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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Willesden

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Willesden

    Unfortunately, thousands of people around London and Willesden are struggling from addiction issues to drugs and other substances.

    As you can imagine, not everyone who struggles from addiction issues gets the help that they need.

    If you or someone that you know struggles from an addiction issue, then it is important to understand the statistics, especially around drug and substance use in your area.

    Unfortunately, more and more people across Willesden are abusing drugs such as cocaine [1].

    In particular, the number of school children living in Willesden and the rest of London who are abusing drugs is increasing, as is the number of children who are being excluded from school due to alcohol related issues [1].

    The number of adults living in Willesden and London has also risen since 2005, with 12% of all individuals living in London drinking more than 5 or more drinks in just one week, back in 2006 [1].

    When it comes to drugs, 9.2% of all Londoners living in London and other areas such as Willesden reported abusing an illicit drug in the last 12 months [1].

    What is alcohol addiction?

    A man turning away

    Someone is said to be addicted to alcohol when they are unable to stop abusing the addictive substance, even though they might want to or are well aware of how much damage it is doing to their body and mind.

    Unfortunately, millions of people are addicted to alcohol across the world. Alcohol is a physically and mentally addictive drug, meaning that it is incredibly hard to recover from without the help of professional interventions.

    This also means that in order to recover from your addiction to alcohol, you will have to undergo a detox as well as a range of therapy techniques.

    It is important to understand that addiction does not discriminate, and anyone who abuses drugs and alcohol on a regular basis can fail victim to an addiction. It also does not take long to become addicted to drugs and other substances.

    Some individuals suffer from addiction issues for a number of years before they seek professional help, which only means that their addiction gets worse and more severe as time goes on.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Willesden, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Signs that you or someone you know is suffering from an addiction issue


    There are a number of signs and symptoms when it comes to addiction issues. Some people suffer from very severe symptoms, whereas others suffer from less severe symptoms.

    Generally, the more severe your addiction is, the more severe your symptoms are. These symptoms range from psychological symptoms to behavioural and physical.

    Which symptoms you experience will depend on a number of different factors, including what substances you are addicted to, how severely you are addicted to the substance and how long you have been addicted to the substance for.

    Below is a list of some of the most common psychological symptoms people experience when they are addicted to certain drugs and substances such as alcohol.

    • Mood swings
    • Frequently feeling angry
    • Feeling very paranoid
    • Feeling very defensive
    • Feeling very agitated
    • Struggling to focus or concentrate
    • Struggling from poor judgement
    • Feeling more tired than normal
    • Struggling with their memory
    • Diminished self-esteem and self-worth
    • Depression
    • Anxiety

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Willesden, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    A man in pain, rubbing his eyes

    When people suffer from addiction issues, they are also known to struggle from a range of behavioural issues, some of which are listed below.

    • Lying on a frequent basis
    • Struggling to get on at work, university or school
    • Struggling to maintain or hold interest in hobbies that they usual love
    • Continuing to abuse the substance even though they are clearly well aware of how much damage it is doing
    • Arguing with people on a frequent basis
    • Not maintaining their personal hygiene

    There are also some physical symptoms when it comes to struggling from an addiction issue, which are listed below. These symptoms should be used as warning signs to determine if someone you know is addicted to a certain substance or drug.

    • Lack of personal hygiene
    • Struggling to sleep and always looking tired
    • Dilated pupils
    • Bad skin
    • Looking skinny
    • Bad nails
    • Bad teeth
    • Constant nose bleeds

    If you recognize any of the above symptoms in yourself or in someone you know and love, then it might be a sign that they need to get help for their addiction issues.

    If this is the case, then you can get help today by getting in touch with a member of the team at Rehab Recovery for more information on how to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden.

    What is drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden?

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden is where people go in order to recover from an addiction issue. This could include an addiction to cannabis, cocaine, heroin, opioids, alcohol, sex, gambling or certain unwanted and unhealthy habits or behaviours.

