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Hash Addiction Help & Treatment

    Hash Addiction Help & Treatment

    People consume hash in order to experience positive emotions such as relaxation, pleasure, euphoria, reduced stress and anxiety, and so on, without considering the range of negative consequences it poses to one’s health.

    Additionally, there are many different ways which people can consume this psychoactive substance.

    • Hash: What makes “hash” different to other forms of weed, cannabis or marijuana use is that it refers to the compression and processing parts of the cannabis plant, where the resin (or sap) has been separated. This method can present greater psychoactive components and can exacerbate psychological addiction. Hash can be smoked by itself, in a joint, and also in a bong.
    • Joint: A “joint” refers to the combination of cannabis and tobacco which is rolled into a cigarette and smoked. Studies show that combining cannabis with tobacco can increase the chances of developing psychological and even physical dependence to cannabis.
    • Blunt: A “blunt” refers to smoking cannabis by itself in a cigarette.
    • Bong: A “bong” is a water pipe where users combine their addictive substance with water in order to inhale the smoke produced from bubbles.

    There are many different names, and most of them are used interchangeably. For example, cannabis, marijuana, and weed are considered to be umbrella terms, including a wide range of consumption methods.

    Terms such as hash, joint, blunt, and bong, however, have a more specific meaning.

    Long Term Health Complications Associated With Hash Addiction and Cannabis Use Disorder

    A doctor typing with a stethoscope beside the laptop

    The effects of hash addiction, cannabis use disorder, “cannabis abuse”, or however you may define the term is not only limited to the short term effects such as withdrawal symptoms which patients experience.

    In addition to these withdrawal symptoms which can cause a range of problems, there are many long term health complications associated with hash, cannabis, or marijuana use.

    Not only are these long term health complications confined to psychological problems, but they can manifest through physical and psychological health issues.

    Long Term Psychological Problems Associated With Hash Addiction:

    • Altered Neural Pathways and Dependence: Undeniably, dependence on the intoxicating substance is one of the most profound psychological effects. However, it means that their neural pathways, particularly the ‘reward pathway’, are altered. This means that patients will struggle to the natural release of dopamine, and therefore naturally positive emotions, when completing tasks which used to provide joy for them. For example, patients may not enjoy exercise, sexual intercourse, or any other previous hobbies as much because they cannot replicate the same feelings as cannabis use.
    • Irritability and Erratic Behaviour: People suffering from hash addiction often experience dramatic shifts in emotions. They may experience irritability, hostility, and aggression if they have gone too long without consuming their addictive substance. This can also lead to or enhance symptoms of Bipolar disorder. Frequent and excessive cannabis consumption can affect areas of our brain which are important in regulating our emotions. This means that the more and longer they consume cannabis, the more likely they are to suffer from intense and unpredictable emotions.
    • Depersonalisation: People who frequently engage in cannabis may even experience something called depersonalisation, which is a term used to describe the ‘out of body’ experience and detachment from reality. Depersonalisation can lead to mental health issues and a severe decrease in self awareness among cannabis users.
    • Coordination Loss: Frequent cannabis use can lead to impairment in motor skills and coordination. Substances such as cannabis which are considered to be depressants (cannabis is also a stimulant) lower activities in the brain, and this can have a profound effect on people’s movement and coordination. In fact, cannabis is the most frequently found illicit drug in drivers who are involved in car accidents, including fatal motor accidents.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    A man in pain, rubbing his eyes

