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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wimbledon

Read this Rehab Recovery location page for more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon. Contact us today.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wimbledon

    In rare cases, your loved one will approach you and confess that they are struggling with a drug or alcohol problem.

    They may do this to seek relief after years of hiding their drug or alcohol addiction, to find out your viewpoint on it, or to ask you to recommend a drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon to them.

    This means that you will not have to look for any signs of addiction, as you will already be informed that your loved one is suffering. However, you may be interested in distinguishing between a problem of drinking/using, dependency, and addiction.

    The main difference is that problem drinking/using is using more than is recommended, dependency is when the user experiences compulsions to consume the drug, and addiction is when it has started to impact many different parts of the user’s life.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Physical Symptoms of Addiction

    Man drinking

    Most of the time, drug users are not willing to openly discuss their addiction, so you will find out about their problem by identifying physical symptoms related to their drug use, such as:

    • Sleeping problems (too little sleep, too much sleep, nightmares)
    • Eating problems (loss of appetite, increased appetite)
    • Changes in personal hygiene (not bathing, not shaving, not brushing their hair)
    • Being unwell most of the time (e.g., headaches, stuffy nose, nausea)
    • Changes in the appearance of their eyes (dilated pupils, red eyes)
    • Tremors that mostly affect their hands

    Mental Symptoms of Addiction

    These symptoms are even harder to spot than physical symptoms, but you may notice them as a result of a change in the behaviour of your loved one. Mental (psychological) symptoms of addiction can be:

    • Denial (not admitting they have a problem, not acknowledging the severity of the problem, believing everyone has a drug/alcohol issue)
    • High levels of stress
    • Extreme mood swings
    • Blaming (often blaming loved ones for enabling the addiction, or friends for pressuring them into using drugs/alcohol)
    • Changes in energy levels (hyperactive or very little energy)

    Some examples of symptoms that are very hard to spot, but can be identified by observing a certain behaviour, are:

    1. Anxiety

    People with addiction tend to experience high levels of anxiety for many reasons. (1) Addictive substances affect the chemical makeup of our brains, and this can create more anxiety than usual.

    It can also be anxiety-inducing for people to continue to use drugs despite being aware of the damage they are doing to their health, their family, and their future in general.

    A common worry is that the user will never get sober, as they are too consumed with addiction to imagine ever having the willpower to stop using drugs.

    If your loved one hides their anxiety well, you may never notice it. However, look for things like nail biting; restlessness; fidgeting; social isolation; excessive talking or no talking at all; and pay attention if they open up to you about being stressed.

    2. Tolerance

    You are not necessarily going to know if your loved one has become more tolerant of a substance, as you may not know what dose they are taking, or how often they are using the drug.

    However, you could pay attention to their physical and behavioural symptoms, and if they worsen significantly in a short time period, it is likely that they are seeking out higher doses of a substance as they now need more of the drug to feel the benefits.

    You could also take note of how often they are avoiding social situations and choosing to stay at home, as they may be using this time to drink heavily or use drugs. Alternatively, if they have friends who frequently use substances, an increase in their social activities could indicate tolerance.

    3. Impulsivity

    Many drug users become impulsive as a side effect of addiction. (2) Some examples of this are: spending money frivolously, putting themselves in dangerous situations, getting into arguments, and engaging in risky sexual activity.

    Sometimes, you can tell that someone has an addiction as their impulsivity pushes them to be less subtle about their use habits. For example, they may start using in front of you, or they may stop hiding evidence of drugs around their house before you visit.

    Some other impulsive behaviours will not be as obvious, but focus on your loved one’s sleeping, eating, and spending habits, as significant, impulsive changes in these areas can indicate substance misuse.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Staging an Intervention For a Loved One

    At home support

    If your loved one has approached you directly and asked for your help with their substance use issues, you do not need to stage an intervention. You can immediately look for a drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, and encourage your loved one to get a referral as soon as possible.

    However, if they are denying their addiction, or getting angry when you bring it up, an intervention is something to consider. Interventions have successfully led to people seeking professional help for substance use problems, behavioural addictions, and mental health struggles.

    It is advisable to get as many family members as possible to join you in staging the intervention. This will take some of the pressure off you, preventing you from burning out as you deal with the emotional side of the intervention.

    It will also make it more likely that your loved one will agree to go to drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, as they will see that their entire family is concerned about them. This is often more convincing for the person with addiction than hearing one single family member express their worry.

    Why Do Some People Delay Going to Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wimbledon?

    Lots of people with addiction are not willing to admit that they have a problem. This denial protects them from feeling the pain of their struggles in their entirety, having to face the fact that they are hurting their family, and having to make a decision about attending drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon.

    Here are some common reasons that people delay going to drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon:

    1. It is more comfortable to pretend they do not have a problem

    It is common for people with addiction to repress their negative feelings. This does not mean that these feelings disappear, as they always remain under the surface. However, when someone first accepts that they have an addiction, the pain may peak, as it is brought to the surface.

    This deters some people from addressing their problem, as they would rather pretend nothing is wrong, and turn away from the potential consequences of their substance use issue.

