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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Beverley

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Beverley. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Beverley

    It’s difficult to broach this issue with someone you care about, so you may have been avoiding it for a long time.

    However, avoidance is never the answer in this situation. People can hide their substance abuse problems very well, so if it is noticeable to you, the situation may be much worse than you imagined.

    The approach you should take in this situation will be different depending on your relationship with your loved one.

    If you are not close to them, and you rarely discuss deep issues, you may decide to ask somebody else to have a conversation with them. This might make them feel more comfortable, which could cause them to open up about their issue more.

    However, if you are very close to this person, it is best to start this discussion yourself. You do not have to do this in a formal setting and pressure your loved one into opening up.

    Yet, equally, it wouldn’t be wise to bring up this topic extremely casually, such as in a brief phone call.

    This is because it implies the issue isn’t serious, it gives your family member more reason to avoid the conversation, and it may make them feel that you don’t have time for them.

    We would recommend speaking to your loved one on a day that you usually see them anyway.

    Get onto the topic of how they are doing, and then gently express that you have noticed they are using substances quite often, and you wonder whether they need any support for this (such as drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley).

    If they become very defensive, which happens often, keep restating that you are not trying to embarrass them, but you know how damaging addiction can be.

    Our recommended method won’t work for everyone, as there are many factors involved, e.g., the severity of the substance use, the attitude of your loved one, how recent the issue is, and whether other family members have also stated that they are concerned.

    To get personal advice, get in touch with us and explain your circumstances.

    It’s important to recognise that the gentle method is only advised for the first conversation.

    If your loved one rejects your demonstration of support, and they continue to abuse substances and risk their life, you may need to escalate the situation by becoming sterner, and eventually, staging an intervention.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Beverley on 0800 088 66 86

    Can I Avoid Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Beverley If I Have an Addiction?

    Two people holding hands

    You have to consent to go to drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley, so you can always avoid it, as you will never be forced to go there for treatment. In fact, if you wanted to avoid addiction treatment entirely, including home detoxing and outpatient programmes, you could do this.

    However, as you can imagine, Rehab Recovery would never condone avoiding addiction treatment.

    We understand exactly why you would want to do this: admitting to having a problem can be embarrassing, arranging treatment is tiring, and going to rehab is overwhelming. Yet, the solution is not to say no to drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley.

    The feelings of embarrassment, fatigue, and overwhelm are temporary, and the feelings you will have if you never get treated are much worse.

    If you think of your addiction as a physical illness, it may help you to see why avoiding drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley is extremely risky.

    Let’s say you are suffering from breathlessness, an increased heart rate, and dizziness. You are showing symptoms of a serious heart condition, but if you acknowledged this, you would be met with the expectation of going to the doctor and getting it checked out.

    You are feeling embarrassed, tired, and overwhelmed at the thought of going to getting a heart condition diagnosed, as you know that the process won’t be easy, and everyone will find out about your health issue.

    However, if you keep the problem to yourself, and never go to the GP, what happens? You will have to cope with your worrying symptoms for longer, your condition may worsen, and you are putting your life at risk.

    The same can be said for drug and alcohol addiction. Taking the first step is scary, but saying no to drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley is much scarier.

    To treat your condition effectively and quickly, the best thing you can do is work up the courage to go to residential rehab, where you will be able to unpack your feelings of embarrassment, fatigue, and overwhelm.

    What is Therapy Like at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Beverley?

    Bumpy road

    When we talk about drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley, we are not talking about one specific treatment centre. There are a wide range of rehab centres in Beverley, and they all deal with therapy in a different way.

    You can trust that you will get a daily programme of therapy in any of these private rehab units, but the types of therapy that you have will be different.

    If you want to know about a specific type of therapy, you can call us to discuss how the therapy works, who it’s for, and which rehab facilities in Beverley offer this therapeutic model. For now, we will describe a few common therapeutic models that work well as forms of addiction treatment.

    1. Group therapy

    All inpatient programmes at drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley will include group therapy. This is when patients get together to talk about their substance use and get sober.

    They are joined by a dedicated professional therapist who is there to provide professional advice and ensure the session follows a logical structure.

    The progress that you see after going to group therapy is sometimes slower than with other types of therapy.

    This is because you may not feel confident enough to open up to a big room of people, whereas in individual therapy, most clients find it easier to admit to their faults, and to discuss deep childhood wounds.

    That being said, every patient is different. Some people find one-to-one therapy very intense, as all of the focus is on them, and very personal subjects are discussed, e.g., trauma, relationships, and childhood.

    They may find it easier to talk in group therapy, with less pressure to delve deep into their background.

    2. Art therapy

    Some people are much more likely to divulge their issues when they have a creative outlet. When you are sitting opposite a therapist, with nothing to distract you, it can make you feel as though you are under the spotlight.

    It is necessary to learn how to cope with this, but equally, it can be refreshing to attend art therapy on top of individual therapy, where there is less pressure to have an intense conversation with eye contact.

    Patients who go to art therapy sessions can use a range of techniques to express their feelings, from finger painting to sculpting.

    During and after the creative activity, they will talk to the therapist about the inspiration behind their creation, and how it makes them feel.

    Often, a patient’s designs will have a common theme, which will help the therapist guide the conversation to a certain topic.

    For example, if a patient keeps creating art pieces reflecting family life, and they describe feeling anxious in the creative process, the therapist may decide to ask questions about family relationships and dynamics, with a focus on the client’s addiction issues and general mental health.

