance will take a toll on the mind. Psychological dependency is what leads to the development of that concerning the body, and this mental and emotional reliance on a substance will still be present after detox.

    These non-physical motivations for consumption will be the initial reason why an individual began abusing a substance, and so therapy must step in at this stage to prevent individuals from immediately squandering their physical sobriety.

    This treatment helps them identify the triggers which prompt them to think about and ultimately misuse drugs or alcohol. Sessions can take on a variety of forms, but they always seek to identify healthy coping mechanisms and methods of handling cravings.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Eccles on 0800 088 66 86

    Preparing for the future

    Bumpy road

    Detox and therapy work together to bring individuals into a state of independence and clarity. From this point, they can begin thinking about life after drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles has concluded.

    The weeks and months following rehab are dangerous, as individuals will be highly susceptible to several stages of relapse during this initial period of re-entering everyday life [1]. For this reason, detox’s final stage of treatment is relapse prevention.

    These sessions work to prepare individuals for facing the triggers which they identified during therapy. Skills and techniques are then practised which equip them for handling, avoiding, or removing the triggers in their everyday routine.

    Why can’t I detox by myself?

    A man turning away

    Detoxing sounds so simple in theory that individuals may feel as though they can do it in the comfort of their own homes. If a slow and steady approach is all you need, why can’t people avoid drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles altogether and save themselves time and money?

    The first reason why detox within a rehab facility is required is that individuals are very unlikely to be able to pace the process properly. Even if they try to detox slowly, they will likely lack the self-will to resist temptation.

    And for those who think they can quit quickly and rapidly – otherwise known as going ‘cold turkey’ – the risks to health are too great. The body will respond wildly to suddenly being without a substance it depends on, and these symptoms can seriously damage health.

    The other reason for detox’s importance is that medical professionals can prescribe medications to facilitate the process. Alone, individuals will not be able to calm their withdrawal or ease their discomfort, but doctors can prescribe Benzodiazepines for this.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Eccles on 0800 088 66 86

    What triggers can therapy treat?

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    Triggers can come in so many forms, and therapy needs to be able to accommodate this wide range of addictive motivations. Drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles offers such a diversity of therapy options that, regardless of their triggers, everyone can be helped.

    Some of the popular examples which demonstrate the malleability of addiction therapy include the following.

    1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    Negative patterns of thinking can breed unhealthy behaviour cycles. Misperceptions of the world and skewed ideas about oneself can lead individuals to consistently resort to substance abuse as a means of fixing problems or reacting to certain stimuli.

    CBT targets these ways of thinking and seeks to help individuals identify them and understand why they are neither useful nor compatible with reality. Then techniques are found that support them in interrupting the impact their thoughts have on behaviour.

    2. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

    Human beings are strongly motivated by emotions. But when these feelings are both powerful and hurtful – those such as sadness, regret, and shame – we can become desperate for any method of coping.

    When addiction develops as a means of handling emotions, DBT uses conversation to identify and understand where such feelings come from. It then helps individuals figure out how to handle them in a more sustainable way.

    3. Group therapy

    Working with a therapist is fundamental to most therapy styles, but sessions can shift to facilitate conversations between recovering individuals. In groups, they can share experiences and react to discussion prompts given by a therapist.

    Such sessions can be pivotal to an individual discarding the feeling that they are alone in their recovery journey. By talking to others in the same boat, they can become part of a supportive community and see the benefits of rehab manifesting for others.

    4. Family therapy

    Although they can be a great source of support in many cases of addiction, families can sometimes be the cause of addictive behaviours. Tensions and disagreements can always be difficult to deal with, but those within the household can be especially tough.

    Family therapy brings relatives and partners together in the hope that such sources of conflict can be talked through and eased. Once this is achieved, sessions then work to figure out how the family might prevent addictive behaviour from resulting again in future.

    5. Holistic therapy

    Instead of seeing therapy through the lens of a single trigger or problem, sessions can zoom out and look at the individual as a whole. This holistic approach is growing in popularity, and it can certainly be both an effective and pleasurable option.

    Music, art, mindfulness, exercise a wide range of activities can be utilised to improve an individual’s physical health, mental well-being, and sense of self-worth. Ultimately, it aims to draw them away from the allure of addiction and give them a new sense of purpose.

    6. Motivational interviewing

    As well as focusing on triggers, therapy can also look to support individuals in completing their rehab and staying motivated. This is precisely the objective of motivational interviewing.

