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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stretford

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stretford

    Statistics show that almost 30% of residents in Stretford are regularly drinking more than the recommended amount (1).

    Similarly, drugs continue to be an issue in the Stretford area with violent drug gangs bringing class A and B drugs into the area (2).

    Not only is there a clear need for facilities offering drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford, but there also needs to be more education about the impact of drugs and alcohol on individuals, families and communities.

    Addiction Therapy & Treatment Options in Stretford

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    When you have made the decision that you need to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford, you need to decide which facility you want to attend for treatment.

    Different facilities will offer different types of treatment and some may focus more heavily on alternative therapies than others.

    This is why it is important to do your research into the different facilities in your area so you can make an informed decision.

    A respectable rehab facility will offer a variety of treatment options that covers treating the addiction as well as any co-occurring mental health conditions that may have exacerbated or caused the addiction.

    This is called dual diagnosis, and it is an important part of overcoming a substance use disorder.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Stretford, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Other common types of treatment you can expect from rehab are:

    1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    Woman in therapy session

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is perhaps the most common type of therapy used in addiction treatment.

    It can help you tackle any issues you have by attempting to change the way you approach certain situations.

    CBT aims to give you a more positive outlook on life and encourages you to attract more positive outcomes. 

    2. Group Therapy

    Group therapy is common in addiction treatment both in and outside of inpatient rehab facilities. Within a group setting, people can share their stories of addiction and their journeys to sobriety.

    These groups offer a safe space to speak openly about your addiction and can help you feel less alone.

    3. Alternative Therapies

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    Alternative therapy can cover a range of therapies including art therapy, music therapy, mindfulness, meditation or yoga. They offer a sense of calm and provide a healthy output for negativity.

    Alternative therapies can be used long after a person has left inpatient rehab if they feel they need to be more grounded.

    Many alternative therapies such as mindfulness and yoga are also taught as relapse prevention techniques. 

    4. Alcohol and Drug Detox

    In many cases, a person attending drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford will require a medically assisted detox.

    An addiction to alcohol or opioids causes a physical addiction, which then causes physical withdrawal symptoms making withdrawal dangerous and sometimes life threatening.

    To combat this, a medical professional will prescribe you with medication to offset the withdrawal symptoms while keeping a close eye on your for 7 to 10 days while the withdrawal symptoms wear off.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Common signs you need help from drug and alcohol addiction

    An older man looking wistfully over a mountainous scene

    Making the decision to attend inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford is not easy. By the time you are willing to admit that you have developed a dependency, your addiction may have been causing issues for several months or even years.

    Often, what starts as occasional usage spirals into addiction before you realise what has happened. This is why it can be difficult to admit that your usage has become problematic.

    However, if you are still trying to decide whether you need to take such a drastic step, it can be helpful to know the common signs that your addiction has gone too far and you need to seek professional help.

    Some common signs that you should consider attending drug and alcohol rehab are:

    • You spend a large amount of money funding your addiction
    • Your work or school life have become affected by your addiction – for example, you have poor attendance as a result of feeling too sick to go in, or your performance is poor because you are too sick/high to properly function
    • You have lost interest in hobbies that you used to enjoy because they take you away from the substance that you have developed a dependency to
    • You have become secretive with friends and family about your whereabouts and/or your substance use
    • You have made repeated attempts to quit taking the substance or to cut back on it, but have failed each time
    • You start to feel sick and/or irritable if you have not taken the substance for a while

    How to Know When It Is Time to Intervene

    Two men, one with his hand on the other's shoulder

    If you are worried about someone you love and believe they may need to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford, it can be difficult to know whether you are doing the right thing by approaching them.

    Many people who are actively trying to hide their addiction from close friends and family feel like they are being judged or ganged up on if they are confronted about their dependency.

    That being said, approaching them in a non-confrontational way can be the push they need to make them see that they need to seek help.

    Some of the signs that someone you love may be struggling with a substance use disorder are:

    • They regularly have slurred speech
    • They make excuses to drink alcohol at odd times of the day or at events where it is inappropriate – for example, a child’s birthday party
    • They often have money troubles but have no new possessions to show for it
    • They are often irritable, or have frequent mood swings
    • They make excuses to stay away from friends, family or events
    • They have become secretive about their whereabouts or who they are spending their time with

    If you are worried about someone you love and want help or advice on how to approach them about attending drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford, give us a call today.