    3. Family therapy

    When one family member has an addiction, this impacts everyone else in the family.

    Sometimes, family members feel victimised, as they are dealing with violent outbursts from their loved one, they are experiencing anxiety about their loved one’s health, and they feel as though they are no longer a priority in their loved one’s life.

    Other times, family members become incredibly frustrated with the person of concern, as they have invested time and energy into helping them, but they continue to relapse.

    Eventually, they may decide to cut off their family member, as it is too draining to keep trying to help.

    Family therapy can help people to heal after they have suffered as a result of their loved one’s drug addiction. By talking about it to their loved one, they can get closure, and understand that it was never a personal issue.

    For the person of concern, there is the benefit of knowing their family supports their drug or alcohol recovery and being able to apologise for any previous behaviour that hurt their family.

    4. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

    This type of therapy is usually offered in the form of individual sessions. However, some group therapists use CBT techniques to help patients understand addictive behaviours.

    CBT is a dual therapy, as it relies on both cognitive therapy and behaviour therapy. Cognitive therapy looks at thought patterns, whereas behaviour therapy investigates how we act based on our thoughts.

    When patients have CBT, they learn about cognitive distortions, which are unhealthy negative thinking patterns we have that can worsen mental health disorders, including addiction.

    For example, if you have ever thought ‘I am an awful person because I binge drink’, this is known as labelling (calling yourself awful) and jumping to conclusions (assuming that because you binge drink, you must be morally flawed).

    These cognitive distortions can keep you trapped in addiction, as they make you feel worse about yourself, and they may lead you to believe you will never recover. CBT helps you to confront these thoughts with evidence, resulting in more logical and helpful thinking that is more likely to lead to sobriety.

    5. Motivational interviewing

    Motivational interviewing encourages the patient to develop intrinsic motivation, which will help them to maintain long-term sobriety. It works by investigating the different challenges the patient may be dealing with, and teaching them how to resolve or cope with them.

    For example, one challenge that is common in people with addiction is self-sufficiency. Their sobriety may be defined by the beliefs and actions of others around them.

    For example, perhaps they keep making attempts to get sober, but as soon as their friend asks them to go to the pub, sobriety is no longer a priority, and they return to abusing substances.

    When the patient learns techniques for self-sufficiency, they will be able to get sober regardless of what others around them are doing. We know this because motivational interviewing reduces the extent of substance abuse (1).

    Often, as well as becoming more independent, the patient is advised to not put themselves in triggering situations, just in case it does lead to relapse. This is because motivational interviewing is not a way to cure addiction, so there is always a risk of relapse.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Beverley on 0800 088 66 86

    What Type Of Person Goes to Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Beverley?

    Two men, one with his hand on the other's shoulder

    You may have read that it is much more common for men to go to drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley, and this is true.

    However, women have a place at drug and alcohol rehab centres, and there is no reason you should shy away from rehab because of your gender. Similarly, if you are a teenager or you are elderly, just because more middle-aged people to go rehab does not mean you do not belong there.

    The common tie of people in rehab is that they are all struggling with addiction or dependency. Regardless of your age, gender, or anything else that defines you, you will have something significant in common with every other patient.

    What’s more, the statistics are just averages. You will still meet people at drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley who do not match the stereotype of a residential rehab patient, as addiction impacts many different types of people.

    FAQs About Having a Family Member With Addiction

    A woman reading sitting on the floor

    If I have a family member with an addiction, should I be cautious when using drugs?

    If there is a family history of addiction, you are at an increased risk, so you should be careful that you do not become dependent on drugs or alcohol.

    However, you do not have to abstain completely if this does not suit you, as there is no guarantee that you will develop an addiction. Remain cautious and get help for any problems early on.

    Everyone should be cautious of addictive behaviours, regardless of their family history. We do not know whether we are more susceptible to addiction than the average person, so we should always be sensible when dealing with addictive substances.

    Should I keep a family member’s addiction a secret if they ask me to?

    You may feel as though you need to keep a secret for your loved one out of loyalty. Though we do not advise exposing the addiction to big groups of people, we also believe it is damaging to actively conceal it, at the request of your friend or family member.

    If they are showing signs of addiction, and other people are noticing, let them notice. It is not your job to pretend everything is ok, as your loved one has to deal with the consequences of their substance abuse.

    We do not say this to be critical of your loved one, but because many people are driven to recovery when they realise everyone around them is aware of their addiction, so it can be a helpful milestone in their journey to recovery.

    What is the link between addiction and codependency in family members?

    When addiction exists in a family, codependency is often not far behind. Hiding an addiction, as we discussed above, is one example of codependency.

    Some other examples are: feeling responsible for your loved one’s addiction and giving them money to fund their substance abuse.

    Codependency is a complex issue that is often deep-rooted. It often stems from people-pleasing, as the partner feels as though they need to meet their loved one’s needs (i.e., enabling their addiction) in order to be deserving of love.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Beverley on 0800 088 66 86

    Getting a Referral to Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Beverley

    Call us on 0800 088 66 86 to find out how you can get a place at drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley, where you could have treatment for behavioural addiction, substance addiction, mental illness, trauma, codependency, grief, and more.

    Our job is to reduce your stress by taking over the referral process. We will assess your level of need in an in-depth conversation with you, and then we will decide which type of treatment corresponds the best with this level of need.

    You can expect a referral to drug and alcohol rehab in Beverley, but less often, we suggest outpatient treatment programmes or medical detoxes at home to our clients.


    [1] Motivational interviewing for substance abuse


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