    There are two main types of drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden and throughout the rest of the UK, which are called inpatient and outpatient rehab treatment.

    People are also able to gain access to either NHS funded drug and alcohol rehab treatment, or private rehab treatment. This will very much depend on how severe your addiction to drugs or alcohol is, and what you can afford to pay for.

    Whilst the media and television has painted a certain picture of what a rehab centre might be like, the reality is a lot less dramatized. A rehab centre is simply where people go to in order to successfully recover, and isn’t a scary place.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Willesden, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    A man reading in bed

    During a drug and alcohol rehab stint, you will get the chance to undergo a detox. This is often the first thing you will do within the rehab facility, and it is also often the hardest part of the process.

    You will be able to do this within the comfort of the rehab facility, and will even get the chance to opt for a private room during this stage of the process, for privacy reasons.

    This part of the process usually lasts a minimum of 10 days, at which point you will move out of the detox stage and into the treatment part of your recovery process. This stage is where you will undergo any therapy that you might require in order to recover.

    This could include lots of different types of therapy techniques, including cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing, group therapy, one to one therapy, family therapy and holistic therapy.

    What type of therapy treatment you require will depend on what type of substance you are addicted to.

    Rehab shouldn’t be shameful. In fact, it shows a lot of strength when it comes to admitting that you need help and following through.

    If you or someone that you know would benefit from attending drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden, then get in touch with your local GP or a member of the team at Rehab Recovery.

    Why is an intervention needed?

    Two men, one with his hand on the other's shoulder

    An intervention is a great way of getting someone you love the help that they need. An intervention is when you plan a sit down meeting with your loved one, to explain how much you are concerned about their drug or alcohol abuse.

    It is important to remember that an intervention is not a chance to shout or get frustrated at your loved one for their addiction issues.

    Whilst we appreciate watching someone abuse drugs or alcohol can be incredibly difficult and frustrating at times, getting angry with your loved one will not help.

    In fact, most of the time, it only makes them want to abuse drugs or alcohol more.

    An intervention should be a motivating conversation. The aim of any intervention is to make the individual realise that they need to seek help.

    This is why you should try to start every intervention positively, and frame the conversation in the right way. You should try to use positive language, and ask open ended questions.

    You should also always go into an intervention with examples of how your loved one is harming themselves and those around them, too.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Willesden, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    A man reading in bed

    This will include specific situations where they have put their life at risk, or the lives of those around them.

    Sometimes, an intervention is needed because the individual is unable to see how much damage their addiction is causing, and will not seek help themselves.

    You should also try to go into your intervention with a good idea of where your loved one can go to get the help that they need to recover, and have a list of local rehab centres.

    You should set up your intervention in a calm environment, away from busy and public spaces.

    You should look into local community centres where you might be able to go, or do it in the comfort of your own home.

    You should only invite people who the individuals know really well, so that they feel fully comfortable talking about their addiction and opening up about their struggles should they choose to.

    If you feel nervous about holding an intervention without any professional help, then it might be recommended that you invite an intervention specialist to your intervention with you.

    They will be able to guide you on what to say and how to say it to get the result that you want.

    To get more guidance on how to hold an effective intervention, then you should look into CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) which will provide you with tips and tricks on how to hold your intervention [2].

    If you think that someone you know would benefit from an intervention and needs to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden, then speak to a member of the team at Rehab Recovery for help, advice and support on how to hold a responsible, effective and professional intervention.

    Therapy for alcohol and drug addiction

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table

    If you are addicted to either drugs or alcohol, then you will need to undergo therapy in order to recover.

    This is because an addiction to drugs or alcohol has a huge effect on your psychological well being, and the aim of undergoing this therapy will be to rewire your brain.

    The aim of your therapy is to create healthier and happier habits, and to try to break the cycle of your addiction and substance use disorder.

    This is not an overnight process, and it will take a lot of time and dedication in order to recover.