    • Impaired Cognitive Functions: Not only can cannabis or hash addiction lead to mental disorders, it can lead to permanent cognitive function loss and stunted brain development. This is especially the case for younger users, whose brains are not fully developed before suffering from addiction. Cannabis severely affects areas in our brains which are crucial towards skill development and memorisation, and frequent or excessive cannabis consumption can have lasting effects on our cognitive abilities in the long term.
    • Impaired Brain Development in Foetus: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome is a condition in which a foetus suffers from substance dependence and withdrawal symptoms because its mother was consuming an addictive substance. When a pregnant mother is suffering from an addiction, frequently indulging in the addictive substance can lead to learning disabilities, or an increased likelihood of developing autism, along with physical defects such as dwarfism for foetuses in the womb.
    • Insomnia and Sleep Difficulties: Consuming cannabis, while it makes people feel relaxed and sleepy, greatly reduces sleep quality among its users. This is because it impairs the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep which is important towards emotional processing and memorisation. Not obtaining enough REM sleep can also lead to lower energy levels, fatigue, lethargy, and more. So, while people may experience sleepiness and lower levels of energy, they will not be benefitting from sleep as much as they would sober.
    • Anxiety: While many people turn towards cannabis consumption in order to relieve their symptoms of anxiety, it can actually exacerbate symptoms of anxiety. Long term cannabis consumption can lead to mental problems such as anxiety and paranoia because of the way it affects chemicals in our brains. They may become increasingly worried and agitated in environments and scenarios which pose no threat.
    • Depression: In addition to anxiety diaspora and paranoia, frequent and excessive drug and alcohol consumption can lead to depression. Consuming these psychoactive and mind altering substances will severely affect our natural chemicals in the brain and the way in which we experience and process emotions. It is estimated that over 63% of patients at rehab require mental health treatment, and many of these patients suffer from suicidal ideation, self harm, self loathing, depression, and more.
    • Psychosis, hallucinations, and Schizophrenia: Similar to depersonalisation, users may end up suffering from extreme forms of detachment from reality, such as psychosis and schizophrenia. Consuming too many mind altering and psychoactive substances may lead to people hearing and seeing things which do not actually exist. While some of these effects are reversible as the intoxicating substances purge from the body, heavy and chronic cannabis use may lead to irreversible (but possibly treatable) damage and mental disorders such as schizophrenia.

    Long Term Physiological Effects Associated With Hash Addiction

    Woman with her hand over her eyes, looking sad

    • Cardiovascular Effects: Frequent and excessive cannabis use can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular effects which will severely compromise individuals. This is especially the case if people decide to combine cannabis with nicotine and tobacco in order to smoke it. These cardiovascular effects will be more pronounced because it can lead to inflammation of the lungs, chronic bronchitis, overproduction of phlegm, and more. Since cannabis is also a stimulant, it can increase blood pressure and heart rate, which can lead to heart attack or even strokes.
    • Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS): CHS is a condition which is exclusively experienced by cannabis or marijuana users. When CHS occurs, the user suffers from prolonged and extreme bouts of vomiting and stomach pain. This can often lead to hospital treatment, as the condition can become severe enough to warrant medical treatment.
    • Cancer: Cannabis is also considered to be a carcinogen, and combining it with other substances which have a range of damaging chemicals (e.g. tobacco) can leave people at an increased risk of developing cancer.
    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): Research also indicates that cannabis and marijuana users are more likely to suffer from conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which can lead to symptoms such as muscle and join pain, fatigue and lethargy, dizziness, headaches, and more.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    How Would I Know If I Am Addicted?

    Two silhouetted people talking

    While you may be suffering from some of the described withdrawal symptoms of  cannabis or hash addiction such as anxiety, fatigue, sleep difficulties, and so on it is not enough to determine whether or not you are suffering from an addiction.

    However, it is still important that you act swiftly in order to overcome its adverse effects and to prevent any long term damage from taking place as a result of cannabis consumption.

    There are a range of substance use disorder screening tools which are accessible for both health practitioners and non health practitioners in order to understand the severity of your dependence.

    One popular example is the CAGE Questionnaire, or CAGE-AID Questionnaire which has been specifically adapted to cater towards drug users.

    The CAGE-AID Questionnaire is a simple set of 4 questions which require a yes or no answer.

    They will receive a score, one point for each question they’ve answered ‘yes’ to, and this will determine the severity of their dependence.

    It is important that the person is answering honestly. The questions are:

    • C: Have you ever felt that you ought to Cut down on your drinking or drug use?
    • A: Have people Annoyed you by criticising your drinking or drug use?
    • G: Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking or drug use?
    • E: Have you ever had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning
      to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (Eye Opener)?