    Though this does not work well as a coping mechanism, it means that they do not have to experience acute pain just yet. However, when long-term pain is dragged out, it is often more painful overall.

    This results in people suffering from addiction longer than they have to. Some people even end up going to drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon after many years of suffering, and they deeply regret not attending rehab sooner.

    2. They do not want to accept that they are hurting their family

    Similar to the previous point, some drug users would rather pretend they do not have a problem, as they do not want to think about how their behaviours are damaging their relationships and the mental health of their family.

    Family members of people with addiction often experience high anxiety and depression due to fear for their loved one’s future and feeling out of control as they are unable to stop their loved one from using drugs.

    When drug users attend drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, they will have to address the impact of their addiction on their family with a therapist. As upsetting as it often is, it can be healing to take responsibility for drug use, repair family relationships, and make a change for the benefit of yourself and your family.

    3. They do not want to have a detox

    The detox is often seen as the scariest part of drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, as it can cause patients to feel very unwell, and it may even be dangerous in some circumstances.

    For this reason, many people avoid going to drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon as they would prefer to never have to detox from the substance they are addicted to.

    However, it will be even more dangerous and painful to withdraw from drugs outside of drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon. Once a physical addiction has developed, a medically controlled detox is the only safe way to start your recovery, so avoiding it will only disadvantage you.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    What are the Benefits of Going to Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wimbledon as Soon as Possible?

    Person smiling

    If you go to drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon as soon as you notice that you have a problem with drugs and alcohol, you have a very good chance of recovering quickly, safely, and sustainably (without relapse).

    Addiction is much more serious than problem drug use, so we cannot say that recovery will be easy, but it is much better to go to rehab as soon as you can so that your recovery doesn’t get even harder.

    You will also get treatment for your psychological symptoms at drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, and if you neglect these symptoms for a long time, you will have much more work to do in therapy in terms of healing and forgiving yourself.

    Is Outpatient Treatment as Effective as Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wimbledon?

    No, outpatient treatment in Wimbledon is not as effective as drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon when it comes to helping patients to heal from addiction.

    It cannot replicate inpatient rehab, as you have more contact with the outside world, and it is easier for you to fall back into addiction while you are undergoing treatment.

    Yet, we still encourage some of our patients to try out drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon. Many treatment plans in the area are of very high quality, and you will always benefit from therapy, detoxing, and aftercare.

    Some psychological therapies you might get to experience at drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon are family therapy, individual therapy (one-to-one therapy), behavioural therapy, art therapy, integrative therapy, psychodynamic therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, analytic therapy, and well-being therapy.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, contact us today on 0800 088 66 86.

    Is Home Detoxing as Effective as Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Wimbledon?

    No, home detoxing is even less effective than outpatient rehab, so it is the least common option recommended by Rehab Recovery. We tend to dissuade our clients from home detoxing as we believe therapy is one of the most important parts of rehab, and it is not included in home detoxes.

    It is much less likely that you will stay sober if you do not investigate your addiction, and you simply treat the physical symptoms. This would be like taking medication for sinus problems every day, but not getting to the bottom of why you keep having problems with your sinuses.

    What’s more, aftercare is not included in home detoxing, and this is another significant part of drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon. Too many home detox clients feel isolated at the end of their detox, as they have no one to talk to and no one to motivate them to stay sober.

    If you are set on detoxing at home in Wimbledon, please do this as safely as you can. Find a local fellowship group so that you have support available when your detox is over.

    It may be a good idea to attend the group before you even start your detox so that the most stressful part is over and you can return to a familiar environment at the end of your detox. It is also vital that the people you are living with are willing to help you through the detox process.

    This may include monitoring your physical health, motivating you to stay sober, and providing a relaxing environment for you to recover by taking care of the household chores.

    Contact Rehab Recovery

    Thumbs up

    With Rehab Recovery, you are not restricted in your treatment options. We can find a place at drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon for you in no time, but we can just as easily refer you for a home detox, or find a brilliant outpatient programme for you. Nothing is too difficult.

    Some of our clients are eager to get into a drug or alcohol treatment centre as soon as possible, and they do not want to deal with any delays.

    If you feel like this, please call us whenever you are available to talk, and we will offer you a free consultation immediately. The number to call is 0800 088 66 86.

    Other clients are more hesitant about drug and alcohol rehab in Wimbledon, and they would like some time to decide what is right for them. We respect this, which is why we have a contact form for you to fill out.

    When we get your details, we will be in touch with some information, but we will not expect you to make a decision about rehab on the day. You are welcome to spend as long as you want reflecting on this.

    If you are here for medical information on addiction, as opposed to a rehab referral, our website is the place to be. We have information on many different types of treatments and addictions.

    We also have articles on how different groups in society battle addiction, and how they can get sober. For example, have a look at our posts on alcoholic parents, homeless people, the elderly, and single mothers.


    [1] The Link Between Anxiety & Substance Abuse

    [2] Insight Into the Relationship Between Impulsivity and Substance Abuse From Studies Using Animal Models

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