    If you have never experienced or tried therapy before, then it is only natural to feel nervous beforehand.

    Nevertheless, most people end up continuing their therapy even after they leave the rehab centre, as they benefit from it so much.

    There are lots of different types of therapy techniques used throughout rehab centres across Willesden and the rest of the UK. Some of these are listed below.

    You are not expected to undergo every therapy technique, but you are expected to maintain an open mind and experiment to see what type of techniques work for you and which ones do not.

    If you think that you or a loved one would benefit from any of the above therapy techniques, then they might need to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden.

    To understand the admissions process, talk to a member of the team at Rehab Recovery for more advice and support.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Willesden, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Why should I choose inpatient rather than outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden?

    A bedroom with art on the walls

    Lots of people get confused when it comes to drug and alcohol inpatient versus outpatient rehab treatment. In fact, the differences between the two different types of rehab treatment are simple.

    If you suffer from a severe addiction, which you have suffered from for many years, then you will be recommended inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden or throughout the rest of the UK.

    This is because inpatient treatment allows you the chance to recover in a safe environment, surrounded by professionals.

    If your addiction is severe, then your withdrawal symptoms are also more likely to be severe.

    This means that you might need around the clock care and support during your detox process, and might need more specialised therapy sessions when it comes to your aftercare and therapy.

    For these reasons, inpatient rehab treatment would be more suitable and beneficial to you.

    During inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden, you will eat and sleep within the rehab facility.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Woman in the bath reading a book

    You will stay there for a number of weeks, or even sometimes months. This depends on the severity of your addiction and how well you respond to therapy treatment.

    Outpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment is very different, and involves you staying at home for the duration of your treatment.

    You will only be required to visit the drug and alcohol rehab centre in Willesden every day or every week, depending on your treatment plan.

    This type of drug and alcohol rehab treatment is best for anyone who has a mild addiction issue, who is still motivated enough to recover at home, without constant care and attention.

    You will be assessed before being allowed access to outpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment, as will your home environment.

    Outpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment is the best option for anyone who is still holding down a job during their addiction struggles, or who is still looking after their children or other dependents.

    If you are confused about whether you should opt for inpatient or outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden, then speak to our team at Rehab Recovery.

    Will I get aftercare support after rehab?

    Two women looking at an ipad, smiling

    Everyone who attends drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden is offered aftercare help and support.

    This is because a large percentage of people who attend rehab and the rest of the UK unfortunately go on to relapse.

    For some people, this happens just days or weeks after initially leaving rehab, and for others it happens months or even sometimes years after leaving their rehab programme.

    This is because it is incredibly hard to remain sober when you leave the rehab centre, faced with all of the original triggers that led you to become addicted in the first place.

    This is why during your time at drug and alcohol rehab in Willesden, a lot of time will be spent focussing on your very own, personalised aftercare and support plan.

    This aftercare and support plan contains practical tips and advice on how to stay sober in the outside world, and contains a lot of different techniques to use to avoid triggers and cravings.

    One of these useful techniques is the HALT method to relapse prevention [3]. This method insists that if you experience a craving, you should first check to see if you are any one of the following things first.

    • Hungry
    • Angry
    • Lonely
    • Tired

    If you are any one of the above things, then you should aim to soothe this sensation first, before assuming that you are experiencing a craving for an addictive substance. For many people, they often find that their craving has disappeared by doing so.

    How do I find a rehab centre in Willesden?

    Man sitting at laptop

    If you or someone that you know is suffering from a mild, moderate or severe addiction to alcohol or drugs, then it is time to seek help. Addictions do not go away on their own, and it is important to seek help from professionals if you are looking to recover successfully.

    The team at Rehab Recovery are professionals, and have helped hundreds of people up and down the country get the help they need, from the right place. It is not our job or place to put any pressure on you.

    Our team is simply on hand to point you in the right direction and to provide you with all the information necessary to make an informed decision.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Willesden, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    A middle aged woman smiling






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