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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Eltham

It can be difficult when dealing with addiction to know where to begin. We make things easier for you, with free advice and referrals to rehabs in your area.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Eltham

    As one of Greater London’s 35 major centres, the district of Eltham is frequently impacted by the city’s addiction crisis.

    Substance Use Disorders relating to both drugs and alcohol are prevalent in the Eltham locale: presenting a significant risk to the well-being of its residents.

    While Greenwich has been ranked the best out of 10 nearby boroughs for rates of successful drug and alcohol treatment [1], addiction problems persist in the area.

    In 2020-2021, Greenwich hospitals recorded 1,245 admissions for alcohol-specific conditions and 930 cases of alcohol-related conditions.

    This report [2] revealed that in the same year, 77 individuals lost their lives due to alcohol-related illnesses, signifying the area-wide need for treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Eltham.

    While alcohol use disorders pose a significant threat to the well-being of London’s residents, rates of drug addiction remain high in the capital city.

    Recent government statistics [3] reported that areas of Greater London have a crack and opiate use prevalence of 15 per 1,000, with substance abuse more prolific in central boroughs such as Greenwich.

    What is Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

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    It’s not uncommon to know someone struggling with substance addiction or even be battling a dependency yourself, without knowing the ins and outs of this condition.

    Many people aren’t aware that drug or alcohol addiction is a chronic disease much like diabetes or cancer in the way it affects our bodies and minds.

    Substance addiction has enough of a neurobiological impact [4] on its victims for experts to name it a disease of the brain.

    Taking a drug or consuming moderate amounts of alcohol causes the brain to produce a pleasure-inducing chemical known as dopamine: making us feel temporarily euphoric.

    While most individuals can use substances without developing an addiction, consistently flooding the brain with dopamine causes alterations in the brain’s reward circuitry that make it hard for people to abstain.

    Because the brain adapts easily to the effects of drugs or alcohol, it quickly accommodates the levels of dopamine being produced.

    This causes an individual’s tolerance to increase; the brain will require more of an addictive substance to achieve the same high, while also associating this substance with a reward.

    As a result, individuals experience intense cravings when they go without a substance for too long.

    In due course, individuals afflicted with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) [5] will find themselves reaching for drugs or alcohol every day to keep themselves ticking over.

    Substance use has now switched from being a recreational activity to a dangerous addiction in need of treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Eltham.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Eltham, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal

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    When someone is physically and psychologically dependent on either drugs or alcohol, quitting cold turkey will catch their system off guard and cause a variety of symptoms to surface.

    This uncomfortable experience won’t be the same for everyone, however, with different substances causing different symptoms depending on how long they’ve been abused.

    Cocaine withdrawal is usually characterised by feeling restless, fatigued, or experiencing low mood, while opioid addictions cause sweating muscle aches and uncontrollable tremors.

    Alcohol withdrawal presents in a multitude of ways, including mood changes, vomiting, anxiety, shaking, and even seizures caused by a complication known as Delirium Tremens.

    Regardless of the substance, someone is addicted to, withdrawal symptoms can worsen rapidly and can be deadly without proper management [6].

    To start your recovery in the best way possible, it’s therefore vital to get the help you need via a drug and alcohol rehab in Eltham.

    Admissions Process into a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Eltham

    A male patient talking to a female therapist

    To access a safe withdrawal space and receive further treatment to amend your well-being, entering rehab might be the best option for you.

    However, the admissions process can be tricky to navigate, especially if you’re already feeling unwell due to your addiction.

    Fortunately, our team at Rehab Recovery has a tried and tested system in place to help you find an optimal drug and alcohol rehab in Eltham.

    Our trained professionals [7] are available at all times of the day or night to talk you through the rehab admissions process, starting with an informal chat to understand your reasons for picking up the phone.

    Once we’ve learnt a bit more about yourself and your situation, you’ll be referred for an in-depth medical and psychiatric evaluation with one of our consultants.

    This will take place over the phone at your convenience, and will help us gather the information needed to choose suitable rehab clinics in your area.

    You’ll be asked to provide information regarding your living situation, substance addiction, treatment preferences, and how you intend to pay for treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Eltham.

    From here, our team will be able to find a rehab clinic able to tailor a programme specifically to your needs: offering a personalised approach from the word go.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Eltham, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Rehab

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    The term Dual Diagnosis [8] is used to describe the method of treating someone with co-occurring disorders, which in this scenario is SUD and an underlying mental illness or behavioural condition.

    In many situations, a long-standing mental illness can become the cause of drug or alcohol addiction, but it can work the other way too: as in cases of drug-induced psychosis.

    Because substance addictions become so closely intertwined with mental health disorders, an integrated treatment strategy is needed to treat both illnesses in tandem.

    At a drug and alcohol rehab in Eltham, dual diagnosis treatment programmes are provided to give patients therapeutic support from all angles. They’ll receive a comprehensive diagnosis from which a fully personalised treatment plan can be formed.

    Often implemented on an inpatient basis, dual diagnosis programmes combine medical and psychological therapies to address both conditions at once.