    If people answer ‘yes’ to 2 of the 4 questions presented, it would suggest that they are suffering from a substance addiction.

    However, if people answer yes to question E, regardless if it is the only one they answered affirmatively to or not, it would suggest that they seriously need to seek help for their substance dependence.

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    The American Psychiatric Association also has a criteria to help determine the severity of someone’s addiction level.

    According to the APA’s DSM-V Criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), symptoms fall into categories such as:

    • Impaired control: Having strong cravings and a compulsion to consume the substance, regardless of how much you may want to abstain.
    • Social problems: Suffering from social problems such as poor academic or occupational performance, relationship problems and breakdown, problems with social services, and so on due to addiction to substances.
    • Risky use: Consuming the addictive substance despite the known risks (e.g. physiological effects, illegal status) and consuming in environments which pose a serious risk to your safety and health.
    • Drug Effects: Experiencing an increase in tolerance levels to the drug and also its physiological effects such as withdrawal symptoms.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    A person in a jumper, arms resting on a balcony overlooking a winter scene

    There are many more symptoms of addiction, direct or indirect, which can have a huge impact on someone’s quality of life. If a person suffers from a mild form of addiction, they may experience two or three symptoms.

    Someone with a moderate form of addiction may suffer from four or five symptoms, whereas someone with a severe form of addiction will suffer from 6 or more symptoms.

    These symptoms will vary from person to person depending on their mental and physical health, their social environment, genetic predisposition, how much and what substance they are consuming, and much more.

    Furthermore, patients must consider how much money they are spending on these addictive substances. Frequent cannabis users spend almost on their addictive substance which does nothing but provide psychological and physiological effects which decreases their quality of life.

    It is estimated that one gram of cannabis costs around £10, and the average cannabis user in the United Kingdom (of 3,000,000 frequent users) consumes around 82.5 grams annually. This leads to an average annual expenditure of around £825.

    Furthermore, not only do addicted people spend a lot of money on cannabis (as well as other substances used in addition to cannabis, such as alcohol), the effects of cannabis will have a profound effect on their productivity.

    Since their academic or work performances suffer significantly, they become less productive, less effective, and far less likely to benefit from higher grades at school, or more bonuses or a higher salary at their work.

    Some may even struggle to find work at all because of their addiction.

    So, while cannabis or hash addiction may be detectable by the withdrawal symptoms alone, there are a range of indirect effects which should be considered in order to understand whether you are addicted, and to understand the severity of your addiction.

    Intervention for Someone With a Hash Addiction


    Sometimes, people who are suffering from a hash addiction are unwilling to seek treatment for their neurological condition. This is because they are either unwilling to accept the idea that they are suffering from an addiction, or they are simply unwilling to receive support from health professionals.

    When this is the case, the friends and family members of the addicted person will be burdened with the task of helping their loved one be admitted into rehab.

    While friends and family members should always be willing to help and support their loved one, it can be difficult to help someone change their mind into undergoing recovery at rehab.

    For someone to enter a drug and alcohol rehab to undergo recovery, they will need to voluntarily enter rehab themselves. Because of this, Rehab Recovery can help friends and families guide their loved one towards recovery by assigning an interventionist.

    When Rehab Recovery assigns the friends and family members an interventionist, they will be able to coordinate in order to facilitate an intervention.

    The purpose of an intervention is to host a non-confrontational meeting between friends and family members with the addicted person. Here, they will be able to share and express how their loved one’s addiction has had a range of negative effects on their life.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Treatment for Hash Addiction at Rehab

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table

    In order to receive professional and comprehensive treatment for their hash addiction, people will need to enter a drug and alcohol rehab.

    Here, there are a wide range of treatment options which will cater to their unique requirements, and they can undergo inpatient or outpatient care depending on the severity of their addiction.

    Depending on the patient’s condition and their diagnosis, they can undergo treatment such as:

    1. Outpatient Treatment
    2. Intensive Outpatient Treatment
    3. Inpatient Treatment
    4. Intensive Inpatient Treatment

    Patients who are suffering from a mild form of addiction are likely to undergo level 1 or 2 intensity of care, whereas those suffering from moderate to severe forms of addiction will be highly recommended to undergo the care level of 3 or 4.

