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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Finchley

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Finchley

    Approximately 70,000 adults living in Finchley and Barnet are currently drinking too much alcohol. Of these individuals, only 595 people living in Barnet are currently receiving treatment for their addiction issues, according to a study in 2014 [1].

    Unfortunately, a significant amount of these patients had already received some form of treatment before and had subsequently relapsed [1].

    Studies have also revealed that 22% of all individuals living in Barnet drink alcohol at least once a month. The same study revealed that most people in this age range are most likely to consume cannabis when it comes to drugs [1].

    Of all residents living in Finchley and Barnet who drink alcohol, around 19,000 adults are drinking so much alcohol that it is damaging to their health [2].

    There are also nearly 1,500 people living in Finchley and Barnet who are addicted to opiates or crack. There are also lower than average people in treatment for their addiction, compared to national rates [1].

    Unfortunately, more young people living in Finchley and Barnet are experimenting with drugs. 12% of all 11–15-year-olds living in Finchley and Barnet have tried drugs over the past 12 months [1].

    How Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Finchley Work?

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    If you are considering drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley, then you might be wondering how it all works.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley starts with the admissions process. You will be assessed by professionals, who will assess how severe your addiction is, what type of addiction you are suffering from and what type of treatment you will need to undergo if you did attend rehab.

    Once you are admitted into drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley, you will start your treatment process with your detox.

    Your detox is your chance to free yourself of your dependency on the addictive substance. You will withdraw from the addictive substance slowly, and will eventually stop taking it altogether.

    Unfortunately, with any detox comes withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms can be particularly harsh if your addiction to drugs and alcohol was severe.

    If your addiction was only mild, then your withdrawal symptoms might only be mild to moderate and might only last a few days.

    Once you have completed your medical detox, you will then spend the remaining time in treatment undergoing a range of therapy. This will include a range of therapy techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy, to motivational interviewing, to family therapy and group therapy.

    Your therapy could last several weeks or even sometimes months, depending on the severity of your addiction. You will also spend a lot of your time in rehab preparing yourself for when you leave drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley.

    For example, a lot of time will be spent working on a relapse prevention plan, which contains a list of tips and tricks on how to avoid any triggers or cravings for your addiction.

    What is the Cost of Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Finchley?

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    The cost of drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley means that a lot of people who suffer from addiction avoid attending rehab. For many people, the cost of attending private drug and alcohol rehab makes it unattainable.

    The cost of attending drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley depends heavily on several different factors.

    These factors include the following.

    • How severe is your addiction to drugs and alcohol is
    • Whether you have attended drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley before
    • What types of drugs and alcohol you are addicted to
    • Whether you require a physical detox or not
    • Whether you opt for a private or shared room

    As mentioned, these factors have a huge influence on how much your drug and alcohol rehab treatment will cost, as they also directly influence how long you will need to stay in drug and alcohol rehab.

    The cost of attending drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley varies significantly. You could pay anything between £2,000 and £4,000 for a short stint in rehab, but should always expect to pay more if you opt for your own, private room in the rehab facility.

    Otherwise, you should expect to share a room with someone else in most drug and alcohol rehab facilities across the UK.

    If you have to stay in drug and alcohol rehab for longer than 10 days, then you might need to pay anything between £6,000 and £12,000 for a private or shared room.

    How Long is Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Finchley?

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    If your addiction is deemed mild then you might only need to stay in rehab for up to 10 days, as this is usually the least amount of time individuals have to stay in rehab to successfully detox from the addictive substance.

    If your addiction issues are moderate then you will most likely have to stay in rehab for at least 28 days. This is enough time to complete your medical detox, as well as a range of different treatment options, including cognitive behavioural therapy.

    If your addiction has been going on for a while then you will need to continue undergoing therapy after you leave rehab.

    For anyone with a severe addiction, you will have to stay in rehab for up to 60 days, or potentially 90 days if your addiction is severe.

    How Long Does Detox Last?

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    Most people who are addicted to alcohol have to undergo a medical detox to recover successfully. This is because alcohol is physically addictive.

    Most detoxes are rather unpleasant, and many people say that they are easily the worst and hardest part of their recovery. Most detoxes last anywhere between 7 – 10 days, but this does depend on several different factors.