    Therapeutic techniques that have shown favourable results in this field include behavioural therapies, contingency management, holistic treatments, and self-help communities.

    Medicated Detox at Rehab

    A woman taking a pill

    Improperly managed detox can be a dangerous period in recovery for those addicted to drugs or alcohol, especially if they’ve been dependent for many years.

    With this in mind, the process of removing substances from the body should be completed with the aid of a drug and alcohol rehab [9] in Eltham. These clinics can provide specialised withdrawal management via a medically supervised detox.

    Each medicated detox begins by assessing the patient: including a review of their substance use history, a medical examination, and screening for a potential dual diagnosis.

    Once their severity has been assessed, a team of specialists will use this information to design a detox strategy and tapering programme.

    Throughout their stabilisation phase: the main component of detox lasting between 1-2 weeks, patients are placed in a sober living environment designed to prevent relapse.

    Careful supervision from a team of clinicians allows for rapid medical intervention if withdrawal symptoms start to arise: a process known as Medication Assisted Therapy.

    Utilising certified medications during detox allows patients to stabilise comfortably and keep their motivation levels high prior to further treatment.

    Patients struggling with opioid addictions often benefit from introducing a substitute drug, such as suboxone or buprenorphine, to prevent adverse symptoms.

    Those addicted to alcohol and other drugs such as stimulants may receive agents to control cravings, anti-sickness tablets, or anti-anxiety medications to reduce restlessness.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Therapeutic Treatment at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Eltham

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    At rehab, patients are introduced to a series of cutting-edge treatments [10] throughout their residency.

    While medications are often needed to help patients overcome their physical addiction, psychotherapies instil the positive behavioural changes needed to beat SUD in the long term.

    Popular therapeutic strategies include:

    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy [11] (CBT): Many SUD victims are harassed by negative thinking patterns that make them feel powerless, alone, and can ultimately inform their substance-abusing behaviours. CBT workshops are used to help patients recognise and reevaluate this cycle of negative thinking: teaching them how to problem-solve, cope with stress, and re-cultivate a sense of purpose without substances.
    • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy [11] (DBT): Much like CBT, DBT provides attendees with the opportunity to develop healthier ways of coping with negative thoughts. However, unlike other behavioural therapies, DBT has been designed for those who feel emotions intensely, and who have trauma at the root of their substance addiction. At a drug and alcohol rehab in Eltham, DBT workshops instil healthy coping techniques and teach crucial distress management skills.
    • Holistic Therapy [12] (HT): A large part of SUD recovery relies on enhancing the patient’s cognitive, emotional, and spiritual well-being. HT participants are taught ways in which they can thrive outside of rehab via healthy activities and daily exercise: encouraging the brain to recognise these natural sources of dopamine. HT treatment offerings include cooking classes, guided meditation and yoga, adventure therapy, and even learning to take care of animals.
    • Family Therapy [13] (FT): Family Therapy is an important component in any well-rounded treatment programme, and is often necessary to address conflict and enabling behaviours. FT sessions in rehab can involve both immediate and extended family members as well as close friends, provided they have an important role in an addicted person’s life. Workshops focus on communication enhancement, problem-solving, and learning how to promote a substance-free environment in the home.

    Aftercare at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Eltham

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    From peer support groups to career advice, rehab alumni programmes help graduates in a multitude of ways, depending on their unique needs following residential care.

    After being discharged from rehab, former patients are provided with an ongoing recovery programme to ensure they remain on the path towards lifelong sobriety.

    Relapse triggers can emerge in a variety of ways: from poor nutrition, going out with friends, or simply feeling bored.

    To help those in recovery stay one step ahead of their triggers, aftercare programmes offer regular evaluations with clinicians: either in person or on the phone.

    Former patients also have access to ongoing therapy and local support groups attended by fellow rehab graduates.

    Participating in local support groups can be incredibly rewarding for those needing some extra support: with sessions providing a safe space to voice concerns, receive advice, and make lasting connections with others.

    Non-Profit Organisations such as SMART [15] use motivational methods to support recovering SUD victims, while Narcotics Anonymous [16] and Alcoholics Anonymous [17] use 12-step methods to implement lasting change.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about rehab in Eltham, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    A middle aged woman smiling


    [1] Public Health Profile for Greenwich, Area Details

    [2] Local Alcohol Profiles for England, Greenwich Data

    [3] Adult Substance Misuse Treatment Statistics 2020 to 2021

    [4] The Science of Addiction: From Neurobiology to Treatment

    [5] Substance Use Disorders: a Biopsychosocial Perspective

    [6] Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (2nd Ed.)

    [7] Rehab Recovery: Meet the Team

    [8] Co-occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

    [9] Inpatient Detoxification for Drug and Alcohol Dependency

    [10] Innovations in the Treatment of Substance Addiction

    [11] Rehab Recovery: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Addiction Treatment

    [12] The Oxford Handbook of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy

    [13] Healing and Wholeness: Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Mental Health

    [14] Rehab Recovery: Family Addiction Counselling

    [15] UK Smart Recovery: Our Programmes

    [16] Narcotics Anonymous in the United Kingdom: Need help?

    [17] Alcoholics Anonymous: About AA

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