    There are notable differences between inpatient and outpatient care, and patients must consider which will benefit them the most. While they will receive plenty of guidance and support in their decision making, it is ultimately up to them.

    Outpatient Care for Hash Addiction

    Woman in a treatment centre

    Outpatient care is typically optimal for patients who are only suffering from a mild case of hash addiction.

    This is because they require less intense medical supervision, and they are able to remain at their home while being committed to their studies or employment in addition to their addiction treatment plan.

    Their therapy and counselling sessions will typically take place in the morning or in the evening to cater to the standard working schedule, and patients will need to commit to a few to around 6 hours of therapy per week in order to see results in their addiction recovery.

    Those who are undergoing the Intensive Outpatient Treatment will be required to undergo more thorough treatment at a higher intensity, spending anywhere from around 6 to 30 hours per week undergoing recovery.

    In addition to the flexibility of outpatient care, patients will not be required to pay for their treatment.

    However, some of the concerns regarding outpatient care include a potentially length waiting list, and a lack of intensiveness or personalisation in therapy.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Inpatient Care for Hash Addiction

    A bedroom with art on the walls

    Inpatient care for hashaddiction treatment typically refers to staying at a residential rehab. At a residential rehab, or private rehab, patients will receive some of the highest quality treatment for their addiction and mental illness.

    What makes inpatient treatment at a residential rehab so effective is that patients will be provided accommodation at a medically supported facility in order to undergo recovery.

    Here, they will be able to undergo their therapy and counselling sessions while sharing the same environment with medical professionals who are ready to provide medical care whenever needed.

    The average patient undergoing addiction treatment at rehab stays at this facility for around 4 weeks.

    Here, they will have enough time to detox and overcome their withdrawal symptoms, undergo therapy, counselling, and relapse prevention planning, before undergoing an aftercare programme once they have left rehab.

    One of the most significant advantages is that patients will be staying in an environment which removes most of the relapse triggers which addicted people would typically come across in their everyday life.

    This increases their responsiveness to recovery methods and reduces the likelihood of a relapse from taking place in the short and long term.

    However, inpatient care at a residential rehab does require payment, unlike outpatient care. Patients may be expected to pay from around £4,000 to £40,000 for a month’s stay at a residential rehab.

    The price spectrum is wide ranging, and many factors will influence this. Rehab Recovery can help patients navigate their options in order to minimise costs and to prioritise what is important to them throughout recovery.

    Therapeutic Approaches at Rehab for Hash Addiction

    A group of people at a table with notebooks

    When approaching someone’s recovery at rehab, their condition must be addressed from many different angles. More often than not, someone’s addiction is caused by a range of different factors, rather than just one.

    Some of these factors may include poor relationships with families, and a toxic living environment. Another person’s addiction may be affected by their anxiety, and drugs and alcohol are a way to minimise symptoms of mental health disorders.

    One person may have a genetic predisposition which makes them susceptible to developing a substance addiction.

    Because of the sheer variety of factors which can contribute to someone developing an addiction, it is important that there are different forms of treatment employed.

    Therapeutic approaches come in forms of communicative and behavioural therapy, holistic therapy, group therapy, and much more.

    While each form of therapy offers its own unique benefits, using them to complement each other within the same addiction recovery programme is the best way to optimise someone’s recovery at rehab.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    CBT Therapy Session

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment and talking therapy which has a history of effectiveness in treating patients who are suffering from varying forms of mental illnesses.

    The idea behind Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are interconnected and that we ultimately have the ability to change any negative or self-destructive thoughts and behaviours which we exhibit.

    The idea behind ‘behaviourism’ is that behaviours are learned through our interactions with the environment. Therefore, we can change how we approach these interactions in order to create a healthier outlook on life.

    Additionally, things which affect us mentally and emotionally stem from how we approach and view events, rather than the event itself. By changing how we think, we can modify our behaviour.