    There are two main different types of withdrawals. The first is acute withdrawal, which means that you will experience a range of withdrawal symptoms. The second type of withdrawal is post-acute withdrawal, which is more psychological rather than physical.

    How long a detox lasts depends on several different factors, including some factors listed below.

    • What type of substances you are addicted to
    • Whether you have abused more than one substance or not
    • How frequently have you abused the addictive substance
    • How you consumed the addictive substance
    • What was your tolerance was
    • Whether you suffer from a dual diagnosis or not
    • Your medical history
    • Your age
    • Your gender

    If you or someone that you know suffers from an addiction issue but are worried about how long they might need to stay in rehab, then speak to someone at Rehab Recovery.

    Our team of specialists will need to assess how severe your addiction is and will be able to estimate how long you will need to stay in rehab, and how much money this might cost if you were to go ahead.

    The Pros and Cons of Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Finchley

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    There are two different types of drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley. The two main different types of rehab are private and NHS-funded rehab treatment.

    NHS-funded rehab treatment is completely free, which is great for anyone who cannot afford to attend private drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley. Although this is a great option, it doesn’t work for everyone.

    This is because the NHS suffers from a lack of funding, and therefore isn’t able to support everyone. Those who do get NHS-funded rehab treatment have to wait several months before getting their treatment.

    This is why a lot of people opt for private drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley, as you will often be seen within just a few days and will be offered the very best treatment from the very best doctors in your area.

    However, as we have discussed above, attending private drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley is expensive, which makes it inaccessible to most people who suffer from an addiction issue.

    If you or someone that you know suffers from an addiction to drugs or alcohol and wants help and support, then speak to a member of our team at Rehab Recovery.

    They will be able to talk through the pros and cons of attending NHS-funded rehab treatment, as opposed to private drug and alcohol rehab treatment in Finchley.

    What Happens After Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Finchley?

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    After you leave drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley, you will be asked to attend several aftercare and self-help groups to help keep you on track to recovery.

    You will still be supported by a range of doctors and therapists and will be given your very own relapse prevention plan. This will contain a list of tips and tricks on how to stay sober after you leave rehab.

    You should also visit several self-help groups, including Alcoholics Anonymous, SMART Meetings, Narcotics Anonymous and Al-Anon.

    If you are still suffering from addiction issues and still need to attend therapy sessions, you will still be able to attend outpatient drug and alcohol rehab to stay on track to your addiction recovery.

    How Do I Tell my Family That I’m Going to rehab?

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    Admitting that you need to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley is a really hard step. However, some people do admit that having to tell their friends, family members or colleagues that they are attending rehab is just as hard.

    Many people worry that they will be judged, that their family or friends might try to put them off attending rehab or that they will laugh at them. When someone attends drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley, it is not just their lives that are affected. The lives of those around them are massively affected, too.

    This is why it is hugely important to think long and hard about how you want to tell your loved ones that you are attending drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley.

    The best thing that you can do is to pick a time and a place to tell them, rather than telling them spontaneously. You should also try to be as open and honest with them as possible about how long you have been addicted to drugs or alcohol and should respect their opinions, too.

    If telling your loved ones in person would be too much to handle, then you could always try to write them a letter to explain, instead.

    How Do I Suggest Addiction Rehab to a Loved One?

    Two women chatting and smiling on a bench

    Likewise, if someone you know is struggling with an addiction issue, then you might feel anxious or worried about how to suggest that they should attend drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley.

    If you are bringing up your loved one’s addiction to them for the very first time, then you should hold an intervention. This is a planned meeting where you discuss how concerned you are for their wellbeing.

    Interventions are a great way of explaining to your loved one how concerned you are for their well-being, by suggesting a range of therapy and recovery options.

    If your loved one has already been approached about their addiction but does not want to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Finchley, then you could try to convince them to attend rehab by educating them, being brutally honest with them and promising them that you will support them throughout the process.

    Speak to Rehab Recovery

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    If you are worried about your addiction issue escalating, then get in touch with our team at Rehab Recovery by calling us on 0800 088 66 86.





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