    It helps individuals recognise their goals in life – regardless of whether they are addiction-related or grounded in their professional or personal life – and place these at the centre of their recovery efforts.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Eccles on 0800 088 66 86

    Aftercare: the key to long-term recovery

    Two women laughing on a sofa.

    Completing drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles marks the end of an individual’s residential treatment, and it is a great achievement to reach this milestone! However, that is not to say this point marks the end of their recovery. Aftercare still awaits.

    Aftercare services look to continue the journey which individuals began in rehab. Sessions are designed to provide opportunities for continued engagement with therapeutic work or to offer guidance with the maintenance of physical health and sobriety.

    In addition to continuing what rehab started, aftercare can work to personalise addiction recovery. Individuals can access meetings which specifically target their experiences. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous sessions can specifically target alcohol-related challenges.

    How much does drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles cost?


    Money is an important subject in every field, but when considering drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles, it really can’t be overlooked. Every rehab programme will cost a different amount, so it’s important to know what options are out there.

    The average price for a week of addiction treatment in the UK is £14,000. This does not mean to say that this is the only available price, however, as programmes can be found which charge between £1,000 and £10,000 for a week.

    Luxury options are also available, but these will naturally come with higher price tags. Most of these facilities charge up to and even more than £70,000.

    These prices may spark fear, but there are sources of financial support out there. For example, local councils set aside funds for those who can’t afford addiction treatment. Competition is fierce for these funds, but they can be pivotal for accessing the right help.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Eccles on 0800 088 66 86

    Will I need to take time off work for rehab?

    Person sitting at the table

    For most, attending drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles will require taking time away from work and family. This can be difficult to arrange, but it can help to know precisely how long the process can be expected to take.

    The rehab process usually takes 28 days. The initial 7 days are spent detoxing and gaining physical sobriety, and the remaining 21 are dedicated to therapy and relapse prevention sessions.

    Of course, treatment can spill beyond this timeframe. The usual reasons for this are that an individual has a particularly severe condition, they have a health condition which requires additional support or resources, or lack the motivation to complete treatment.

    How to detect an addiction

    Woman smoking

    Identifying when an addiction has developed is the first step of any recovery journey, but it is by no means an easy one.

    Denial can often obscure the recognition of a substance use disorder [2], but there are several warning signs you can look out for:

    • Consuming a substance daily or multiple times a day
    • Consuming a substance at odd times, such as in the morning
    • Consuming a substance in inappropriate settings, such as at work or in public
    • Being secretive or untruthful about substance use
    • Prioritising substance use over work, school, or health
    • Becoming distant from loved ones and friends
    • Failing to maintain personal health and hygiene

    Withdrawal symptoms are also a huge indicator that an individual has developed an unhealthy reliance on a substance.

    These symptoms outline when the body and mind are no longer able to function independently from a substance and might include:

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Eccles on 0800 088 66 86

    Why might I have become addicted?

    Drugs and money

    There are a variety of reasons which might contribute to the development of an individual’s substance use disorder. A large part of the process during drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles is to identify the cause and treat it appropriately, but individuals are natural to be curious.

    There are so many factors which might push individuals towards substance abuse, but there is often a combination which works in tandem to influence behaviour to the point where substance abuse becomes a reality.

    Some of these risk factors include the following:

    1. Genetics

    There is an undeniable biological factor when it comes to the development of addictions. Those with a family history of substance abuse are more likely to develop a condition themselves.

    2. Upbringing

    The way we grow up to perceive the world can have a huge influence on our behaviour. If an individual sees parents or the local community abusing drugs and alcohol as if it is normal, they will be more likely to do the same themselves.

    3. Social life

    Who we choose to socialise with can influence our way of thinking over time, and we can adopt behaviours we otherwise wouldn’t in order to fit in or please others. Peer pressure may seem like something which only affects children, but that isn’t true.

    4. Daily stress

    The demands of a difficult job or challenging family schedule can take a lot out of us. If an individual can find no other means of handling their unwavering levels of stress, they are more likely to turn towards drugs or alcohol as a way to relax or forget problems.

    Turning to Rehab Recovery for support

    Beginning your road to recovery can feel like a tiny step on an endless road, but there is so much support out there to help you along the way.

    At Rehab Recovery, we specialise in offering advice and support to guide you along your journey through rehab.

    If you want more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Eccles, we are here to help. If you need to express your frustration or fear, we are here to help. Regardless of what support you need, our helpful team are ready and waiting to provide it.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Eccles on 0800 088 66 86




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