    Not only is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy used to treat patients who are suffering from drug and alcohol addiction, it is used to treat patients who are suffering from other mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, trauma, bipolar disorder, and many more.

    In fact, this form of behavioural therapy became highly popular following the second world war.

    The purpose of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is to help patients identify and address their challenging and counterintuitive thoughts, and to modify their behaviour in order to develop healthier habits and a healthier lifestyle.

    By breaking down these negative cognitive and behavioural patterns into smaller parts, patients will be able to manage them one by one, and improve their lifestyle and health incrementally.

    Rather than identifying symptoms of addiction, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy will help patients identify negative cognitive and behavioural traits which may have led to their substance use disorder.

    These can include but are not limited to self loathing, suicide ideation, cognitive distortion, and much more. Identifying root problems will help patients not only recover from their addiction but improve other aspects of their mental health.

    It is also a form of individual therapy. Another aspect which makes Cognitive Behavioural Therapy so effective is that it is highly personalised.

    Patients will complete sessions with a licensed therapist who can tailor the session entirely to their unique traits and characteristics. This will maximise their responsiveness to therapy.

    2. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

    A woman with her eyes closed

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is another form of talking therapy, similar to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, however, it is more effective when applied towards patients who are experiencing very intense levels of feelings and emotions.

    In addition to treating patients suffering from substance addiction, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is effective in treating patients who are suffering from suicidal ideation, erratic behaviours, personality and mood disorders, trauma, and more.

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy incorporates many aspects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, but also applies many of its own features which target emotional distress.

    Patients will learn about many different aspects of recovering from substance use disorders and mental health issues, such as interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, stress management, and more.

    Since Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is catered towards patients who are suffering from emotional dysregulation and behaviours which are considered to be maladaptive, they will learn how to process their emotions healthily and in order to minimise the negative effects of not only addiction but other events which occur in life.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    3. Holistic Therapy

    graffiti art of a face

    Holistic Therapy is vastly different to communication based therapies such as CBT and DBT.

    This is because rather than exploring and addressing cognitive and behavioural issues associated with the patient’s and their addiction, Holistic Therapy incorporates a range of activities, both relaxing and engaging, in order to provide holistic benefits.

    The term ‘holistic’ or ‘holism’ refers to treating something as a whole, rather than treating individual parts. This is the idea behind Holistic Therapy, to treat patients in the mental, physical, and spiritual realm.

    While they are separate aspects, they are wholly interconnected, and someone who is healthy or unhealthy in one aspect may find that it has a drastic effect on other aspects of their life.

    Patients who undergo Holistic Therapy experience a range of benefits varying from stress reduction, decreased blood pressure, muscle relaxation, improvement in organisational and communication skills, independence, self efficacy, confidence, and much more.

    While it has a wide range of benefits offered through Holistic Therapy, this is because there are many different activities involved, and it is not limited to one style.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.


    Some examples of Holistic Therapy include but are not limited to:

    • Massages: Massages can improve the patient both physically and psychologically. Releasing tension in the muscles, which can be caused by physical and psychological stress, and help patients in feeling much more relaxed. Additionally, massages are often done in a very relaxing environment, offering solitude and peace for patients who are dealing with emotional and mental stress related to addiction.
    • Yoga: Similar to massages, yoga can offer a myriad of physical and psychological benefits. Not only will patients increase their strength, mobility, and flexibility, they will exercise specific breathing patterns which can reduce blood pressure and stress. Furthermore, exercising is shown to release dopamine in the brain which incites feelings of pleasure and happiness.
    • Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness and meditation allow patients to develop greater self awareness of their feelings and emotions. By being present in the moment, they will become more equipped to control their emotions and to process them more thoroughly.
    • Adventure Therapy: Hiking, camping, and Wilderness therapy are some examples of Adventure therapy. Exercising your independence and organisation skills in a natural environment benefits people in many different ways. Natural settings can generate positive emotions such as calmness and joy in people.
    • Equine Therapy: Furthermore, spending time with animals can reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and symptoms of anxiety. Equine Therapy in particular is effective because it allows patients to exercise skills such as control, problem solving, and accountability since they must guide the horse from point A to point B.
    • Art Therapy: Art Therapy is useful for patients who struggle to externalise their emotions. When someone struggles to open up and communicate how they are feeling due to trauma or other forms of mental health conditions, they can externalise their emotions onto a blank canvas without the fear of being judged.
    • Music Therapy: Music Therapy can help facilitate emotional development and skills such as creativity, self confidence, self efficacy, independence, memorisation and much more. It can also lower blood pressure and symptoms of anxiety. What makes it much more accessible to patients is that it requires no musical background to participate.