    CRAFT Approach to intervention

    People talking in family therapy

    If you are worried about someone you love and feel that you need more guidance in helping them, there is a programme called CRAFT that has been gaining popularity in recent years and has been shown to be incredibly helpful.

    CRAFT stands for Community Relations and Family Training and it employs the help of a professional interventionist to teach those closest to the person struggling how to handle it in a healthier way.

    A professional interventionist can show the family the ways in which they may have been inadvertently enabling the addiction, such as lending money etc, and teach them how to avoid these behaviours in the future.

    The interventionist will also teach the family the importance of allowing the person to deal with the negative consequences of their own actions, and to encourage positive behaviour with positive reinforcement.

    The CRAFT approach does not usually require any sort of traditional intervention, so it can be easier for everyone to handle.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Stretford, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    What Will Happen at Rehab?

    two women talking on a sofa together

    Deciding that you need to go to drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford can be a daunting reality.

    If you have never been to any sort of rehab facility before, you will be wondering what it’s like in rehab and what sort of things you can expect.

    At Rehab Recovery, we recommend taking a tour of some rehab facilities close to you. This way, you will already know what your accommodation will look like before you arrive, and you will have met some of the staff which will help make you feel more comfortable.

    When you go on a tour of a rehab facility , the staff there will talk you through the rehab process and the treatments you can expect when you get there.

    Some of the things that you can expect when you enter drug and alcohol rehab are:

    1. A psychological Evaluation

    two people talking together on sofas

    The first thing that will happen when you enter any rehab facility is a psychological evaluation. This is done so that the staff have a clear understanding of your mental health.

    From this, they can decide what therapy treatments will benefit you the most, and whether you have any co-occurring mental health conditions that will require a dual diagnosis and further treatment.

    2. A medically assisted detox

    You will need to undergo a medical detox if you have a physical addiction to determine whether your addiction causes physicalwithdrawal symptoms such as seizures.

    This will be done on its own and before any therapy treatments can begin.

    3. Therapy

    A variety of different therapies are used in drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford, and depending on your personal needs, you will probably experience a range of them. The most common types of therapy are Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Group Therapy and Alternative Therapies such as meditation.

    4. Aftercare

    Two women looking at an ipad, smiling

    Most facilities that offer rehab offer an aftercare package. These packages differ from clinic to clinic, however, most of them offer 12 months of therapy and advice.

    Once you are discharged from the inpatient clinic, you will be given all the information you need about the aftercare package and how you can avail of the services both within the facility and in the community.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Stretford, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Cost of Drug and Alcohol Rehab

    A phone calculator held above some documents

    The cost of drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford differs from each facility and each person.

    This is because some facilities will be more luxurious and high-end while others will be more basic, and also because each treatment plan is created for each individual service user depending on what they need.

    As a rule of thumb, you should expect to pay anywhere between £5,000 and £10,000 for a 30-day stay in rehab.

    This may seem like a lot of money; however, you should consider the amount of money you currently spend on your addiction and take in to account how much you will save in the long run by spending the money to go in to private rehab.

    As well as this, most clinics offer payment plans so you can pay a set amount every month via direct debit until you have paid the full amount, and many facilities also accept health insurance to cover some of the cost.

    How Long is Rehab?

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    As with cost, the length of time you will need to spend in rehab will be determined by your addiction and personal circumstances.

    If you are addicted to alcohol or opioids, you will have to undergo a medically assisted detox for the first 7 – 10 days of your rehabilitation.

    This means that you will need to spend longer in rehab that someone who is addicted to cocaine, which does not require a medical detox.

    However, most experts believe that no matter what you are addicted to, a 30-day stay in rehab is recommended to make sure you are mentally and emotionally healthy and ready to face the world as a clean and sober person.

    Call us today

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    For help and advice on any of the topics covered here, or to have any questions answered about drug and alcohol rehab in Stretford, call us today for free and impartial advice.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    An elderly man wearing a hat, smiling


    [1] Trafford Joint Strategic Needs Assessment – Alcohol –

    [2] Manchester Evening News – The faces of the grenade drugs gang who sparked mass evacuation of Stretford –


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