    What makes Holistic Therapy one of the most effective treatments in addition to its holistic benefits is that it is accessible and applicable to most patients, and because it is so diverse, there will be many activities which appeal to patients of all personalities and backgrounds.

    4. Group Therapy

    A group therapy session. People are holding notebooks on their laps

    Group Therapy compliments individual forms of therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Benefits, because while they can both offer similar benefits, they also offer vastly different benefits which are exclusive to individual and group styles of therapy.

    It is undeniable that the personalisation aspect of individual therapy is invaluable, however, Group Therapy can offer other benefits such as social reinforcement, peer to peer interaction and discussion, inclusive support networks, insight into other people’s experiences and also a platform to share your unique journey.

    A standard session of Group Therapy typically consists of a group of participants or patients and is led by a licensed therapist who will facilitate communication and discussion.

    Because it is an environment which is composed of people who are each trying to overcome their cannabis addiction, participants will offer plenty of social reinforcement.

    Participants of Group Therapy are trying to replicate the same positive effects as others are and sustain a lifestyle of abstinence, which can foster a supportive community.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Two women hugging

    While patients can remain anonymous, they can also extend their relationship with patients outside of rehab if they so wish. This offers patients the opportunity to maintain this support network not only in rehab but in life outside of rehab.

    Additionally, each and every case of addiction and recovery is unique. Patients will gain insight into how other people have been hurt or have dealt with their addiction, and how they are coping with their recovery.

    This can provide thorough insight and inspiration for patients who continue to learn about new methods of addiction recovery, whether they are effective or ineffective.

    Finally, it is important that patients can share their problems and experience with others who are not assuming positions of professional counsellors.

    Speaking to people of all backgrounds, not just those who assume positions of licensed professionals, can allow patients to emotionally purge and to deal with the myriad of intense emotions they may experience due to the negative effects of addiction.

    5. Family Therapy

    Two men, one with his hand on the other's shoulder

    Another form of Group Therapy, but on a much more personal and intimate level, is Family Therapy. Addiction does not only affect the person who is addicted to the substance, it affects their friends and families significantly.

    However, family dynamics are endless and immeasurable. While one patient’s addiction may affect his or her family members, the family’s behavioural traits may exacerbate someone’s addiction.

    Therefore, Family Therapy requires a range of forms in order to accommodate the variety of family dynamics.

    Family Therapy can pose tremendous benefits for patients who have either a positive or a negative relationship with their family members.

    Additionally, those who share a positive relationship may still see that their addiction is worsened by family traits, for example.

    So, regardless of the patient’s relationship with his or her family, Family Therapy will always play an important part in someone’s addiction treatment plan.

    If a patient shares a positive relationship with his or her family members, they can undergo forms of therapy which simply educate the patient’s family members on the complexities of addiction.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Mother and Daughter Embracing

    These family members will learn about what an addiction is and what can make it worse, as well as understanding how relapse triggers can form.

    Furthermore, family members who share a positive relationship with their loved one who is suffering from an addiction can receive support for their mental health.

    Addiction affects people not only directly, but indirectly. Friends and family members in particular suffer dramatically due to the witnessing of their loved one’s addiction having a range of negative physical and mental effects on them.

    Family Therapy can offer counselling in order to help family members cope.

    However, many patients do have a negative relationship with some members of their family, and this can be a significant driving force in someone developing a hash addiction.

    If someone has a poor relationship with his or her family, it can cause not only a range of mental health issues, but a hostile living environment and an absence of support when they are dealing with issues such as substance addiction.

    Some of the most prominent examples of Family Therapy include but are not limited to:

    • Family Behaviour Therapy: The purpose of Family Behaviour Therapy is to offer counselling for family members who are struggling to cope with their loved one’s addiction. This can greatly improve their mental health because this form of therapy offers them an environment where they can communicate their worries and difficulties without being judged, and a licensed counsellor will offer them support and guidance.
    • Functional Family Therapy: This form of therapy can help patients and their family members to improve their relationships. Improving the level of communication between family members can create a more rational and constructive environment for each family member. This will lead to improved interactions and a higher level of support within the family to foster and facilitate their loved one’s recovery.
    • Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT): MDFT also aims to improve relationships between family members and create a more supportive family dynamic and recovery environment. It is a scientifically proven and collaborative approach which improves the day to day functions of family members by offering therapy for youths as well as education and support for parents.
    • Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT): BSFT tackles some of the more negative aspects which stem from family members. The purpose of this form of therapy is to help family members who display toxic behaviours change their habits in order to create an environment which makes it healthier not only for the patient but for themselves. Not only will this help the patient, it can prevent bad habits from affecting others further down the line.

    6. Motivational Interviewing & Motivational Enhancement Therapy


    Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) are both similar forms of therapy.

    While they do not necessarily address symptoms of addiction such as withdrawal symptoms or toxic social behaviours, it is designed to help patients become less passive and to become more active in their recovery.

    Hash addiction can drain someone of their energy and any motivation towards improving their life.

    This, along with intense withdrawal symptoms and the desire to keep consuming the intoxicating substances can make it hard for a patient to remain committed towards recovery methods.

    MI and MET both encourage patients to become more objective and rational in their recovery, helping them overcome any thoughts of self doubt or counterintuitive negativity.

    It helps patients realise that they each have the prerequisite skills which are necessary towards living a normal, healthy and sober life.

    Licensed counsellors will lead this session and they will navigate many topics related to the person’s addiction, and this will help them understand why it is that they want to recover, and how they can use these as tools to drive their recovery.

    Patients have the capacity to recover and live sober lives, as they did before their addiction, they just need the assistance to help them realise this.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    Medicated Assisted Treatment for Hash Addiction

    A doctor typing with a stethoscope beside the laptop

    When someone is suffering from substance use addiction, particularly cannabis or hash addiction, they will experience a range of symptoms. Cannabis withdrawal symptoms may come in the form of anxiety, depression, insomnia and sleep difficulties, agitation, and so on.

    In order to combat these withdrawal symptoms, patients may be prescribed medication in order to help them proceed with their recovery.

    Antidepressants, such as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI), may be prescribed to patients who are suffering from symptoms of depression, while other forms of medication such as Benzodiazepines may be prescribed to treat patients suffering from insomnia and also anxiety.

    Medicated Assisted Treatment is important in order for patients who experience severe withdrawal symptoms, since these symptoms will make treatment and recovery methods more difficult.

    Should a patient suffer from these intense symptoms, they will struggle to remain committed to their treatment due to the effects that they are experiencing.

    Medicated Assisted Treatment can help patients overcome discomforting symptoms in order to undergo their treatment plan as a healthier person.

    The Admissions Process


    In order to begin the admissions process and undergo treatment for your cannabis addiction at rehab, you can contact us at Rehab Recovery by dialling the number belo from the United Kingdom or +44 330 333 6197 internationally.

    When you reach out to talk to us, you can ask a range of questions about your addiction, the admission process into rehab, and so on. Only when you are ready and comfortable enough to be admitted into a rehab will you begin the necessary health assessment.

    The health assessment will require you to answer a series of questions. These questions will be straightforward and will concern your mental and physical state, your history of hash addiction and any other substances, medical history, and so on.

    The trained and experienced admissions officer from Rehab Recovery will guide you with any concerns that you may have, and the health assessment will be free of charge and will be completed swiftly over the phone.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.

    For more information about hash addiction, simply reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86.

    A middle aged woman smiling


    [1] Does Marijuana Use Affect Driving?

    [2] CAGE-AID Questionnaire – Substance Use Screening

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